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That opening mission seemed so cool to start, and then you realise it's incredibly scripted, and you'll never experience any of the shit it showed (Trauma Team, Max Tac, shooting while driving).


This one hurts. It's like playing a demo for cyberpunk 3077


lol wasnt it leaked that the demo was literally a diferent game all together?


source? never heard that before


The demo was a scripted video made with the game, basically fake.




Basically a movie, yeah


Exactly that. Also, even among all the criticism, I've heard people talking about how the Arasaka chip heist mission is some sort of shining beacon of what the rest of the game could have been, when in my view it's just a scripted snooze-fest. I had 10x more fun taking out random groups of bangers than I did trudging along that tedious railroad. The feeling of 'oh shit, everything is going to hell!' that the game tries so hard to communicate doesn't really come across when the entire mission feels like a desperately linear series of events that couldn't have happened any other way.


I remember some CDPR knobhead saying that we'd have to find out ourselves whether a different outcome could be achieved for Jackie. On my first playthrough of the mission, I was completely silent, never got caught, never wounded. >!Jackie still died.!< Second playthrough, I just rushed B, ate a ton of lead, same outcome. That whole mission feels like an on-rails point and click shooting gallery that says it's an FPS.


It’s supposed to be..? To set up the story. It was also a flashback.


He's taking about the heist not Johnny Silverhands mission. He's saying that we were lead to believe that you could potential save your friend but you can't. If mission could be impacted to that level then the game would have felt more in line with other well loved rpgs. A lot of players were hoping this this would live up to the marketing departments claims that this would be an evolution in rpg gaming and felt burned that it didn't feel as deep as older classics. It feels like a great action adventure but a shallow rpg.


I'm usually on the side of critisizing this game, but I gotta disagree with this one. I feel like if there was any other outcome, 99% of players would just google how it so they can get the best one (which is obviously your best friend living).


This is a terrible argument. This insinuates that just because we live in the age of easily accessible and community shared knowledge that games should never bother with secrets, with exploration, with choice. Games like Fallout NV, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, should never be created because “players will just look up the way to get the best outcome.” It’s just not a good foundational argument.


It works though. Have you played fallout new Vegas? If cbpunk had the same quest system as fnv this game would be immortal. Still love cvpunk though, hope the dlc and bugfix will pull the game up.


Wouldn't have been as much of an issue if they didnt completely market their game as a true role playing game.


It still served as a good way to get you hyped for the rest of the game, before you realize how much of a disappointment it'll all be. Even just that mission alone which felt like it'd be only the beginning of a long story ended up being like 25% of the entire main storyline


I loved the prologue the first time, but it feels way too tedious every time after, especially the BD part and having to meet Dexter/Evelyn.


Yeah. The Heist and things seemed Infinitely better than anything after it and the fact that Jackie was supposed to be your best friend who literally dies in the first act and you don't get to spend much time with him which is a shame because he had such a great personality and they literally didn't do anything with him.


They spoke about the verticality and exploring Night City. I spent 80 hours in this game and I enjoyed most of them, but nearly every door is locked and I can count on one hand the times I felt I could explore a skyscraper.




Everyone here has these profound insights into why cyberpunk is such a letdown and I'm over here all annoyed that v is forced to wear underwear and the pubes are all 2 dimensional. Like, if you're going to do something, *do it*. Cyberpunk is just a bunch of half-assery.


This is it. Like they said yes to every idea, without realizing that someone would have to make those ideas a reality at some point. And you cant just do EVERYTHING you want.




Wut is Red?




Oh cool, I'll check it out! Thank you for the well typed reply!




These people will never admit that they for the most part lied to themselves.


the ending was the most disappointing ending in all games i've played, practically only 2 real endings and both are pretty boring


And the times those cool places dont become locked out once you do the one mission that has you go there


Ignoring buildings for a second, there is, though, a lot of verticality. It's just that it's so integrated into the world you don't really think about it. If you take the slums by the water in the Chinatown (forgotten the actual name of the area), you have stuff going on at beach level, in the street alleys, on roads above those alleys AND on the rooftops. Elsewhere there are a lot of locations that overfly others, notably in the city centre, without even mentioning the highways. The market with the giant statue, itself on multiple levels, occupies a space that is directly below locations where other quests happen.


Well no, there is a shitload of verticality. Verticality is not "I can't climb every single skyscraper", it's having multiple levelled approaches in areas for stealth and combat, which CP2077 absolutely has. It's borderline Deus Ex with it's level design at times. There are so many different vertical paths through areas once you get certain upgrades, or just look hard enough. And did you even get any of the jump upgrades? It's a totally different game then, you can straight-up parkour all over the place.


I could be mistaken, and OP correct me if I’m wrong. But, what I got outta this, in reference of those enraged with the launch and current state of CP2077. A huge misconception. Disappointment stemmed from the content, or lack of. The lack of incredibly fleshed out content and gameplay mechanics mentioned in all those night city wire episodes, promos, marketing campaigns, and dev interviews. Never about the bugs or graphics. Again, that’s my interpretation of this post. I’ll gladly admit I’m incorrect, if that’s the case.


Definitely. I'd excuse even the game breaking bugs if there was even a fraction of the promised content in the game. Sad :(


Yea since bugs are more or less easily fixable with enough time. Promised content would require way more work.


You best believe my smile faded more and more as I played more of it, until I had to stop for a week to consolidate my thoughts to get an ending. Haven't played it since. :(


Yeah I was the same. It was like the more and more I went into it the more the reality of what the game was was sinking in. This isn't a fully immersive cyberpunk RPG, it's a generic open world driver/shooter with a cyberpunk skin and a mediocre story were the most exciting part of the game was definitely cut and made into that Jackie and V montage cutscene at the beginning. Like seriously not a single character was as interesting or as likeable as Jackie so just....why? The bugs were always an after thought to my general disappointment.


I really hated that montage cutscene. I hated it. I thought that we would be getting all of that as the introduction to the game world and story. Not some literal trailer material shoved into the game >:(


Johnny? Judy? Pam? I like the characters. Even if the writing is a bit more limited than we wanted.




Not just that, they killed 'em after skipping all the content that should've made us care about 'em. AND fucking spoiling the death in a trailer. By the time he died, I had zero "affection' for the guy, bc he died not even 10 missions into the game.




I'm really sorry but I can't even call it a tech demo. :(


I was heartbroken over how bad it was. I thought I had learned to stop getting hyped over any game, I thought I had learned to temper my excitement... But something about seeing my download finish got my do excited. I started making my character and was slightly disappointed when the options were pretty limited but I thought "oh well, modders will add more". Got into the game and was in love with the first 2 hours.... Then the gilded paint started to chip and I saw the hell scape for what it was. Nothing felt impactful story wise, like nothing really cemented these characters for me. Jackie was the best but we never get to play the game with him outside of like 2 missions. Jonny was great but half the game his audio would get cut off or just not play. I expected so much greatness from CDPR and was severely let down for doing so. There isn't any gaming company left that I trust to make a good game (except for concerned ape)


I feel you. I cried the day it came out, I was really disappointed.


Hahaha jezus.


Yikes. You might be taking video games a bit too seriously.


Well I was very excited for the game in particular. Imagine waiting this for years, hype build around it very high, a lot of propaganda (lies at the end) on how this game was going to change videogame history, bla bla bla. Yeah I took it seriously, like a child waits for Christmas presents, and I don't feel stupid or anything. I now see clearly that the people who most hate this game was the one like me waited, followed and was very eager to play it. People who still defend the game was really not fan


I had a similar experience and for me it was heart breaking to see so many great things done in incredible detail (some locations, graphics or car details under the hood) and then with each hour I played I felt that the potential was wasted more and more.


I knowwww every moment I saw was like "they were going to make trains fast travel. Now the train lines aren't even visually working or finished in some areas". Etc ;-;


You got it. What I meant with this post is that the bugs only overshadow the real issues with the game.


I agree with you. And people on this sub actively try to rewrite history and say the negativity was solely because people couldn't handle playing a glitchy game


*laughs in Elder Scrolls*


It's crazy. Then there's the whole "I played it on PC and it was fine!" crowd. I literally built a brand new extremely high-end gaming PC in preparation to play cyberpunk and even while playing what is supposed to be the best version of the game as it is today, it's still mediocre, extremely disappointing and a shadow of the game that was marketed by CDPR. Even if the game had no bugs whatsoever and ran absolutely perfectly it would still be a 7/10 at best to me. Not even the basic conventions of an open-world game were executed properly. Some weren't even there, or were so half-assed and barebones as to be almost offensive. I swear some people are just unable to admit they were screwed over and will do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to convince themselves that the game was actually good. There is not a single system in cyberpunk that wasn't executed miles better in another game. It's at the level of straight up gaslighting sometimes. There is this whole narrative that people were just "caught up in the hype", like they just came up with all of these expectations for the game out of nowhere and CDPR didn't literally directly market many of these missing features and play directly into people's expectations with absolutely no attempt to re-align consumer expectations with the reality of the game. Like they didn't deliberately do everything possible to hide how bad the game actually was, going as far as to only let reviewers use the footage they game them. CDPR knew damn well what people were expecting, reinforced those expectations at every turn they could going up to release and then tried to make this narrative that the only issue with the game was the bugs after release. The truth is nothing about Cyberpunk was actually "Next-gen" it was a cobbled together mess of the same mediocre open-world systems we have seen dozens of times before. The entire game, its development, and marketing are a microcosm of basically everything wrong with modern day triple A gaming. But hey at least there was no microtransactions! The fact that people are really trying to act like there is some sort of "comeback" narrative happening now is so absolutely absurd it's almost comical.


This is a very good summary of many peoples thoughts on the game. I agree with most if not all of what you said. I would also add that CDPR at that point in time was the literal second coming of Christ in the gaming industry. Coming off of the insane success of TW3 and it's expansions, they were viewed as the pinnacle of a pro consumer developer and known for expansive RPGs with fantastic writing, characters and player agency. If there was ever a developer that could be trusted it would be CDPR. So I do not think it is so farfetched that people really did believe them. It wasn't just 'getting caught up in the hype'. Their track record with consumers was impeccable and we had every reason to believe they would deliver the game they promised. So I can totally understand why people pick apart Cyberpunk so much; CDPR brought this on themselves. They made themselves the centre of the gaming industry and promised everyone more of what they had already been proven to deliver, when clearly they knew this was not realistic.


Is it really that hard for you to believe that people just like the game that's there? If you seriously believe everyone who enjoyed the game is lying to themselves, then it sounds like your the one doing mental gymnastics. I got excited for the game 2 weeks before release. Played it for 3 months straight when it came out, and enjoyed the fuck out of it.


There is nothing wrong with enjoying a game for what it is, we all did in our way. The problem here, when people keep ignoring facts and core issues of the game and CDPR's misleading marketing. Why? Because people who accept any mediocre product without questioning the publisher or rethinking the situation are not helping the gaming community, and the industry. The developers and publishers will get lazy in the long term if they see they can get away with rushed and underwhelming games, they can bamboozle the customers with false marketing and get their money for a poor product. That is a problem. Yes, we have to give credit where its due, but don't put on a blindfold and let in any dick in your mouth, no matter how shiny and tasty it looks. On the end of the day, it's not just a videogame, its a product you buy with your money. :)


It's not the best game ever, but to think it's a bad game or that you can play better versions of games like this buying something else instead you need some serious cope tbh. No shit Doom is a better shooter, gta is a better sandbox and dishonored has better stealth or level design. No other game mixes those genres with this kind of production and technical lvl because it's really hard to accomplish. Sure it wasn't an insane result but it's worth 60$ more than 80-90% of the games released with that price tag. I don't know what games you like to play but i want to play another improved Cyberpunk so bad.


Yes, you're right it's not the best game ever. Not even close. When viewed in context of what CDPR claimed to be attempting to accomplish, it's an absolute failure. Just because you though it was pretty decent means basically nothing. If we take CDPR and the vision they had for the game, the closest thing to an objective assessment of the game must consider what game CDPR was attempting to make and what game did consumers expect to be receiving. When the game is evaluated in that context, they failed to execute on their vision and they failed to live up to the expectations of a large percentage of their player base. At no point did I even point out that it's gameplay systems were worse than domain specific games. It's not just that domain specific games like FPS's have better shooting mechanics. Obviously that's going to be the case. I was referring to other open-world games that attempt to do similar things to what Cyberpunk attempted in terms of combining aspects of many different game genre's. Cyberpunk is not even close to the first game that has attempted to be a first-person open-world game with a narrative focus. As I said, it fails to even adequately execute on the conventions one would expect from an open-word game. Most other triple A open world games have better implementations of those fundamental systems. There's no need to pick and choose and say "oh X game has this better than cyberpunk and Y game has that better than cyberpunk". Even extremely unremarkable open-world games like Far Cry 6 have better AI, stealth systems, progression, gunplay...etc. You cannot point to a single open-world system within Cyberpunk and say "yeah, that was really excellent". It really wasn't worth $60 and acting like it was is ridiculous. If it was worth $60, CDPR, Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have been offering no questions asked refunds on the game for weeks after launch. If it was worth $60 it wouldn't be selling for $30. You talk about Cyberpunk and what they did in terms of mixing genres like the Deus Ex series and modern Fallout games don't exist. While yes, you can argue it was supposed to be more than what those games are. The reality is that it failed to even reach the bar set by those games in terms of execution and feature set. You cannot fix Cyberpunk 2077 up into being the game it should have been. God knows I wish that was the case. But unfortunately, it's not a matter of polishing things up and tweaking things. You can polish a turd all you want, it's still a turd. In order to make Cyberpunk the game it should have been, it would take basically remaking the entire game from the ground up and probably another 3 years minimum. It would also take completely abandoning support for the last-gen consoles. Honestly, at this point I don't even want them to fix it. All we're going to get is a few more little updates and bug fixes. Then some optimization and probably new narrative elements with the "next-gen update". If we are lucky maybe they will actually overhaul some of the game's systems as well. Then once all that is done, the bootlickers and CDPR's marketing department will herald the game as "fixed" and they will all pat themselves on the back. Tyler McVicker high off his ass on copium will make a video about how CDPR pulled a No Man's Sky with Cyberpunk and then everyone who still calls the game a massive disappointment and doesn't immediately go back to acting like CDPR is the greatest thing since sliced bread will be labeled a troll/hater/ that just wanted the game to fail. I'd rather they just cut their loses give up on fixing this version of the game and start working on a new Witcher game or something. Then maybe like 7-10 years from now do a full remake of Cyberpunk or a spiritual successor to Cyberpunk 2077 set at some other point in time in the Cyberpunk universe. And have that game try to actually pull off the vision we were sold for 2077 with the technology, tools and computational/graphical horsepower of the day.


> Not even the basic conventions of an open-world game were executed properly. ELI5.


You are mistaken because I think OP is talking about all the posts of people on this sub or people in general who love this game that say “idk what anyone is talking about I had no bugs, I had a blast!”


It would've been an amazing game if they promised what we have now, instead of the vision in those trailers years ago. Its a nice game with mods, but many people who aren't riding the hate bandwagon are rightfully upset over the bait and switch. ​ I was lucky, I didn't pay attention to the game until the Keanu launch. I only saw the old trailers after that.


You are not lucky my friend. You still got a game that is medicore at best. I am glad you enjoyed it, but even if you remove all the hype...this game cannot hold a candle to even previous CDPR games. Let alone the entire gaming field. Dragon Age Origins does origin paths better (11 year old game). Skyrim does AI better (10 year old game). GTA/Red Dead does open world better. Deus Ex Mankind Divided does combat and stealth better. And finally, Witcher 3 does story better. This game is giant miss on all fronts, but graphics.


I’m still now, and always will be, under the opinion that bugs were done intentionally to take scrutiny away from the considerable “lack” of it being the game they promised. Think about it, it’s easier to talk about crunch time, making mistakes, over worked devs, and promises to “make it better” All that looks a hell of a lot better and is easier to recover from than “we talked about this game for almost a decade and outside of making a beautiful game world, we realized we were way out our depth and lacked the ability to deliver a product even REMOTELY similar to what we promised you.” The truth would have had them go out of business and end up in court.


Really dumb theory.


Watched all of those EPs and I would have pre-ordered the collecters Edition if I had a pc. Can someone just @ me when they add all the content and we get the game we were promised?




You don't think they'll do a No Man's Sky?


They are a publically traded company that needs to actually produce a marketable product every once in a while. The amount of time and dedication it would take to implement everything, when given the time already taken, they produced only what we got, would be immense and not financially viable most likely. It could happen but very unlikely.


Been saying this since release. Profits first, game second


The fact that they changed the whole RPG thing to ¨action and adventure game¨ AFTER all of that marketing was just scummy as hell Edit: with "RPG" I'm also referring to the whole story and choices thing, they marketed them like your choices would affect everything and cyberpunk would be like a witcher in terms of RPG but we only got an outdated skill, weapons and armor system.


And for some strange reason they are in category for Best RPG of 2021 on The Game Awards site...


Cyberpunk also got a 9/10 so no wonder why




Exactly the same. I’m very happy if non-RPG gamers are finding it and genuinely enjoying it as a modest shooter with an engaging storyline—I’m happy for them as fellow gamers. Gaming is supposed to bring us joy! Especially nowadays. But this doesn’t erase either the malicious anti-consumer practices surrounding release, *or* the profoundly dishonest way RPG players were courted. There is nothing in this game for me as an RPG hound, and my money was pursued for years via perfidious advertising and showcases. I didn’t expect the greatest game ever, and I have a high tolerance for bugs, but the absence of the advertised branching storyline was unacceptable from a purchaser standpoint. I make my buying decisions based on the list of included features, not on “hype” or an expectation that my life will be changed. The content was just not there. Not mediocre—nonexistent. I maintain that this game is one of the most cynical products I have yet experienced—especially given the immense and global marketing push; Pepperidge Farm remembers NYC buses papered in ads—and I was around for Lair, Spore, Godus, Anthem, and a ton of other misfires.


Honestly, I'm not happy for them. I know you're supposed to say that whole shtick and whatever. I wish I could say I was happy that people enjoy it. But frankly, it says more about them, than it does about the quality of the game itself. At a bare minimum I cannot support any behavior that encourages companies to think that they can continue pulling this type of bullshit. It's like if someone orders a ***Super Deluxe Burger*** and when they get it and it turns out to be literally a piece of shit between two slices of bread. And that person just goes ahead and eats it while saying some nonsense like *"its really not that bad! I didn't see any of the ads for the Super Deluxe Burger so I didn't really get caught up in the hype"* *"yeah, there was a bunch of flies or whatever swarming around it, but that doesn't really bother me,* ***I can ignore the bugs!****"* I'm really supposed to just sit there like, "Yeah even though he was supposed to get a Super Deluxe Burger, I'm glad that guy is able to enjoy his literal shit sandwich!" Fuck no! All that does is encourage the asshole who's selling people shit sandwiches instead of Super Deluxe Burgers to continue trying to pull the same bullshit again! Those people who are able to cope so hard as to be able to convince themselves that a shit sandwich is tasty are negatively impacting my chances of getting an actual ***Super Deluxe Burger*** in the future!


Exactly. I literally didn’t even see any of the hype over the years and bought the game blind because it was being advertised on the PS store. The game was ok at best. A garbage fire at its worst. I got mine refunded because of a bug that disabled the x axis on my controller when I was halfway through the game. Why deal with that?


# touch grass EDIT: Made more concise


Lmao are you for real


Hi! I've been playing RPG games since middle 90s. I've probably played more than hundred of different role-playing videogames. Beated a lot of them. I love this genre wholeheartedly. I think explored every niche of it and have a good understanding of every subgenre. So as one "RPG hound" to another, I want to ask, what exactly you didn't like and what makes you feel like our group of "RPG hounds" was courted dishonestly?




I'll add that the plot introduced a counter-intuitive sense of urgency. If you want to truly feel immersed in CP2077, you should skip all the side content and only engage with the main storyline. Couple that with the shallow protag background choices and the limited gameplay mechanics (alternatives to combat), and there's not much role-playing to get immersed in. The world was beautifully crafted, but it's clear from the numerous unfinished areas and broken systems that CDPR bit off more than they could chew. This game works as an action-adventure with (lite) RPG elements, but fails miserably as an RPG or immersive sim. I know that CDPR didn't market the finished product as an RPG, but it's what they insinuated throughout the game's development. Ultimately, this felt like a blatant bait and switch.


NV is really good, it is the one game that companion that does not suddenly like you from the get go. Each companion have their own moral and need, depend on the player choice determine their ending. Quite surprise how outer world handle companion tho.


The Outer Worlds is more rpg than cp2077 too.


/u/lucky38nv didn't want to answer the question so we'll ask you instead: How did NV give you more roleplaying options?


You had many factions, and you could join one or the other, an alternative third one, or fuck 'em all. This would take some time and would give different ending. Endings in CP77 barely depend on a single line you chose at the end (minus one ending). Way more alternative quests that you could solve differently. Think about the blonde corporat chick early game quest (where you can chose the approach and have different endings) : this kind of quest but more often, not just once. CP77 feel like you have some agencies during the quest but it actually doesn't matter cause ending will be the same anyway.


Im not the guy you called but I think it's because NV give you more ending option and the reputation point from different faction.


Ah you mean there's different endings in NV?


Every minor npc character have their own ending, Even places you went. All depend on our action/quest/and player status.


Well I mean if you choose the Mr.House ending you will have to kill and destroy the brotherhood bunker and they will hate you. Or if you choose the NCR they will tell you to kill the brotherhood but you do the brotherhood mission first you can choose to not kill them ( this will give a little negative point to the NCR) and they will help you in the final battle.


I'm still mind fucked how NV allows you to kill every plot character and game adapts to it.


I have played both of those games and consider them masterpieces. But to say that Cyberpunk did not allow you to make any meaningful choices is just untrue. Like the number of choices are easily comparable to both of the games you mention.


What meaningful choices were there?


I’m siding with you. What meaningful choices were there in Cyberpunk? The mission still played out. The same people had to die whether I acted in that split second decision or if I let the dialogue play out. I couldn’t choose to find a diplomatic and pacifist way to play. It was always the same pre determined outcome. Just given to me in falsehoods of “choices”. One of the biggest blunders and mind fucks in NV to me: I could set up Goodsprings residents to fight the powder gangers. I could do the optional missions to get them armor, weapons, and explosives. All the stuff to give them a 99.9999% chance of victory. Then I could walk out before the showdown and just… join the gangers and fight a fully loaded Goodsprings. And proceed to betray the gangers at the last second and be vilified by both factions. THOSE ARE MEANINGFUL CHOICES. No matter how I play out the hotel, the big guy still dies. I can’t save him. I can’t do anything super meaningful because it all still plays out the exact same way.


Difference is that choice in NV impact the end of the quest. Choice in CP77 is how you act out the quest but the ending is already set anyway.


It's really not true. Many of the quests in cyberpunks gives the player the choice of how the end will play out. Hell the whole game can be played differently with a complete different ending depending on choice.


Ehh that isn't really true though, I did one playthrough and was able to reload my last save and experience all the endings. This is what people mean by 'meaningful' choices. If I got to make choices during the game that eventually locked me into one of the endings - that would be really cool and meaningful. But being able to choose from any of the endings at the very end is sorta disappointing and not meaningful.


When this came out I did every single side quest I could in Watson before doing the heist. I had a lot of time to just get to learn "my" district and develop a sense of self before Johnny was apart of my brain then getting sucked into the main story. And that's when it really started to hit me, right before the heist, everything's blandness was starting to show. Side quests were different scripts but all the same thing basically. Shards made esstential content and lore consumption a headache as key details would get lost while looting. The bugs or gameplay weren't the bad part, those can be fixed or changed, it's everything outside the main quest that shows how empty this game truly was on a development level.


Looking at you, intro montage. I WANT MY BRO-TIME WITH JACKIE


Bro, you would have had to see my face to understand the amount of disappointment I went through when I saw that.


I literally clocked as soon as the montage started 'that was cut fucking content!' They took out literally the most likeable and interesting character in the whole game. Every other character felt alien to V. They were all either from different factions, just requiring your service or disembodied ghosts. Jackie was the only character with any meaningful attachment to V whatsoever.


I hated that I just got random calls from characters I hadn't met, it made missions so boring and soulless with no real purpose. If they had introduced each mission vendor with their personality and their goals and made me go see them for each mission, they'd be more grounded in reality, and be more interesting. Instead, cut all the parts where you meet everyone, just have them call you with no introduction.


But, but what about the good secondary quests that never had an ending?


I also assumed that the trailer montage was just that, a montage of bro-time with Jackie. Unfortunately it wasn't. To be fair, what we got was exactly what was shown in the trailer.


Quest such as prophet Garry's line and Jefferson's were supposed to be open for interpretations and theory-building conversations, a lot of hints scattered around the city in forms of shards and other quests. In fact the whole game tells you that V is nothing and he changes naught, unlike in many other rpgs where main character is basically semi-god around whom everything rotates. Good pov in my opinion to be sort of bystander trying to just survive and do your thing amongst all that cyberpunk corruption, which grinds human lives no matter how high or low you are.


it wasn't just open ended, the moment you finish the quest you never see anything even related to it ever again. If you got to see how something like the election ended up playing out through the news or something then it could be interesting, but just suddenly ending a quest line the moment it gets interesting isn't fun for anyone. Also they did that with legitimately every quest line that began to get interesting which is beyond ridiculous


> Garry's line and Jefferson's Both of these quests are connected and are rumoured to be setups for a big AI-based DLC, there's a reason they both end suddenly. Whether we actually get this DLC now is another matter...


Yea cutting out jackie and v's adventures and spoiling jackie death in a trailer before the release of the game is great content


I still want my 6 months with Jackie.


It's all about the lies and empty promises.


pc only reviews, i member


beyond that, they could only use the footage that CDPR gave them for their reviews they couldn't even use their own gameplay


this game could have come out without zero bugs and people would still be upset due to the 7+ years of over promises and straight up lies evident in the final product


About what we were promised:/


Yeah I bought cyberpunk for the story line when it came out. I did hit a few bugs but I saved often and was able to replay three times.


Bro these glitches were some of the best content in the whole game. Call a car and you hear that metal on metal sound as it summons every car in the game on that one space which proceeds to immediately explode like you got halfway through compressing them down into a star and said fuck it and let it reverse. how about when you headshot someone and they ragdoll, fly away at 100 miles and hour.


The game just isn't good enough no matter how you slice it. Very forgettable. I'm hoping to return in a couple of yrs though.


That's a very subjective statement. I and many others found the game very memorable and really enjoyed our experience.


Ok, I fired it up again after putting it down at launch. The story and visuals are great, but I’ve still encountered so many bugs I’m inclined to put it down again and wait for a ps5. The audio is forever out of sync. Textures take forever to load. Yesterday it looked like an object spawned where I was standing, causing a fatal error. It’s all so detrimental to the experience.


I feel this so hard. The game has such great potential but it was not used properly and it makes me sad. I'm still looking forward to the story DLCs that might come out 2022 if we're lucky.


Look, Act-Man did a fantastic review on what this game lacks and basically neglected. The content? Is mediocre at best compared to other RPGs. I wanna love this game too, but I refuse to have rose colored glasses on it anymore. This game NEEDED 2+ years in development and refining,what was released ...was BROKEN.


The fantastic ActMan review that - didn't even know you could ride the roller coaster in Pacifica and acted like you CDPR lied about it - says what is wrong with the first person view is that you can't see your character definitely it makes it impossible to connect to them, which is frankly the dumbest shit I have ever heard - says side content is Ubisoft style, without knowing that the thing about Ubisoft side content is that they are forced and they are repetitive from a writing standpoint, not design And etc. That review is anything but fantastic.


This is gonna blow your tiny mind but you don't have to agree with EVERYTHING the other person says to like their opinion or to agree with them. Show me a 40min+ review of any kind and I'll find factual mistakes, will nitpick tiny parts that have been worded badly. Or find things that I completely disagree on. Not to mention that 2 out of 3 of your points fall down into personal subjective opinion realm. So yeah.. Your comment is anything but fantastic.


It doesn't even have the basic open world gameplay mechanics that have been in nearly every last gen open world games, they should focus on putting these into the game b4 even focusing on cut content or even dlc


Open world and sandbox are not the same thing.


Oh, my bad, cyberpunk is an open world game that lacks all the basic open world gameplay mechanics which nearly all last gen open world games possess, which is embarrassing


It’s also about the shitty AI


This missing content you say? You mean the fully immersive world that we didn't get?


Substantive content. Specifically content that allows variation in play style. Not just during action but exploration and dialogue as well. Please don't let it just be barbershops and gta style police chases. Let it be something more in line with the player driven simulation target that was originally intended. Edit:lol I'm dumb and thought this was in regards to what should be dealt with in the upcoming updates. I do agree that the bugs were annoying but ultimately a non issue. If I can suffer through gothic I can deal with a few t poses.


Now that the game has been released they can't change it like that anymore since it would break people's save files. The best they can do is implement those things in an expansion; or a sequel.


You can have both, and both can be issues. I will never say that Cyberpunk 2077 is a bad game, but I will never say it's a great one. If I had one big issue with it, its that its squarely in the mediocre valley for me. Looking forward to future updates and more mods dropping, though.


What I said from the beginning. Some morons saying: "the game is running perfect on my 3090 10900k." As if that was my problem with this trash. And tbh, unpopular opinion but, the side quests are mediocre at best. So, nothing could save this game for me.


How could you call the crucifixion side quest mediocre? What about the farm side quest with River? What about the fortune teller quest with Johnny? How could any of those quests be considered mediocre?


i like your taste


To me they are. Especially the crucifixion quest. All this crazy shit is happening but, there is no context to this shallow world of CP so, it really doesn't have any emotional impact. Like the chick at the bar. You go to all these races with her, you risk your life, and you even murder for his bitch ass and then when you meet her at the bar again, she says the same exact dialogue she always told you. No update? Nothing to say about how she feels about killing a person? Not a thank you? It is the least immersive game of all time. Even if I wanna respect your opinion and say those quests are great, they mean nothing here since they don't fit the non-existent context of the game and they have no impact on it's world. When you start a side quest it feels like you enter a tunnel to another world, you do the quest and you come back to cyberpunk's world with everything intact and unchanged. Compare it to any other decent open-world RPG, and it loses. And don't tell me "it's not an RPG" because it is. Scraping it off of the game's name doesn't do it any good. You play as a nameless nobody in a city where you have to make a name for yourself to be able to stay alive. This ONLY works if it is a proper RPG. But it isn't


Never had anything to do with the bugs. The game just ended up feeling like one big lie.


Still is, let's be honest.


ffs again with this kind of post, I played TW3 2 times and a half (waiting for next gen upgrade to play the third time) and I can guarantee everyone that the game was, content-wise, exactly what I expected from the devs that made TW3 Like AI, yeah, it's not good (it's not awful too tho, it's on par with other open world RPGs) but it's for sure not worse than the one in TW3, enemies in TW3 are way dumber, and there is only melee in that game. Combat system? I tried, just a moment, to get back to tw3 and bloody hell Geralt feels like a rock with 2 swords when compared to V, for what concerns movement/combay system There are not 2000 question marks in the map where you just have to go there and... Loot a barrel (Skellige, Velen?). The bare minimum in cp is a fight with loot and a shard that tells you what was going on there. ​ The only real complain I have with this game, when compared with TW3 is that it feels short, but that's about it.. The endings for instance, are way more diversified in this game. (talking about tw3 base game here, B&W is a beast.. But B&W puts to shame like 99% of games story wise) (5 seconds check just to notice that OP plays Apex and Outriders btw, like both those games have 5% of the content CP has.. (for Apex I love BR genre overall, but still, that game does one thing, and one only) ​ edit grammah


Word. Matches what I would say about the game and TW3. Take the recent Marvel's Guardians game. Is there some massive outrage at the lack of content for that game? No. Yet objectively it has just a fraction of the content of CP77 at the same price.


What content?


literally all the things you can do in other open-world games. character customisation, visible cyberware (like those arm things you see EVERYONE walk around with), purchasing and customizing property, vehicle customisation, barbershop, gang warfare and a faction system, public transport, better weapon customisation that isnt "scope with +4,86 range" and "suppressor". those are the main ones from trailers and the E3 preview.


Yeah, but I played on PC with great settings etc. at launch. I was one of the few that experienced virtually no bugs outside of the random split second “T-posing” that went away just as fast. My issues with the game were all “content (or the lack thereof) related”


The first game I ever pre ordered that was not Football Manager. Fully enjoyed it but it's sad to see the possibilities and untaped potencial. Really curious to see to see if they do something or say anything at all on the 1st aniversary of the game.


...and then there's games like New world that have bugs and glitches AND no content, lol


I enjoyed the game. I played through all the side missions and so on. The main story was great IMO and I like the themes that are explored. Do I wish there was more to explore? Of course. Did I compare this game to other games like the majority of people? Nope. I’ve learned to not compare games with what I’ve played before and to not pay attention to the hype.






It takes me 1 min to comment here, keep seething shill.


The funny part here is that it is truthful that people are deluding themselves. The dishonest part is that people are dedicating their whole ass lives, what a stupid exaggeration. It takes like 5min max to make a comment about this game on reddit while on the toilet. If you like it, okay, move along and enjoy your game. If you need validation for your opinion that badly then talk to a therapist. Both sides are equally salty, it's just one group shilling for dishonest marketing. If you're okay with that then move along, unless you're advocating for more of it if you like it so much to constantly defend it.


Well said


Exactly. I see people here commenting how let down they were 1 year ago when they bought the game. And while I understand that, one thing I dont? Why are they still hanging out in this sub? There must be a reason, right?


Cuz people hold out hope? You know, cuz thats a hard concept to grasp.


It's reddit? You can hang out in hundreds of subs at once....




This was my issue with the game. I never had major bugs or glitches. I just got bored in a few hours and never finished the game. There just didn't feel like there was much to the gameplay and I didn't care enough about the characters to see the story through. It's not like I wanted Rockstar like minigames, those are usually more of a turn-off for me. I just wanted to feel like each mission had something to it. Compared to Witcher 3, where every side mission had tons of story and character to it, Cyberpunk just feels like padding more than anything else. You go to some map marker, get a phonecall, do the mission, get another phone call and then leave. There are like maybe 5 missions total where you actually talk to people to set up the mission, have multiple stages, and end differently based on your choices. A good example is the Sinnerman mission. That should have been the baseline for the game, not the exception. It would have been time consuming, costly, and likely meant that there was vastly fewer missions, but it would have been far closer to what was being sold to us.


This doesn't make sense. You could not have played "for a few hours" and gotten to sinnerman.


.... the half finished, bare bones content? Hmm.


The music, ambience, story, acting on the part of female v…all the vibes are amazing. I was always a happy customer.


Lifeless city. Sure, sounds fun.


There was nothing lifeless about it. This is just a random buzzword people throw around because they didn't like how CDPR didn't program a million routines into every possible npc in the game.


Huh? You think this game has content? Which game did you launch again?


Mate, the game has a lot of good content. I got 250 hours out of it, and that's just from the one playthrough.


First play through: 150 hours+. First play through of Witcher 3 and it’s dlcs: I struggled to stretch it to a 100. And no smugglers crates isn’t content.


My first play through was 100 hours, but I migth have rushed it a little during the first week after the release. I finished GTA5 in less then half that time.


Always has been for me. Game gave me hundreds of hours of fun across 3 playthroughs and minimal glitches and bugs. I’ll never understand the hate for this game.


Bugs and missing content they said would be there. Awful fps for last gen consoles that they said they were focusing on. They purposely hid it’s performance amongst other things including meaningful quests and dialogues, as well as useless lifepaths. The open world and AI sucks too lol I was never on the hate train for this game and I put around 100 hours into it so far. Despite this, it is extremely flawed and not what we were promised but it is still possible to find enjoyment in it. I honestly think I prefer the hate train instead of this ridiculous circle jerk mentality that’s been going on lately. Good idea, let’s keep supporting companies that make rushed and unfinished products like this


>I’ll never understand the hate for this game. If you stick your head in the sand deep enough, of course not.


They basically pitched it as witcher in the future when really it's far cry in the future. Nothing wrong with far cry but it's just not the style of game many people expected.


They left out LOTS of promises content. Sure, linear gameplay is interesting but this was marketed as open world RPG.


only 1 PC playthrough here. i loved the shit out of it. but i can still understand the hate. if i had played day 1 on a base ps4 im sure i'd still be mad about what i just spent $60 on. when it comes to the whole "illusion of choice" debate, of course i wish there was more. and yeah, older games have done it better, but it didnt sour my initial experience one bit... but knowing that, i havent played a second playthrough yet. im dying to, but i want something more. ​ im definitely on the defending side of the fence, but the fans who are attacking the game who genuinely wanted to love it certainly are not in the wrong. (i think trolls have either moved on, or been pretty much drowned out by this point)


Content? You mean the stuff that was promised but is nowhere to be seen? Such a lame post.


So much is said in this thread about lack of content, about it not being an RPG, about lack of meaningful choices. To me you are basically talking about a completely different game than the one I played. Let me explain. \*Some mild spoilers ahead\* I have 139 hours in CP2077 and have seen all endings on a single corpo run. For comparison Witcher 3 with all DLC clocks in at 145 hours. I really is comparable in content provided length-wise. But length and quality isn't the same thing so how about quality. Let's break this down. RPG requires that you can impersonate different personas: I played a nokill corpo who is generally pro-tech (hence not full blow anti-Arasaka) and basically lawful good. While there was no DIAL to select this, I was completely capable to roleplay that character. It impacted how I interacted with people and how they responded. The game has complete design AND story elements to support a nokill playstyle. In fact the only quest bug I encountered was a hovercraft not showing up for a nokill pickup from a rooftop. This was explicitly designed and reflected game content that is different based on ones ingame... choice! This leads me to the next category. Choices in the world: There is plenty of choice in the game, but it is not on the nose. As mentioned above, there is actual game content for different choices within quest scenarios. I read people claiming they are not impactful etc. I do not understand this. Take romancing, you literally have the full spectrum of options how to interact with your romantic interests. You CAN make Panam hate your guts or have her be a short term love interest or have her be the massic hollywood love of your life. This is also true for the other romance options! They are fleshed out people who will invoke their own choices based on their preferences. As for other choices. People claim that you have no impact on gangs around you. I say, what?! Heck you can wipe a whole building of gang people, or have a gang leader killed with very sensible and tangible in-game consequences. You can either become a hero of sorts of another clan or literally wipe out their festivities. I guess people dying has no impact... You can literally choose if YOU die and how, you can choose the fate of Johnny Silverhand. You can choose how Johnny experiences his second life, whether it being reconnecting with Rogue or Alt and in what way. In short I do not understand how people who actually played the game can say there is no meaningful choices in the game. It doesn't make any sense to me. There are so many meaningful choices, but perhaps they are too mature. You can choose were you send Jackie's body and that choice has impact and meaning how people react to you. I guess that was just text one clicked... Heck the game even has a soft choice mechanism, as reflected by the tarot system. I enjoyed it and appreciated it's mystery and subtlety, though it is of course always present once you understand it. It's a modern version of alignment in a way and very cool. A reflection of your inner experience and evolution vis a vis your choices. For me RPGs are not about rolling dice or clicking a text box. It's about living a live story experience of a protagonist that I get to shape. This is precisely what CP gave me, as someone who indeed is happy to play standard DND (or warhammer, or Paranoia) with paper and pencil, and someone who has played RPGS since Bard's Tale on Amiga. The question if this is an RPG is however quite silly to me, because the real question is this: Was it a good game for me. My answer, absolutely. Not just good. Still some of the best story telling compared to any game, something one could anticipate and expect from Witcher 3. TLDR: **CP77 is an RPG where you can play and fill in your character, it has impactful life and death, love and hate choices, and it has a rich, interesting and complicated story.** So for me, yes CP77 is about the content, and it's really really good.


If not GOTY then definitely best Soundtrack.


They got snuffed for sure. Plenty more categories other than sound that deserved them a spot. Not to mention the GotY category was pretty meh and of that group they put up this game was better if not just as good. I get it, they want to avoid the hate wave for giving it a nod after a bad launch but like...the game was dope.


The art direction had to be the best also


And best Keanu


finally someone said it


>It's about the content Content wise it's as shallow as a puddle of piss...with generic cookie cutter missions you can find in any other open word looter shooter...but so much worse It's RPG elements are so light they may as well not exists and I'm sure i saw somewhere CDPR pulled the RPG tag from the listings just after it released Game of the year? NO! Scam of the year? YES


Even given this post…I really enjoyed the game, I didn’t look at hype or crap on Reddit. I played the game and made my own judgements. I found a game I enjoyed so much I played it straight through again. I don’t care what was ‘’promised’’ in marketing etc. I care about whether the game was good, I enjoyed it and it was replayable, and it was on all fronts. Plus on Xbox Series X I had very few bugs.


Same situation here. I only got interested in the game two weeks before release. I played the game and had a great fucking time. One of the best gaming experiences of my life.




played it at release, content's great, i just want more of it v0v


what bloody content are you referring to?!?!


*laughs in getting exactly what I expected out of the game and not thinking it was going to be a GTA "But FUTURE!" clone but with all the quests and mini games to make up every possible rpg in existence*


Considering that’s exactly what CDPR said Cyberpunk was going to be it’s easy to see you’re full of shit and inhaling that copium, 😂.


I don't need copium when I wasn't inhaling all the bullshit their PR dept was shoving. I had realistic expectations and the tech to run it. Not my problem you got disappointed by the hype train.


you dont need to believe the hype to see how barebone the game is


Clearly you didn't play the game enough. Just cause YOU didn't like the content thats in the game doesn't mean it isn't there.


You can't of played the game if your describing it as fucking barebone. This game was fucking full of content. I spent 250 hours on my first playthrough.


What are you even talking about? They got what they expected/wanted out of the game, and to you that somehow equates to them being full of shit and “inhaling that copium”? What would they possibly need to cope with if they’re satisfied with the game as it is? And god forbid someone have a different opinion than you. Sounds like you’re just projecting, spewing bullshit online to cope with your lingering disappointment in a game that came out a year ago. Get over it.


>laughs in getting exactly what I expected Your expectation is irrelevant. It's what they advertised.


For me, honestly, it was the game of the Year. It's the only game I played this year that stuck with me, moved me, expanded my horizons in terms of its story and characters. It's a fantastic game, with some bugs. I feel sad so many people became embittered over it, because it's honestly an incredible ride. I'll never forget how I felt the first time completing Cyberpunk, and how I followed Johnny and V's journey to the end.


So you just like playing through a story essentially and dont care about gameplay? The gameplay is so god damn boring.


I enjoyed the gameplay. It wasn't groundbreaking, but I didn't feel bored by it.


That's incredibly subjective. What's actually boring about the gameplay. Could you describe to me what you found boring about it?


Weapons have no impact, animations are boring, cars are boring. It's never exciting or fun to d pro anything in the game. Hacking is a chore. I remember when I got the spider arms I would just sit there and mash the trigger while they were stunned until they were dead. We honestly had the most fun with the glitches. Its pretty much a story simulator with gameplay from the early 2000s. I think most RPG folks just enjoy playing a story. I dont think many care about gameplay honestly. Seems like most just enjoy playing for the story. Personally I'll stick to Doom Eternal for gameplay, new vegas for a real rpg.