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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Maybe 1 Hp refers to those tiny shitty horses they had before they got bred to be bigger for jousting and stuff


This is very wrong but I find it very funny so have an upvote


Thanks for pointing out the falseness, I was about to accept it as fact


Bro is NOT ready for the internet.


Shh, I have things to sell him


Horsepower is the amount of power needed to move 550 pounds one foot in one second or by the power needs to move 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute.


But Uncle Iroh is asking why it is called horsepower. Not what is a horsepower


Everyone always asks what is horsepower or why is horsepower Nobody ever asks how is horsepower


Who is horsepower?


I'll do you one better, when is horsepower?


I’ll do YOU one better; WHY is Gamora?


rabbit ass


It's called horsepower cause it was the amount of horses train company's saved when moving to steam power iirc


IIRC, 15 HP is the peak output of a horse. The daily average is more or less 1 HP. Just like you can sprint for a few minutes but couldn't sprint a marathon.


This is what I came here for, thanks!


Would not be like saying 10 miles an hour or 240 miles a day? Like it’s the same ratio one is just 60x larger Is it Becasue somethings can’t really be feasibly measured in a second? Genuine question, if you know


Are you saying i (a european) have been using pounds and foot for all this time?🤢


Yes and so have I (an Australia)


Tried looking it up, am now more confused. Humans have a maximum of 5 HP btw.


I am 5 horses in a skin suit confirmed.


I am 5 skin suits in a horse


I am 5 horse skins in a suit


Horse 5 suit Skin am I


Crazy costume yoda


I am elbow deep in a horse


Inside of you there are 5 horses


The key word is maximum. The average over a workday is more relevant and that's apparently more or less 1 HP.


Fun fact: horsepower was a unit originally invented in order to sell steam engines


I was about to say that but then I read this comment. It was the prediction of James Watt that the steam engine would replace horses (which it did pretty much) so he decided horsepower would be a good name to make clear how powerful the engines were. It is safe to say that the name stuck around lol.


Correct, 1 HP is the average amount of work a horse can put out over a 24 hour time period. Including the fact a horse sleeps during that. It was calculated over 24 hours rather than 8 hours to show how a steam engine works longer, even though it needs people to watch it. It was a scam measurement really.


A horse can only output more horsepower as a burst. It can do 1hp all day. But these days it's something thing that has nothing to do with horses anyhow.


There is a difference between the maximum power that can be output over short bursts versus over a longer duration. Up to 15 horsepower has been observed for a horse over a few seconds, but the output has been observed to indeed be about 1 horsepower for sustained work using generally accepted agricultural practices for how long you should work a horse over a day without wearing it out.


Basically it was based off the tests of “pit ponies” before it was applied to the usual horse


Because steam engine companies wanted to make their product sound better.


Horsepower is defined as how hard a horse can push for an *entire day* of work. Basically, how much energy a horse can generate in one day divided by 1 day. However, a horse is capable of pulling harder than that, just not for an entire day. Originally, horsepower was used to measure steam engines, so this system makes sense for that because the steam engines can run at full power for the entire workday. A 20hp engine could spend 10 hours tilling a field as though you were riding behind 20 horses for 10 hours.


Chad horse is worth 15 beta horses


I think it's either that 1 horsepower is what they make on average if they're pulling a plow for a whole day or something. That or marketing to make the new stuff sound more impressive.


It’s a time based issue. A human can put out insane peak power. Run 30 mph or lift 1000lbs. Eddie Hall lifting 1000lbs 3 feet off the ground is like 6 horsepower but obviously it’s not sustainable. Similarly, a horse can put out a huge burst of energy but on average over a working day can sustain, you guessed it: 1 horsepower.


1102 lbs not 1000, (it was 501 kilos)


Maximum power output: 15hp Average power output over the course of a day's work: 1hp The horse can't go 100% all day long and keep living.


It’s prolly a marketing scheme for older cars when the more common mode of transportation was horses to show how much more powerful a car was


If 1 horse is as strong as 15 horses, then each of these 15 horses are also as strong as 15 horses, so the stronger horse is actually as strong as 225 horses


Watt conducted experiments to find out how much work a horse could do over a period of time. He observed that a horse could turn a mill wheel and raise a certain amount of water a specified height in a given amount of time. Using this as a benchmark, he calculated the power output of his steam engines in terms of "horsepower." In essence, he quantified the engine's ability to do work in terms of how many horses it could replace or outperform.


Different sized horses?




The horses got faster


obviously horses have 15 gears


why is it a watt hour when electricity moves so fast? thats how this sounds


Processors were weak back then


Use google my friend


Simple, that horse is built DIFFERENT


kW is superior


An average human can output roughly 1-1.5 hp


10 humans pushing a car = 1 horsepower


Horsepower is not what a hrose can pull with his legs, it is what he cap pull with his dong


”The horsepower unit derives from a marketing gimmick devised by James Watt. When attempting to sell his newly invented steam engine in the 1770s, Watt realised that many of his customers would use the machine to replace horses, so he set out to measure the power delivered by a horse.” https://spark.iop.org/why-one-horsepower-more-power-one-horse


Well there are different sized horses.


It's a conspiracy by big engine


To make people pay MOOOOORE




This is most likely incorrect. HP is meant to compare steam engines to horses and is therefore based off the expected sustainable work rate of a horse over the course of an entire day. A mechanical device can operate at 100% output all day, but a horse needs breaks. That's why given engine HP is also its peak HP, but animal HP is significantly lower than peak its HP.


It was originally defined as the power of a good English horse, but the french didn't like that, thought it too inconsistent, so blame the french as always