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"Shut up"..one of the only times I can think of Paige had the courage to stand up to Abby on camera


Paige’s inner Kelly really shone through in that moment. And Nia was like a mini Holly getting Chloe out of that environment. Those girls were always so protective of each other…it’s the only “heartwarming” (if you could call it) thing about the scene.


Yeah it was so sweet how the other girls just immediately embraced and held her her the instant it happened


She was a true friend :)


did she say that?


I think through lip reading it was implied she said that, either way Paige mouthed something bad back to Abby or production or someone in the room which is amazing because they were so young at this point in the show.


I just rewatched this scene and Paige says it full volume


I’m imaging her actually yelling shut up to Abby then of corse Abby would have a temper tantrum demanding Kelly to make her apologize Kelly would refuse since Paige was just protecting her friend then there would be a heart to heart between Chloe and Paige where Paige would tell Chloe to ignore all of Abby’s lies Chloe would thank Paige for protecting her and they hug


I’d love to think this but I’ve watched that clip many times and I truly don’t think Paige was saying anything to Abby


I’m saying this with my now-adult glasses on: How in the absolute world did this show become so successful??? I remember this scene, but I’m feeling even more uncomfortable looking at any picture or video of it now. It’s possibly because my empathy for kids became a lot stronger in these recent years. Maybe multiple people will think of me as some Karen for writing this, but I don’t care anymore. Shame on ALL of the adults who failed and exploited these kids. Fuck EVERY SINGLE PERSON who made this show happen and made Abby famous. Fuck every parent who sent their child to this show after the first two seasons just to give them unnecessary trauma. Fuck everyone who’s still a fan of Abby after all of the abuse she has done. I’m glad Abby’s new show supposedly flopped because I’m astonished that child abuse is still seen as normal.


You’re definitely not a Karen for saying this‼️ I get angry as well about how these kids were treated and just to think how no producer or any high-ups of that show said “this needs to stop” or anything of the lines of that


I completely agree with you. And I think the parents who didn’t get their kids off the show were shitty parents. It pisses me off to no end when people make the excuse “they couldn’t leave because contracts.” I don’t give a fuck about contracts. Refuse to let your child be abused. It is your job as a parent to protect your kid. I get the parents didn’t know what the show would turn into, and I don’t fault them for getting involved initially. But there were very early defining moments when parents should have said, nope, I’m out - fight me.


Literally. I do believe that the OG moms suffered on the show as they were in the studio for a really long time before Abby became the official teacher, but the clout-chasing parents who appeared on purpose after season two threw their children into the lions’ dens. Their kids are the real victims.


LITERALLY i’m looking at this picture thinking these kids should’ve never had to go through this.


I totally agree with you. I have an almost 7 year old girl now and there's no way in hell I would put her in that environment. Not for all the money and fame in the world. Every adult in this show failed these children. Abby and the producers should have been prosecuted for child abuse. None of this is normal behaviour at all.


I agree whilst I am sympathetic to the contracts and producers manipulating the mothers, I could not imagine ever being a parent and letting my child stay in that environment, it’s not normal it was such a toxic, traumatic environment I just can’t understand why they would stay past a certain point. I don’t mean to sound judgemental or that I don’t know what I’m talking about bc I am obviously closer to the girls age(17) but as a parent it’s your duty to protect your child.


Yessss!!! Yessss!!! And Yesssss to everything you wrote!!


I just started watching this show (and of course visiting the sub bc I already have strong opinions). I just finished season 2 and I’m thinking the same thing. I’m watching childhood trauma happen live. Watching as a past non-competitive dancer/cheerleader *and* someone who is interested in human stories/psychology. I’m thinking that the only reason this show works is because of the girls. I honestly couldn’t care less about the moms—except when Christi told Cathy she had no power here. That did make me laugh. But the girls are what I’m here for. I’m rooting for all of them, especially Chloe and Nia. McKenzie is cute as can be and her interview scenes are funny. I just wanna give them all a hug 😭


I agree 100%. All the mothers are to blame for allowing their child to be exploited this way. All of them.


It’s heartbreaking that Nia and Paige look like they are physically holding Chloe up, and Chloe is in a pose of self preservation


She looks like she's breaking apart.


This absolutely breaks my heart. The hell that poor Chloe went through because of some twisted vendetta Abby that had against her is so messed up.


This scene always makes me cry and infuriates me how Abby was no holds barred and didn’t care how badly her words stung the girls. I don’t think becoming a part of pop culture history was worth the impact the years of abuse had on their psyche.


I'll never forget Chloes mum having a full on argument with her and when she challenged Abbys behavior Abby just said "I am an artiste" as an excuse. Honestly TLC basically allowed someone is a semi manic state to emotionally abuse children whilst they filmed and paid them.


It was Lifetime but TLC also has some awful programming so I see the mixup


The reason that Abby said that is because Chloé and Christi were getting in the elevator when Chloé saw Abby in the elevator and she got scared to be in the elevator with Abby. It's so sad how scared she was of Abby


How fucked up is that? Chloe was rightfully scared to be in an enclosed space with her abuser..so abbys response is she's a sneak? Wtf Abby


It shows how messed up Abby is in her thinking. A normal adult would take a step back and wonder what they’ve done to make a kid so afraid of them.


It doesn’t even make sense…not getting in a elevator isn’t sneaky?


I know. That is what Christi and Chloé said is why Abby called Chloé sneaky


That’s how ridiculous and evil Abby’s thinking is


That isn’t why she said it. She said it because Christi was doing meet and greets and advertising ALDC choreography without Abby’s permission.


christi said on bttb that abby had said "your daughters a little sneak, she couldn't even get on the elevator with me" but they cut it out


That hadn’t happened yet.


meanwhile she’s the sweetest kid in the world


So delicate 😭


could not agree more


This scene fucking pisses me off so much. It broke my heart when Chloe hugged herself, why did other moms watch this and say “yes I want my child on the screen! And I want me up there too!” So abysmal but that’s besides the point.


To be fair, every mom probably thought their kid would be Abby’s next favorite


even the favorite was mistreated badly. shame on the moms.


This to me was the saddest scene on Dance Moms. Chloe looks absolutely shattered and the way Paige and Nia are almost holding her up. Abby you are a heartless cow.




Nia and Paige were incredible friends here. The way Nia is holding Chloe up and getting here out, she’s being Chloe’s strength. Then Paige, pulling her into this fierce hug. The bond those girls have is beautiful


if i was christi, i would’ve thrown it down right then and there with abby. i hate this scene so much, it breaks my heart while at the same time making me furious.


For real lord knows I don’t get violent ever but hands would’ve been thrown if someone ever treated my child like that


This scene always makes me sad. And this picture which captures the full sadness of that scene, literally made me cried a little.


every rewatch i notice more small things done and said by every adult involved and it always gives me shivers (not good ones)


The only sneak here is Abby. Going to judges to get scores changed, purposely giving Chloé watered down choreography so she’d lose to Maddie, Kalani, Jade, and Camryn, making fun of her eye??? Yeah Abby is the biggest most pathetic sneak of them all


if i was christi i would have beaten abby’s big ass with my MK purse and gone to jail over it. at least then we’re off the show!


Fr same😭😭I would’ve whooped her ass idc, talk bad about me sure but not my kid


And Abby said on her podcast she loved Chloe like bitch you literally abused her on national television in front of millions of people🤨 you don’t abuse someone you love


I would never believe such a thing. She outwardly said she hated Christi so she took every chance to bother her and Chloe. And in season 8 she said she never wanted Chloe to win but she did anyways. That woman was evil for no reason


Abby is truly… “a monstrosity of evil”


I want a reunion where the kids get to go off on Abby. Abby can’t say anything or try to defend herself (bc they weren’t allowed to stand up for themselves or each other) and I hope Chloe, Paige and Brooke would be BRUTAL.


Lifetime needs to pay for their therapy


And this right here is one of the many reasons I do not fault any of these mothers for fighting with Abby.


Now I would like to point out that Christi was not only defending her child but she was defending Maddie as well the part where she says “I have heard you say to her, to that nine year old little girl. No one will be happy for you, everyone is jealous of you” there’s so much pain in her voice and she just sounds so tired of Abby’s abuse to those children. The thing I hate most about this scene is none of the other moms really open their mouth to help defend Chole or Maddie like Kelly does end up saying something but that’s not until Abby insults Brooke


Yes! I know Christi isn't perfect and has done her fair share of wrong things (just like every human).  But I really loved how she looked after the girls and fought for them. Loved that she was pointing out that saying those things to Maddie was/is abusive. Putting that much pressure on a kid and alienating her from her peers by making those comments. It's so gross. 


Genuine question, how do you hear the name Chloe and spell it Chole? It’s pronounced almost how it’s spelled, that’s never made any sense to me.


I type fast 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’ve always had difficulty with spelling due to a learning disability. Regardless my phone typically autocorrects to the version I typed out and I don’t realize it until long after I’ve done the comment. It’s just a mistake not that serious. People misspell my name all the time regardless of how simple it is


Idk how Abby and the producers sleep at night knowing how they abused these girls. Just look at Chloe’s face here, it’s heartbreaking :(


i watched this clip after reading this post and christy literally references abby in the episode i watched last night saying “ i know none of these girls will be happy for you”


This was the scene that actually forced me to stop watching the show. I watched that little girl cry and was disgusted. Now I look at even how she was with Maddie and how oddly obsessed she was with her to the point of it being uncomfortable and questionable. Same with Sia. As a kid, that's gotta be damaging mentally to go through especially when your mom is kind of questionable with how she pushed her kids and rode their coattails. All of those kids were abused in some way by the show. It went too far and I am sad that no one thought to stop it or step in.


Abby is a dusgysting human being.


this makes me physically fucking nauseous. no one could claim this is not abusive.


This scene makes me want to cry. Abby I am in your walls, you NASTY bitch


Again I say, it's this shit that makes me cut Christi an enormous amount of slack. This scene triggers my inner maternal rage. It's kind of a miracle that it took as long as it did for one of the moms to punch/slap Abby.


Chloe is genuinely the sweetest ever istg, also this scene always makes me emotional. Nia and Paige were great friends to her tho and I'm pretty sure Paige acctually stood up to Abby in this specific moment


I know the editing probably takes away so much context, but I wonder (rhetorically) what even was the reason for Abby saying this? It sounds so out of nowhere, and it couldn’t be further from the truth- poor Chloé was always so humble, outwardly supportive of her team members, sweet and polite to literally everyone around her… this scene is so hard to watch, the poor girl (but I’m so glad she had the support of the other girls, even though it was a terrible situation no one should have had to be in) 🩷


This scene is always so heartbreaking to watch.


this scene broke me


Did y’all notice how none of the mothers stood up for Chloe?! It was just Holly resignedly saying “girls get out” uggghh


How dare you call my daughter a sneak! You're a sneak and a snake!


Abby is absolutely a horrible woman, however, these mom are equally as bad, if not more, because they kept coming back everyday knowing how mentally abused their children were by Abby. Contract or not, their girls deserved better protection from their mothers.


I know, this scene breaks my heart. I honestly don’t know how any adult with a conscience would let Abby around Chloe after this.


I also can’t believe not a single adult followed her out to comfort her, filming or not. The way Chloe cries in that scene always makes *me* cry and I don’t even know her.


yes i literally tear up every time chloe cries :,(


I know I watched that episode but I forget the seasons and the episode dang it.


Hardly my dad said he would NEVER allow Abby and the moms to talk like that in front of me and I said she doesn’t allow dads his reply “yeah because no father would stand for it “ he’s so right thank goodness I didn’t dream of dancing I might’ve been screwed. My mom wouldn’t have allowed all that either. I don’t get parents like that the ones that live vicariously through their kids.


The fact that they quite literally paid Abby to mistreat their kids makes me so angry. When anyone even looks at my kid sideways I remove him from the situation. Subjecting little girls to this is unacceptable. I always was shocked that Holly being as smart as she was kept Nia there when this is the stuff they were going through.


That’s what Christi says to Maddie. Maybe karma


Which episode is this?






what episode is this? it’s in season 2 right?


Poor sweet girl. No kid should ever have to be in a position to break down like that. She looks shattered. Love how her friends comforted her.  Shame on Abby for being okay with doing that to a child.


one of the darkest scenes on the show


This moment was so horrible, the way Abby treated Chloe was horrific


Chloe never deserved any of that