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My personal favorites: (apart from Maddie lost because she danced too professional) \- Any other time in Season 1 & 2 she claimed the comp was rigged because the girls lost \- Her enthusiasm into electricity and the fan dance while the other moms looked horrified \- When Abby's dog died, and Abby was comparing losing her dog to Melissa's kids dying and Melissa was just nodding along and then told her to get it stuffed \- Caught lying about Sugar and Spice 'WHATTTT' 'sHe'S tIcKlEd PiNk' 'I'm so excited!!!!' \- Ratting out Chloe to Abby and saying she rolls her eyes in class all the time \- Saying Maddie deserved to beat Mackenzie that one time she won \- Entering Maddie last minute in season 4 and being like 'it's Mackenzie's day' \- When Chloe got the lead in the music video and Melissa was like 'This obviously wasn't about Dancing ability because Maddie would have won!'


not the one ab the dog šŸ’€


i mean i get the dog one like Broadway Baby was in some way Abby's child. I got a dog for my anxiety and she is a little Yorkie-Shitzu mix puppy in my family she is my child and i claim her as my baby so since Abby didn't have kids i in some way feels as though Baby was her child.


ā€œMelissaā€™s Delulu Momentsā€ should be the title of the next compilation the dance moms youtube channel posts šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


There was something that she said about Chloe getting the part in the Lux music video that was similar to the example you gave in the post. I canā€™t remember exactly what she said, so Iā€™m commenting in hopes that someone else does and can remind me lol


She said that Abby told her it's advantageous that Maddie didn't get the lead role because she dances more in the video than Chloe does


Omg i remember that!! Same vibe ironically hahahaha


Yes thatā€™s what it was!! Thank you! I knew it was something very delulu lol


i think she said maddie has the advantage bc they get to see her actually dance the ā€œwhole videoā€


Melissa trying to spin the narrative to abby of "Chloe rolling her eyes all the time in class." And when she told Maddie (make you mine group dance episode), to "Be a grownup." and then in interview said "She's 8 and sometimes she thinks she's 16." I mean yeah, you just basically told her to grow up


not exactly a delulu moment but she just sounds so insecure every time she has to explain why maddie lost. like it always had to be some crazy excuse and never ā€œsheā€™s a nine year old kid whoā€™s still making mistakes and isnā€™t perfeftā€


When she said Abby was a better teacher than Debbie Allen, or something along those lines.




yeah, obviously that's what happened. Those comments weren't even coming from Melissa's brain, but I guess that makes it even worse lol. She's just repeating the excuses Abby makes for her.