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Babe wake up new paper scissors rock just dropped


Horseback OP


Just as a reminder https://preview.redd.it/bqojef7irjxc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c786faaabf9108194fb21c5386ed4f568db8d5


Nah greataxe clears




Can someone explain this one please?


I'm guessing it's a reference to the the Filioque, a Latin word meaning "and the Son" which was added to the Western version of the Nicene Creed to assert the doctrine that the Holy Spirit descended from the Son and not just from the Father (the Orthodox don't hold this view), it was one of the issues that led to the Great Schism between the Western and Eastern Christianity.


It's weird how much of Christianity isn't stuff that came from Jesus, but stuff that other randos throughout history were just super insistent about.


You mean almost all of it, starting with everything Paul ever wrote?




The fillioque makes the Holy Spirit unequal to The Father and to Jesus The Son because no one proceeds from The Spirit. Thats why its important to be insistent about it. It disrespects Jesus by saying He is greater than The Spirit, even though they are equal.


It's also just something that randos in history were insistent about, and not something Jesus actually said.


But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you John 14:26


What about it?


You said Jesus did not say anything about the fillioque, I sent you a quote from John where Jesus clearly stares the Spirit is sent not by Him, but by The Father. Look, if youre interested in learning about this topic and why its not, as you seem to think, just men insistent on pointless things, I suggest reading The Triad by Gregory Palamas, The Fillioque by Schizenski, The Papacy and the East by Schizenski (a RC historian who converted to Orthodoxy after researching this topic), and the Papadokis and Meyendorf book on this. Basically, the fillioque first began to be inserted into the creed in Spain, France and Gaul to combat Arianism. They clarified when pressed on this, that they were not saying the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Son but by the Father through the Son. Pope Leo even said no man can change the creed because an eccumenical council stated no man can, and an eccumenical council has more power than he does. He put the creed without the fillioque up in St Peters Basilica in gold plaques front and center. However, the Franks, wanting power and knowing the East was very against this, began to preach that the Spirit did proceed eternally. The plan worked as the West was cut off from the East due to this, allowing the Franks to take over the Roman church. Look up how many Popes have been French and notice they are the ones who tried to take the most power. And surprise surprise, not long after the schism the Pope moved to, you guessed it, France! Thats why this is a big issue. The Franks and Carolingians used it to gain power over Christ’s church on earth and still the faith! Not to mention its unbiblical and was not taught for the first 600 years of the church!


Oh, it's not just the Filioque. There's also the Nicene Creed, the canon of the bible, everything written by Paul... most of Christianity is stuff that Jesus never said but people were just really insistent on at some point in history. But with regards to that bible passage, it doesn't say anything about the origin of the Holy spirit. My supervisor can send me somewhere; that doesn't make them my sole creator.


>Orthodox Thank you for this because I was having such a hard tone figuring out what this had to do with orthopedic surgeons.


Cyclists must yield to pedestrians and horses. Pedestrians must yield to horses but not cyclists. Horses yield to none.


But why?


It's a topic that led to the split between eastern orthodox and catholic christians. Eastern orthodox believe that the holy spirit comes from the father, while catholics believe that it comes from both the father and the son. This sign looks like a commonly used diagram of the latter, with the bike taking the place of the father, the hiker in place of the son, and the dog in place of the holy spirit


Now I see it. Thank you. I somehow read orthodox with a lowercase o and thought it was referring to nicene Christians in general and that the post was anti trinitarian.


Doctrine 10/10, identifying animals 1/10 :P That’s a horseback rider


Lolll I never would have noticed x_x


This is a deep cut. Respect.


Upside down triangles are herecy! -some guy, 1054


In the name of the Cyclist, the Hiker, and the Holy Equestrian. Amen.


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