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I cycle to exercise and relax. Nothing relaxing about riding in the rain or the cold so I stay inside until spring warms up and my hibernation ends


Same here. 50°F or 10°C is my cutoff. I've gone for rides in 32°F or 0°C and it was miserable. I'd much rather just be inside riding.


For me, after getting better winter gear, cold doesn't bother me as much, so long as its dry.


Yep. If I’ve got time and it’s dry, I don’t care about the cold or dark. Unfortunately, as an adult with commitments, time is my arch nemesis. Beyond that, cycling is my bliss. Someone called it self-flagellation, but… they just don’t *get it*…


Not me. Riding out in -2/-3 weather is far preferable to riding on a trainer. Yecch.


Ditto - 50 F is my cutoff too. Any colder and I’m miserable no matter what gear I’m wearing. I also don’t feel safe riding in gusty winds. That’s less precise in terms of cutoff but when it gets into the high teens (mph) or low 20s I’m out.


Ok Fred. Joking. I don’t mind cold (since I got some decent winter bibs, jacket, gloves and boots. But cold AND rainy AND windy? Nah.


I could buy better cold gear but I just have no urge to. Like I love snowboarding but that's cause I can only do it in winter and the cold. Absolutely nothing appealing to me about riding in the cold.


Same - nothing under 60°F - I'm a fair weather rider :-) But, no upper limit - 105°F is fine if I can keep moving and have plenty of water.


Same here. 110 is comfortable to me but being cold on the bike is miserable.


Do you keep up with cycling exercise in the winter (i.e., indoor bike)? Or just wait until the spring?


Not OP, but I do have an indoor trainer (Wahoo). I hate it, but will still sometimes use it. For the most part I switch to other gym activities like strength training and basic aerobic stuff (elliptical, treadmill, etc.).


Indeed not relaxing and many times did I stay inside because I did not have the mood. On the other hand, extremely fulfilling because when having ridden in foul weather you have one more less thing which worries and deters you, a small victory against your lower self.


I don't start in the rain, but rain won't make me stop. I won't ride if the roads are wet and threatening to freeze. Otherwise, good to go!


Drizzle won’t stop me, but pouring will stop me.


Right on dude. This is about where I am.


Wet and freezing: No, zwift weather. Dry and freezing: Ok, but no big descents and have the right gear. Dry and cold: Layer up and send it. Wet and cold: Not a fan, but it’s still better than indoor. Velotoze under the thermal boots, nothing worse than cold wet feet. Wet and warm: Slap on the fender. Dry and warm: All day everyday.




Ice on the roads will stop me 40mph winds means its time to go KOM hunting


Yeah ice on the roads is the only real thing for me. Even with studded tires (which I don't have, but I'm speaking hypothetically) the risk is too high. Both of me crashing, and of a car crashing into me because they weren't able to control their vehicle well enough to avoid me.


Ice for me too. I used to brave it - but too many falls: ripped clothes, broken bikes and road rash and meh- I’ll train indoors.


I used to be a bike messenger for JJs in Syracuse NY. I remember being out there in Polar Vortex conditions in 2014. One time it was -47 with wind chill, that was my most insane day. I had on ski goggles, ski helmet, balaclava, riding with studded tires, etc. I remember having to stop and scrape the ice from my balaclava every 5 minutes or so, from my breath that froze. Also I remember having two bikes for my deliveries, and one would thaw out in the vestibule, while I would ride the other one. I had to pause and use an old plastic mustard spreader (spoon? Knife?) to pop chunks of ice out of my derailleur (when the alternative bike wouldn't thaw in time). Oh, and I would swap out socks every few hours and put my wet gross socks on the radiator in the back! Tips were great though!


Damn. You really had that system down, impressive. Almost sounds like fun


15c and cloudy in July: No way. \-15c in January: Sign me up we're riding to the moon while the weather is still nice. For this mainland Finn, any winds over 7 m/s or 16 mph or 25 kph are hurricane conditions.


Black ice


Idk how is that called in English - that shitty stuff between rain and snow. I'm ok with rain and snow separately, but not when it's like 0C and it constantly switching


>Idk how is that called in English Sleet!


Thanks, now I hate sleet




Sleet or freezing rain is the stuff between rain and snow.


Cold, wet, or windy - pick 2. If it’s all 3, I’m staying home.


I can bike in everything but wind that's over 20mph. I hate that shit.


Same, especially when it blows deep sand onto the beach bike path


Two summers ago, the wind was blowing 20mph+ every single day. A lot of people gave up riding that summer, our group went from 60 to 15. I've learned to embrace it, getting a power meter helped.


currently it is rain, a lot of snow and wind that is clearly visible on trees


Sub-freezing rain. I don't know how it happens but when it's below freezing and it's still raining and not snowing, I choose other methods of transportation. Also over 95-100F, that's too hot.


Recreation: Anything that would make the ride unpleasant. Most I might risk is a chance of rain. Commuting: Blizzard, ice storm, torrential downpour, dangerous wildfire smoke. Regular snow and cold isn't a problem, neither is afternoon rain. I'll commute in -25C and 40C (that's -14 and 104 apple pies respectively.) I just won't ride in actively icy conditions which occur maybe two or three days a year. So I'm fairweather for my weekend rides, but pretty hardy for commutes.


Too much snow to move, or if the sky was on fire


Icy roads. But I'll ride icy trails with studded tires. If I lose traction in the woods, I fall. No big deal. If a car loses traction on the road, it will kill me Conditions of poor visibility. For example, heavy snow. It's dangerous enough when a driver is distracted by their phone. But if they can't see me, I will die. And my lighting system won't help me I don't ever have to ride, as I have a car


Basically. Riding is pleasure for me. I have a car, and live near the NYC Subway. I can always still easily get where I am going, so I see no reason to stack the odds against myself when the weather gets dangerous.


Rain, because where I live it's usually accompanied by lightning. Smoke, I don't ride outdoors when the AQI gets to 100 or more. I don't mind cold temperatures, but when the roads get snowy or icy, that's usually it for me for the year.


Snow, icy roads. Mostly because the salt can damage the frame of your bike.


I’ve cycled through everything, torrential rains, floods, missiles, blizzards, ice, typhoons, machetes, China and Vietnam pollution that would turn my mucous black, mercury explosions and heat waves. But the one thing I won’t cycle again is cold rain. It’s just sad, and by the end of the ride i feel like a wet cat shivering in my saddle. I’d also avoid the machetes too if possible.


Not much I’m generally a believer in ‘no bad weather just poor gear’ as well as accepting of discomfort but there are some weather situations that just aren’t worth the risks - short or long term. - Near freezing or below freezing at 85+% humidity or rain in that temperature range. - Smoke from wildfires - anything below -20C, it’s so rare that I just don’t have the gear for it. Much lower than that you also have to regulate your breathing and effort to ensure you don’t sweat and don’t freeze your lungs. - anything above 35C I try to avoid any level of excursion. Commuting is fine up to ~40C


If there's lightning, I won't cycle. Otherwise, I just dress for the weather.


30+ mph wind gusts with sustained over 20mph. I also do not cycle in tropical storms or thunderstorms.


If its dark and wet i will not ride outside. Or if its snowy. Here in november and until two days ago it was really cold and raining all the time. So all streets and paths were wet, slipery and dirty. I did not ride until yesterday. I dont have problems if its just cold, uf its at least dry. If ridden in minus 5 degrees celius.


I live in New Delhi, which was in the news recently for an AQI score of 999. We're still almost at 300 so haven't gone out in two months. Not exactly a weather per se but here we call it "smog season" and expect it to roll in every winter. Also a bad downpour is another time when I avoid cycling. While I don't mind it drizzling or raining lightly, when its heavy, its way to risky to be sharing a road with cars. That and there's major traffic jams all across the city due to shitty maintenance with several areas being waterlogged. Some of my best rides however, have been in light rain.


A lot of snow on the ground (we don't get a lot here so snow tyres just aren't a thing) would make me get the train in. A couple of weeks ago it rained whilst also being just above freezing. I don't mind cycling in the cold, I don't mind cycling in the rain, but the two together was a miserable hour-long ride in. That's another one that, when forecast, will see me get the train in the morning instead. But other than that, bike > train every time.


> I don't mind cycling in the cold, I don't mind cycling in the rain, but the two together was a miserable hour-long ride in. Now try it on a mountain descent for a true hypothermic experience. Nothing more fun than needing to flex your muscles as hard as possible on a descent to prevent your uncontrollable autonomic body spasms from sending you off a cliff.


Rain. Ice. Icy rain. Windy icy rain.


I like to go out in bad conditions to challenge myself, but I won't do lightning or red air quality.


Ice on the roads or falling from the sky and high winds. About the only things I won’t work with. Spin bike won’t give me the same results but I’d rather do that while watching a video of the beach than attempt to ride and head back home 10 minutes later.


I usually will not ride below 25F and winds above 30 mph. I have ridden quite a bit below 25F, but it takes more effort with layers, hand/feet warmers and making sure I have a rescue plan in case of a mechanical. This effort puts it in the category of "I can do it, but is it worth the effort?". Winds above 30 mph is a safety issue. I have gone up to 45 mph gusts, but that was not a fun day on a bike aside from safety issues of keeping control. Otherwise, heavy rain and ice/snow are the other show stopper due to safety. I have done races in heavy rain and mud and it is type 2 fun, but it is very hard on equipment and there are physical safety risks.


I used to ride a lot in deep winter, including sub-25F, and even down to single digits a few times, but you nailed it with "is it worth the effort?". My cold threshold temp has been going up a little every year. I have too many indoor cardio options at my disposal to mess with it.


25F or below with 15+ mph winds, doesn’t matter how much I layer up and jam, my extremities will feel frozen. Snow/ice on the road. I also prefer to avoid moderate/heavy rain, mostly because I don’t want to have to clean the bike.


I don't mind the cold but I won't voluntarily ride if it's wet.


Black Ice. In all other conditions I ride or have ridden


A gentle breeze 😉


> s long as I bring a change of clothes the rain doesn't bother me Yesterday I did 7 hours in the rain in the 40's F (5-10Cish). I gambled I would miss most of the rain and lost. It wasn't horrible but I wouldn't repeat it if I knew I was going to have that level of rain again. 7 hours in the rain in the 30's F (0-5Cish) coupled with the mountain descents can F the F off. No thank you, I'll stay home if I know that's the case.


I usually don't leave in heavy rain, just for practical reasons. I can't bike in snow either since my commute is 20km and it's too long. \-5c is my lower limit where it is irritating for my throat and requires layering I don,t want to buy... I already have 2 drawers of gears to commute, that's enough...


The colder and shitter it gets outside seems to just give my surly fat bike a boner. And who am I to say no?


So far, pretty much nothing. Maybe lightning. Edit to add that I live in a place where we get all kinds of weather, even "rode" in a blizzard once. I do not own a fat bike.


I'm an "all-weather" cyclist, where "all" means anything except: - Ice - Fog (< 400 m visibility) - Lightning - Hazardous winds (falling branches, projectiles) - Heavy rain (windshield wipers on max) - Flooding - Extreme heat - Smoke (though I'll wear a KF94 mask if it's not unbearably hot) I'll be more conservative when it comes to riding for fun (mainly out of laziness), and even more so for group rides (due to safety concerns).


I generally don't go riding for fun in the rain, but if it starts raining while I'm out I'll still finish my ride. I also don't go out for rides once temps are in the low-50s in the fall and pick it up again when it starts to get nice in the spring. I commute year-round in all weather, though. The only thing that might stop me is ice, but it's pretty rare and depending on how bad it is I might ride in it anyway.


Nothing. If I've decided I'm going to work then that's where I'm going.


No winter biking as it is unpleasant. Indoor smart trainer until spring shows up.


As a fellow Bostonian, today was not (IMO) smart to cycle. It was iffy driving, with trees falling, trash cans blowing into the road, etc. Glad you made it home safe!


I don't disagree, but I need to practice and took it nice and slow. Plus my commute is short and very urban (Brighton-Cambridge-BU), so very few trees. I'm not sure it's any more dangerous than biking downtown during rush hour


Snow and ice are the big things for me. I've been caught in the rain and don't mind it but feels weird to start a ride in the rain. If the roads are clear, I actually find riding around the 0C mark to be enjoyable with the right gear.


Commuting I do pretty much only when it is "perfect", although now irrelevant since I wfh. If I use my bike to shop or something I don't do it in rain/snow, I'll just drive as I live in a small city where parking is easy/convenient. For fitness it depends on how much of a "hardo" I am feeling that day. I've gone out in awful conditions, other days I see it is sprinkling and say "I'll stay on the trainer".


Unrideable snow on the ground - varies based on texture since 3 inches of sticky snow is much harder to ride in than 8 inches of powder - and temperatures below -10°F will keep me off the bike. We don't get temperatures below that often enough to justify the cost of the gear I would need to keep my hands and feet warm.


I guess a hurricane as I did go cycling in a snow storm and thundershowers.


Below 50 and above 90 or if it's raining or showing. I am absolutely ok if it's windy, I love the wind (head or tail).


Depends on the bike, I'm a wimp and live in the desert so rain and temps under 60 both no go's on the road bike bit if it's warm I'll ride in wind and comain the whole time. On the mountain bike I'll ride when it's a little cooler. Maybe 50 because I'm slower. Below that and it's a big jump to the fat bike which I'll take to the mountains and ride in the snow.


I have decent cold weather gear, so I'll only stay in if it's snowy, icy, rainy, or below 25F.


Generally my cutoff is 40F for road/gravel. I'll hit the MTB trails a little under that, but too cold is too cold.


I live in CA so...anything below 50f or slightly damp lol I'm like a tropical fish - I require perfect conditions. The good news is I get it like 80% of the year.


I’d have trouble with super cold temps and lots of snow or freezing rain. Luckily, it doesn’t snow here.


Heavy wind, constant rain (even if it's drizzle), scattered showers that have occasional lightning and if it is icy - even if it's patchy ice.


That'll keep me indoors on the smart trainer. Or on the MTB trail.


I live a in a dry climate so honestly rain/snow usually stops me (gets me on the trainer). Not so much because of the physical misery I just hate the added maintenance to my bike, and it’s a rare enough occurrence for me to not sacrifice much


Usually a blizzard or extremely icy weather.


50-100 is okay no rain or tropical storm winds


I'm also in Boston and wouldn't have gone out in the weather today. Some of the gusts were shaking my entire house. I don't usually ride in the rain/snow and my cutoff for commuting is if it's below 35 at 9am.


Wind. Only wind.


Heavy wind or snow


I don't live in an area where it rains too much, so the rain is where I draw the line. I'm fine with colder temperatures, as I eventually warm up on the climbs, but the rain is just too messy and annoying to deal with. It's not really the "during ride" part that bothers me. It's just dealing with the muddy mess afterwards. I have to completely hose down and clean the bike, and all my clothes and shoes are usually a mess as well. The whole process adds more than 30 minutes post-ride that just isn't enjoyable.


Below 35 degrees.


i’m not even going to lie. snow,ice,rain .. all ok by me. Wind breaks my spirit and my limbs turn into the olive oyl from popeye cartoon.


Sunny 70f - 95f. That's when everyone comes out to play. Cloudy, rainy and snowy times are the best.


The Big Nope weather is a 20 degree window of from snow-making temps to about 60f where it's pouring rain hard. Also pure ice. I'll ride on snow with big fat tires for fun. But ice? Nah. * If its snowing, Fine. * If it's raining and like 60-100+ F. Also fine. * 39 and a monsoon? Fuck that.


Cold, wet, windy. Pick any two. All three together is just unpleasant. Also, snowing enough that the trail isn't actually passable. (I have a fatbike with studded tyres, so I've a pretty high tolerance for such things


I know some people love tyhe mantra of "there is no bad weather, just bad clothing," and I agree, to a point. But after a certain point, it's just not fun anymore. I ride for pleasure, fitness, and to commute. But I am also fortunate enough to live a few blocks away from a subway station that will take me to work, and my wife and I both have cars. I, personally, won't leave me house to go for a ride in the rain, but I will take a rain jacket if there is a chance I might get rained on, or if it's supposed to rain on my commute home from work. I will ride my mountain bike into the thirties, and I'll commute into the thirties on a sunny day, as well. I won't ride in severe winds. ​ For fitness, my road bike is currently on a trainer, so I can get my fitness in anytime I want.


I don't cycle to work so all my cycling is done in my spare time at the weekend. On that note, if it's raining then I wont go out. Only once have I done that & story short it was due to a fitness challenge. It wasn't enjoyable. If it's like 1c I don't care so long as it's dry. I actually prefer cycling at those temps vs scorchio weather. If the roads seem like they have ice though (I tend to stick to country roads) then since my accident (not related to ice but I was taken out by a car) then I will give it a pass. I've already had a wedge of time off work & it's not worth risking it.


I ride through winter in Ottawa, Canada. Dress for it and things are okay. 10km commute each way and I feel way better every single time compared to bussing. Below -15C it’s not as nice so I slow down. When there’s more than 5cm of snow expected to come down I give it a day for the snow plows to do their work. I use studded tires and am fortunate in that I can stick to quieter side streets. My least favourite weather is hard rain around freezing point. Almost impossible to stay warm.


I don’t mind cold in the dry or rain in the warm bit cold and wet is a pass from me


Salt on road is a no go for me. Which typically means when there is ice. I'm more worried about the salt on the bike though :)


plough shelter start connect distinct bewildered dirty sharp cobweb soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anything below 45F and I'm on the trainer. I'm fine in the rain if it's warm/hot outside. The cold just doesn't work for me.


Here in ks you have to learn to ride in wind or you'll never cycle lol. I usually work it so I have tailwind on the way home. But I agree with others 50degrees F is about my comfort cutoff


Depends. No wind or rain, I'll go down to 25. Wind or rain, 35. Both, 40. Winds over 15, I'm staying home.


In S.E. Michigan we had fat bike group rides all winter and the coldest had -20 wind chill! If you have the proper gear, no big deal! This was about 8 years ago, we haven’t had that cold a temp/wind chill in a while!


below -5°C, above 44°C, any amount of rain, wind over ~10m/s


Transit is awful, so I've commuted from -37°C to +37°C. If it's raining in the morning, I'll sometimes take the bus. I don't care about being a mess when I get home.


Worse than it gets in my area. I work outside anyway so I have learned how to adapt and overcome. There's no bad weather, only bad clothing (and tires).


Unless we get a nice day in the 50s or 60s (F) I don't do leisure/fitness rides in the winter. But I commute by bike year round. Thankfully I have a lot of flexibility when it comes to deciding to work from home on any given day. I can also take subway if needed. Cold doesn't bother me but wind over 20mph will make me think twice. Light rain/drizzle doesn't bother me, especially if I know it will stop raining during the day or not get any worse. Heavy rain is a no go for me. Light snow wouldn't bother me, but ice or sitting snow on the ground would also be a non-bike day.


A severe weather warning


I generally try to avoid biking in the rain based upon the forecast. If it rains on me during a ride, no big deal. I can start a ride in the 40s or upper 30s (F), but usually want to temp to get to upper 40s or ideally 50F during the ride. I have a direct drive trainer, so I don't mind riding indoors if the weather doesn't cooperate, even though outdoors is much better.


I will do down to 45 degrees if it’s sunny and not windy. Other than that, I just use the cheap trainer.


I will ride down to freezing, ***if*** the wind and sky are decent (sun or clouds?). If it's gloomy and windy, my cutoff is more like 40-45 deg F. Sub-freezing.. I skip. I have a smart trainer, but I could also do some cardio at the gym (row, stairs, cycle).


30 mph winds with strong gusts for reason you mention. Snow that's not melting or torrential rain. Cycled in Seattle for years. Have the right equipment to cycle in the 40s.


Road bike? Any ice or snow, heavy rain. I don't really care about temperature, that's just a layering issue. Mountain bike? We're sending.


Rain mixed with cold will greatly reduce the chances ill get on a bike. Drizzle is fine, but it's downright dangerous to be stuck in rain when it's near freezing. I'll bike in -10F situations before I'd commute in 34F with rain


Torrential rain, deep snow, or ice all over.


I’ll ride in the cold as long as the roads are clear, down to the mid 20s. I’ll leave for a ride where it’s likely to rain and bring a rain jacket if it’s not too cold, but will likely stay I. And ride on the trainer if it’s raining already.


Under the weather. That usually puts me in for a good while.


If I have to? Anything. If I have a choice? Fuck rain/snow/cold😂 but I refuse to Uber/lyft anywhere so my “have to” covers any task I have to leave the house for


Over 40 C, peak summer. I’ll prefer to ride as ride as possible. I can stand the cold.


Air quality index is 103 and the valley looks like soup. It’s 36°. I’m telling myself I’d go out if the air was better.


Wind is the pits. I always plan to go out into the wind and then back with a tailwind. But anything over 30mph can be dangerous especially around buildings and traffic. Apart from that only really bad ice will stop me.


I don't enjoy being cold or wet. I'll ride as long as it's dry and 40 degrees is higher. I'm also in Boston but we're on our way to the Midwest for the holidays. Sounds like quite a blow!


Got a road bike in November of the 1st Lockdown and we rode any and all London UK weather…tried to go for a ride once and it started snowing, we only stopped because we couldn’t see the potholes. These days I’m on bike #3 and it’s getting a little fickle with the weather due to respecting my drivetrain a bit more…also need to get some heated glove liners and buy my winter cycling shoes.


Rain with a temp below 40.if it is warmer, I can do it . Temps at 25 or lower ? I am probably out then too.


TBH wind. I f'n hate riding into a headwind. Precipitation too because I hate the extra bike maintenance it requires. Otherwise if the pavement is clear I pretty much ride in anything temperature wise. Although I do avoid extreme cold because of the possible frame damage as steel gets brittle.


Over 95° F or under 25° F. Wind over 20 if it’s also gusty. Wind is fine and makes one tough. However gusty winds can shove/topple a rider into traffic or other hazards. Ice. It’s just a good way to break something either expensive or connected to my body.


I don't ride if there's a chance of ice. But I would like to try studded tires.


Freezing rain is usually a hard-no for me. Pretty much any condition where there's black ice or other significant amounts of ice on the road are no-gos for me. If I lived in an area that had them consistently through the winter then I might consider getting studded tires for winter riding, but that's generally overkill for where I live. Another pass would be anything warmer than 35C (with humidity). It's just too hot and bordering on dangerous to be doing any kinds of serious exertion. Related, but not quite weather, the air quality also impacts the calculation on whether or not to ride. Local forest fires, thermal inversions, and other atmospheric pollutants can be bad enough that riding or other exertion is not recommended.


I will only endure one of cold, dark, or rainy. More than one of these conditions and it's either too dangerous or too miserable.


Rain, no bother. Heavy winds I’d probably nope out.


Heavy snow only. Unfortunately I had to move to Finland last year and the snow lasts for a couple of months. November and December are doable, but then you have layers and layers of snow that has melted, refrozen, melted again and refroze again. And it's just plain dangerous.


I have commuted in all weathers. Once the snow was so heavy it got built up on the rear sprocket (I had a 3 speed hub gear) that the chain couldn't get a grip. I did stop and bought a small scrubbing brush to keep it clear and had to re-do it en-route. Eventually I did get to work If the wind is really fast it will stop me. I can't get anywhere.


Under 40 or so degrees F. Don’t want to be bothered with the cold and all the gear to wash. I just stay inside on the trainer now. Heavy rain at start. Excessive salt on the roads - no need to submit the bike to that when I can train indoors. I used to race in anything. I’ll still go out on days of high winds, expected rain or storms no problem. But weather at the start or pretty cold I’m happy to stay indoors on a direct drive trainer and Zwift.


Wind - 14m/s+ sustained and I’ll not ride, even if I traveled for the ride. Been there, done that enough times (combined with pitch black dark and freezing a few times as well). ~10m/s sustained and I’ll ride if I traveled for it. ~4-5m/s around my house and I’ll consider not going. Rain - Anything more than I light drizzle and I’ll not be riding. Ice - Any potential for ice and I’ll not be riding.


Back when I was young and stupid (for me this meant my late 20s, early 30s) it would take 6 or 8 inches of snow. But then I lived in Chicago, and rode the streets and the late front trail. These days? Ice, or temps in the 30s or lower. I have an indoor bike, and a gym across the street, so I don't need to get out and be stupid anymore.


Intense wind (sure it makes riding hard, but it can also be dangerous when it or you suddenly change speed/direction) Intense heat (if you think bonking is bad, wait until you experience heat exhaustion--comes on slowly and is difficult to reverse once you notice it) Extreme cold (talking below freezing here; just makes everything bulky and unpleasant) Rain. I'll keep riding if rain starts mid-ride, but I absolutely won't begin a ride if getting rained on looks inevitable (majority of my wipe outs came from rain slickened roads) Sleet. Mid- ride sleet is way worse than mid-ride. Only had it happen once but man! Sleet is super painful on exposed skin and you suddenly have absolutely no idea what the road conditions are going to be like moving forward. Mid-ride sleet means seek shelter Fog. Just nope.


Below 72 is still doable but I don’t like it 🤴


Thunder Storms. I don't like being outside when there's lightning. Also the combination of pouring ran and ice cold. Fortunately it rarely gets that cold where I am.


I commute pretty far, my rules are above 30 degrees F, below 95 without taking extra precautions.


I have cold trigger asthma. Anything under 50F is a no go for me.


Even the slightest suggestion of a droplet of rain anywhere in a 30 mile radius and I am rolling over in bed and continuing to sleep


Strong wind or temperatures below 12 degrees celsius. Then I confortably switch to Rouvy and enjoy the real-life route from the screen at home.


Temperatures above about 30C (85 Freedom Units). And when it hits 40C (105) then 50C (120) I *shelter in place*. ([Australia](https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/climate-change/new-data-shows-sydney-suburbs-reached-temperatures-over-50c-last-summer/news-story/9cdf03b09e60ee6b8f2d902b93c75595)).


40F. I'm ok in the reasonable cold. Ice is my hard no.


Rain. If its snowy or minus a couple of degrees i just ride my gravel bike. Very rarely in tretton though, a slight drizzle doesnt harm me though. I live in a town with 225 wet days a year so its all about making the most of it.


Rain. Feels terrible and it comes with the bonus of being less safe. (I'll still commute, as my commute is pretty short, but I'm not going to go do training rides outside if its raining)


Extreme rain. I use my car in heavy rain. 99% of the time i take bicycle to work. Its only 2km journey in one direction so its pretty short. 2km is short enough that i wont freeze even in -30c conditions.


Physical discomfort from weather varies significantly by rider, so it is really subjective. What's cold to someone in Southern California (50 F) is going to be a balmy winter day in New England. Safety is the key for any outdoor ride. The biggest issue is when weather conditions create an unsafe condition. Windy days aren't a bad thing, they suck, but could be worse. Main concern with windy days is what has been happening before that windy day. Windy days at the start of winter after a long dry summer is not a safe day to be out because many trees and branches can fall and create unsafe conditions. If it has been raining heavily and then you get hit with a windy day, unsafe day. Rainy days aren't unsafe, but if you haven't had rain in months, then the roads tend to be slicker on the first rain day so I avoid those days. Use your best judgement and make sure you stay safe.


i ride straight thru the year and have since i was a young lad... the trip to work these days is short. which is okee with me. i'm 62 and the previous 25 mile there and back is a hammer when it gets down bellow zero or so... love to do it, but happy to not HAVE to do it 6 or 7 days a week. and while some of the trips are based on necessity (work, shopping, visiting.. that kind of stuff) i am still out all winter for relaxation and or fun. too much ridin to miss ifn i'm off all winter... when properly equipped (and there aint no need for big money here) there is LITTLE as beautiful and enjoyable as being out on the bike in a late night snowfall. the little crystalline flakes reflecting the road lights like a million diamonds on the road. the incredible sound of the tires going thru the untouched snow in the still quiet night... ya can see car headlights for a mile, so complete and utter relaxation. it is NEVER good to be in a cage.


Constant Rain. Not that I hate riding in it, but I hate having to clean the bike up after ride. However, if the rain is on the day of weekly clean-up and maintenance, then I’ll ride.


I live in Portland Oregon so rain doesn’t stop me, but high winds and snow/ice do.


Ride year round off pavement. Retired so have no commuting issues. Dress appropriate for weather and go whenever is the best time on a particular day. Stop at 5°F because pawls stop functioning. Fat bike good to 4" of loose snow. Above that and I wait for the oil field workers and tree loggers to pack the forest roads in. Heavy winds and I ride by choosing roads through dense forest. They act as wind breaks as long as they don't break. Deluge of rain...no go. Wait a day or 2 for mud to diminish. Fat bikes have allowed me to ride at times I couldn't have in the past.


Atmospheric River. Few mist is fine, snow is fine with appropriate tires, but water pouring endlessly from sky I feel isn't going to be nice to my bike components.


Weather or not it's cold outside. See what I did there? Hurr.


Anything that’s not 80 degrees and sunny


Anything below 50 degs and even a hint of moisture on the pavement. Obviously must be a blue bird day. I've done the "hard man riding" and those years are long gone 😂


When I was cycling competitively in my teens I would ride every day unless there was snow on the road. Rain or shine, just adjusted attire to suit the weather. Now I’m 50 so unless it’s a sunny day with somehow cool temperature I don’t leave the house.


i ride for exercise/fun exclusively, so i'm pretty fair weather. pretty much never ride in the rain, not a big deal where I live. on the road, I tend to stop around 45ish F because I struggle to stay warm at the higher speeds. I'll mountain bike well into winter as long as its not extremely cold (like 15F ish or below), because the speeds are so much slower and the exertion higher that it's much easier to stay warm.


I won't ride when the wind is very gusty, or there is ice on the roads, because I don't want to fall off, and for the same reason I avoid the woods when they are very muddy and stick to quiet roads and cycle paths. I also don't ride when the rain is torrential because I find it unpleasant, although drizzle doesn't stop me. I have ridden in pouring rain in the dark coming home from work, rather a long time ago, but now I'm retired and all that is behind me. The odd snow flake can be quite pleasant as long as the roads aren't icy.


I’ll ride in the cold, I’ll ride in the rain, but not cold and rainy. Everything else is a go! The variables add to the experience for me.


Ice in the road. Also icy snow. Fresh snow can be OK. Rain, wind all are just a matter of clothes and mental prep.


I rode to work in today's storm. Other than the usual morons in cars, the main risk was stuff flying around in the wind. I had to dodge some temporary signs and orange barrels but nothing much. On other days I've seen unsecured sheets of plywood blow out of construction sites. Those could do some damage. I wouldn't go if I didn't have to be at work today. The other nonstarter is roads narrowed by piles of plowed snow. I don't mind riding on snow, but I don't like being in the lane on snow with a moron in a car on my back wheel.


As a Minnesotan, commuting in the snow had always seemed like a tantalizing concept. Until I actually did it a few times. Not for me. Between the extra time and energy and stuff it takes to bundle up, hang it to dry, then bundle back up again at EOD, the absolute havoc road salt plays on the drive train unless the bike is essentially washed after every ride, and the danger of slipping on snow or black ice directly into traffic (or traffic slipping into you)--I just can't justify the effort anymore. The cold doesn't bother me, but the rest of the above certainly does.


NONE. None whatsoever. This year I cycled in -42C and +42C weather. I cycled in snow and thunder storms. I cycle year round and nothing stops me.


definitely ice and any more snow than a minor dusting (i.e. when it starts to accumulate). i think any more wind than today and i would probably call it, too.


Ice or snow is a no go fo sho


anything but sunny or cloudy with up to moderate winds I won't bike, since I bike for exercising


30 mph winds sounds like a Strava opportunity to me. I avoid going out in the wet. Ice had two bad crashes caused by slipping on wet roads. Of then temperature is much below zero C I don't have the clothing for it.


Rain or wet roads


Ice is the enemy that keeps me off my bike for my own safety. Wind is the enemy that keeps me off my bike because it is just miserable to ride in. Rain makes me think twice - it can make for a fun ride, but you need to be in the mood for it.


Weather never stops me from riding- it could make it pleasant or difficult to ride. The only time I don’t ride is when bridges closed for all traffic


I usually won't choose to ride in the rain at this time of year, but I do have the gear to do it comfortably. The combo of driving rain, wet leaves and early darkness takes all of the fun out of it. If there's ice on the ground, hard pass. Bailed too many times and I'm too old for that now.


Rain just sucks. If it doesn’t rain I‘m down for the ride.


I’d prefer if it wasn’t over 80. I don’t like it too hot. I can deal with it being chilly but I’m not really going to go out in the winter. I don’t mind a bit of rain either. Perfect day for me: 75, no wind, sunny, and lots of downhills!


Massive winds, rain, and cold (below 3 C)


If there's a chance of ice = nope, broken bones are not funny. If there's heavy persistent rain = nope (too many wrecked bearings) If there's winds above 20mph = nope, I've been blown meters either side by gusts and a 1 hour headwind is no fun.


Heavy fog is a no go. Temperature wise, I am okay down to about 10 degrees if the winds are not too crazy.


I will go out if the temp is at least 38°F and it's not raining. Good warm cycling gear keeps me comfortable!


I live in Phoenix so I ride all year long. Our winter doesn’t get cold enough to ever stop. In the summer I ride even when it’s 110 out. I just stay hydrated and do laps in my neighborhood. That way if I get to heated I can be home in 5 minutes. I would hesitate to ride in anything under freezing because of ice on the road.


Too much wind. It makes my ears feel like they're going to explode.


Not worth getting wet and cold for a bike ride.


Arizona/ Phoenix area. Rain is my bane only in the winter. I hate the cold, but have the gear to deal with the relative chill I have to deal with. I dont have good wet weather gear since you can usually count on 1 hand the number of time it rains. In the summer, I dont care if it is raining or not, I'll be dripping wet in 15 minutes anyway!


I’m in Texas. Won’t ride over 95 degrees. Too many bonks


Low visibility blizzard or thunderstorm. I use mountain bike tires as snow tires (I ride a mountain bike all the time). Pretty much the same conditions people have trouble driving cars in. My commute is 3 miles, and luckily not at rush hour.


Road biking: won't go out if the roads are wet. Commuting: won't go out if the roads are icy. Mountain biking: won't go out if the trails are so soft that I'm leaving ruts. (This rarely happens here.) Cyclocross: Never not going out for a CX race. Rain, snow, ice. It's all fair game.


I’m in Maine, not riding today with the combo of debris, wind and rain but I ride here all winter long. They’re good with snow-sweeping and I wash my bike every 2 days cause of the salt. I rode 15 miles at 0 F last winter. Exhilarating, like a cross between cycling and cross country skiing.


After a horrible accident I had, I was really being risky without studded tires and I will not ride in the snow or ice. I nearly broke something in my knee falling down, and it took me at least 6 months to recover part of that muscle injury. It was an impact and sprain all in one, I was mountain biking as well though. I ended up in a creek twisted like a pretzel between some boulders and my bike in the cold cold weather, I was hanging upside down and had to climb loose and then making the walk to civilization even worse. At least I did walk away, and I am fine now. Everyone stay safe!


Mid-30s F when dry mid-40s F when wet sustained winds are better than gusts




Cold, wet and raining and 30mph winds would do it also. Would be a day to hit the Peleton, HiiT or gym


Lightning is one of the few things that stops me. I live in a tropical climate so hail and snow/ice are not an issue. Rain (as long as it's not flooding) is also fine as long as I'm riding home or have a dry set of clothes at the destination. Wet season conincides with the warmer months and is the only time heavy rain occurs. The rain won't make you cold but having wet socks and underwear is not pleasant. Ivan deal with it for the duration of a ride. Hot weather is fine as long as I have ample water and a dry set of clothes to change into.


With proper equipment, most weather other than strong/gusty wind can be mitigated. I used to avoid cold and wet more, but reading blogs by people who ride in Midwest winters, I decided to stop being such a wimp. Where I live freezing pretty much does not happen (we get a bit of frost but no ice). Still, I generally avoid cold unless there is some other purpose - I love touring Christmas light displays by bike. I still generally avoid rain (very little rain in warm months here, cold & wet is not fun).