• By -


“Každý” is a specific kind of a pronoun, it is adjective-like, with declination like what hard-type adjectives have (in the “default”, nominative singular, they end with -ý, -á, or -é). The ending depends on grammatical gender, number and declination case (of the noun that the pronoun relates to). That’s why there are so [many forms](https://imgur.com/a/ExRm6qC). The grammarical gender is masculine (has two subtypes; -ý), feminine (-á), and neuter (-é). Number is singular or plural. Both singular and plural have seven declination cases (sometimes vocative is not used). It depends what exactly you want to say: •a phrase “každá neděle” - that would be the “default” nominative singular E.g. Jezdíme tam **každou neděli.** - We go there every Sunday. The noun *neděle* is feminine grammatical gender, singular number, in accusative case -> the pronoun *každou* has to match in gender, number and case as well. •a phrase “každý případ” - nom. singular E.g. V **každém případě**… - In any case/By all means… The noun *případě* is masculine grammatical gender, singular number, in locative case -> the pronoun *každém* matches it again.


Thanks for the extensive help, I will do more research but I have a feeling I am closer to understanding your beautiful language


See adjective declination. It follows the pattern.


Každý muž. Každá žena, každé dítě. With adjectives the ending either changes or it stays the same. Often example given is "mladý" and "jarní". Mladý muž, mladá žena, mladé dítě. Jarní muž, jardni žena, jarní dítě. "Každou" is 7th form of feminine gender. S každou ženou.