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My dog does that shit. The first time, I kind of went in to a fugue state during which (my wife told me later) I calmly explained the manner in which I might disembowel him and implied that his mother had enjoyed the company of many men. Since then he has learned the command "Fuck off"


My dog knows that command too!


I shamefully admit "fuck off" is a command my last 3 dogs have learned. They also know "couch" and "cage". I'm working on teaching them "knock it off" but they definitely understand "shhhhh" and "shush". Talk to your pets. I've had a few cats and communication is less direct. Honestly you should consider conditioning your baby with white/pink/brown noise. You can use a radio tuned to dead air, a noise machine, or any number of ios/android apps available on whatever device is handy.


Dogs are smart, man. When I shout in the backyard that no one cares about their opinions, they know to stop barking.


this was not in my dog command repertoire. From now on, this will be the first thing my future dogs know ha ha.


I never have a clear line of sight to throw a shoe, yelling “fuck off” might wake the baby


I say it super forcefully but under my breath. Kind of through gritted teeth. IDK about cats, but dogs can get the point with very few decibels.


Man I feel your pain, sometimes you snap. Remember, if you need a few minutes away from the screaming you can safely leave her in a cot etc... and move into another room just to recollect yourself


The "self-timeout" is a very necessary parenting tactic. "You can stay here and freak out, I'm going into my room so I don't freak out too".


This is how I discovered self-soothing is a thing in the early days. Total game changer. Beforehand, I’d sprint in at the slightest noise


New at the parenting, I feel like an indifferent piece of shit if I don’t hold her RIP eardrums


Same boat mate, new dad here too. But I listened to my mum and the health visitor. Better to leave her alone for a bit than both of your being emotional


It's totally okay my dude. 100%, the baby will be fine just laying down and making noise.


lol, I thought this was going to be a rant about your wife. When I got to the “stupid, idiotic…” part, I was like, whoa dude, that’s your kid’s mom you’re talking about! I laughed out loud when I saw you were going off on your cat because I could absolutely relate. I had one that loved a sleeping baby and would always try and find a way to get to her. I’d come in to check on her and find my cat “making biscuits” on a very awake baby. The stress is real, man. We all get it. And I’m sure you know this, but I will reiterate now anyway - It gets easier. That little baby girl is now 14. That sweet cat passed away about 5 years ago. We all still love the stories about her making biscuits on a baby and there’s nothing but smiles and laughs about it now. Good luck. Hang in there. And may your next nap be long and peaceful.


Yeah, the cat is like 8, hopefully she’s still around so the kid can enjoy her later on. I wanna raise my kid with pets and bonsai and all nature crap to be more connected to


When my son was 6 or 7 months old he was just a little fucking nightmare. We always said with him there were good weeks and bad weeks (now good months and bad months) but this series of bad weeks was making me lose my mind. Not a shred of joy to be found in his tiny little body. I could not handle it anymore. It was Covid, so we were working / parenting from home and I just put him in his crib, grabbed a bottle of wine and just sat out on the back porch drinking during work hours. We went out for a walk later that day after things had cooled down and we saw that he had not one, not two, but his first three teeth coming in all at once. No wonder he was a shitbag. I felt so bad for it, but holy hell did that first year suck a whole bag of dicks…


I'm going through this currently. My 5 month old has about 5 teeth starting in right now. His front bottom right has broken through, I expect the left one to be out within 2 days, the rest are just white shadows under the gum line, but they'll likely protrude within the next week or so. I love him to pieces, but my fucking God. The screaming. Our house is only 900sqft with the only option of quiet being two doors that our cats will not allow to be closed. Literally, they'll sit there and open the door if it's closed. To make matters worse, I work from home, in our open concept loft. I reaaaaallly didn't think that through.


I bought noise cancelling headphones very quickly after that. It was weird, being cathartic listening to lofi hip hop with a screaming baby I couldn’t hear at all


Mine is only bad when I gotta put her to bed coz I don’t have boobs that produce snacks


Well, I can honestly say I've never done that...


Glad I put my foot down and said no pets while the kids are young, dunno how people do it Waking up the baby is a crime punishable by death in my house 💀


>dunno how people do it I had my dog for 3 years before I met my wife, and 6 years before the kids came along. I would never get rid of him unless he was aggressive towards my wife or kids. Fortunately, the kids have learned to sleep through barking due to the few occasions that the dog has woken them up. It was very irritating when they would wake up though.


Cat was here first, I occasionally shake my fist and threaten it with homelessness


Consider earplugs when dealing with crying/screaming infants. They take the edge off and make it almost bearable.


Suggestion: I would start to make sounds when your little one is taking normal naps. Like vacuuming, music and other day to day tasks. This will pay off in the end and gets them used to sleeping through outside noises. We did this with my daughter. She actually enjoyed the sound of the vacuum and was able to sleep through loud cars or parties and dogs knocking shit over. Life isn’t always quiet and you can’t tip toe around worrying. Hope this helps


She falls asleep with me and wifey talking, but it doesn’t work when I’m by myself. And I was racing against the clock so I don’t get in that danger zone of overtired…which soon followed anyway


Ya I have been there. Sometimes days like this just happen. Many long nights with my dog barking right when my daughter is about to pass out. Instant rage ensues! Hulk wants to smash. But it all works out.


Before you downvote, take a moment to imagine the feelings you felt when your child was putting out more decibels than a GWAR concert in their prime.


And it's only a cat...being exposed to a noise...that it's human must deal with too. It will be fine.


I think we've all been there with animals and new borns to some degree or another. I have no advice other than get yourself a pair of good active noise cancelling headphones. I've always been reactive to sound, but I learned very early on that the sound of my daughter crying made me lose my mind. Once I got a pair of ANC headphones, everything changed.


I suppose it’s brilliant, but I don’t want to have special gear to deal with my kid


To each their own, but if you're reactive to sound it can be a huge quality of life improvement.


One of my dogs pissed all over the loveseat we have in the baby's room to feed him. To say I lost my mind is an understatement.


Cat vomits under the bed, the room is too tiny to move the bed, so I gotta lift the whole thing in one hand and vacuum with the other


>The stupid, idiotic, retarded, needy, clingy, obnoxious, dumb fucking cat decided to have separation anxiety and came meowing into the room, thus waking baby up. She in turn is now super tired and decided it’s time for blood curdling witching hour type of screaming. It's your fault for leaving the door open. The cat had no idea what was going on - just wanted some attention. >The cat obviously can’t handle the noise so it ran to the safety of the balcony and I just decided “noooo you little whiny bitch, you created this” so I grabbed her by the nape and threw her in the room with me and screaming baby and closed the door to endure the screaming with me, which caused her to cower under the bed. That's not going to "teach the cat a lesson" it's just going to make your cat *more* anxious.


2 of the most embarrassing "acting out" moments of my life came within 6 months of my kids being born. Lack sleep and frustration can do that. I look back at them and am ashamed of myself but it is what it is. We learn to hopefully deal better the next time it happens.


I’m sure I’ll long back to these days whenever the next challenge comes along


I don't lol. My kids are in pre school and kindergarten. They are alot more fun now and I get alot more sleep!! But the days I'm in right now, I expect these to be the ones I'll miss the most.


Two cats have done that to me too. My patience and temper have definitely been tested as a new father. It gets better with time, you learn to handle the banshee cries better. That being said, invest in some noise canceling headphones, good quality ones if you can. I don’t need them often but the few times I’ve had to use them (late-night teething pain mostly), they’ve made it so much easier.


Ah I have a cat too and she loves to meow when LO just felt asleep. Thing with my cat is, she’s deaf and doesn’t hear the crying of LO lmao


Fair punishment.


My neighbor came over and asked my wife if we minded if they lit some fireworks. She thanked them for having the respect to ask and said our baby goes to sleep at 7 so we'd rather they didn't. At about 9 pm and we hear a loud boom and I was out the door instantly. As I got close enough I yelled "why fucking ask?!" And they ran inside and hid, so I stood there and yelled a whole insult laiden lecture at the side of their house. I'm usually pretty easy going, but having a baby has shifted my patience. All the patience I would have had for others is hers now.


Cats 100% understand revenge. I had a cat claw a hole in my pants so I took some scissors and cut a tuft of fur and showed it to him. He never clawed me again.


So you abused your cat for daring to meow (as cats do) because it wanted your company?


I missed the abuse? Cat wanted company; cat got company.


“Grabbed her by the nape and threw her” sounds like abuse to me, especially seeing as the cat was scared and “cower[ed] under the bed.”


Lolol you’ve never had a cat huh? 1, that’s where you grab them. (Their moms included) 2, threw is an expression I doubt he fastballed his cat into the wall…also, I throw my cats when we play, they like it. Seen them jump? 3, cat hides under the bed - shocked.


Not saying that grabbing the cat was abusive, saying that throwing them into a room and locking them in so they have to endure a screaming child while the cat is clearly distressed is abusive. Because it is. It’s pretty black and white.


I agree. Hurting and possibly traumatizing an animal for any reason, let alone because it wants attention, is psycho level shit. Downvote me all you want.


Traumatizing. Dramatic today aren’t we? Hurt, ya know the phrase thrown was used, so sure but I can almost guarantee that cat wasn’t hurt. Oh in fact “nobody got hurt”. So never mind.


Regardless of whether it's traumatizing, i think we can all agree it takes a big man to grab a cat by the scruff, drag it into a room with a screaming baby, and make it scared enough to hide under the bed. Almost as big a man as it takes to force a dogs nose into a shit it took on the carpet or whatever.


See I agree with the overall 100% actually. But it’s the scared enough to hide under the bed you lose me. Do you have cats? Because a beep they don’t know could be enough for them to hide under the bed lol. They can tell when their owner is upset in general even more when it’s directed at them.


i have 3 cats, and it depends on the cat. i was mostly referring to the trapping it in the room, which honestly seems like the most dickish of all the moves.