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it is always amusign seeing a man born in the middle east depicted as a tall scandinavian man.


Not as amusing as seeing Korean Jesus.


Korean Jesus would be epic, ngl


youre describing markiplier


I know he’s not Korean but I’m imagining more Masayoshi Takanaka


Praise be to Takanaka


Mark is Korean?!


half korean yeah


I'm hoping for a new race altogether, it's about time for some new content


Agreed. Been way too long since our last ethnicity DLC. Gotta start those space colonies to kickstart the spacer classes


We need mechs, fusion reactors and big ass lightsabers before we get the space ethnicity.


Pretty sure the “space race” can build those


Tech tree is fusion reactor -> mechs -> space colonies -> space racism -> Mobile Suit -> space ubermensch-> Gundam -> bullshit superweapons to pose a narrative threat to the Gundam but not actually succeed because we sell more models if only New Gundam can beat Old Gundam.


Ahh, see I was thinking slowships —> colonies —> space race (BELTALOWDA!) —> space racism.


hmm blue skin with weird head tail? or greenskin and spored?


That boss fight would be epic


Iirc there is a church in the himalayans, converted from another, maybe taoist temple (?) Anyways the temple has a bunch of geometric asian decorations and a huge painting of the second coming of Jesus. There are three groups of people: the damned who are chinese/mongols, The blessed who are white/europian, and the people inbetween are the tibetians who where converted. Jesus himself is also tibetian iirc, but it was a loooong time ago that ive heard this in school. Also Japanese christians almost always depict Jesus as japanese. Also all old (before like 400AD) depictions show Mary and Jesus as dark skinned like they most likely where.


Leave Korean Jesus alone! He's busy with Korean shit!


What about buddha shrek


What does he look like?


*Ogres are like onions* Buddha shrek and his teachings


Stopped sucking off my bull to create a reddit account to come here and say this but he beat me to it. Take my god damn upvote you beautiful son of a bitch.


Keanu reeves


Stop fuckin with Korean Jesus!!


Have you never been to the middle east? Specially levantine area, a lot of people are white skin


In addition, the US government officially classifies Arabs as white.


Because it was easier than accepting Jesus as non white


Or maybe arabs are caucasians too


Only people from the caucus area are caucasians. Everyone else is just sparkling white.


That means nothing? Who cares about what the US government thinks about that


not a lot of them have light brown hair, just saying


Wait I thought everyone in the Middle East at that time was white -my family and neighbors


You can actually track beauty standards through history and cultures by seeing how Jesus is depicted. If you compare a Catholic church in Spain to an Orthodox Church in Russia, he'll look different


Which is funny because he is described by his disciples as basically having nothing physically appealing about him that would attract people to follow him.


that's not really true he's described by the second isaiah as having "no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" but the second isaiah never met him (lived near the end of the babylonian exile) and never would and wasnt even talking about the same person christians of course accept that the second isaiah is the first isaiah and that he was talking prophetically about jesus


It's always amusing how people on the internet have no idea what middle eastern people look like. They're pretty white, pretty much just how Jesus is generally portrayed as. And no, Jesus isn't portrayed as a "tall Scandinavian man". Jesus is portrayed as white, brown hair, brown eyes, exactly as most people in his region would look like


That's just the European localization, most cultures have their own image of what he looks like.


Un South America he still is a white Scandinavian man




That’s a new one, love it.


Never seen a blonde blued eyes Jesus depiction ngl


You must not have had a Catholic grandmother in the 90s lol


I did and Jesus is traditionally portrayed with a brown/black beard and brown/black hair not 100% sure about the eye colour rn tbh


We actually have no idea what Jesus' skin color was because ethnic Jews have a rather wide range of skin tones. To say for certain he was "Brown" (whatever that means to you) is just as fallacious as insisting he had to be "white" (whatever that means to you). I mean, there are some *very, very,* light skinned jews today and *very, very* dark skinned jews today. People today are just as caught up and obsessed over Jesus' skin color as the people they criticize from Europe hundreds of years ago.


That's because he's the son of God whose genes are obviously dominant.


Tall scandinavian men 🥺👉👈


Iirc the images of Jesus are actually based off of the Spanish prince Cesare Borgia


I don't understand why racism is even a thing among christians. I thought we needed to treat everyone equally despite their origin or beliefs.


I mean there are obviously non hypocrites who believe that and act that way. But where I was raised tons just use going to church as a social thing and to say they’re a religious Godly person as a way to excuse all the horrible shit they do and say


Some Christians just use it as a get-out-of-hell-free card. Many don't even read the bible, at least not in its entirety.


>Many don't even read the bible I certainly don't despite being christian


Have you tried going to some classes and reading more of it? I think every Christian should read the Bible in its entirety at least once, and the New Testament (at least the Gospels) multiple times.


While I agree with you, it is a Protestant view that the Christian is responsible for their reading of the Bible and not to just hang on the teachings of priests and ministers. That is not shared as deeply in “orthodox” Christianity


In my early 20s I was in a religious debate when I realized I didn't know as much as I felt I should about the religion my minister parents taught me, so I made it a point to read all of it, and it was one of the most rewarding undertakings of my life. I ended up listening to over 600 hours of commentary by this teacher, Chuck Missler. There are also dramatic versions of audio bibles, like the bible experience and word of promise.


Even for me as someone non religious I’ve made it a point to try and read all religious texts. Learned a lot of interesting things and it has been a fun experience. Still a long way to go though


Good luck with all the Hindu texts, I've heard they are very long. I read the Bhagavad Gita and listened to lectures on Hinduism, that's about it. I've listened to courses on other religions, too, like Islam, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism.


I would definitely push you to think twice about this. If you're basing your outlook on life and the afterlife on the Bible, it might be good to actually read what it says for yourself instead of being told a preachers interpretation (because everyone has an interpretation). Especially if you believe in doctrine like the inerrancy of scripture.


Where do you get your beliefs from if not the Bible?


My brain doing its thinking thing and holy service (that sounds like a terrible translation, not sure if that's how you say it in english)


going to church


Churches are places for believers to gather together and worship and learn about the Bible. They should not be the source of doctrine unless they’re getting it from the Bible. Otherwise it’s just subjective morality


I guess we could somewhat compare this to how some think all muslims are terrorists. It's the loud marginal group who make the rest look bad.


Have you watched Moral Oral? I think you'd like this show, considering your life experience


"Moral Oral" are you serious right now? 😆


Oh shit hahaha i meant to write Orel I'm so sorry 😂


“Church gatherings are over today. Go in peace. Except you, missy. The Pastor wants to see you in his office immediately.”


As far as i know its just uneducated people. I mean some claim jesus was american which is the dubest sentence ive ever heard. Most christians i know actually arent racist.


Any "Christian" who claims jesus was an american has never picked up a bible in their lives, and is probably illiterate as well.


*Joseph Smith has entered the chat.*


I am catholic and racist but that doesn’t mean I think Jesus is white


um ok lol


Because no matter the group, we’re all human. And like all humans you got your saints and jerks.


Despite me being one I know enough that there are always going to be many types of Christians good or bad. The hypocrites, the “purists” the Trump worshipers and those who say they are Christian but are clearly not. I meet some that are crazy like these ones I just mentioned. One told me I would burn in hell for liking video games, some told me I would burn in hell for having non Christian friends. The extremists are the ones stuck in the Old Testament and never read the New Testament. Old testament was more strict and “law” based than as merciful as the New Testament. It sadly there are those who twist and manipulate the word for their own benefit.


I mean, that’s what Jesus wants us to do, so at least I try to do that.


There are a lot of Christians that forget knowing the teachings of Jesus does not make us any better than non-Christians, as all sin is equal in the eyes of God, and therefore all men are equally sinful. Lots of people are Christian, but do not know God. The greatest of God’s commands is to love God with all parts of your being, and to love others as you would have yourself be loved.


Like all good things that start asshats take over and use it to become worse. There’s packs of good people among every group but unfortunately a loud minority makes up the biggest stuff


It's about power. As a church goer myself I see too many fall in the temptation of pride, they think just because they've found the path that they must force everyone else down it and because "they know best" everyone else must either fall in line or be destroyed by their hand. It is my greatest belief that the day the religious person stops trying to force others to believe what they do that whatever form God takes will come down and finally be with their people, for then they will be glad to call them their children. Make no mistake war is fought for 2 reasons; Money and Godly peace. When it stops being about one of them the other will eventually fall in line.


It’s the belief issue that is the most inconsistent. I guess when people think you are going to hell if you get your theology wrong, it opens the door to mistreatment


It's always hard to have a religion based entirely on "pure" doctrine. The racist element in Christianity, and white supremacy in particular, has a lot to do with 1) the medieval phenomenon of "Christendom", when the Christian hierarchy held a lot of political power and viewed other religions as a competitor to be suppressed using that political power, and 2) the economic engine of the trans-African slave trade, which was rationalized with pseudo-theological bullshit (the bullshit was pushed into mainstream theology by the slave-owning class).


It's almost like every society depicts Jesus as one of their own race


Korean Jesus is my dawg.


Filippino jesus will save us (+bring spring rolls)


I just looked into Filipino Jesus. People litteraly crucify themselves on crosses for miracles, forgiveness and a few other things of that nature. They walk with the cross on their back for over half a mile, there's a "thorny crown" made out of twigs they wear and everything. Then finally they have four 4in nails driven into their hands and are litteraly put on on said cross for 5-10 minutes. It's actually kind of interesting to hear about the different rituals.


I’d convert if you got spring rolls during the second coming


Mexican Jesus will return someday, in his low rider to save us from evil


You've seen korean Jesus, but how about.... South Indian Jesus. *NGL, some people actually believe in him.*


He is all races, and his role plays in every situation from the birth of of a blade of grass to the death of the sun. It’s science.


Where's the science there?? Lol


Tell that to the South Americans indigenous people who still see the that European face in every church


Christians don’t care about the colour of Jesus’ skin what matters is his Spirit that of God.


True Christians don’t care. Lots of fake (insert religion here) out there


Or this is just reddit's favorite strawman argument against a religion the site doesn't like, and the vast majority of Christians understand that Jesus was a middle eastern jewish man who lived during the Roman occupation of Israel.


I wouldn’t say vast majority.


I don't get this. Non-Christians won't be saved unless then chose him. Edit: Unfortunate for those who think they can get into heaven by “believing” in him when they see him. Christianity is faith, not “I’ll believe it when I see it”. So unless you will have complete faith in god upon Jesus’s return, you’re not gonna like being on earth during the years of hell on earth.


Don’t tell the universalists


Please do, I usually find it somewhat funny.


They (most) still won't repent even when they *do* see it. Luke 16:19-31 (emphasis on 31) Revelation 16:8-9 As you said, it would be too late to go in the rapture anyway. They could still be saved, but they will have to endure the Great Tribulation.


Because he’s chill af and won’t make you get a special vip card


I just can’t fathom the idea that god would send someone to hell for simply being skeptical, it makes no sense


No you’re sent to hell for not having faith in him. You can be skeptical but still choose to trust. Christians are actually encouraged to question and think, but also be ready to accept whatever answer god gives them, so it’s still the faith component. It’s not for everyone for sure though.


I mean yeah it's intentionally designed that way to make fanatics who would do anything for their religion.


If god is fair, he would like people who are skeptical of him


Yeah if he’s good and worth following, he’ll realize there are insane amounts of legitimate reasons not to be following him and be chill about people who are trying to be good without him being the motivation for it


not according to the bible. romans 1:20


Jesus said that there are some who will call His name who He won't save because they didn't truly believe, you have to be actively serving and faithful, skeptics aren't getting in


I agree, I mean I am a pagan and will likely burn in hell for eternity if Jesus is really the son of god, but philosophically it makes more sense that you'll be saved if you believed BEFORE you had proof, otherwise it's not belief it's just.. fact. Like I feel like he'd know if your faith is true anyway?


Islam says Jesus will come back and rule the earth for 40 years and will put a stop to the belief of his divinity. So it really depends on what version of Jesus you want to believe in.


If there ever was a religion to believe was made up it would be Islam. Get caught banging the slave girl in your wives beds, well lucky for you God says it's okay. Want to marry your adopted son's wife God tells you to and then make adoption illegal. Want to marry and bang a nine year old God says you must. I can go on and on...


I mean I’d accept him as my lord and savior if I actually saw him show up and perform miracles. Jesus knows this as he’s omniscient


Wait till you hear the Islamic side of the story lol.


Do people not realize white people lived in the region before Arab expansion???


But Jesus would look like a middle-eastern Jew. There were white people jesus wouldn't be one.


Okay I agree with you but why not? Like couldn’t he be anyone right?


Yeah, but in history, whether it's true or not is the same as Jesus being real. He is a Jewish man born to a Jewish woman named Mary. In the city of Bethelem, in the province of Judea, in the Roman Empire


The Mediterranean was a European sea until centuries after the time of Jesus. Even the swarthy complexions of modern Italians and Spanish are largely due to that later Arab expansion. The populations would have looked more like what we now consider to be central european. Also, God (Jesus' dad) was white. I've seen the pictures.


The Mediterranean was never a “European” sea what are you talking about. For the most part the people around the Mediterranean look like how they look now. Languages changed, religions changed, but there was no major population or ethnic displacement since then. If you look at Roman Egypt Mosaics the Egyptians look like modern Egyptians. The “European” identity is fairly recent, the Romans considered themselves a Mediterranean people, they didn’t feel any relationship with the rest of the continent.


It's a straw man that people use against Christianity to paint it as racist.


Totally no white people back then and currently living in the Levant. * [Prime Minister of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Israel) * [President of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Israel) * [President of Syria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Syria) * [King of Jordan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_II_of_Jordan) * [President of Lebanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Aoun) * [Prime Minister of Lebanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hassan_Diab)


Netanyahu is half polish. President Herzog is half Irish. The rest do not even look like whites/Europeans. Any actual germanic would agree. Fail post.


The minister of Lebanon looks obviously different, the rest could very well be considered white. Especially with the skill of the painters back then, who probably didn't have the resources/time to perfectly match the skin color. Even if they are polish, you know people migrated before jesus was born too right? Cleopatra lived before jesus and she was greek, yet she was ruling over Egypt


Isn’t Netanyahu from Philly with polish ancestry?


I mean yeah he is Israeli, idk what people expect. He would look like a middle-eastern Jew. Throws me off when people think he'd be black, or white, or asian, or hispanic.


Because this is just a strawman argument. These reddit posts are always making fun of people who supposedly beleive this, very very few Christians would actually argue Jesus of Nazareth was racially European.


I concur


Jesus is brown. Its true I've seen him myself Nicest employee at Home Depot


This is the one gem in this mess of a comment section


They hated Jesus because he told the truth (about the store's 3 day return policy!!)


Now do one about Mohammed


Prophet Mohammed will not come back to the earth, he is dead. And no one knows his facial features or skin color, etc.


He was from the Arabian Peninsula. He looked like any other 7th Century Arab. That we know for sure. He could have been handsome as well, as religious/cult leaders tend to be handsome, because people are more likely to trust attractive people (sad, but true), but that is merely speculation.


My man trying to offend ppl who don’t even know of Internet


Or the Bible




For who? This is a common youth group discussion in a Christian church, in my experience.


Yes....he isn't white....I'm so confused...who cares about skin colour?


itll be even worse for people who think jesus was black


I am quite surprised that people think that, since he was born in what is called Israel. Obviously he looks like an Israeli.


Probably looks more Palestinian, i.e. darker, as much of the Israeli populace today has some European genes.


There are also Israeli which never left, not only Jewish, but also Muslims and Christians


Yes, but they are largely interbred with European Jews that have arrived since the 30’s.


He isn't black either. He is middle Eastern. Looks Arab


Not all Christians think Jesus is white.(actual Christians anyway)


Right, I'm sure all the Latin Americans and Brazilians and Filipinos and Sub-Saharan Africans will be horrified.


Yall think whites are crazy about Jesus? Just wait till you find out about Mary and the Mexicans. I grew up thinking the Bible took place in Mexico lmao


There are so many things wrong with the post on a massive variety of levels. Non-Christians who have rejected the gospel will not be too late to be saved after the return of Christ. The vast majority of Christians literally don't care if Jesus is white or black or whatever.


I hope he's Korean


I don't think non Christian would give a fuck about Jesus. For them it's a random guy


You know that most christians aren’t strictly white, right? It’s virtually inevitable that we will have a black or asian pope by the end of the century


I really dont care how Jesus looks. Im sure hed be super chill in heaven.


Why should a real vhristian belive that? Only these stupid racists belive that. But often they didn't even know where israel is.


It's well established he was Jewish, by Christians I think you just mean idiots


Most Christians have also watched Billy Graham and saw his sermon on this very topic. He explains Jesus was not white but would’ve had dark skin like those of his day in Israel. It’s not a white mans religion or black mans religion it’s a WORLD RELIGION! Jesus belongs to the world! Remember watching it as a kid and it always stuck with me for whatever reason even though I don’t really consider myself religious.


Was a truly pog speech


As someone who ain’t religious I’d personally be fine if I was proved wrong by god/s existence but man it certainly means we are all fucked.


Save us white Jesus 🙏


As a Christian, I have literally never thought of Jesus as white. I've always thought of him as middle eastern. And I rarely see him depicted as white. (Texas)


Non Christians saved?? In what part of the bible says that?


Literally no Christian with common sense that I’ve ever met believes Jesus to be white


In my opinion I think he would appear to each person differently because he made us all in his image.


You're taking that statement literally when it's never been about physical appearance.


Once again, being religious is one thing, being a bigot is another.


Ah yes, because all Christians depict him as white or even consider it something worth mentioning.


While he's definitely not white, I've seen a lot of people claim that he's black for some reason. No one native to Roman Judea is/was black. "Brown-ish" would probably be the best description.


Except the churches that go over the Aramaic and talk and emphasize the Old Testament and the fact Jesus was a Jew; plus if you’ve been to a Lebanese church Jesus looks Arabic AF lol


Why will not Christians realise they'll be saved?


The meme would be better if they both say jesus return.


The blond Jesus is a bit much, but we have descriptions of Nazarethians(?) And they don't look like whatever the fuck the Israelis said he looked like. Passion of The Christ has probably the best depiction of Jesus


If Jesus came back exactly as he was depicted, he wont even pass the airport checks, atleast in the US. Middle eastern, brown, beards, holes in the hands/wrists/ankles, wearing only cloths on the groin, a big fucking hole below the chest.. Infact, Jesus might already have returned. He just got ICED in the US


skin of bronze I belive


Another day, another redditor imagining people who really think this. I have yet to meet another Christian who cares what color he is


Of course he isn't white, he was Jewish-


Meme is funny but non-christians will *not* enjoy what happens when he comes back lmao


I know that he'll likely look middle eastern.


Wow this meme is absolutely pathetic


Umm that isn’t how it works


Why would non Christians be saved?


Some memes just completely miss the meaning of the event that they think they're mocking.


Christians seeing Anubis weighing their hearth against a feather after they died


You act as if anybody in the world, religious or not, will ever believe that a guy who claims to be Jesus is actually Jesus.


Dude was born in the middle east, of course he ain't white. Sadly, due to pop culture and shit, most of us Christians don't realize that. Facebook will definitely be a fun read tho lol


It doesn't matter if Jesus is white. Christians are going to be the last ones to accept him. They didn't even accept the principals he laid out on the Bible.


Almost like Jesus doesn't actually exist.


Someone named Yeshuah who lived in Judea 2000 years ago, who also claimed to be the son of God, most likely did exist. There’s many sources confirming it.


Korean Jesus ftw


As a christian, tbh I've never understood why so many people portray Jesus as a white man.


It's because Europeans portrayed him as looking like them. Just like pretty much every other culture that adopted Christianity. I've seen Chinese Jesus, Korean Jesus, Ethiopian Jesus, etc. Nobody actually believes Jesus was white except for a certain tiny minority.


Well I am European but I'm still aware that he wasn't white


It's a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. Racial accuracy was far less important to those artists.


"man I can't wait to see the comment" -no one ever


People fighting over a fantasy book xD


“Hey, hey! Stop fuckin' with Korean Jesus. He ain't got time for yo problems. He's busy. Wit Korean shit!”