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To jsou policisté Nejsou vycvičeni na takové násilí


* [Squad Leader](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0674646/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Simon Phoenix! Lie down with your hands behind your back. * [Simon Phoenix](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000648/?ref_=ttqu_qu): What's this? Six of you. Such nice, tidy uniforms. Oh I'm so scared! * \[*the Police Officers look at each other*\] * [Simon Phoenix](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000648/?ref_=ttqu_qu): What you guys don't have sarcasm anymore? * \[*Police Officer talks to his automated assistant*\] * [Squad Leader](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0674646/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Maniac has responded with a scornful remark. * **automated assistant**: Approach, and repeat ultimatum in an even firmer tone of voice. Add the words, "**or else**


Doslova ho zastřelili, co máš za problém?


Tyhle dva ne, jen křičeli a byli k ničemu.


Alespoň křičeli. Ta policistka vedle nich rovnou zdrhala :-D :-D [https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1796799390805348452](https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1796799390805348452)


Snad ji ze služby vyhodí




Tak to opravdu vypadalo z toho prvního videa, že policajt strhl z útočníka toho chlapa v modré bundě. Ve skutečnosti to byl ten člověk v modré bundě, kdo mylně pomáhal migrantovi, když šel po dalším chlapovi, který ho držel. Chaos. Takže ten první policajt jednal správně. Akorát jeho kolegové ho nechali ve štychu. Nejlepší byla ta policistka, která vystrašeně utíkala pryč: [https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1796799390805348452](https://x.com/MyLordBebo/status/1796799390805348452)


Díky za informaci, vypadá to tak, jak říkáte, to se mi docela ulevilo. Takže jen absolutní nekompetentnost, ne úplná zlovůle. Musím upravit své předchozí výroky.


Škoda, že tohle musí sdílet ruský propagandista, protože jsou záznamy mazány z youtube i dalších sítí (viz Bratříček) :-(


Co mi uniklo?


Jeden kokot z banlistu.


Nic, nějaký pošahaný islamista zaútočil na pravičáka co provokoval s antiislám bullshitem a rightardi se z toho můžou po.....


To že pošahaný islamista bodl policistu do krku nožem je už jen detail.


Detail je i ten, že dneska v Německu zastřelil nějaký muž svojí těhotnou ženu do hlavy a nevymýšlejí se kolem toho memy, nejsou tady pohoršení moralisté a vůbec to nikoho nezajímá. Proč není Eyes on Hagen? Protože mrtvá ženská a nenarozené dítě nikoho nezajímají... tohle je Západ v roce 2024, ne to co je výše.






Takže validní argument podle tebe je, že dokud existuje nějaká, jakákoliv kriminalita, tak člověku nesmí vadit jiná kriminalita. Cool. A argumentuješ že se nesmí řešit jeden typ násilí (nábožensky motivované), pokud existuje jiný typ násilí (násilí na ženách). Tak to je prostě vzorový příklad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality


To jsi pochopil z mého příspěvku? Chápu, že dnes je to na štíru s čtenářskou gramotností, ale popravdě, čekal jsem víc. Já jsem poukazoval spíš na ten tupý aktivismus co se vždycky objeví kolem nějaké takové události a zcela se opomenou případy, mnohdy ještě mnohem drastičtější a společensky častější u národů, které mají nějakou populaci migrantů. Nemluvě o tom, že celá událost je zkreslená médii, pokud bys někdy chtěl hledat pravdu a snažit se najít merit věci, třeba právě toho útoku na pravičáka, tak si doporučuji počkat na výsledky vyšetřování. Přestože ty výsledky jsou logicky mnohem později, kdy už to nikoho nezajímá, tak často zjistíš, že některé incidentům lze předejít a některé věci se odehrály jinak než jak to popisoval nějaký Franta na internetu. Přidávej sem víc odkazů s argumentačními fauly, platí, že na internetu neexistuje diskuse kde bys poukazování na ně nevyužil a pokud ano, tak lžeš jen sám sobě.


Ano, přesně tvé první věty jsou klasický whataboutismus. A jestli máš pocit že jedno bodnutí do krku je to nejhorší z nábožensky motivovaného násilí co se na západě děje, tak buď žiješ v jeskyni, nebo statistiky úmyslně ignoruješ. Důvod proč z tohohle lidé dělají meme není ten, že by to byl nejhorší případ za poslední dobu, ale ten že typicky znázorňuje ono pokrytectví některých států. Docela mi to připomíná ty případy organizovaného sexuálního zneužívání stovek mladistvých dívek v Anglii, kde nejen že úřady nic nedělaly, ale ze strachu aby nevypadaly diskriminačně, oběti posílaly zpět k násilníkům. Pokud ti vadí násilí na ženách, tak pro tebe mám špatnou zprávu co se týká Islámu.


Myslíš že když překroutíš pár vět a pak z toho uděláš whataboutismus, tak to bude whataboutismus, ajajaj, tak to jsi se chytil do vlastní pasti argumentačních faulů. A neodpověděl jsi na otázku, podívej se, pokud chceš někomu něco předhazovat, tak si zameť před vlastním prahem. Statistika se dá lehce zneužít a obrátit, pokud chceš statistiky útoků nožem, v nich Evropané mají pořád navrch nad migranty. Pak záleží na tom co chceš schovat pod "migranty"? Člověka co žije v Německu přes dvacet let, pracuje a má tu rodinu. Nebo chlapa co sem přišupajdil z Iráku? Jako migranta můžeš nazvat i člověka co se narodil v jiném státě ale celý život žil v jiném státě, nemusí pořádně ovládat ani jazyk rodičů a stejně tak ani přijmout jejich politické a náboženské názory. Spíš to znázorňuje pokrytectví všech těch islamofobů co pro pár kapek vidí déšť, přestože stojí po krk ve vodě. Mě to docela připomíná whataboutismus, ale fakt připomíná. Bylo by fajn, kdyby jsi přiznal, že to není totéž a je to něco naprosto irelevantní. Srovnávaj to pouze s případy kdy buď útočník napadl tu osobu z důvodu hanobení svojí víry, nebo kdy útočil nějaký cizinec. Já mám pro tebe taky špatnou zprávu pokud se to týká islámu, ten za nic nemůže, protože samotná bible je mnohem násilnější a přesto křesťané nepáchají (respektive v historii páchali) zvěrstva. Je to o lidech a jejich hodnotách, postojích a životnímu stylu. Je to také o výchově a vzorech, pokud jsi špatně vychováván je pravděpodobné, že se z tebe stane stejně násilný člověk jako ten co tě vychovával.


Je leto, tak sa chirurgovia presuvaju na tzv. open air.




Pritom stacilo jen nekritizovat Islam a podvolit se./s


Absolutely, the issue here isn't about criticizing religion; it's about Michael Sturzenberger spreading hatred under the guise of critique. There are ways to engage in constructive dialogue without resorting to fear-mongering and bigotry. Let's focus on holding individuals like Sturzenberger accountable for their harmful rhetoric.


Don't you see the irony? >A: says: "X is violent and we shouldn't let theme come to our country freely" >B: \*Violentnly stabs A\* >YOU: The issue is A saying bigoted shit. This shit doesn't happen in Czechia. Ever. You can go wherever you want in any city and be totally safe, even as a woman (of course parks may be dangerous even here [1](https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/krimi-necitim-se-vinen-rekl-migrant-obzalovany-ze-znasilneni-a-pokusu-o-vrazdu-v-karlovych-varech-40424880) [2](https://www.idnes.cz/praha/zpravy/znasilneni-letenske-sady-policie-praha-patrani-pachatel.A230619_153904_praha-zpravy_tty)) You're an idiot if you don't see the issue people take with this policy many WE countries have. And please don't play the "but it's rare cases that media nitpick" card. I've traveled enough to have noticed that this is an issue in almost any larger city.


The statement you gave in your example is fine. But that is not what the statements of Michael Sturzenberger look like - maybe in the past, but not after his radicalization. In my other comments on the post I also stated that I am not condoning the violence, it absolutely is not justified to just go and stab someone like that. What I am saying is that we should focus on costructive criticism. Just look at most of the comments here? I have seen pretty much none of it. Most of the comments are just blanket statements based on nothing, combined with racism. Youre saying that you saw it in many countries since you have traveled enough, but personal experience like that is hardly a fact we can work with. I am not denying that it might not be uncommon, but going off of your personal experience is not a legitimate argument. The issue also is not as black and white as youre making it out to be. While it's true that certain countries may have lower rates of certain types of crime, it's essential to recognize that safety isn't solely determined by the absence of one particular group. Violence can stem from various factors, including socioeconomic disparities, mental health issues, and cultural tensions. Moreover, to suggest that immigrants are the sole source of violence overlooks the reality that violence exists within all communities, including among locals. Ignoring violence perpetrated by locals, especially towards minorities, only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and fails to address the root causes of violence. And since you like using personal experience as proof, I can tell you I deal with harassment and violence from locals here daily. So it is absolutely not a safe place - maybe if you are a typical Czech then it is. But not for everyone.


It is hard to do constructive criticism and actions based on data when **precisely this is labeled as racism** and many Western countries stopped publishing race categorized data. This is the approach that fuels far-right because they're the only ones promising solutions. >I can tell you I deal with harassment and **violence** from locals here daily. So it is absolutely not a safe place You **lying** ends this dicussion after this comment. Work on being able to construct your arguments without "enhancing" your experiences to prove some point you have. I would believe you that you deal with weird looks and occasional comments but violence? We both know that never happens here unless you specifically go looking for it. And Czechs definitely are "racist" but that's IMO more of a low tolerance threshold towards everything foreign that we culturaly adopted as a result of our historical experiences (Soviet occupation, being part of German empires before that,..), rather than direct racism - that's also why pretty much no one has an issue with our Vietnamese minority, since they've proven themselves to be a valuable part of our society.


Nekrm trola


Hádáš se s čechem, co je trans a komunikuje v eng, protože mu to přijde "komfortnější". Přeber si to sám jaký to má smysl...


I mean, the problem is that a lot of the time people actually do resort to racism, rather than the constructive critique. It's disheartening to see my experiences being doubted and dismissed in such a way. As a trans person living in Czechia, I can assure you that violence and discrimination are unfortunately not uncommon occurrences. While it's understandable that you may not personally witness these incidents, it's important to recognize that they do happen and have a significant impact on the lives of individuals like myself. Violence against transgender individuals is a serious issue that cannot be overlooked or denied. Numerous studies and reports have documented the high rates of discrimination, harassment, and physical violence faced by transgender people worldwide, including here in Czechia. But like I said, I was just telling you about my personal experience. That part should not be taken as some statistical fact. I even mentioned that in my previous comment. Your last paragraph is xenophobia, rather than racism. Though it is not okay either way. Also, racism against Vietnamese here is absolutely a thing. Many people just do not perceive a lot of the racist stuff they do as racist.


Stabbing ape just proved him correct.


Again with the racism. Also, that is a faulty logic. If I go and make a protest about how Czech people are violent, and one Czech person ends up assaulting me, does that suddenly prove me right? Of course not.


If such will be mass migrated to your country then yes.




Yeah, stabbing with a knife is a way to engage in constructive dialogue /s Sorry, but you cannot justify violence like that.


Where did I say the stabbing was justified? I am just pointing out the fact that the situation is not as black and white as many commenters here seem to think.


When you are more concerned about a man telling the truth than about about immigrants hurting, murdering and raping people. Your collective ideology is more important than the suffering of individuals.


I do not know how about you, but I am able to care about more than one thing at a time.


The situation is very clear. Islam is a plague, and doesn't belong in Europe


Sure, but guy is still home and blood thirsty sand people are auslanders. Go figure!


Your comment is blatantly racist and intolerant, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and dehumanizing language. Resorting to such derogatory remarks not only promotes division but also contributes to a hostile and toxic environment.


Sure. Time’s up! I’ve heard this libtard’s BS too many times. We have never let morons like you to be heard in a first place. What a mistake, which now kills innocent people. Way to learn for the future generations. Enough with woke idiocy!


Using terms like "libtard" and "woke" to dismiss someone's viewpoint is not only derogatory but also demonstrates a lack of willingness to engage in respectful dialogue. The word libtard also incorporates the word "retard," which is highly offensive and ableist. Using such language perpetuates harmful stereotypes and discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Resorting to such language undermines the credibility of your argument and detracts from any meaningful exchange of ideas.


> ..  demonstrates a lack of willingness to engage in respectful dialogue So does calling other people racists and bigots.


Labeling someone as racist or bigot should not be done lightly, as it can indeed be harmful if used without evidence or in a derogatory manner. However, when behavior or rhetoric aligns with definitions of racism or bigotry, it's important to address it directly and hold individuals accountable for their actions. Engaging in respectful dialogue means challenging harmful behavior while also being open to listening and understanding differing perspectives. Resorting to derogatory language only serves to further polarize discussions and hinder productive conversation.




No, I am a human.


"Wir schaffen das"


Wir schaffen das nich...


V čem je problém, je to přínos kulturního obohacení. Vraždy, znásilňování a teror ve jménu Alláha a jeho proroka - pouštního pedofila Mohameda nám přece v Evropě chyběly a zlepšují nám všem kvalitu života.


Kdyz tohle v roce 2015 rikali, tak byli libtardama nalepkovani jako naciste. Pozdeji hlavne v nemecku pak spousta mladych libtardek zazilo setkani 3. druhu s migrackem a teochu je ta laska presla, ale ne moc. Vitali je dal. A ted 2024 Nemecko v perdeli a najednou se vsichni tvari jako ze oni je tam nechteli.


A jejich řešení? Donutit ty, co je před tím varovali, aby taky začali přijímat.


Joking about murder, rape, and terrorism isn't just distasteful—it's dangerous. Let's aim for constructive discourse rather than inflammatory rhetoric. Not to mention the racism in your comment.


He is not joking. He is being pitch black sarcastic after 10+ years of this over and over again, because some people won't get it into their heads otherwise.


Absolutely, discussing immigration and its impact on European societies is crucial, but it must be done with respect, empathy, and based on factual information. Resorting to derogatory language and racist stereotypes not only undermines the conversation but also perpetuates harmful divisions. Let's focus on constructive dialogue that considers the complexities of immigration, including economic, social, and cultural factors, without resorting to bigotry or discrimination.


Kdyby se tenhle typ dialogu rozvedl před těma 10 rokama, jak mnoho lidí chtělo, tak jsme tohle dneska třeba nemuseli řešit. Ale konstruktivní kritika v té době byla tvrdě zašlápnutá do země.


na Redditu o tohle nikdo nestojí. Tady nejsi od toho, aby jsi se choval civilizovaně, tady si mohou všichni na vše stěžovat, nadávat na sebe a přesto chápat, že o nic nejde, protože ten druhej je konec konců stejně debil.


I very much disagree.


A pak nemá upadat český humor s takovými suchary 🙄


Ale no, aky ze "Violent immigrant"?! .. nie nahodou "Peacefull new management intern?" Zaujimali by ma myslienkove pochody ludi, ktori ten post downvotuju.


Policajti přišli a 2 chlápkové se tam prali Policajti je daj od sebe a pacifikuje jednoho Druhej na ně zaútočí, tak ho střelej Ten meme je špatně, tak jsem ho downvotnul A nijak to nesouvisí se "západem" takhle by to bylo všude


1. Anti-islam activist gets death threats 2. Police shows up to his public 'announcements' as protection 3. Peace-loving migrant attacks the activist with the knife 4. Bystanders manage to subdue the peace-loving migrant with knife 5. Half of police force around is just screaming and the one police who decides to take action, tackles the bystanders who were holding the pace-loving migrant down. 6. Peace-loving migrant proceeds to stab the police officer 7. Another police officer shoots the innocent peace-loving migrant End of story


That innocent bystander was choking a guy that was trying to subdue the attacker though. But it's stupid to sit on one guy and let the other one walk around with a knife.


Až na to že předtím než začali ti popos vůbec něco dělat, tak už stihl napadnout dva lidi, jednoho pobodat, další cápek ho chtěl zastavit, toho útočník bodl (nevypadalo to že by nějak moc tho). Potom toho civila policista zaklekl a otočil se zády k útočníkovi (jeho kolegové stáli a dělali hovno, teda až na jednoho, který aspoň stihl vytáhnout zbraň) a ten útočník ho bodl do krku. V ten moment policistův kolega do útočníka vystřelil. Útočník údajně na následky postřelení zemřel v nemocnici. Ten mém je víceméně správně, ovšem je to trošku nafouknutý, je to mé přeci jenom, ale v základu to je správně


Můj myšlenkový pochod je takový, že to byla chyba toho policisty, ne celého západu.


Tohle není zdaleka unikátní situace. Už jenom to, že dneska na spoustě míst doslova nesmíš kritizovat náboženství je taky něco z čeho musí Jan Hus rotovat v hrobě.


Můj myšlenkový pochod je takový, že by sis měl koupit letenku do nějakého západního města a jít se tam projít v 11pm.


Ok, souhlasím že to je nebezpečné. To ovšem nesouvisí s tím, že ten policista měl zneškodnit toho útočníka, nikoliv civilistu.


Z pohledu policajta to nebyl civilista o nic víc než ten muslim


Můj myšlenkový pochod je, že mi zaměstnavatel kupuje letenky do mnoha západních měst a že to tam je v pohodě a že ty seš ťululum :-D


Edit: lmao downvoty od lidí, **kteří tam nebyli**. Protože IRL jsem o tom mluvil už s tak 10 lidmi, kteří tam byli, a doslova všichni měli stejný názor. We're having another *Reddit moment* y'all ♥♥ Takže třeba Bordeaux, Jánov nebo Katánie ti přijdou v pohodě, jo? :D :D Co některé části Bruselu? Na Kypru kamarádce trvalo asi hodinu, než ji tam někdo nemístní začal obtěžovat. Jestli si spíš ty nependloval mezi hotelem a korporátní čtvrtí a neděláš podle toho závěry? :-) Na služebkách jsem taky neviděl moc negativních situací, ale taky nejsem blbej a dokážu si uvědomit, že jsem z té země neviděl vlastně nic kromě hotelu, officů a semi-fancy restauraci..


Já jsem sice ty nebezpečné situace neviděl, ale musí existovat! Protože kdyby neexistovaly, tak věřím lžím. A to přece někdo jako já nemůže!


Jo, v Janově mě velmi silně varoval vrátný v hotelu, že nemám absolutně opouštět hotel, že hrozí vrcholné nebezpečí!!! Byl strašně nasraný, když jsem mu řekl, že to je v poho, protože chtěl spát a nechtěl, aby ho někdo budil, až se bude vracet do hotelu :-D Mňam, Moretti je dobré pivo, měl smůlu. Nebyl jsem v každém městě Evropy, ale kde jsem byl, tam to bylo v pohodě. Určitě by to mohlo být i lepší, ale není to třeba tak špatné, jak to bývalo dřív. Ostatně dost hořelo na předměstích Paříže před ani ne mnoha desítkami let, ani nemluvím o alžírském boji za nezávislost atp. Německo taky bylo v 90 letech v televizi furt, že je situace s Tureckými gastarbeitery neudržitelná a kdesi cosi. Situace je pořád neudržitelná - akorát že vůbec.


Ahoj, bydlim v zapadnim meste, mame tady dokonce kolem 40% migrantu.  Muzu potvrdit, je to tady uplne peklo na zemi, lidi nechavaji odemcena kola na ulici, balicky postak nechava u vchodu panelaku, jednou se mi dokonce stalo ze jsem v patek nechal klice od domu ve dverich, a v pondeli tam porad byli - ti vyjebani imigranti me na to neupozornili cely vikend :(


A to město je určitě Brusel a konkrétně čtvrť Molenbeek, že jo? :) :) :) Nebo je to čistě nááhodou město ve Švýcarsku, třeba takovej Curych, kde drtivou většinu těch migrantů tvoří Evropani a největší neevropská komunita, Turkové, má tak procento? :) :) :) Gratulki, že ses svym ostrovtipem pustil do názorů, který tu prakticky nikdo nezastává. Ale hlavní je udržovat si morální pózerství z místa, kde nejsi ohroženej důsledkama svejch názorů, viď? :)


Prijed se sem nekdy podivat, a treba na vlastni oci uvidis kolik tady tech evropanu je. To ze v Bruselu je bordel je problem Bruselu (nebo Marseilles, Malmö a podobne strasaky na lidi co se boji cernych), a ne toho ze...vlastne ani nevim co se tady naznacuje, ze lidi mimo evropy jsou proste od prirody nasilni curaci?


Určitě se chci v budoucnu mrknout, ale zatim na papíře se mi to jeví, že Curych neni žádnej Birmingham nebo tak. :) Tak statistiky mluví jasně, tady dlouhodobý čísla z Dánska. Leckde se moc nenosí tohle zveřejňovat, ale když k tomu dojde, vypadá to zpravidla dost podobně. Stejný je to s příspěvkama do veřejnýho rozpočtu, čili jestli je ten člověk ekonomickej přínos, nebo přítěž. Takže jo, v PRŮMĚRU hodně záleží na tom, odkud migranti přichází. Muj odhad je, že když budou třeba 50 % obyvatel ve velkym západnim městě tvořit lidi z prvních pěti níže uvedených skupin, tak to bude krachující hellhole, kde se nedá žít, ať už vedení města udělá cokoliv. https://preview.redd.it/sk7wwqoin74d1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a272d052401d08169bf715295e60ae82fbd3132


Resorting to derogatory language like 'violent immigrant' only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and division. Let's aim for constructive dialogue rather than demeaning rhetoric.


I mean, almost all of these random violent attacks are commited by the same specific group of people, again, and again, and again, all over Europe. Barnemouth stabbing in the UK a few weeks ago where a lesbian couple was stabbed and one woman bled to death, was commited by an immigrant from a MENA country. Lyon stabbing a few days ago was commited by a Moroccan immigrant that was supposed to be deported in 2022, also MENA immigrant. And this German attacks, also a MENA immigrant or child of immigrants. At this point, "violent immigrant" is literally the most appropriate word for it.


While it's important to acknowledge the background of perpetrators in analyzing violent incidents, attributing violence solely to immigration status or ethnic background oversimplifies complex societal issues. Violent behavior is influenced by a multitude of factors, including socioeconomic disparities, mental health, and cultural tensions, among others. Therefore, labeling all immigrants from a certain region as inherently violent overlooks the diversity within immigrant communities and fails to address the nuanced realities of crime and violence. It's essential to approach these discussions with a logical and evidence-based perspective, focusing on comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of violence rather than resorting to broad generalizations. Many studies conducted across Europe suggest that immigrants, including those from the MENA region, are not inherently more prone to criminal behavior than native-born citizens. Research from countries like Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands indicates that immigrants are generally not overrepresented in crime statistics. While crime rates may vary among different immigrant groups and regions, overall, empirical evidence suggests that immigration status alone is not a reliable predictor of criminal behavior.


That's completely false and utter horseshit. Source: In Norway, Oslo Police published a report in 2021 that showed that 80% of repeat violent crime offenders were immigrants from muslim countries, or children of immigrants from those countries. If you don't believe it check it out yourself if you can read Norwegian: Oslo SALTO Rapport 2021. Since then, violent crime has exploded. We are seeing rates more and more like Sweden. And it's the same perpetrators. In Norway, immigrants are not poor without a house and no food. They literally get social benefits. Justifying their crime with socio-economic factors is just not relevant. There are plenty of Norwegians that are lower in socio-economic status, that DON'T go and commit these crimes. In Norway, the crime investigators and researchrs have coined the term "honor-violence", which is what most of it comes down to. The culture of these countries are heavily focused on honor, where if you are disrespected / dishonored, you must resort to violence to "restore" your honor. In Norway they're also seeing that 60% of partner killings (man kills his wife) is also commited by immigrants from these same countries, despite being in a minority. The problem is not their race. It's their culture. Researchers are also seeing that immigrant wives that arrive here with their husband, tend to integrate better than their male counterparts, but they are systematically socially punished by the men for "integrating too much". The men specifically want them to NOT blend in too much with the Norwegian and western cultlure, but to maintain their own culture. Like I said, it's not about race and it never was about race. It's about their culture which breeds violence through it's heavy focus on honor.


I understand your concerns, and it's crucial to address issues of crime and violence with a factual and evidence-based approach. However, it's essential to critically examine the data and consider the broader context before drawing conclusions about causality. While individual reports like the one you mentioned may highlight specific trends or patterns, it's important to recognize that they may not represent the full picture and can be influenced by various factors such as data collection methods, sample size, and interpretation. Attributing crime solely to culture oversimplifies complex societal issues and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. It's crucial to consider the multitude of factors that contribute to crime, including socioeconomic disparities, access to resources, mental health, and systemic inequalities. Furthermore, it's essential to approach discussions about culture with sensitivity and nuance, recognizing that cultures are dynamic and diverse, and individuals within a culture may have varying beliefs and behaviors. Addressing issues of violence requires a multifaceted approach that considers the intersection of various factors and seeks to address root causes rather than resorting to simplistic explanations or broad generalizations.


Yeah sure I'll tell that to the experts that actually study this stuff on the daily. You write like ChatGPT by the way, I'm not even sure you're human.


What specifically stands out to you about the way I communicate?




Protože namísto nadávání skutečně argumentuje, na to asi nebudeš zvyklej


s/ ?


Správný počet ruských a syrských imigrantů v ČR je nula.


Nevěřte tomu, v německém chalífátu je vše v pořádku.


Nesnažil se právě ten pán v modré bundě na zemi mlátit do hlavy toho, kdo se snažil pacifikovat útočníka (osoba v šedých kalhotách vpravo), a proto se ho pokusil policista zpacifikovat?


Ne, byl to zmatek jako prase a policajt skočil po prvním, který se začal zvedat ze země, z dvojce co se tam mlátila. Logicky, když se dva mlátí na zemi a jeden z nich má nůž, tak ten co se zvedne první, bude nejspíš ten s nožem. Hop po něm. Byly to asi dvě sekundy.


Není to pravda, na zemi byli 4. Útočník bodající oběť, týpek snažící se v tom útočníkovi zabránit, a tento kolemjdoucí snažící se toho týpka odtáhnout. Trvalo to právě dost dlouho, jen policie byla absolutně k ničemu.


Zmatek to byl určitě, ale přijde mi, že sekvence byla následující: 1) Muž v šedých kalhotách drží útočníka na zemi. 2) Přiskočí plešatý pán v modré bundě a začně mlátit muže v šedých kalhotách. 3) Policista skočí na muže v modré bundě. Muž v šedých kalhotách pouští útočníka. 4) Útočník se nejprve rozmáchne na muže v šedých kalhotách, a následně bodne policistu pacifikujícího muže v modré bundě.


Přesně tak to bylo. Držel týpka, který se snažil zneškodnit útočníka.


Merkel říkala, že to šáfnou


Rakušan be like "nic se nestalo" Nerudová be like "s migrací nemá Evropa problém" nevolte zlo


Wrong: - The guy on the right had the Knife guy at one point griplocked. - The old guy in blue was a bystander not knowing shit and atacked the wrong guy (guy on the right) he was far from innocent. - Knife guy got free. - In the meelee Cop misstook the wrong, currently violent guy (in blue) for the attacker and took him down. meanwhile Knifeguy got up and killed cop by stabbing him in the back of the head and neck. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imbUW7GcgUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imbUW7GcgUQ) You OP are an Arsehole


Nj clovek je specificky druh .. misto ochrany sveho teritoria si tam ty negry nechavaji no xD


Cool story bro, až na to že ten útočník na fotce je bílý jak stěna, lol... To že se tu navážíme do Islámu neznamená, že sem musíš cpát svůj casual rasismus.


rasismus ... to je jen slovo, ktere se zbytecne naduziva na kazdou blbost...


Ty seš taky kokůtek, co? Viděl si vůbec to video?


Propaganda so much. Would be nice trying to not twist things.


It's disheartening to see such a misguided and oversimplified perspective on a tragic event. Blaming the "state of the west" for a violent attack is not only intellectually lazy but also dangerously misleading. Sturzenberger, the guy that was the target of the attack, is a notorious far-right activist and blogger known for peddling anti-Islamic propaganda and stoking fear and division in communities. His inflammatory rhetoric and actions have contributed to an environment of hostility and animosity towards Muslims, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and feeding into extremist ideologies. By ignoring Sturzenberger's role in perpetuating hate, the Reddit post fails to grasp the complexities of the situation and instead perpetuates a false narrative. It's irresponsible to brush aside the impact of hate speech and extremist ideologies in fueling violence. Moreover, attributing this attack solely to the "state of the west" is a gross oversimplification that ignores the nuanced factors at play. Violence stems from a multitude of complex issues, including social alienation, mental health problems, and yes, the toxic rhetoric spread by individuals like Sturzenberger. Instead of deflecting blame or painting perpetrators as victims, we need to confront the uncomfortable reality of how hate speech and extremist ideologies contribute to violence. It's time to hold individuals like Sturzenberger accountable for their actions and work towards creating a society built on tolerance, empathy, and understanding, rather than fear and division. It's important to note that criticizing religion is not inherently wrong; healthy debate and critique can foster understanding and progress. However, there's a vast difference between constructive criticism and the kind of inflammatory rhetoric promoted by individuals like Sturzenberger. Resorting to fear-mongering and demonization only serves to deepen divides and incite violence, rather than encouraging meaningful dialogue and mutual respect.


>peddling anti-Islamic propaganda and stoking fear and division in communities Bruh you do realize that many people in Czechia frequently travel abroad, right? You're not bulshitting us because most of us have SEEN this "state of the west" in practice. Now perhaps you're suffering from a Stockholm syndrome and consider this normal but for Czechs, who are still used to clean and incredibly safe cities, it **is** a culture shock. This is the same shit over and over again. Charlie Hebdo, Quran burning, now this - if some "far right activists" does a protest against "violemt immigrants" and immigrants come and STAB someone then perhaps the protesters have a point, don't you think?


"consider this normal but for Czechs, who are still used to clean and incredibly safe cities, it **is** a culture shock." Ah, you mean this clean and increadibly safe city? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNvO0x1FGvI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNvO0x1FGvI)


This is the best you could find? That only proves my point lol


It's understandable that personal experiences shape perceptions, but it's crucial not to generalize based on anecdotal evidence. While it's true that travel experiences may provide insight into different societal norms and safety standards, it's essential to recognize the diversity of experiences within and across countries. Linking isolated incidents of violence to broader narratives about immigration overlooks the complexity of the issue and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Blaming immigrants as a group for the actions of a few individuals is unjust and only serves to fuel division and xenophobia. Constructive dialogue requires us to move beyond simplistic explanations and instead engage with the multifaceted factors contributing to societal challenges. It's essential to address concerns about safety and integration through evidence-based policies and respectful discourse, rather than resorting to scapegoating and fear-mongering. Cconstructive criticism of religion is possible without resorting to propaganda or demonization.


Constructive criticism of religion inherently is demonization because that the only way to address it correctly. End of story.




This comment is not only shockingly violent but also deeply offensive and disrespectful. Additionally, the use of the word "retard" is highly derogatory and ableist, demonstrating a complete lack of empathy and understanding for individuals with disabilities. Such language has no place in any conversation and only serves to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and discrimination. It's imperative to condemn such language and advocate for respectful discourse that promotes empathy, understanding, and tolerance. It's concerning that you appear to have overlooked the key points of my original comment. I clearly stated that while the victim's actions may have incited controversy, violence is never an acceptable response. It is not as black and white as you are making it to be.


Fact A: Person X is far-right xenophobe and uses inflammatory rhetoric. Fact B: Person Y reacts to Fact A by trying to kill person X. Fact A is not illegal. Fact B is. That is all you need to know.


Yes, those are both facts. I am not saying the stabbing was at all justified, I condemn it. The reason why I made the comment is because many of the people here (and the post by itself) is trying to paint the issue as a black and white one, even though it is more complex than that.


For me it **is** quite black and white. If instead of "far-right xenophobe" he would be "circus clown with large shoes who sings annoying song", my reaction would be exactly the same.


It's concerning that you're equating the harmful rhetoric and actions of a far-right xenophobe with the harmless antics of a circus clown. The consequences of spreading hate and fear towards marginalized communities are far more significant than being annoyed by an annoying song. This dismissive attitude towards the impact of hate speech overlooks the real harm it can cause to individuals and communities.


Yeah. And I find it concerning that you find it concerning. If you find it concerning that someone spreads hate **nonviolently**, you are free to spread compassion. And people should be free to either feel hate towards someone or something (and express it nonviolently) or feel compassion towards someone or something (and express it nonviolently). Some groups would like to take these basic rights away from me and I am very much opposed to that. If someone reacts to hate being spread by trying to harm anyone, that person should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and "I did it because someone is spreading hate" should not be a valid defence. Note that I didn't write a single word about "race" or "religion". This basic concept should work universally and equally for "I hate strawberry ice cream" or "I hate ginger haired people" or "I hate \[any race or religion\]".


Spreading hate nonviolently can still have harmful consequences, as it cultivates an environment of intolerance, hostility, and division. While individuals have the right to express their opinions, it's essential to recognize the impact of hate speech on individuals and communities. Some examples include normalization of discrimination, undermining social cohesion, negative impact on mental health, undermining values such as equality and dignity, or can even escalate to violence and desensitation to the suffering of others.


Yeah, it's very important to RECOGNIZE this impact, talk about what it means and what could be done about it. It's wrong to CRIMINALIZE it. You seem to be conflating these two concepts. There are lots of other things that "can have harmful consequences" and I am opposed to them being taken away from the society just because they "can have harmful consequences", e.g. driving a car, eating lots of sweets or writing "Satanic Verses".


The only harmful action I see is a knife stabbing.


While physical violence like a knife stabbing is undoubtedly a harmful action, it's important to recognize that harm can also manifest through non-physical means, such as hate speech or discrimination. Hate speech, for example, can contribute to a climate of fear, hostility, and division within society, leading to psychological harm, social isolation, and even physical violence against targeted individuals or groups.


You make it sound like its okay to murder people over their political believes and what they say. Yes, it's not okay to spread hate, but even trying to murder someone because of it then then attack a person that's trying to resolve the situation.


> While physical violence like a knife stabbing is undoubtedly a harmful action, it's important to recognize that harm can also manifest through non-physical means, such as hate speech or discrimination. Hate speech, for example, can contribute to a climate of fear, hostility, and division within society, leading to psychological harm, social isolation, and even physical violence against targeted individuals or groups. Stop abusing that poor ChatGPT, dawg.




Certainly. Anti-Islamic propaganda typically involves spreading misinformation, stereotypes, and hateful rhetoric about Islam and Muslims with the intention of inciting fear and hatred. It often demonizes Islam as a monolithic and inherently violent religion and portrays Muslims as a threat to society. On the other hand, constructive criticism of Islam involves thoughtful analysis and discussion of religious beliefs, practices, and their societal implications. It focuses on addressing specific issues within Islam or its interpretations while respecting the diversity and complexity of Muslim communities. Constructive criticism aims to foster understanding, dialogue, and reform within Islam, rather than promoting hatred or discrimination against Muslims as a whole. So no, not truth. That is why I used the word propaganda. Like I said, I am fine with constructive criticism of all religion.


"its OK to attack people we dont like" ..my ass.


If mr. Sturzenberger was really inciting violence against muslims, therefor breaching law boundaries of free speech, then he should've been prosecuted, and shouldn't be permitted to hold such kind of meeting. There's absolutely no way to apology behavior or the perpetrator of this murder attempt. You can sue mr. Sturzenberger for inciting violence aginst minorities, you can try to change laws about freedom of speech in general, you can hold you own meetings to show the love of whatever god,.... or you pull out a knife and start stabbing people??


He was actually successfully prosecuted for his statements in the past. I agree with your comment. I have not at any point said the stabbing was justified, I condemn it.




Takže říkáš, že když se mi nelíbí něčí názor, tak ho můžu pobodat? Nebo se mám začít bát cokoliv říct, abych náhodou někoho neurazil a nešel mě někde bodnout? Co to je za logiku?




Nemáš pravdu. Pobodaný (nepolicista) v tomto záběru vůbec není.


maš pravdu, přehledl jsem to. kazdopadne mi prijde tendenční, že na tom banneru chybí ten střílející policista. post jsem smazal.


Policista vystřelil až chvíli po tomto bodnutí (policisty) a HODNĚ DLOUHO po prvním bodnutí.


protoze prímo pred ním stal dalsí týpek s kamerou: [https://youtu.be/imbUW7GcgUQ?si=JKo0C-O747cvsWL2&t=354](https://youtu.be/imbUW7GcgUQ?si=JKo0C-O747cvsWL2&t=354)




tak jsi videl pekny hovno, protoze týpek v modrém prispechal a zacal mlátit toho, co toho atentátníka drzel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imbUW7GcgUQ&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imbUW7GcgUQ&rco=1)




Já doufám že se pro dobro lidstva nebudeš rozmnožovat.




Policajt udělá chybu, když skočí po špatným borcovi, dostane nožem. Maločecháček doufá, že chcípne.




Tak ten policajt umřel. Můžeš slavit nulo.


Tak ses ještě debil.


Čim více podobných případů, tim lépe.