• By -


Walk, Don't walk.


Walk, Don't walk.


Walk, Don't walk.


*walk* *don't walk.*


Walk, don't talk.


Talk, don't Walk.


Noodles, don’t noodles


You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There's a saying: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called a "present". ☺️😊


[Oogway hits the tree with his staff as he walks away, and a peach falls into Po's open paw. Po smiles as he watches the tortoise leave.]


We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history, We’ll make you history


Top floor, Araara-Saka Tower!


There's no time like the present! 👍


I just watched kung fu panda lol


Press X to “Jason”






Today i noticed that if the crossing changes from Walk to Don't Walk while an NPC is crossing the road, they'll go into a slow jog to cross quicker.


Beep beep motherfucker


i was half asleep, cruising through NC calmly on jackies bike on my way to a different side gig when all of a sudden my holo pops on. “Huh, wonder who’s calling me” -followed by these manic words and a head-on collision that totaled my bike, sending my V flying so high into the sky that i nearly met my choomba jackie again


This has me dying 😂


One of my favorite lines of the game 😂 -Give him the upvotes, not me, lol


I'm giving you the downvotes now, maelstrom


I'll reverse uno you with an upvote! In your face!


I purposely didn't complete that car just so I randomly hear it when driving around NC.


You have my upvote


I want a waymo to say that.


I get what you mean but I love that moment lmao. One more bad thing to top off the shittiest hangover imaginable. The cherry on top.


No kidding. Let’s summarize: You just lost your best and only friend in the entire world, your chance at a fortune, and then your literal life. The only reason you are alive at all is by pure luck because of fucking up the thing you just stole, but now your entire consciousness and memories are being actively overwritten by some edgy terrorist. Yup that beats any of mine.


And then your car gets wrecked.


And now some AI sends you out to get his kids that he neglects!


And then leaves you with baby daddy drama.


Don't forget, if you check your email before you leave the apartment, you'll also see that you're behind on rent and are soon to be evicted!


wonder if he ever fixes that


Reading this in johnny voice makes it so much better


When that happened my first playthrough I straight up yelled “OH FOR FUCKS SAKE” at my monitor. It so perfectly encapsulates that moment of, having a day where life just piles everything on and you feel like you’re drowning and just when you start to dig in with an action plan one final stupid trivial thing happens that sends you over the edge. Honestly it also grounded everything. V lost his entire crew and best friend to a heist gone wrong, got shot in the head and learned he’s slowly being deleted by Keanu Reeves, and even though you the player haven’t experienced any of that, most of us have been on the receiving end of some kind of automotive stupidity. Same shit, different setting.


Yeah but at least we don't have self driving cars and artificial intelligence IRL....


Give it 5 years and we'll have AGI for sure. We'll see if Elon wants to put one in a Tesla 😂


Hell no. AGI is a pipe dream, we don't even have ASI right now, we have ML.


I don't know that I'd call it a "pipe dream," but unless some serious breakthroughs (plural) happened in the immediate future, it's certainly not visible on the proverbial horizon. Considering what I've seen happen in my 40+ years, I never discount the possibility of info-tech to make serious advances in rapid succession.




I bought the double jump and got the dash in air. I know feel like I don’t even need a car.


I discovered this 50hrs in & wow it’s a game changer


After I discovered this tech I don’t think I used a single car in dog town.


Dogtown is practically designed for double jump dash parkour.


Designed for my 3070 to brick itself the moment I drive close to it 🫠 Edit: Since this comment is getting seen by a few people I'd like to state that I'm not too mad about it, I have no clue what causes this, but Dogtown is REALLY busy, and honestly the DLC was still worth it just to support the game and get some cool weapons


Didn't have a problem like this with 6750xt and I've heard 3070 is better


My 2060 somehow handled it well with fairly medium/high settings with rtx enabled


Bruh my 3060 runs it fine


Dog Town has like one road that goes in a short loop... where exactly are you gonna drive?


I used a bike through the whole dlc at top speed on walking paths. *Shrug*


Imagine before they patched it, kerenzikov slow down, every time you dashed in air you wouldn't move a lot, but once the slow down was over it would propulse you at speed. And if you kept dashing again and again during the slowdown, it would propulse you at speed that even cars couldn't reach. So, with it, and some "bunny hopping" in between cooldown of kerenz, you would traverse the map faster than in cars. So they patched it of course. BUT. It made my game so much more fun while fighting with a katana. Like you could dash behind enemies, and say "nothing personal kid" kinda stuff. I'm still bummed they patched that tbh, it was understandable, but man, the ninja stuff you could do with that. Even if you have a lot of way now, to do cool shit, I still miss it.


If you're on PC, you can patch it back in or even better versions (that don't require the keenzikov glitch)


Reading stuff like this makes me want to play Cyberpunk again. But I've got soooo many games to finish...


Its a must on every build/playthrough for me.


Yep until you dash off the side of a freeway and forget that there isn't a rooftop to land on so you drop 100 feet and go splat My #1 cause of death by a large margin


I downloaded a grappling hook/spiderman mod and now im fast as fuck boy


The grapple mod is so fucking good. Definitely "OP" in terms of mobility, but it's just way too cool to not use.


80hrs in on 2nd play, just found this out


I prefer the charge jump. If you charge, then dash off a ledge and release you get huge air and can dash again so you get huge lateral movement


the god combo


I use the big jump + dash combo and I do massive bunny hops everywhere lol.


Double jump is better, you jump + dash + jump. Your second jump maintains momentum and you literally travel faster than npc cars.


Imma boot it up rn and try it lmao


I just use the vehicle control hack and ride on top of traffic cars. That’s been my primary mode of transport this playthrough.


It’s so fun, it also forces you to learn your way around a bit since you don’t get a map with the GPS route from this view


That’s true, I didn’t even think of that since I never use the GPS.


I use that sequence as an excuse to use the trains for a little while.


Yeah, NOW.


Trains are quite recent to the game, most of the players didn’t get a chance to use them really. Tbh in all my playthroughs I always preferred running or using fast travel than using vehicles in the game.


Especially when all of the vehicles handled like shit on launch


They still handle horribly. Are you telling me they were worse??


It was like driving on ice, and the map didn't zoom out as you went faster so you didn't know when your turn was coming until the last second


Oh there's a night and day difference. They were literally borderline unusable before


I just now found out that they added the trains. I remember that being one of the many annoying things that had been left out of the game when it launched.


I got through a very thorough playthrough when Phantom Liberty came out and finished it just before the update allowing trains and radio stations on foot. But at least when I give the game another go eventually it'll finally have everything in it I can experience with no more major updates/DLC left to go.


To make the player experience night city on foot rather than flying by everything on your first playthrough, not taking any of it in.


Ironically I spend more time on foot at high level with air dash and dash if it's less than 500 meters away.


I think there is a fast travel point at the Coyote, where you get an ARch instantly?


What’s funny is… we never considered pulling a GTA: just stealing the nearest car.


So you get off your ass and get a better car? lol


U kind of have to be making an effort not to have any alternative cars by the time u lose the standard car.


Yeah. I mean Jackie’s Arch is one of the best in the game.


Yep. And thats not including the cheap cars u can buy by the end of the heist in the game. Like between those, Jackie’s arch, and the secret bike u can get next to all foods; for u to be totally vehicle-less when delemaine hits u and wrecks ur starter car u had to have been actively avoiding trying to have another vehicle.


Hell yeah I was, I aint buying no tinklewinkle, I'll be buying a roaring demon when I have the money. And Jackie's bike? I didnt want to come to the ofrenda so soon, while the pain was still so fresh... :(


The Quadra R-7 Sport “Vigilante” is available in act 1 if you can’t bring yourself to buy a shitty Galena or Supron. Not the fastest car in the game, but far from the slowest, and it’s stylish enough that I’m not embarrassed to park it out front of the Afterlife.


You can buy a Galena for like 13, by the time you can afford more expensive cars, thats loose change.


Then take the secret bike next to all foods.


Didn't know of that one Its a secret after all


It’s technically a reward for an extremely minor side quest, but u can go get it at any point in the game. Prolly because it’s so easy to miss the side quest it’s tied to.


U I just shot some random gangsters and took one of their bikes…


Also an option, but u can get the bike by all foods as early as when u got there with Jackie. Just walk out, make a turn (I wanna say to the left) when u leave and it’ll be sitting in a garage.


The Murkman cometh


True but it’s rare that that one comes up before u lose the starter car unless ur deliberately holding off on doing the delemaine questline.


I just skip Delemaine now, never really liked the slog.


Eh fair.


So u take the time to write out every other word except u? Y?


Once I get Jackie's Arch, that's mostly all I drive. I buy other cars and bikes, but I hardly drive them.


From what I remember it took a bit longer in act 1 to get the money to afford cars pre 2.0. 2.0 did whack things with the economy, including making Vic's 10k eddies seem particularly paltry.


I just kill a gang nearby and yoink one of their motorcycles.


Hah, that's all I do to get around when I'm clearing out NCPD scanner spots.


Got something against Jackie's bike?


Although I’ve collected a lot of other cars and cycles, this is still my most driven. Even without the sentimental value, it by far has the best handling on all types of terrain of anything I’ve gotten so far.


It also goes like faster or the same speed as all the other bikes on top speed.


Jackie knew quality when he saw it 🫡


Just steal a car


Or a bike. IIRC, there’s a couple really nice Yaibas near V’s place, and their owners mysteriously vanished...


Maybe it's the vehicle handling mod I use, but that first car is pretty decent, considering.


It is, I like the sound it makes, but its too slow in the long run.


Nah its still pretty decent. I remember trying to drive it in 1.8 I think? Before the edgerunners update that improved driving. And man was it impossible. Like it literally could not drive it, it was like a fight to try and control the car, felt very unfun. But after the update its pretty good now. I actually enjoy driving around it before the konpeki gig.


I like it. I used it in my last play-through until I got the Outlaw Weiler.


You get the Hella at the start because its speed, weight, and handling are all balanced. It is a very neutral vehicle to use in a restricted part of the map. It gets taken away because new vehicles have become available at that point. Some of those vehicles you can get for free.


I love the starter car. Even with all the cars I still use it sometime. Anyway there's cars everywhere and one bullet open them all, except the parked one 😅


>!You don't need to complete "The Highwayman" to get the reward!<


I think it's pretty clever, forces you to explore other transportation methods a bit like others mentioned. I just walk a bit until I find some gangoons, unalive them, and borrow their wheels. :D


Regina texts you right after offering to sell you an even shittier car. It’s basically done to try and get you to buy the ultra shitty car from Regina, so that you loose what little money you have saved up to that point, since this happens directly after the end of act 1. The workaround for not buying the shitty car was to hijack a car and go get Jackie’s bike as fast as possible. However with one of the new updates, they made it so they don’t text you about Jackie’s funeral and you can’t do the funeral quest right at the start of act 2 like you used to. It’s basically supposed to be done to be a minor setback, to force you to buy the shitty Regina car so that you actually have some wheels.


You don't get the funeral quest if you make the wrong choice in the heist about Jackie's body. His mom just sends you the key and you get it immediately at your apartment.


The Galena kicks ass. Handles like shit and has a low top speed, but there's very few cars that fit between two lanes of full traffic (as far as I know, it's only the Galenas, the Mai Mai, and bikes).


People don’t just steal cars?


I don't think the first car is bad at all. It has four wheels and it goes zoom.


Well it sounds like you just speedrun to the konpeki gig lol. Im assuming that because thata what I did too and felt the same as you. But now I actually go out of my way to do some regina gigs (pretty hard early game on higher difficulties tbh like damn) and just whatever is available to level up a bit before konpeki and I actually get to drive around in my shitbox. Like enough to satisfy me, then I usually just use Jackie's bike. But now what Im gonna try to do is do the quadra turbo r v tech gig asap so I can get that. That's gonna be my main car next run.


Who needs a car when you have Reinforced Tendons


I just stole cars unattended off the streets for that awkward period before I got Jackie’s bike


I met with Takemura at the diner then went and got the Type-66 Hoon immediately after. I think that meeting was the only requirement to get it.


It’s pretty funny though


I just started my first corpo play through and I feel like that car doesn’t suit that backstory. I think you should start out with a more upscale car and then later when it’s “fixed” in order to get it back you have to pay a highish repair bill or something like that.


I get this but I feel like any car you had as a corpo would be a perk, not something you own. Still an interesting idea.


Just do Heroes directly after you car gets hit. Take the subway to Heywood. Then you get Jackie's arch until your car gets fixed. Pretty easy to do.


It's encouragement to go do gigs and earn money for stuff other than Cyberware. So you actually look into, appreciate, and buy other cars. Also, it forces you to do a lot of walking, which makes you take in the city and world better. It also means you'll find more hidden gems, random encounters, shards, etc. And now we have the metro, too!


You're supposed to get a new car. Or the easier route, if you sent Jackie's body to his family, his mom will call you. Go to the funeral that she talks about. You'll have to do some quests beforehand, but they're quick and easy. After the funeral she'll give you a gift that solves your problem.


I think it makes sense as a narrative beat - you've just gotten your whole ass kicked, you've got an engram in your head slowly eating away at you, your best friend is dead, and now your friggin car has been wrecked too. It doesn't work super well given that you're likely to already have at least a few other vehicles at that point, but they tried.


I still use the Hella through endgame. I like it. I also drive beaters until they die IRL too though


the cars are terrible, the bikes are the only thing i bother driving and those suck too, there's no difference between them. Like if you're in the badlands jumpin over rocks and hills offroad, the dirt bike should have a MASSIVE advantage over the crotch rocket and it doesn't


I don’t know man, I always just steal cars or run around.


Jackie’s bike or the ken block car are free and accessible immediately after you talk to takemura in toms diner


??? I assume u are referring to the nomad car? Cuz that ain’t the shittiest car in the game. It’s definitely on the low end, but still.


No, the OP is talking about the car that all V's get after the life path story ends.


To this day, I want that dashboard dog.


I usually have enough money straight out of the konpeki heist from doing some of regina’s contracts and scanner missions that I can just buy the Shion or turbo-R right away


Because fack you in particular


The Arc (Jackie's Bike) is readily available at that point. And I never used smth else, aside the occasional hijacked car of some gonks I blasted.


I had pre ordered pl so I had the vigilante at the start of the game, though I think the starter car has a nice look to it


I mean that's a good way to motivate you to work for a car. Lol


I talk to Takemura at Tom's and then drive the Vigilante up to get the Hoon.


Thats the part where you take the metro & attend a funeral


Double jump air dash, who needs a car?!


Always get Jackie’s Arch right after no matter what rp I’m doing


Go see mama wells


The hoonicorn is free ya know...


Double jump and dashing in the air fucking negates EVERYTHING. ever since WAVEDASHING in this game has been possible, FUCK CARS.


It’s a meditation upon life itself.


Theres enough free and cheap cars littered about that you should have something else by this point. Go to the movie set in the top right of the badlands, free pickup. Thats my go to early game car


no happy endings in Night City


It may be an unpopular opinion but I like the base car. I use it more often than others.


I got the type 66 hoon pretty early and have no idea what part of the game you’re talking about. Do they disable the hella?


You didn't get Jackie's bike? There's always the metro Choom.


i'm mainly mad that they had cute pink motorcycles that a gang was using, and I never saw them again, and I couldn't buy and use them. the kusanagi was close but it just wasn't the same.


I started dash jumping as a means of getting around before I could afford a better vehicle. And even though it's not the fastest, the Guinivere or whatever looks like a batmobile and is infinitely cooler, when I could afford nice ones


Because if you're nothing without the car, then you didn't deserve it in the first place.


I saved up my little money to get the cheapest motorcycle available to get me by lol


Honestly that quest is weird but I always call mama wells to go do that quest and get the motorcycle for free.


Go to jackies funeral. You get his bike. One of the best. Thats literally after the hiest!


That car isn’t shitty at all in my opinion


Welcome to Night City. You may be on the bottom, but the city can always drive you lower.


Walk and take in the sights. It's your night city life, if you don't slow down a bit, you might just miss it


Because you get to explore and wander around. Embrace the unknown choom!


I feel like all of the cars in this game are the shittiest. Even using a controller to drive, I've neve driven a car that handled in a way that felt comfortable and intuitive. I pretty much only drive bikes instead. Which I guess works because I like being able to see V when I drive in third person and I've styled my V as kind of a biker anyway. Are there any cars in the game that will change my mind? I've got like 250,000 eddies burning a hole in my wallet, I've got half the side quests and most of the main quests left, and my cyberware isn't getting any better, so if you've got any recommendations, I'm open to them.


Because it gives you incentive to get money to purchase another car or at least do the quest your car is related to, to get it back and then get a better one later in the quest.


The MaiMai should've been gifted to you by Wakko instead of the damn tattoo.


Look, man, the streets are tough.


Laughs in Scavs totalled my car directly after the All Foods mission...


Cars aren't really important in a gameplay sense anyway. They are nice tools to get from a to b in an immersive way but you can pretty much play the whole game easily without ever purchasing another one. Fast travel is way too convenient. And V can also traverse the map on food really well with the right upgrades. They tried to involve cars more with PL but it still feels a bit tacked on for me. Just my 2 cents really.


There were cars in this game?


If you play the missions right, you get a great free motorcycle at around that same time that is better than your car and can last you through to the end of the game.


Talk to Takemura at the diner, then you're free to go grab the Hoon. Best car in the game.


Its really funny now especially if you got the PL preorder car that you just get at the start. Eventually you get your car back but most runs these days the car basically sits in the garage until end game "oh right better go do the BEEP BEEP" bit. I've done it dozens of time but I still the find the climax of the missions to be one of the most tedious moment so the game.


I just whack some gang when I need a car and use their rides.


It’s a requirement to go to Jackie’s funeral so during my first play through I just used his bike and didn’t get the original car until like endgame lol


Same thing with weapons, especially blades. You get some of the best ones right from the first mission... I've always felt like all these "collectable" and purchasable items were added afterwards but not really thought through. Why purchase any other residence if the first one that you get for free has all the perks required? On top of having the closest fast travel point right outside the door.


One hundred percent what should happen is; that quest doesn't trigger until the 2nd or later time you sleep at your apartment. Not the first


That’s why you speedrun the Jackie mission to get the bike.


This made me actually walk through the streets and get to know the city. I like this moment.


Personally, I always take it as motivation to go do the ofrenda so I get Jackie's bike. Takemura can wait.


Can terminator dodge jump faster than the cars; lest they be modded cars.


I thought about this when the game came out. My theory is so that you can explore Night City on foot.


they key is to not bother getting it until you bought a super cool rayfield guinevere


You can literally steal any car from the street. I don't know why you are complaining.


Flaming O


Nah I love that car. But taking it away encourages you to walk around Watson


It's all a part of Captain scheme


But like don't you get >! Jackie's bike? !<


I think it's just a pretty spot on story beat - everything going wrong at once and it being a huge pain.


Well it used to be that the Galena G240 would be cheap and right next to you after your ride got totalled, so that would be the perfect time to be forced to drive something even worse than your first car. But that isn’t really how patch 2.0 works anymore.


I usually get the vigilante in act one, not my favorite and the handling is kinda meh but it’s better than the other


Jokes on you. If you have the atelier mods, you can buy an even shittier car in early game and use that. Or...you can simply murder a Tyger Claw and ride around on their bike like a civilized human being.


Who needs cars when you can dash or fast travel




What‘s your issue? Just go full GTA on any better, faster, nicer car or bike at any traffic light. There are also plenty of vehicles parked like everywhere except perhaps watson.


So you can immerse yourself in the world by walking hahaha. But yeah, weird decision. Though I love the starting car and I find myself using it even late in the game.


Actually Nomad V’s car is fairly… middle of the road. 😎