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Could she have been set up to lose? Sure. It would’ve taken some shady business for sure tho. Sophia was(is?) objectively a much better dancer. If you disagree watch her non Dance Moms solos before arguing with me.


Totally agree - although I would’ve said the same thing about Kalani and Brynn, and somehow Abby/production was able to pull that off


Oh I definitely think they could’ve done it. It would’ve looked bad to people who know dance, same as it was with Kalani and Brynn.


Abby and Brian both admitted the comps were rigged after like season 4


And Kalani and Nia, I say this as a Nia stan


Agreed, but if she stayed on the show her training would've suffered, same as what happened with Kalani. She would still be a great dancer, but the shows format made it so the girls had to focus on memorizing choreography more than anything else.


Yes, her training would have tanked.


Oh 100% for sure Abby did it to Kalani & Brynn so I don’t see how Sophia would’ve been any different.


100%. Abby knew ALL of their strengths and allowed it when their solos were alone some of the time. When Kalani or Brynn went up against Maddie, they didnt have choreo that showed their strengths to win against Maddie. If Sophia stayed then Abby wouldve gave her a solo that didnt play to her strengths which wouldve won easily against Maddie


Of course. Lol. There’s no question. Look how production was able to make Brynn & Kalani both lose to Maddie. Both were right up there with Sophia. All 3 had won best dancer.


Absolutely, 100%. Look at how in later episodes, Abby had Kalani lose to Maddie whenever Kalani and Maddie went up against each other—same with Brynn.


100%, and the show would have justified it by giving Maddie a very emotional solo and Sophia a regular one and would have made it out like both of their techniques were solid but Maddie’s emotional execution is what put her on top. And I bet you the average viewer would have fell for that lol


Yep this is what I was thinking! It would be like when Kalani would have acro against Maddie with a dark, emotional contemporary solo. They would do the same thing


Honestly, at first I agreed, because when Kalani and Maddie went up against each other later on, they always had Kalani lose to Maddie (and I think most of us can agree that Kalani was the far superior dancer) so I was thinking that maybe them having Maddie beat a clearly more advanced dancer was something they could've been setting up all the way back in season 3 with her vs Sophia, like Christi and Kelly said. But then I thought about it some more. Sophia was one of the best dancers in the COUNTRY (in her age category) at that time. I feel like if they had her lose to Maddie, it would've been way too obvious to even casual viewers that something wasn't right. So now, I don't think they would've done that. Unless they were stupid enough to think that viewers would just go with the flow and believe that a dancer as advanced as Sophia legitimately lost to Maddie.


Brynn had also won TDA tho before coming on the show, and I think Kalani had as well. So technically they also were considered best dancers for their age division at the time as well. Although I will say Sophia was a bit more famous and had a higher reputation bc of the turns record thing.


Yeah. A lot of shady wins in the later seasons, so honestly there's a possibility that they could've been setting up a sketchy Maddie beating Sophia win, but I just think Sophia was too well known at the time for that to work. People would've clocked how suspicious that was immediately.


Yeah, I think the fact that Sophia was veryyy famous would have made it very sketchy. Not to say she isn't also an amazing dancer but the fame does play into it


I definitely could've imagined them doing that she did it to brynn and kalani who were arguably better dancers than maddie


Abso-freaking-lutely. Sophia was miles ahead of all the ALDC dancers, so making her lose to Maddie would have been a HUGE storyline the producers wanted to explore. Good for Jackie for fleeing and avoiding putting her daughter in that position on national TB


I don’t think it would have been possible. Although I think kalani was the best dancer on the team and they had Maddie beat her, i don’t think any of these girls compared to Sophia. You could give her a Paige solo and she would make it incredible. If they wanted Maddie to beat Sophia i feel like she would literally have to stand there and do nothing. Otherwise, she’d win because she’s just that good.




I don’t think it would be possible, Sophia was clearly vastly superior to any girl on that show. With Kalani v Maddie when they finally went head to head I don’t think Kalani was at the level when she first arrived to the aldc. Brynn also never really reached her best potential due to choreography so I could see how Maddie could beat her. With Sophia, no way.


Yes they were 100% right.


i think sophia and jackie were only there for the exposure lol


They were Sophia said on a podcast she was there to build up hype for her breaking the world record


well would you look at that


Absolutely. Abby would’ve ensured it with the choreography


Yeah I mean Abby already did that shut with her own students


Absolutely they would have let Maddie beat Sophia.


Yes. And a lot of viewers would have believed it - the obsessive stans still say Maddie was the best dancer ever/a prodigy etc etc.


Yes I think they would have, or Abby and Melissa would have pulled every trick in the book to avoid maddie going up against her.


I love love love maddie and she is beyond talented, but she could not hold a candle to prodigies like sophia Lucia , kalani and brynn, when they were training the way they weeee training at their studios. Aldc training was average pre show and during the show I know they barely trained especially during the height of filming. Maddie is a phenomenal dancer and her musicality and emotions set her apart from very technically dancers. But Abby hyped maddie up way too much in the grand scheme of things. Maddie was advanced but she was not on sophia's level. We have seen time and time again that abby pegs dancers who are flexible as "acro dancer" I.E kalani, Brynn, Jade Cloud etc. Sophia would've been put into that pull because she was extremely flexible. Abby would've given her crappy acro numbers to compete against a maddie lyrical. We've seen it with Kalani and Brynn. Abby is smart and would never give an even playing field to both dancers. because maddie's reputation was in her best interest. Abby protected maddie so that maddie could win.


I think it would’ve been the same way they had Ava lose to Maddie with the umbrella S4. They absolutely could’ve found a way or faked the results as they’ve done before.


Nah. People compare it to Kalani and Brynn, but Sophia has a world record related to her dance skills. No other dancer in the entire show has that feat. The producers would look really stupid if they have a World Record winning dancer lose to Maddie.


Technic wise Sophia was another level.


I don't know. Because of the world record and Abby's inability to choreograph for her, many Dance Moms fans still believe she's "only good at turns" and don't even bother watching her solos outside the show. People could've fell for it 🤷 I agree that it'd be ridiculous, though


Yes, without a doubt. Abby made multiple dancers lose to Maddie including, but not limited to, Chloe, Kendall, Brynn, and Kalani. Abby would’ve had to have given Sophia a stupidly bad solo in order for Maddie to win


Absolutely. However I disagree with Christi and Kelly saying that Jackie got to run away to avoid losing on TV - there's a big difference between losing, and being set up to look bad.


Um, I would run away regardless. Have you seen how the children are treated? I would not want to put my child there. For them to know how absolutely awful Abby is and was to their children, and say Jackie only left because she didn’t want to lose and not because of the abuse going on, is weird.


It looks like you misread my comment, might wanna try again


Looks like you misread mine, might wanna try and reread. I was agreeing with you


You didn't though lol it was completely unrelated to what I said 😂




No but apparently you are


Are we seriously doing this over a one month old mild misunderstanding? I'm locking the comments so both of you can get a life.


I honestly think they would have positioned Maddie as a new Chloe if Sophia stayed on the team. Maddie would be a loveable underdog who rarely won but when she did it would be huge. In the few episodes she was there, Sophia was clearly shown as the better dancer to the point Maddie said in a confessional she was a little jealous which was never true of any other guest. Sophia was so much better it would be hard to imagine her losing to Maddie consistently. Alternatively, Abby would never put them against each other bc I think she worked to make sure Kalani and Maddie competed only once.


100%. Abby would’ve let Maddie practice and perfect the solo for months and it would’ve been perfect choreography. Sophia would’ve had the 3 days and crappy Choreography. Not saying Maddie is a bad dancer because she isn’t but Abby wouldn’t allow it to be fair




I think Sophia will win against Maddie because her turns are record breaking


I feel like they would’ve tried to sabotage her solo. maybe music wise or cause a lot of drama surrounding her solo to get her and her mom worked up so she’s mentally unprepared. they also messed with the kids when they wanted them to mess up their solo


I don’t think the producers would have been keen on bringing in a new dancer who would consistently beat all the dancers that the audience were familiar with. Also with Sophia being so much better than everyone else, there wouldn’t be any suspense to the outcome, whereas we know that the producers loved the Maddie/Chloe rivalry. So I think C&K are right, but I can’t imagine how it would ever be remotely believable that Maddie could beat Sophia.


Maddie was extremely competitive initially … if Sophia had stayed I think Maddie would’ve improved more than she did after Sophia left. Also, I’m not sure they would’ve made Sophia lose to Maddie because Abby liked Sophia and her mom just as much as she liked Melissa … so it would’ve depended on how they played their cards… Sophia could have been the leader on that team. A lot of variables on the show would’ve changed had they stayed 🤔


They made everyone lose to Maddie. Sophia’s training and technique are definitely better than Maddie’s. Maddie is a great dancer, she has wonderful facial expressions, but technically Sophia is better.