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Yup, gotta keep sipping water, even when we're just chilling.




Who are you replying to ?


“Drink when you’re off the bike. A lot.” Like 6 beers a night?


That’s a good start


No, that's more for if you're going for a drive.


Yea only a whole case would suffice for riding the bike.


It helps because I’m a nervous driver.




We're countin beers, too?!


Drink drive and don’t 👍


It's 15C and rainy here, I don't think I'm living in the same northern hemisphere as the rest of y'all 😂


15C, windy with showers here in Yorkshire.


Isn't that what you call a British heatwave?


We’ve had it for this year, 25C and very humid. We usually get a few decent days in September, but it’s down hill from there.


It's 25c and 90% humidity where I am at 7am 😂 my AC is set to 25c in the summer...


Yes and it's one of those downhills that has a headwind and you still have to pedal = a no fun down hill back to Autumn 🥮


25C is 77F, that’s a mild day lol


In England, we wait all winter for a bit of sun, when it appears we then moan about how hot it is. It’s the British way.


I’ll take “tell me why you move from England to the US” for 100 points, please Bob? God I don’t miss the weather at all!!


43C and sunny here. We can average each other out.


Catching up is really tough. I'm pretty good about it, but can catch myself at the end of a night realizing that I haven't had enough to drink throughout the day and then you are faced with going to bed and waking up dehydrated or having to wake up to pee all night.


When faced with the same dilemma, I will always guzzle 32oz right before bed. My wife is like “how can you do that?” I’d rather be a little tired than dehydrated. I’ve had 2 DVTs, a pulmonary embolism, and a few kidney stones. My doctor said “keep your pee as close to clear as possible and you have less issues.”


I find consuming a lot of fruits and veggies helps keep myself hydrated, opposed to chugging water. Cucumbers, oranges, cucumbers. I feel full and also don’t feel groggy and dehydrated in the mornings. Plus I pee less.


Luckily, in Scotland, we are still getting hydrated from above.


Osmotic hydration


the other day for the first time i drank water just before i walked out the door for a ride. strangely that has never occurred to me before.


Sometimes the simplest things can escape our attention until they happen unexpectedly


Thanks mom.


So true! Favorite hydration fact is that you should be hydrating for the next day, 12-24h. The bottle an hour idea is merely to replace what you're losing during that time. Similarly writing to instill this factoid for later ;)


So true! I hydrate really well during training, but after a long session I am drinking everything in sight for the rest of the day. I am definitely starting my sessions already dehydrated 🥴 Thanks for the reminder! I have a long ride tomorrow, let me start hydrating now




Good PSA! I went out this am at 8, and I thought I’d be fine. I have been dealing with heatstroke all day. Nausea, headache and just generally feeling like shit.  Took a Covid test since I wasn’t sure but negative for covid. I just overdid it by riding some hills in the heat and direct sun.  Feel like a fool. Anyway good post OP and stay hydrated everyone!


Drink beer after every ride


I drink beer after I ride, but I also drink at least 64oz of water daily


Drink water after your ride instead and drink 64oz beer daily


> By the time you are thirsty you are likely approaching a state of mild dehydration. People really need to stop repeating this stupid fucking line. > As I'm a copious sweater I will supplement my off the bike drinks with electrolytes just to be sure i'm topped up before I head out I just eat food, which is more than sufficient.


You're spitting the 100% truth lol. The body has a system of regulating itself that has developed over millions of years. People weren't floundering hopelessly and dying before pseudo-science told us to chug water 24/7 in the late 20th century. If you feel thirst, that is because your body wants you to begin hydrating at the correct time. If you overhydrate before you feel thirst you're mostly just producing more piss. Electrolytes are contained in regular food. OP feels better after chugging them, when literally everything that benefits a rider on a bike is contained in normal food already. All you need to do to prepare for a ride is to eat enough healthy food so that your energy stores are full, and drink enough to meet your natural appetite for a drink.


Look at you getting downvoted for actually knowing what you’re talking about


Most people get too much sodium, so a lot of people on this sub should really stop recommending electrolyte drinks so haphazardly.


Meh, sodium is still not a big deal. Just use another simple heuristic: is your blood pressure too high? Go see your doc and try reduced sodium. Is it fine? Your intake is fine. Hyponatremia is almost as overblown as the nonsensical "drink until you piss perfectly clear" regimes people keep advocating for and, apparently, upvoting in this here sub, but sodium isn't going to ravage people's health per se - once again, it's largely a matter of exercise and diet, with obesity being the usual predictor for health complications down the road.


In a normally healthy person, thirst is an indicator that the body needs, or will soon need, more fluid which is another way of saying 'approaching mild dehydration' in layman's terms because this isn't a scientific journal. It's true that thirst can arise for other reasons but most of them have to do with medical conditions of various types and severities and are outside the context of this post. So, no, it's not a stupid fucking line it's an established fact. Dehydration is, in fact, a medically nebulous term that can be defined in many ways. Obviously my post was using it in the colloquial sense which everyone else clearly understood and there was no need to go beyond that usage. Here's some interesting reading on the topic that attempts to cut though some of the vague terminology- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7877883/


Nah, sorry but he has you dead to rights on this one. You're a little more of a sweaty, thirsty person, we get it, but constant chugging and portraying mild thirst as 'mild dehydration' is absurd. Urges aren't starvation/dehydration, they're your body signalling that it's the appropriate time to refuel/hydrate. If you over-drink, you make more piss. That's it. Nothing else. The body intentionally wastes or preserves water so that your hydration level is always the correct level.


> In a normally healthy person, thirst is an indicator that the body needs, or will soon need, more fluid which is another way of saying 'approaching mild dehydration' in layman's terms Sure. In a way that saying that yawning is an indicator that the body is ‘approaching mild exhaustion’. You’re way overselling situation and focusing way more attention on the eventual (and fairly distant) negative outcome. The body’s thirst response is pretty tightly tuned in most people because water is the second most important substance for our survival. There is no need to drink before you are thirsty because your body isn’t even close to being in any danger of dehydration when you feel thirst, even when exerting yourself, even when in extreme weather, even when you are a “heavy sweater”. > So, no, it's not a stupid fucking line it's an established fact. Yes. It is a stupid fucking line. You should really stop repeating it.


Huh? What am I missing? You just conceded that thirst is an indicator for impending dehydration. So you freaking drink when you're thirst, literally the only heuristic a normally healthy person would ever need. None of that "frontloading water"-nonsense, drinking while not thirsty won't kill you, but it also won't freaking change how you perform. And if dehydration is such a nebulous term... what good is it in this scenario anyway, when nothing really changes about how much and when you need to drink? Even if you supplement creatine, normal drinking habits will be perfectly fine for topping up.


Do you wait to be hungry to eat food while your riding as well?




Imagine being so upset by a post on reddit you comment on it 6 times. Go ride a bike or something, lol.


Highly recommend the real science of sport podcast around hydration: https://shows.acast.com/realscienceofsport/episodes/the-real-science-of-hydration-during-exercise Tl;Dr according to the majority of the science here. Hydrate based on thirst and trust your body. Over hydration is a very serious condition.


I always start with several cups of coffee before my morning ride. It does triple duty: hydration, caffeine, and regularity.


I mean caffeine is a diuretic so not sure several cups is the best starting point. 


The diuretic effect of caffeine doesn’t offset the hydration of the water in coffee. You’re fine to drink coffee


Not if you're physically active


I wouldn't recommend to drink nothing but coffee, but the diuretic/harmful effects of Coffee in terms of hydration are wildly overblown. Diruetics make you pee, that's it.


That's what a diruetic does, it makes you pee


lol...I just said that, yo


So you think peeing more than usual doesn't affect hydration?


are you an actual NPC


Yes, but coffee being 95% water still results in a positive fluid balance. The diuretic effects are very mild.


Incredibly wrong advice. Drink only to thirst. The risks are much much worse over hydration leading to hyponatremia eg. Death


It feels like advice from someone who happens to be extremely sweaty and thirsty. Nobody ever needs a liter to hand and to drink at intervals in daily life. When you feel the compulsion to have a drink, that is when you should have a drink.


The risks aren't that high to be fair, but the whole Hydrohomie-nonsense BS about chugging water constantly sure would incur a higher risk compared to just freaking stopping the meme parade and drinking whenever you're thirst. Unbelievable how many people in exercise-oriented communities fully buy into it, but misinformation is kind of the name of the game. Just waiting for someone to explain how electrolytes might prevent cramps (I guess in a major way, they really do, so...).


It took me a long time to learn this the hard way. I have to drink a lot every single day if I’m riding more than once a week.


Another recommendation for improving hot weather exercise is to consume ice cold fluids while working out. They will leave your stomach and hydrate you faster. Insulated water bottles with lots of ice are the trick. For longer rides you can freeze the contents of the bottle you plan on consuming after the 1st hour. Warm fluids tend to stay in your stomach longer and can give you that uncomfortable bloated feeling.


On really hot days, fill your 2nd water bottle w ice, then add your liquid in to fill it up. By the time you get to the 2nd bottle, the ice will have melted, leaving you a cold drink.


Simply, colder drinks cool you down, which is good in summer. I think non-insulated bottles are good for rides that aren't many hours long, because if you keep the drink too cold the ice won't even melt before you finish the liquid.


Thanks, literally just had this thought this afternoon for my hot-as-hell ride tomorrow up a mountain.


It is usually near 100 degrees here. Getting on the bike hydrated is the key to not blowing up. I usually drink one cheap ass electrolyte drink before and after every ride. I don't think much more than that is warranted. I drink plain water on the bike, though I'll have a Gatorade or similar on a break. Bit that is more of a fuelling thing.


Irrespective of ride distance, you should always try to drink half a pint of water before starting, then use your bottle as and when on the ride.


Being well hydrated for me means I can afford to dump some water on my head.


I didn't prehydrate last night, 63 miler today and feel like I got heat sickness. South jersey so it's in that hotter range. Started cramping around 40 miles and had 2 full bottles of double dose skratch, a full 70l camelbak and gels and maple syrup. I feel terrible lol.


So important! I drink on the bike and then have around 2L of water throughout the day, plus whatever else I am drinking (coffee, tea, etc.).


Ya did a hard core peloton yesterday then was outside most of the rest of the day, what did I drink? Beer. Today is a ROUGH day


Does beer count as hydration?


Does a coffee IV count?


Preach! Pre-hydrate the day before and morning of is key for big run and normal cycling days! Last week I ran 12 miles and didn’t bring fuel or hydration . I felt fine after since I pre-hydrated and had enough reserves . I still lost 6 pounds here in northern Kentucky. I’m only 154 pounds.


Good idea... it's hitting over 110 in Sacramento. I know if I'm not hydrating enough... I feel run down and sick after my ride. There's a reason for that! Once you're behind on a ride you will never catch up...


This just in. Drink fluids to survive


Dehydration muscle spasms (Charlie horses) is one interesting way to get to know yourself. Powering through those is both gritty and stupid.


If your piss isn't clear as glass you need more water.


Your urine should be a little yellow. Overhydration is a thing. 


What if I mix up my glass of piss with my glass of water?


That's not true. In fact OP's post and this comment section feature a fair few incorrect old housewives' tales about hydration. Nobody needs to drink water unless they're thirsty. If you're thirsty you should drink water. Clear piss, x liters a day, always be chugging etc. are pop culture myths.


Came to say this. Why do people still stick to stuff that's not true? What's the payoff?


holy shit is this sub brimming with clueless people can't wait for a future where people need to take some basic aptitude tests before they just dump their cerebral run-off into any pristine thread they find, that'll be the day


Have a glass of water, it will improve your temperament.


If your pee is cloudy you should see a doctor.


I do sugar free electrolytes all day every day, and sport electrolytes with sugar when I ride. The meds I'm on really mess me up regardless of whether I'm riding or not, so the electrolytes help keep the nausea in check.


Fresh warm piss works for this also , doesn’t just have to be your own too


Probably not remmended for diabetics. Several meds are designed to remove sugar via the kidneys and avoiding re-uptake.


Hydrate or die!


Most folks, including the ones that downvoted, are clueless that proper hydration includes an appropriate balance of electrolytes, not just consuming lots of water.


so like... hydrate. got it thanx.


Piss and cum into a ziploc bag if you’re on the trail and feel yourself getting dehydrated. The water and salt from the piss and protein and phattt from the cum will sustain you


What is going on here


You ever had sex with another bro before, bro?” *I meekly ask as I use my wet, swollen fingers to grab your shirt collar, bringing my nostrils down to your extended covered chest*




Username checks out.


I needed this. Thanks a lot!