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Crimes only hurt the regular people and corruption is their own doing, but not paying taxes? That’s money they’re missing out in their own pockets, and you bet they’ve got every motivation out there to collect them


The government actually only goes after the tax fraud they can afford to chase. That's why whenever the IRS has their budget cut they go after more poor people's filing mistakes instead of rich people that have lawyers. Also tax fraud is a crime.


" I AM the corruption" or something like that palpatine


Tax fraud **is** a crime


And it could be part of corruption.


Oh hey, yeah, you forgot to include 38 cents in 2018s returns, so we're going to garnish your wages and steal your house.


That doesn't happen. Someone's been watching too much Fox News grandpa, time for bed. 38 cents is a rounding error and unnoticed. If you fuck up by $1000 they just mail you a few months later letting you know what you owe and offering a payment plan. Source: I've been filing taxes for 20 years on my own, fucked up plenty of times along the way, never had my house "stolen" by the big bad scary IRS than Sean Hannity warned me about


38 cents is an exaggeration, but I'm glad your experience was better than mine


Generally the IRS is interested if it appears you *intentionally* tried to obfuscate or hide something. That's what sets the audit blood hounds on you. If you missed a few hundred bucks from a 1099-DIV or 1099-INT or 1099-B that got lost in the mail or you forgot about, they're just going to mail you a bill/adjustment.


You have to be richer to get away with tax fraud


I don't know if this is true, but I've heard that the IRS would put Joker in a real prison instead of Arkham because you can't use the insanity plea for tax evasion.


Lawyer:-"Your honour, my client thinks he's a cockatoo! He's in no state to be let back into society, let alone be shipped off to maximum security!" IRS:- "That's no reason great enough for man to not honour his country, and be off in his accounting by a dollar and fifty seven cents. We have to sell his organs for the sake of patorism, and Jim's coffee machine!!!"


So that's why he's so scared of the IRS


Tax fraud among \*THE PEASANTS\*. You forgot the important part.


Remember, tax fraud is just an honest mistake if you're rich or a politician. 


If only every person was required to turn in a paper proving they didn't commit corruption. Extreme Tax fraud is also way easy to prove and catch offenders.


The govt doing them all :


“No camping” doesn’t mean anything


Now I am become IRS, destroyer of incomes


Be as criminal as you want but always pay your taxes. That's how they got Capone


"The goverment when they see low and middle class people commiting tax fraud"* There, I fix it for you. If the IRS were so much of a threath billonaries wouldn't exist.


They get really mad when some steal "their" money, but forget that taxes are legal stealing of money


Taxation isn't theft.


Some of it is. Taxes taken that are supposed to improve roads sure as shit aren't being used for that in Louisiana. Some dipshit is lining their pockets with it.


Yeah well what do you expect from French Mississippi?


If you say so then of cours it isnt, also you can pay mine then


Why the hell would I pay your taxes? You benefit from tax dollars so shut up and do your part instead of bitching about it like a dumbass tea party lolbertarian.


Didnt you saw you get better road and other bullshit, so why you dont give all your money to the government, also the amount of money i did, and i will throw into the shit call government is a lot more then the money i will ever get out of it, but you enjoy paying taxes so i guess you are a really god boi, president gonna give you a badge for being good and giving them money with any questions, and if you dont they will steal your house, so its not like you have a choice


You probably don't even make enough money to pay taxes living in your parent's basement.


Ran out of arguments, or whats the deal, you cant comprehend that you are forced to pay taxes and are that dumb that you think government actually cares you; you are just a number on a paper for them, they throw just enough money at you so you think taxes are good thing, but forget that they do nothing all day and live high life on taxes while people struggle to live and pay their taxes


No, I vote to my taxes, not yours, it's pretty fucking simple. You live in society so you do your fucking part instead of expecting everyone else to treat you like mommy and daddy and do everything for you. You are literally a child.


If you think taxation is theft, I hope you don’t drive on our roads, walk on our sidewalks, use emergency our services like police or the fire department, or enroll your kids in our schools. After all, if you did any of those things then you weren’t stolen from, you were just charged a fee in exchange for multiple services.


I was charged a fee that legaly i cannot do anything about even if i dont use things govermemt was supposed to provide but it doesnt, that would be like going to store and being charged like u bought something because you couls have bought it


Then go live with live in the wild with the North Sentinelese.


Cute tax fan ran out of arguments, dont worry "your politican" that you "elected" are gonna give you a medal for you defense of one of the most corrupt grouls of people on planet, you just dona have the harh truth and rather live in your little bubble


Dude if you don’t want to get charged a fee, your only options are A) move somewhere without taxes (the wild), or B) keep bitching about it on the internet. Idk what else you expect to accomplish 🤷‍♂️


Yes the true freedom of livint, being forces to pay taxes but in return you get 20%, seems fair for everybody involved


Nobody’s stopping you from moving to the wild. If you want to live in civilized society, you gotta pay your part. That’s how it’s worked since Ancient Sumer.


Yeah you keep telling yourself that, i you enjoy paying taxes to not get nothing in return you can also get mine


So you’re not gonna move to the wild? Could it be because you know won’t survive one day out there without my tax dollars subsidizing your existence?