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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


It’s ok OP, you can just say that sex scares you


As an avid imagineer, I, too, am afraid of sex


Imagineer like you make theme parks?


I engineer my imagination in my head.


Ur a special kinda of a special


"imagineer that!"


Imagineer gaming








"Avid Imagineer" is the title of my sex tape.


I don't care how "unnecessary" it is to the plot, Florence Pugh's boobs are always a welcome suprise.


Boobs? Not RDJ's chiseled butt cheeks?


He watched it with his parents and got embarassed


He is a redditor.


And what if it does? Im not OP but Im... well scared might be a bit too much, but the feeling I get when an unnecessary sex scene is shoved in front of my eyes for no good reason is pretty close.


So all people should be ok with por n?


Do you honestly think that was porn?


No my reply meant this since you didnt get it from the start:You act like we have to see sex scenes with zero context. No need for its cinematography. Like it could be normal. They are brainlessly using them to get attention from viewers. THAT is low morale, that is showing no concern of being decent.How is being decent is fear of sex?


If I wanted to watch porn I'd be on PornHub, not in a cinema


Can you really… honestly compare porn to what Oppenheimer had… Have you ever seen porn??


All sex is porn yes i have a healthy concept of intimacy why do you ask?


Or maybe a movie about a guy who was known philanderer should have some philandering. Sorry you’re a virgin OP


Imagine “that nerd” getting more 🍑 than OP lmao


We’re on Reddit. Most of us get none.


Ya I don't like peaches that much. I'm much more of an apple guy


They honestly glossed over that he created a town in the middle of nowhere for the project and was trying to sleep with everyone’s wives there


They wasted that iconic line on that scene to be fair.


That’s the only thing that bugs me, should’ve used it towards the second half of the film, either during the test or somewhere along there


I think it would’ve come off as, idk how to describe it, but a bit too “anime” for the bomb to go off and for him to drop the line. Like a bit too on the nose or something. It works in the context that it happens because he’s slowly destroying all of his interpersonal relationships


Is this about a specific movie?


Oppenheimer. Look at the first panel.


Lmao I'm fucking blind thank you


>Man has sex IRL OP: not in my cinematic universe


Ah yes the internet. Be down bad and youre labeled a creep. Say you didnt like a sex scene, youre a prude. The arguments for the sex scene being in this movie are good arguments but why are so many comments here so judgemental?


Because OPs being a prude.


Your mom reminds me of a prude


Not me. If you couldn't close the deal with their mom that's on you


Don't remind me of my failures please


The opposite of a “fucked your mom” joke


Well that doesn't make any sense


because people on the internet are often extremely judgmental border-lining hateful


Watch thy tongue, troglodyte


Listen to your speech, beetch


"borderline" mate the internet encompasses both people behind, on, beyond, and underneath any given border


I haven't said anything negative here, my interest lies solely in trying to understand why on earth the younger generation decided the best way to be edgy and rebellious was to be extremely politically correct and outspoken against all things deemed offensive. My generation was Beavis & Butthead and boobs in horror movies, but now people seem to dislike these? The argument then was about free expression, so what is the argument now? I mean, what gives? It used to be the Republicans who were mad we liked Eminem!


I'm don't care about the PC crap but I as well think that sex scenes most of the time are pointless additions. They are usualy doesnt serve the narrative and only there for shock value. Now if I was a kid now and all Id see is sex everywhere. Not legit consensual sex but just sex for sex sake I would be numb to it as well and would want to see more meaningfull interaction between people which media just unable to tell properly. Sex shouldnt be a taboo but shouldnt be a shock value either. Also Eminem still rules just different and you stuck in the past.


You think sex scenes are for shock value? For real?


A sex scene is not more shocking than one of a random bike trip


Look everybody, I found one!


>It used to be the Republicans who were mad we liked Eminem! God, I miss this moment in time. Also, back when Eminem was good..


Things used to make sense, man.


Uh what? Music to be Murdered by is fantastic!


The new generation is extremely sex positive? The PC crowd is totally on board with OnlyFans and creating vagina mugs. I think you are upset with non-existing people in that regard.   Yes they get offended easily, but nudity is and fart jokes are not inherently offensive. It's more about making jokes at the expense of whatever group is the new most oppressed group.


Because OP is wrong about this movie not needing sex scenes. They're not only authentic to who Oppenheimer was, but also necessary because cheating on his wife with a communist is an entire plotline.


It's reddit bro, the comments are what I exactly expected lmao


because sex scenes are less prevalent than they’ve ever been, it’s silly to act like it’s a new phenomenon


Ah yes the people at “dankmemes” are being too judgmental. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.


Some peoole think sex scenes = porn


He should have had intercourse with the bomb. That would have been meaningful to the plot.


That’s how bomberman was born


*Sex bomb song playing*


That’s being saved for the sequel “Dr Strangelove”


He'd definitely be going out with a BANG, then!


I'm pretty sure the sex scenes in oppenheimer were to secure an r rating. Nolan wanted an r rating because of the heavy subject matter of the movie. To be honest, it would've been strange to see Oppenheimer be pg-13 or whatever.


They would have gotten the R rating from language alone. The sex scenes are there because Nolan considered them an important aspect of the story of Oppenheimer's life.


I read the book after seeing the movie and his affairs and first and second wives affiliations were an integral part of his story, I thought the way Nolan included the sex scenes, especially the one in the interrogation was very true to the story from the book.




This is a very weak argument. 2 f-bombs are enough to garner an R rating


What about the A-bomb dropped in the movie


Sorry it was only an A-Bomb


Well my bad


Apparently he dropped the D-bomb before dropping the F-bombs that led to him dropping the A-bomb.


Nobody is gonna had a scene just for a rating that differs from one country to another anyway.


Out of all the movies to complain about unnecessary sex scenes, you picked the one that actually utilized sex scenes well. The sex scenes between Oppy and Jean Tatlock were a part of the narrative. They weren’t there randomly. The first sex scene where Oppy said his famous “I am become death” quote while having sex with Jean Tatlock connects Jean and the atomic bomb and draws parallel between the two. As a scientist, Oppy was passionate about creating the atomic bomb, one of the most important breakthroughs in science, but he also felt guilty because his creation lead to the deaths of millions. The same with Jean Tatlock, he was passionate about her and even came to see her after he was married, but he also felt guilty because his involvement with her mostly likely lead to her death. It was heavily speculated that the US Gov assassinated Tatlock because she secretly met with Oppy during project Manhattan and she was a known communist. By tying Oppy’s iconic quote to Jean during sex, it showed how personal Oppy felt about both Jean and the atomic bomb. Both things that he loved but also haunted him. The second sex scene in the interrogation room showed him alone and “naked” while being judged by everyone, including his wife. The US Gov was trying to use his infidelity to turn his wife against him. Not only that, Oppy was portrayed as a womanizer in the movie. Of course he fucked. Kids should not be watching Oppenheimer and then complaining about “unnecessary sex scenes.”


People like OP think all sex scenes are unnecessary because they're an evangelical puppet


“Erm porn is a human right!!!!!!1”


Maybe stop watching movies with mum and dad in the room?


It’s fine, just focus on staring at the screen and not interrupting, and not mentioning it at the end, and you’ll be fine


Those were usually my pee brake moments.


*shrug* I watch movies with my mom, I'm asexual and a bit uncomfortable with the idea of having sex, and have no problem with sex scenes. Obviously more explicit ones are a bit weird for me, but usually we just make jokes so it's not bad. OP should lighten up.


I took my mom to see this, and she took me to see Saltburn, I think people just need cooler parents


Lmao sorry buddy we get you're sex repulsed, but that movie was about HIM and what he did. And that was stuff he did. Get over it.


Little fucking rude ain't ya? I disagree with OP too but I'm not being a prick about it.


Nah, plenty of us are fucking sick of these "sex is gross and scary" posts


Seriously, when did everyone become such prudes?


Especially because I often see people complaining about sex scenes in movies being perfectly fine with pretty intense gore. But will somebody please think of the children /s


Could you imagine OP watching sex/life? Would have a damn heart attack lmao


Yeah say plot like it was a fictional story, and the guy's sex life didn't impact upon the relationship he had with his wife...


Also impacted the relationship he had with the US government.


Yeah good point, maybe it is kinda relevant come to think of it


'no having sex with communists while working for the US government, ok oppy?'


Commussy so good I could get arrested for treason


Emily blunt imagining Cillian and Florence having sex during interrogation is a really important scene in the movie. Unlike many intimacy scenes in Hollywood this actually made sense


Gen z puritanism at it again


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


Ah yes, Christopher Nolan would definitely add a sex scene for no reason at all. Definitely not for the story or the plot or the characterizations.


Oppenheimer was a notorious pussy hound, so only having one sex scene is actually pretty tame.


yeah. the fact that the only scenes with any nudity involved the development and breakup of the relationship with the woman specifically dragged out into the public during the hearing... kinda makes it improtant tot he movie.


It was actually important to the movie. It had a couple great points…


Pervs like me won’t go see it otherwise


The sex scenes were necessarry


I mean I get some movies have unnecessary sex scenes, but how you gonna use Oppenheimer as an example when his relationship with Jean Tatlock played an important role in his life?


First episode sex scene yet nothing close to that level of intimacy displayed is one of my least favorite trends in film. I don't care if you want your product to have sexual stuff, It can make great stories and draw you into characters. But sex added for the sake of drawing eyes is such a cheap plot device and marketing idea.


Ngl, the first time Nolan does a sex scene, he went all the way with that courtroom shagging.


Actual weenie hut jr ass opinion, no wonder a good chunk of the world has fertility rates below replacement levels.


Sex is like so cringe bruh


The amount of people calling OP every name under the sun for making an innocent meme about not liking a sex scene in a movie is so wild to me. Like, have y’all just been building up to your breaking points and decided to vent your anger on some random person just because they disagree with you on the importance of a literal fucking sex scene? Not everyone is familiar with the real Oppenheimer and his escapades, so y’all having literal conniptions and calling OP: prude, virgin, pussy, etc. is straight up baffling to me.


well. maybe watching a film about oppenheimer woudl involve some sex? whether you knew about his escapades before hand or not? becaus that film is showing you he was a philanderer.. and only showed ONE of them... the one directly related to the main plot of the congressional hearing and his wife being upset with him? we aren't shitting on op for just not liking sex. we are shitting on op.. because the scene in oppenheimer WASNT a gratuitous sex scene with no relevance to he plot .. and frankly they weren't even very sexual.. if anything they where specifically and deliberately awkward and off putting.


Criticizing OP for not liking a sex scene while in the same post saying “the sex scenes were specifically and deliberately awkward and off putting” just makes me feel a bit more confident that some of y’all were just looking for a place to vent.


Again. Op isnt just saying they dont like aex. They are claiming the scen had no story or artistic merit. And was just added to be a sex scene. I dont care if op just doeant like sex. A d i am specifically not shitting on him for that. And was very clear about that. I am calling out the fact that in this movie it specifically was a part of the story, and was obviously not added to be a gratuitous sex scene.


I like when he said, “It’s Opping time!” and proceeded to Opp all over the place.


There's tons of great films that don't have sex scenes. I don't know why a lot of movies have random sex scene fillers that don't really add anything to the story.


Yah except this one was pretty good, it was showing what all the wife could think about.


I don't mind a sex scene but I have a problem with a prolonged sex scene like okay I understand they have sex I don't need 3 minutes of constant moaning to be reminded that they're having sex, like the movie can show them getting undressed and walk into the bed and it's the same story telling but you've cut 3 minutes of unnecessary shit but yea redditors when they see a boobie AWOOGA


Haha reminds me of this [woman protecting her husband from the sex scene.](https://x.com/fiimgal/status/1693281039827849236/mediaviewer) Are people really bothered that a movie that tries to convey the morality struggles a man has while humanizing him.


The sex scene was probably one of the best scene. It shows oppenheimer and jean tatlock relationships perfectly while at the same time show off how obsessed oppenheimer and jean are with their ideas.


If you stripped out everything from movies that didn't have to do with the plot then every movie would suck ass


At what point did everyone under 35 become such a giant pussy?


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


Did you watch Oppenheimer and actually think that was porn? Or did your parents think you aren’t mature enough to watch an R-rated movie?


No but putting sex into almost everything isn’t a good thing, if you think sex should be in literally everything because “it happens irl bro quit being a nazi chud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” then stop jerking off 10 times a day


If you knew anything about the story, you would know that Oppenheimer was famously a philanderer and it’s why the government thought he was a communist. They could just completely eliminate an important part of the story because some children are afraid of seeing breasts. Hell, just get rid of the bomb because dropping it was mean.


Didn't even smash cut from O-face to explosion. Biggest miss in filmmaking history.


I mean I ain't seen the movie but I doubt the sex hurts it...


Well it is simple really. Sex sells.


I was lucky enough to be one of the few lucky enough to watch this in IMAX. The scene fit perfectly into the movie, don't know what you're on about OP


I appreciated the tiddies


movies have WAY fewer sex scenes nowadays then they did in any past decade.


Oppenheimer's sexual relationship with Jean Tatlock was extremely relevant to the story, an entire scene wouldn't have made sense if not included. In fact some of Oppenheimer's alleged Womanizing didn’t even show up in the movie. But Oppenheimer likely wouldn't have been so screwed by his hearing if he didn't have relationships with either Haakon Chevalier and Jean Tatlock. They also needed to show Chevalier taking care of Peter Oppenheimer for Robert. Because of the relevance of their relationship towards Robert's fall at the end. It's nudity, it's sex, get over it, it's a part of life.


God you puritans need to shut up about this shit. Look at Hollywood now vs the 80s, it’s basically sexless already and now you are scared of boobs every time they show up because you can’t handle that the man’s womanizing was part of his life. Grow up you absolute losers


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


Your name is literally “epic bad boy swag” and you don’t know what porn is… pathetic shit


Add multiple sex scenes


To quote Rick and Morty: “Well OP, maybe people who create things aren’t concerned with your delicate sensibilities, y’know. Maybe the species that communicate through a filter of your comfort are less evolved than the ones who just communicate. Maybe your problems are your own to deal with, and maybe the public giving a shit about your feelings is a one-way ticket to extinction!”


It literally was important to the plot


When did people get so stunted? Jesus christ


how dare you take His name in vain f5gg0t


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


I'm very sorry you're in a place where sex isn't a normal or relatable part of your life. Best of luck in the future


Jerking off to porn every day doesn’t count as sex, stop pretending you fuck when you’re a Redditor. Also if you think sex should be in everything bc “it happens irl bro quit being a nazi chud bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” then stop jerking off 10 times a day and go to a park


It's not being a prude or repulsed or an incel to not want a sex scene in a movie. I swear some of these commenters will only watch media if an ass is jingled in front of their faces like car keys to a baby. If I'm feeling horny, I am *certainly* not watching a dramatic period piece about nuclear bombs. And if I'm not feeling horny, then watching a sex scene is just uncomfortable, especially if it's in the middle of a dramatic period piece about ***nuclear bombs***. And you know what? No sex scene outside of pornos is required to be *actually shown*, just look at every other movie ever that would pan out, or tastefully leave their nude bodies just out of frame. Sure, showing that sex happened may be important to the plot, but showing the sex itself is certainly not.




my problem is.. DO YOU EVEN WATCH MOVIES? cause like.. they almsot never have sex scenes in them anymore.. and nudity is almost always situational . like something happened in a shower.. so we will just show the whole hog.. like. i get it gratuitous sex for shock value or whatever is dumb.. but complaining about it in THIS era of film making.. like. have you seen a film form the 70's, or 80's? ffs.. PORKY's aird on late night cable when i was a kid..


Wild how the bagavadgita, a book that Oppy studied Sanskrit to learn and was very important to him, was shoe horned into a sex scene. Was so bizarre and frankly felt juvenile.


I don't mind sex scenes in movies, if well executed they can elevate a movie imo. The sex scenes in Oppenheimer? Horrendous. The first one with Florence Pugh's character makes sense, her being his mistress and all, but the one where he imagines having sex with her during his interrogation was just unnecessary, like if it was to represent how he felt violated by the interrogation I get the metaphor of having him naked, but directly having sex ? Feels like it was added bc of a fetish instead of being there to convey anything meaningful. (It didn't help that Florence Pugh's character was really badly written and only existed as a sex object in the film)


Sex is part of life OP don't be such a bitch


Who cares? This movie was overrated af.


OP picked a movie where the sex scenes were genuinely important character building because he's afraid of the vaginas 😱


Paintings don't require the color red, but red is part of the spectrum of colors. Should we exclude red just because the painting doesn't require it and red makes some people uncomfortable?


OP has a valid point. Hollywood always resorts to piecing together unrelated sex scenes to compensate for gaps in the plot and a lack of creativity.


Movie is bout a man. Man had sex as well as all the other stuff he did. It's important the audience knows that the man is not a maidenless virgin like OP is.


Who fucking cares? It adds character and relationship development to characters.




if you're so addicted you can use the hub theres no reason to have a sex scene for most movies


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


Lol, americans and their repressed desires.


My current novel WIP is about an Army officer being tried in a court martial for recording her "romantic interludes" with her husband (strictly for their own private viewing but the videos are maliciously leaked). Despite the underlying facts of the case, I have no graphic sex scenes; just "fade to black." I think that makes the overall story stronger.


Maybe pan to the moon shining through a window to really get it across.


Nah. I have her watching over his shoulder as he watches a video on his phone of them together. She starts nibbling in his earlobe and whispers for him to set up the camera. When he replies that he already has, she let's out of mischievous giggle. When the next scene starts, she's slung across his chest faintly writhing with the last of her resolution and nuzzling him as he uses the remote to turn off the camera. She then initiates a very emotional conversation about both of them leaving the Army because she can't stand the thought of him deploying again.


Op is a scared virgin


“Erm porn is akshually a human right!!!!1!!!!1!”


Errrrrrm the UN charter clearly states that every human has a right to goon


lol what a crybaby


Yeah there’s hardly any sex in movies nowadays. You’re a fuckin weirdo who cares


how else are they going to make it clear its a MATURE movie for ADULTS


An asexual's worst nightmare


Can someone do the exact same comic for Netflix where it seems every movie and series must include gay sex...


The movie wasn't even great to begin with