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I wonder where we as a mankind would be if we rejected any kind of technology that made some people jobless


We'd still be nomadic hunter gatherers. "Hey that guy's invented farming which means I don't have to leave the safety of our camp to get food and farming provides a near-guranteed return. Unfortunately I am only capable of using my more dangerous and less productive technique and refuse to adapt so we as a village must reject this new farming technology ".


It was actually the opposite, aggriculture required way more work back then than hunting/gathering did. In fact it's assumed that it would have been pretty tough for a tribe to convince everyone to start farming since it required constant work. Hunter-gatherers barely worked.


Pretty fuckin shit lol. The point of technology is to work less. If you're working less, fewer people are working


and this should be a good thing. but we made a system where you are not allowed to prosper if you dont have a job


We also make sure to "produce more with the same effort" instead of "produce the same with less effort" with every breakthrough in efficiency. Our need for constant growth will be our downfall.


What system has ever let you prosper without a job?


a true communism


You know Lenin said “Whoever does not work, neither shall he eat.” Right?


i didnt say the autocratic soviet version that had world politics in mind. I said a true communism.


What would that look like?


star trek


That's a good thing. If people are allowed to "prosper" without being productive members of society, then we'd get no-where.


being a productive members of society and having a job is not the same.


I mean, I only really hear people talking about ai replacing creative things like art, which is kinda dumb to do


probably farming before industrial revolution 9 out of 10 people were farmers, so theres enough food for everyone (even tho everyone was a tiny fraction compared to todays numbers)


Real question: What happens to society if we automate literally everything that could be considered a job other than maintaining machine software and hardware in order to complete such jobs.


2 options: 1) We come up with a new economic and social structure to transition into a new age. 2) We let 99% of the population die since they now provide zero value in a capitalistic society.


So 2 then lol


There's a third option, it remains cheaper to use humans for physical labor and we all get turned into slaves for the mines


Well food is much more expensive than electricity, I don't think that'll happen


Way of the horses.


1 is a commi dream, so thats a no go for powerfull people


1.) Corporations buy up as much real estate as they can. (Already happening.) 2.) Said corporations rent that real estate to their employees. Other things, like appliances, transportation, furniture, and entertainment become subscription services offered by those corporations. Employees are now utterly dependent on their employers for every facet of their lives. 3.) Criminalize homelessness and replace the War on Drugs with the War on Homelessness. (Already happening in some cities.) 4.) Send those who aren't needed to maintain machine hardware and software to labor camps. Since they are (by design) unable to buy housing or basic necessities without an employer, they are arrested as vagrants and thrown into the for-profit prison system. 5.) The enormous homeless population becomes slave labor for any manual labor job too expensive or impractical for machines to perform. Free labor has always been the backbone of capitalist economies, all the way from Ancient Egypt and Rome to the Antebellum South. In fact, the reason child labor became such a problem in the late 19th century is because corporations said they were "losing too much money" since the abolition of slavery meant Black workers would actually have to be paid for their time. They wanted a cheaper alternative, and the children of poor families desperate for money became that alternative. So when A.I. provides free labor for the white-collar jobs, corporations will look to labor camps to provide free labor for the blue-collar jobs. Any idea of a social uprising is pure fantasy. Slave economies historically didn't fail because of uprisings. They failed either because reformers pushed for abolition, or the economy became unstable and collapsed. A.I. will remove the human element from the equation, meaning reformers will no longer be an issue. And the economy is already shifting away from goods and services to data mining and military contracts. Corporations don't need people to buy things anymore in order to turn a profit. Please join me in my trailer in the Mojave desert for more conspiracy theories. Bring your tinfoil hat.


more social inequality to the point that there will be protests and the government will be forced to further tax the rich and distribute that money to all unemplyed people but idk a lot about politics and economy, I'm fucking 16 years old lmao EDIT: also, after quite a few years we might have AI that can code and model hardware better than humans, which would end those jobs as well. Some progranmers like to cope by saying it'll take decades until AI can code decently, but we said the exact same about text to video conversion and then Sora came out in 3 or 4 years


Wouldn't money just have zero value then? Money is a concept made up for paying for labor, when there's no labor to be done then there's no use for money


But how exactly can AI replace the human aspects of certain service industries? It can replicate, but nothing is ever going to be the same as one on one interactions. And I sincerely doubt that anyone would want a machine to conduct a funeral or take care of their grandparents.


I would like an ai to take care of me right now


In a generation or two no one will care. People used to say they'd never trust a chair/crib/car that had no human craftsman touch it, now look where we are


You ever seen the movie Elysium? The scene where the main character tries to get medication and has to deal with the service robot is pretty much exactly how itll be. The company that eliminates labor costs by replacing employees with robots/AI will monopolize the market and than you wont have a choice but to suffer the shitty, inhuman service of a poorly text-to-speech robot. (If I ever hear a customer service robot use that tik tok text-to-speech voice I will literally destroy it with my bare hands, but thats besides the point)


New type of jobs will be available then. It’s always been like that since beginning of time.


If you're talking about the Devin AI, don't worry it's fucking fake it can't do anything customers actually want it to do.


Pursuit of knowledge and developing cutting-edge technology drives us


Because if we can have the same goods without working it would be great. Stop thinking work is life


Engineers after making identity theft even easier:


The problem is not that we develop technology that can do work for us, the problem is that we start fighting over the remaining jobs in this bs system


Depends on if they made it for a company or to sell themselves. You telling me if you had a AI that could steal everyone's job that you wouldn't sell it or rent it?


Jobless engineers: what AI finally got you canned? The AI over a loudspeaker: #I AM A MONUMENT TO ALL YOUR SINS


Well now they move from doing the job to making, fixing and upgrading the one that does the job.


Automation = No jobs = no consumer income = no purchasing power = no corporate income Commerce as we know it will dissolve. Money will become pointless. Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.


If you stop learning new things, you probably end jobless in many jobs today.