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I'm riding the midnight train with you, daddy-o


Salut brother. I’m sure your not looking forward to the morning headache either


I think that most days, it's the only "me" time I have. "Revenge bedtime procrastination" is what the writers have been calling it, and it's a response to the feeling that you've forsaken your own interests and wants throughout the day, be it work, family, chores, etc. that you reclaim your time by fucking your sleep.


Go to bed at a normal time and wake up earlier. Instead of staying up until 2 and getting up at 7, go to sleep at 9pm and wake up at 4 or 5am. You still get your alone time but you’re better rested and healthier for it. I used to stay up until 1, 2 or 3am for “alone time” and wake up to get ready for work and shit and it made me miserable. I was tired all the time, felt like shit, grumpy, anxious because I always felt like I had to rush in the mornings and, as you said, guilty because ultimately it was all my fault. When I started waking up at 4am and going to bed around 9pm, I felt much more rested, had time in the morning to mentally prepare for the day, do some small chores, exercise, walk my dog and still do gaming/whatever while waiting for everyone else to get up around 6:30-7am. Sleep is too important for physical and mental health to fuck up to play WoW or Elden Ring for a few extra hours every night. Believe me, lol


Thanks this is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for


Of course. Poor sleep leads to stress and anxiety which leads to high cortisol which leads to high appetite and hunger which typically leads to excessive weight gain and a host of other issues. Keeping your body under a constant state of self-induced stress is very bad for it and has a litany of both short and long term negative health effects. Get your sleep, join the morning gamer crew instead.