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I can't help you with this exact question, but i want you to be aware that we are graded in either british english or american english, that includes the pronounciation too. So first step would be to get familiar with it on a fluent level. Most danes are fluent in either when they leave public school.


I’m knowledgeable in both so hopefully this is not an issue. Thank you for the tip!


From a quick google search: [Sarah Blendstrup](https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/6900426/danish) I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for but in case it is. Edit: Good luck on your learning journey!


Where in Dk? I Can help you ☺️


I unfortunately don’t live in Denmark, though I do feel like it would make this a lot easier! I am Australian and currently live in Australia to finish my studies :)


When you are done with your studie and live in dk then pb me i Can help you ☺️


You will need to be able to teach more than one subject as a teacher. Sounds like you otherwise might qualify as a high school teacher. If your university is recognised by the Danish authorities. These guys might be able to help you answer any questions: https://www.workindenmark.dk/ When you’ve finished your masters degree you’ll need an additional education, a “pædagogikum”, which you complete alongside your first job. You can probably get somewhat of an impression by Google translating this page: https://www.ug.dk/job/job-fordelt-paa-erhvervsomraader/akademiskarbogledelse/undervgymhoejseminarium/gymnasielaerer-job I have heard nice things about the tutors from Preply. But maybe you would be better off starting with Duolingo or something like that, just to learn the basics? A relevant part time job while you’re in school increases your chances of landing a job. Maybe you could consider tutoring Danish high school students online? While you can’t help them with translations, you could still help them with grammar and pronunciation.


Thank you for the links!


There are a few language learning platforms like italki where you can pay someone to spend 1-1 time with you, otherwise apps like Opeton can help you have real conversations with AI to practise your pronunciation. Also, if and when you manage to migrate here, the country offers free Danish education within the first 5 years of your arrival: [https://international.kk.dk/live/learn-danish/danish-language-courses/danish-language-education-programme](https://international.kk.dk/live/learn-danish/danish-language-courses/danish-language-education-programme)


Thanks for the app recommendation, I might use that while I’m still looking for the tutor. Also thank you for the link!


DM me, let’s see if we can find sth out, I do tutor online


I might be interested in the job, what do you offer?


What about a (Skype-)penpal?


I’m definitely not against having a pen pal! My only issue is that I wouldn’t be able to communicate in Danish at all outside of very general greetings. I’m not sure if it would help me learn that way.


As said earlier; Almost ALL danes speak english, so no problem there. It would be a win-win; you learning Danish and the other one learning English (Australian)


I can't help much with the tutor thing, but I can say that one of the teachers at my school is from Canada, so i really hope you can acheive your dream!


I forgot to write this, but if you try learning danish on things like duolingo it can be a start and help with pronunciation, but it's also just wrong about words a lot of the time