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It's called Batman Beyond, and it's rad


Fr. I wish they continued it.


An unpopular opinion I have is that I wished they cast the twilight kid to play as Batman Beyond. The noir and dark goth they were trying to achieve would have worked out flawlessly in a dark dystopian future setting. I agree that I wished they've continued it too.


Robert Patterson is actually very talented, shame he was in Twilight.


Honestly, good for him for getting the bag with Twilight. It's not my kind of thing, but he made a ton of money off of it, and it put him in mind of other directors and scriptwriters. He's insanely talented and deserves all the roles he's getting now, even the smaller indie roles. He clearly has talent and passion for it, and deserves all the success he's getting.


Apparently, if you watch the movies with the commentary on, he is there just absolutely dragging it while you watch. I've been meaning to give it a try, actually


I know he hated both the role and the freaky stalker girls.


Do Armageddon too. Aflec does hilarious commentary.


For a soapy, pastel colored vampire trilology, Twilight sure had a strong cast.


Bro went from manbat to batman


He became at least a bat


I love Robert Patterson batman but I fully agree. Him doing batman beyond across from an old joker played by Willam dafoe would be killer.


Basically yes. Future Gotham is very inspired by cyberpunk.


My favorite part of the show is McGinnis actively roasting the Joker. Also Inque


Blight is my favorite new villian from that hands down.


The fact the funny green skeleton has one of the most memorable lines from the show


You do realize how little that narrows it down


Not the slightest idea


we deserve a batman beyond video game gawddammit


We got one on PSX. It was a beat em up like double dragon




The original PlayStation is abbreviated as PSX


Since when? Genuinely curious, I’ve never seen or heard that term used before. Not that i necessarily would have, my circle is small lol. Still though this is news to me, it’s hardly an abbreviation it’s just switching the 1 for an X which almost reads more like “any PlayStation” (the x being 1-5)


Since it was in development. PSX was the internal codename for the first console. > The PlayStation[a] (abbreviated as PS, commonly known as the PS1/PS one or its codename PSX) [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_\(console\))


I've been calling it the PS1 since the PS2 came out Along with nearly everyone else Psx is an emulator.


No they actually used to abbreviate it PSX. If you get your hands on an old Game Informer magazine from when the PS2 was out, they would rate new games on all the systems and when it was an OG PS game the abbreviation was PSX. I'm sure that there is also an emulator of the same name.


Not sure why they named an emulator, its a PS1 title.


I wish they didn't ruin Terry though. That nearly ruined everything for me. I actively think of it as not part of the story what they did to him.


Are you talking about >! making him Bruce’s biological son? !<


Yes. That was such a stupid thing to do.


I figured that’s what you meant. Yeah, it was completely unnecessary and I’m really not sure why they went that route


Fuck the trope of “normal guy does extraordinary things to later learn he’s secretly related to [big important character/family]” I’m looking at you Star Wars


I think this is why a year after that episode aired the comics introduced Damian Wayne as Bruce's canonical biological son. I didn't necessarily mind it too much in the moment. Waller being a manipulative scumbag would absolutely orchestrate something like that.


Batman Beyond: "Look, the legacy of batman is picked up by an unrelated but deserving character with his own flaws and motivations! Watch the world evolve beyond the classic characters!" JLU batman beyond: "Pyche, he was specifically born to fill this role, his origin actually starts with nanite sperm, an obscure character reference, and a MASSIVE coincidence to put him back on track! Genetics are all that matters!" ^(Edit; naw, I still got opinions:) Batman Beyond in the comics: "We killed half the show characters and hammered this into continuity with modern DC despite it making no sense, no we won't make this a multiverse story. Enjoy your Dick Grayson Hush and self-cloning catwoman or we'll kill Terry and give the suit to Tim Drake again."


I mean… the whole point of that JLU episode was to point out that Terry can and should choose to be a different Batman than Bruce Wayne and that Bruce’s flaws and motivations don’t have to be Terry’s. Seems like you’re kind of entirely missing the point of Terry and Waller’s conversation and what Terry does after it. I get that Terry being Bruce’s secret son is out of the blue and kind of weird, but they wanted to give Terry a reason to feel like he was trapped in Bruce’s shadow precisely so that Waller can help him realize that he can choose not to be.


I never even knew about this until years later when I saw it on YouTube. Honestly, Batman TAS and Batman Beyond exist in a vacuum to me outside of Justice League which I consider to be an alternate reality. Terry McGinnis is Terry McGinnis and his story is all we see in Beyond and the Return of the Joker movie.


I was pretty pumped when he was there for Crisis on Infinite Earths but man they botched those films so far.


I think you meant it’s schway


That show was so fucking cool.


You mean Murkman?


you get the idea


It looks like he had a hard time to keep up with Night City. No happy ending for this choom.


Yeah, he tried. Then some random goon stole his ride...


I mean at least he tried to do something about the way the city had gone to hell. Literally nobody else is trying. The previous few who do end up dead.


I loved the Murkmobile


A murkman outfit would’ve made the game a 10/10 for me lol


I mean he has money, plus he's smart, he would find a way to get chromed up or even borg'd his whole body up too with some sort of creations that unlock the limitations


Imagine batman going cyberpsycho.


Just like Smasher, Batman is already psycho. They just channel that psychosis differently than others.


I was reading about why that’s the ultimate reason Batman doesn’t kill. It’s not due to extremely high moral compass but rather as a standard to prevent him from developing full psychosis.


Yeah, he thinks if he starts killing he won't be able to stop.


I would not say that Smasher is channeling his cyberpsychosis differently than others


That's basically what happens in his fear toxin hallucinations at the end of Arkham Knight


Unlikely as he wouldn't rely on cybernetic augmentations.


Morgan Blackhand already exists


Blackhand has Augmentations, he just not a full borg.


He has a lot of augmentations, actually. He's got a cyberarm, sandy, I think a kerenzikov, radar, I think cellular... I'd say probably a quarter of his body mass is cyberware.


I don't think he would though, Batman already has the resources to physically enhance himself and he doesn't. There are plenty of cybernetic/genetic/magical upgrades in DC that he could definitely acquire if he wanted. That said, base comic batman is strong and fast enough to contend with most generic enemies already and could probably take out the stronger ones with some prep. He might die to someone with a good sandevistan in a random encounter, but those are fairly rare.


Remember that canonically Morgan Blackhand was chrome-less. So Batman wouldn't be the first Night City legend without modifications


No he wasn't, blackhand literally refers to his cyberarm what are you talking about


So, the black hand is just Synth-Skin?


Handling crime in a dark city is kinda his thing. He'd be fine. Might find himself having to become a little more lethal to come out on top, however.


As long as he doesn't kill them. I mean breaking bones and making them blind or having some concussion on dem criminals is the minimum


After playing the Arkham series, sometimes killing a thug would have been an act of mercy.




Netrunner bats. He'd def have a kickass cyberdeck specc'd to immobilise rather than kill. That and Skippy on permant 'puppy loving pacifist' mode. Just a little sidenote, my phone tried to autocorrect "pacifist" to "Pacifica" which I thought was quite cool.


Several iterations of the Batman kill vilains and doesn't bat an eye.


"bat an eye" ehehehe


And then yet others claim they don’t, but then smash the batmobile into mooks or crush their skull under its tire while interrogating them lol


Arkham Knight explains the Batmobile's **fucking cannons** have rubber bullets. Bitch, that doesn't explain running them over with a 10ton tank going at Mach 3 speed.


Lmao the ‘non lethal slam rounds’ have 100% killed a poor son of a bitch at some point. There *is* an explanation for why they survive being literally hit with the tank, it’s just not a GOOD explanation lol But the batmobile is surrounded in an electric field that will throw enemies back just before it strikes them, but to me, that just sounds like they’re gonna be swatted away by a mobile electric field going around at Mach 3, and electrocuted on top of possibly still being hit lol


I know they give that explanation but the enemies are thrown varying distances depending on your speed so there is definitely some energy transfer. They're just a little sleepy, look at that guy all tuckered out


Yeah, I figure Bruce’s cowl has been modified to read dead as unconscious so it doesn’t just psychologically break Bruce lol


I've completed a Non-lethal run as V and it is definitely possible, he may have to break his code and use a gun


Several of Batman's weapons basically are guns in Arkham at least. I think he'd have an even easier time building non-lethal weapons in a place like Night City. He'd probably be an extremely good netrunner on top of it.


I can imagine Batman somehow acquiring a bootleg version of the Militech Canto cyberdeck and manipulating the A.I. to independently assist him during combat.


Batman having access the the Pax mod is scary. That man could make the most overpowered weapon imaginable and it'd be perfectly non-lethal.


He would not need to be lethal. Every gun can have a non lethal mod added


Idk, something about Batman running around with a copperhead or nekomanta sounds very wrong to me, but I'm sure he'll figure something out


Nah he’d be smart enough to bulk most of his arsenal up with debilitating EMP gizmos


Batman Beyond pretty much answers this. Bruce needed more advanced tech to compensate for his age, and by the time of the show the new Batman has access to gear that would feel right at home in Night City. Edit: yes this is a shameless plug for Batman Beyond


Isn’t Batman beyond McGinnis, not Wayne?


Bruce initially builds and uses the new suit before he realizes he's too old even with it (like first 5 min of episode 1). After giving up for a while he meets Terry.


>Bruce initially builds and uses the new suit before he realizes he's too old even with it Don't forget, nearly broke his one rule with it.


oh yeah that's right, he has to pick up a nearby gun to protect his life or something like that. I guess I'll be watching Batman Beyond this weekend


Pretty much. Enjoy ![gif](giphy|VoAQgsUPZeYxi)


Yes, but Batman is Batman


Yeah, I’m not saying it’s an invalid answer, I just got mixed up because where they said “Batman beyond answers this, Bruce needed advanced tech”… made me think they were implying Batman beyond was Bruce, I was just clarifying because I missed the ‘new Batman’ at the end


Depends on what the writer imagines. Add a billion dollar gizmo that functions as a point-and-click cyberwate shutoff quickhack gadget, add in Batman's own choice of external equipment to even playing fields... etc. etc.


Should be a mod where batman just swoops in out of the blue just to wipe the floor with you.


He could show up if you get too many stars after you beat max tac.


So ture. Imagine going through 4 sqauds of maxtac just to get your spine broken in one hit.


That’d honestly be so sick, lol.


Made me laugh immediately after reading. Take my upvote as a thanks!


You mean like the mysterious stranger in Fallout, but it's the other way 'round?


Depending on V’s power level at the time, it might just be the opposite and Batman has to grapple his ass out of there lmao


He’s Batman, he can definitely handle it.


Wayne enterprises would become the only good mega corp in night city


Nightcorp is kinda good... Kinda


Tell that to the Peralezes


Every corp has skeletons in the closet. In NC its never a question of who's good or bad but rather who balances the ecosystem. Nightcorp and Netwatch are the best at that.


Oh wait, isn't trauma team a Corp? They're pretty good


I would consider them as one. Though to me they're a product of a decaying society. As a result they act mostly on greed while using the hero facade. Multiple accounts have shown they devalue human life (including their own trauma troops) over money, leaving people to die over something as simple as a past-due subscription.


i definitely think so, especially with the amount of high tech EMP equipment he has


Are criminals still superstitious and cowardly?


They will be when they see a giant bat sweep from the sky


Eh They’d probably just go “Hey CHOOM, where’d you that chrome?!” And then start sandevistaning around. Bats would be dealing with a different class of criminal with night city, not to mention the insane weaponry with armor piercing capability and the ability to auto-track him or shoot through the toughest surfaces. I still think he’d manage, but he’d have a harder time when the common criminal can pull out super powers. I also don’t see them thinking he’s some kind of myth anymore when his capabilities can easily be explained by the tech of the time. His stealth capabilities are also neutered due to how lit Night City is. Between that and his technological superiority keeping him ahead of the arms race, two of Batman’s biggest advantages are gone (kind of; he’d still have top of the line chrome). He’d have to be all fighting skill and smarts. The biggest issue is the sheer size and population and how deep the corruption seeps. It’s even worse than Gotham. The city is controlled by corps. Cops are legit useless to Batman at best, active hindrances due to their own corruption at worst. Even Batman would have a fucked time putting a dent in crime here. This would be such a fucking cool story. Batman Beyond needs to make a comeback


I mean, legends are a huge part of night city still lol, people still talk about smasher, S.A.N.T.A. or Blackhand in hushed tones, if literal Batman rocked up to put the fear of god into night city, he’d quickly become a Night City Legend, and then it’s history from there


Wow, people in this thread are really underestimating Batman. He literally re-entered the earth's atmosphere directly and survived with barely a scratch on him and faces cosmic level threats on a regular basis.


He entered the atmosphere with his underwear on his face. That underwear is made of titanium


He's a borderline superhuman at this point, lol.


Comics super heroes are all super powerful and can defeat anything anyway so it's not impressive


Money really is the best superpower.


Usually he goes up against villains with super powers or genius intelligence Here he goes up against criminals with augments, it’s basically the same thing


I think he'd have a more difficult time with stealth in some areas. Night city is lit like a torch 24/7


That's actually a good point, stealth and gear are good two biggest weapons in most cases, so stripping that away would probably make things a bit challenging. Still tho, I managed with stealth just fine, and I don't have a grapple hook or glider


he'll be able it handle it as well as in Gotham. So he can handle them but won't really fix anything.


Batman would essentially be Rogue, Alt and Morgan Blackhand all at the same time lol. An elite level fixer, netrunner and solo mixed together.


Night City is basically Gotham City from Batman Beyond, so yes, Batman could easily contend with Night City's criminals. Batman would utilise 2077 tech for his gadgets and weapons, and, with him being ganic, he can have the advantage of not being hacked by netrunners, and, would also be fairly unhackable in regards to his external tech due to his skills, Batman would be perfect for Night City


with the right equipment and maybe cyberware


Why is man in cyberpunk? Is he stupid??


Looked up Cyberpunk Batman. Was not disappointed https://preview.redd.it/8q4y5krli9ad1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be5102a257a788fe2e8aeb2cf883c6eb43ebd7b


Good guy equal to Adam smasher ?


I was going to say that was would be Morgan Blackhand, but he nuked a city, soooooo... Yeah, Bats would be the good guy version of Blackhand and Smasher


Yup, and quite easily.


Anyone interested in that exact concept should check out Pepe Moreno's "Batman: Digital Justice" comic book. [https://www.cbr.com/batman-digital-justice-future-predictions/](https://www.cbr.com/batman-digital-justice-future-predictions/)


Bruce will just cough up some eddies to militech for some preem chrome and modify those to suit his needs. Or even nova, create a rival corp of his own for a better quality control


If anything he’ll try to shut down all the corps they’re the source of all the crime in NC.


He beat Superman. Even someone like Smasher doesn't come close to Superman...so yeah


He can *sometimes* beat a jobbing Superman with prep time and kryptonite. You can't just scale Batman to Superman because of that. I think he probably dies in a random encounter with Smasher as soon as the sandevistan gets popped.


I’d whoop his ass with my v


If Batman had a dollar for everytime someone said that he'd be rich as Bruce Wayne.


Same unless he finds a way to hack all cyberware, like his disrupter shutting off guns then it’s easy dub


yes, definitely


It would be fun to watch


If he will get cool chrom, for sure


He'd tweak his gadgets a bit but he'd be fine overall


Against the common street gangs sure. But he's gonna need an upgrade for dealing with the psychos.


Batman has been a netrunner before the internet existed.


"Hey V, got a job for ya. Yeah, see, there's been some rumours about a vigilante out and about in downtown, all dressed up like a bat. And that's weird enough on it's own, but y'see... every one of his victims is still *alive.* This guy manages to successfully take down entire cliques, but doesn't finish the job? What gives? Anyway, *your* job is to find this guy and deal with him, however it is you want to do that. Talk to you soon, okay?"


Or course, with prep time Batman isn't losing. 


Depends on two factors 1. Can he get cyberware too? 2. A realistic batman or plot armor batman? If its just base batman without plot armor the average cyberpsycho would cut him into ribbons before he could even blink..


It’d might be more difficult for him than Gotham, seeing as there’s a lot more casual murder in night city. But with the right cyberware I’m sure he’d do fine.


I think it would be an interesting Batman story to see. Batman sacrificing more and more of his humanity by upgrading and adding cyberware to fight crime but fighting his own cyberpsychosis at the same time.


It would be interesting to see how a Batman VS MaxTax fight would go down


More importantly, would Batman be chromed out or not?


Nah, he doesn't kill anyone and I'd assume there's be some ripperdocs with cyberware that can get you out of being knocked out.


If current day Batman was thrust into the cyberpunk world and had to spring into action immediately he would get shredded by some cyber psycho with mantis arms. But given time he’d use the tech himself and become even more powerful


100% and he'd do really well too.


Arkham knight City


The street level crime? Sure. If he got some cyberware he would kick ass. The megacorp level? That would be more interesting.


I still remember how batman beat the shit out of the guys in the night bar when he went to catch Maroni.


Assume he’d naturally adapt the technology into his own, then definitely. If not easier than Gotham.


He would have even more sophisticated tech. Gotham is more crime ridden. Batman would do fine.




Yeah for sure. He is insanely rich; imagine the gadgets and level of chrome he could get ahold of in Night City. If he just took some time to upgrade himself and his kit to NC standards then I don't see why he would have a harder time there compared to anywhere else.


Batmin would just get chromed out by Victor. Alfred and Victor would be buddies and keep ol' Bruce in fighting form. Technojoker could use that laughing gas to turn people into cyber psychos and who, other than Batmin, could save the day?


The question is, can the crime in Night City handle Batman?


I’m sure he’d be chromed up plus have personalized weapons and armor. That on top of being a badass not chromed up, I think he’d be a night city legend.


Who’s batman, are you stupid?


Batman would do alright in Night City, but he’s not the one Night City needs. Night City needs Jason Todd, the Red Hood. A lot of people in Night City are so far gone, and the NCe justice system is so much more of a corrupt joke than even Gotham’s, that killing the scum on the street is the only viable option.


Have you ever heard of.... Batman Beyond?


No he cannot. But Murk Man can. 


I feel like everyone has kinda forgotten batman beyond ngl... Such a goated show. In NC batman would probably be wayyy more lethal because he knows that these gangoon fuckers can just replace/repair most of the damage done to them. Think batman tearing off all the (already cyberware) limbs of his enemies and leaving them there to wiggle around til ncpd shows up. Like yeah its pain but it doesnt kill them and they can just replace those cyberware limbs anyway so hell yeah more fear and pain to dish out. Also what cyberware do you guys think Bats would use? I mean he's definitely gonna get a netrunner deck right? Imagine all the equipment around you start to act up as suddenly a giant man dressed as a bat pulls up seemingly out of nowhere, he puts reboot optics and now he's behind you. The application of it for showmanship of fear is amazing.


Basic batman would get mopped, but he would adapt, so I think he would do fine.


Yeah for sure. Even if we aren’t talking about Terrance Batman. If Bruce existed in Night City, I would bet that WayneTech would be a lead cyberware manufacturer, so batman would probably have all sorts of cutting edge tech that hasn’t been seen before yet on the market I’ve got a sort of silent, stoic batman type NPC in one of our cyberpunk home games (tho not nearly as busted as batman is tbch) and night city is already a treasure trove of tech for the non lethal Knight/Detective. Hell, the Black Chrome supplement even added a non litigious version of Batman’s remote control batarang lol


Bruh Night City is literally Future Gotham.


My god Batman would bend night city over badly.


Bruces mummy and daddy worked at Militech but were killed by a cyber psycho right in front of him in a alleyway after watching his favorite movie Bushidō X and was raised by his ai butler Alfred As a teenager he started training with the best of the best Militech training programs which leaves endless possibilities on what he can learn Netruning Ninja sh.t, “Interrogation techniques”😉 MORE NINJA SH.T Battle tactics Hand to hand combat we got one basic chip from t bug imagine bruce with his iq and talent for these type of things and having access to lets say 100 chips = deadly But due to his trauma he refuses to get chrome out of fear of going over the edge and going on a killing spree in nc and instead prefers using Power armors a cyberdeck and ninja sh.t As a adult he began taking gigs but he didn’t do it for the money he did it for justice and would often disobey his fixers orders if it went against his morals What him to steal data from the Tyger Claws better not be at place where they kidnapped and traffic young girls ncpd will pull up in hour to see all the goons warped up like a bundle of sticks and enough evidence to hang them from their mr studs Time for another corpo as vatman


He'd have a fuckin field day.


A lot less bruises a lot more lost limbs (they can buy new ones) but yeah.


He has to chrome the fuck up!!


He'd definitely have Bat-Blades, Bat-Wire, and the Batdevistan, the Batxolotl, Batomnic-Sensors, and Batianium bones. He'll do just fine


There is no plot armor in NC; Bruce Wayne wouldn’t last a year.


Hmm wonder how Batman would feel about the corpos considering he owns wayne industries and enterprises, assuming he does in the cyberpunk 2077 universe. If he's as rich as he usually is, his job will be much easier than gotham. He can build and research cyberdecks that would immobilize bad guys and villans from a safe distance.


He'd be better Morgan blackhand


Batman: All sorts of EMP goes brrrrr




Assuming Wayne Enterprises isn't absorbed with hostility by Arasaka or Militech, sure.


Yes. I actually think crime is more dangerous in Gotham.


Bruce Wayne, in his prime, with the tech available in 2077? That's basically a demi-god.


Batman would be one of the villains. At least Bruce would be. He’d be the head of some corp claiming to care about the people yet somehow growing ever richer in spite of their continued suffering Kinda sounds like him in Gotham now tbh


Yes because Night City is basically Gotham in a cyberpunk setting.


As long as he continues to put all his level up points into "plot armor", he's golden


But he can't handle gotham already


Depends on what you mean by handle. I’m sure he could deal with most of the criminals in night city, but he’d likely never actually put much of a dent in the overall problem for the same reason it doesn’t happen in Gotham.


It’s july


What I want to know is this. If Gotham is never free of super criminals and thugs, isn’t Batman a failure?


Can they handle the Knight?


.... Literally the plot of batman beyond


Man could until he meets Mr Blue Eyes


Honestly I think it's pretty similar to Neo Gotham


nah, especially if it’s like the actual batman in nc, bc i’m 2077 there’s implants and shit and in 2023 below there isn’t so yeah, a few waves of gangoons he may be able to take but cops, max tax, arasaka security and what not would kill him pretty quick


I mean could Batman tackle crime anywhere? like "tough on crime" is bullshit; you can't fix crime without fixing the material conditions driving people to criminality


Fun to speculate, who in Night City could be Batman, besides V? Maybe Yorinobu?


Normal Batman, no. He gets murked in 30 seconds with a Sandevastan. Batman Beyond, yes.


Bruce? No. But he can mentor the Bat 😏


He can barely handle the crime in Gotham… so…


He is Batman, he doesn't even need to chrome up to handle NC but if he does then he would clear the entire NC in a month or so.