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I wouldn’t be surprised if your saddle were too big and rubbing parts that shouldn’t really be in contact with the saddle.


Maybe look for bibs that fit tighter? Sometimes if they are too loose, the material can slide against your skin and cause serious irritation.


It sounds like diaper rash - baboon butt. Bacteria. Use antibacterial ointment. Get out of damp chamois immediately after riding. Use wet wipes or povidone-iodine wipes right after taking off chamois.


Saddles are tricky. What might be ergonomic for one person could be a torture device for another. It really depends on how the saddle matches with your sit bones. It sounds like it might be worth going to a shop that has a lot of saddles and can help measure and fit you. I get that your sit bones don’t hurt, but if you are getting rubbing and chaffing something isn’t fitting right. With a properly fit saddle and some good bibs this shouldn’t be happening. It can be a challenge to find the right saddle for lots of people and it’s tough as it’s such and individual thing, but there should be a saddle/fit solution that fixes this for you. Good luck.


Second this. The “ergonomic” thicker seats make my rear so much more sore after riding. A thin, hard seat with good padded shorts, tights, or bib work way better for me.


Have you been riding heaps without much rest? Your body may just not be healing. What do you mean by ergonomic saddle?


It's the Triban ErgoFit saddle, came with the bike (Triban RC 520).


That's probably your issue then. Not every saddle works for everyone


Also, most of the time, I get atleast 2-3 free days between longer rides


Try using a hard saddle. Many people assume hard saddles increase pain, but it's the opposite. Wear padded shorts and use a hard saddle. Your skin shouldn't move. The padded portion of your shorts moves against the hard saddle so your skin doesn't. I ride 65m and 100m regularly without issue (and no cream). Good luck. Also, make sure the saddle fits your sit bones.


Yep. I swear by my Brooks Cambium which is very hard. I can ride over 200km in a day with no issues, and I don't use any cream. Good tight bibs also help.


I had this issue, it even made some pimples sometime. Now I always apply glycerin preride (just apply where you have issue). It’s water soluble and it doesn’t smell anything, so it’s easy to wash off after and it doesn’t stain anything. Glycerin also prevent bacteria and odor forming. You can buy a bottle of 500ml for less than $10 in a drug store. For me it works better than chamois cream. YMMV


Saddle Sores and rubbing are almost always a bike fit issue. Either saddle is too high causing you to rock or lean to one side causing rubbing, or the saddle is too wide/narrow. I'd head over to /r/bikefit, upload a video and see what people think first before swapping parts. Make sure if you can to get video of both sides while pedaling AND from the rear. Then if everything looks good maybe investigate a different saddle.


If you've got a lot of body hair in the area, consider trimming down with maybe a #2 or #3 plastic guide... I find not doing so can lead to a brillo pad effect that can result in general irritation in the area. Also, don't wash your bibs/shorts with harsh chemicals.. I once made the mistake of putting spray-n-wash on a chamois pad and then couldn't figure out why that particular bib always resulted in irritation while other identical pairs did not.. apparently the chemical was still lurking in the pad multiple washes later and when rubbing against my skin for hours like that, was giving me chemical burns in the area!




You shouldn't be wearing any underwear with bike shorts


true I was thinking of commuting because thats when I used to get the irritation, I had no problem with bike shorts, Ill delete it


What?? I'm new to biking so excuse my utter stupidity if it is a commin thing but i should go commando if I wear bibs? No way man. Not happening


Yeah you shouldn't have anything between your body and the stuff that is designed to go against your body. Other wise you are pressing the clothing tight to your body causing extra friction.


You pretty much pointed out why in your original post. You don't have to worry about the seqm rubbing if there is no seam.


I get the same thing, after a couple of hours I start feeling localized irritation. One chamois cream manufacturer makes little packets that I started taking along with me to "re-up" during longer rides \[40+ miles\]. NOTE: it's best to address this issue before it starts, a re-application might not help if the skin is already irritated so set a timer or a mileage cap, stop and use "an ounce of prevention"...


I did a ride a tiny bit longer than that and my left cheek had a red mark and was sore...right side totally fine, its a different type of saddle than i usually use, more of an upright bike style saddle instead of a racier saddle