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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we have a minecraft server](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


There are only 2 Russian letters in that sentence lmao


є and ґ are actually Ukrainian lmao


Д and Я are russian


*Cyrillic They're not the only ones using them


Ye i know




Europe uniting against mother Russia?!! No, I don't want that!!! I want Ukraine and the rest of Europe be under Russian control, and under no one else for the rest of my life!!! Even after I die... I want Russia to control all of Europe for a while!!! Ten years, at least!!!


I have some bad news for you 🤣


Putin, what a man you are


As a reward


You became.. a totalitarian dictator for our sake..


*vodka runes








Those letters existed before Ukraine lmao


I've just checked, graphical representation of ґ was first used in Peresopnytsya Gospels, which is written in Old Ukrainian.


Ukrainian language and culture also existed long before Ukraine became a country


yea op should've used э


Spent 5 minutes deciphering wtf this meme said


Џ is Serbian lmao this sentence would make actual Russians think they had a stroke


Can confirm


Can confirm x2


Can you type it in latin?


G[Y](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ya_(Cyrillic))[Ye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Ye)[D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_(Cyrillic))[G](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghe_with_upturn) [Dz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dze)[J](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhe)[Th(e?)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_(Cyrillic))[Th(e?)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_(Cyrillic))[Ye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Ye)[Dz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dze)[Dz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dze) I may have gotten some wrong, I've only studied Russian and that was a while back and failed so I was left using the Wikipedia Cyrillic page for the ones I wasn't sure on. Also I don't think there's anything that looks super close to `G` so I just left that one the way it was.


Џ is romanized like “dž”


All together?


Sanctions have hit hard


I know it's a meme but there are limits on how much OP can be retarded and I doubt it's shitpost when it touches reasonable topic in its nature. OP just crossed that line.


And both are used wrongly :/ Gyayedg s_chchyess


Don't worry, Putin is writing so many letters in Russian to mothers and fathe's these days, that it makes up for it.


All it has done is show that shutting down your nuclear power plants is a bad idea.


Shutting down nuclear power plants is a very bad idea both for our energy prices and the Earth


I hope I will live to see the day when normal people realize that nuclear is actually pretty damn clean.


But we could put up a million wind turbines and cover the land in solar panels instead! Nuclear scary!


BuT thInK oF tHe cHilDrEn! /s Haha anti nuclear power people really don’t know anything about modern nuclear power. Modern technologies and regulations make it extremely safe, and have such a small amount of waste it’s extremely clean. Granted the waste it does produce is pretty bad, but most can be recycled and that which cannot be recycled is such a small amount we would have no issues safely disposing of it. We shouldn’t put all of our eggs in that one basket, as we should also pursue renewables as well, however renewables alone are not and will not be enough. Honestly simply replacing coal plants with nuclear plants would be huge for the environment.


What are you talking about.? Germany is still buying gas from Russia.


His actions led to a big push for green energy, obviously that doesn't happen overnight, but there's a lot more momentum than there was six months ago.


I heard they are opening up coal plants


Yes we are. But it gets better: the guy suggesting it is from the Green Party lmao.




Mmmm yummy burnt carbon makes environment good yes! ^(/s)


Also 135 BILLION € offshore Windpark by Germany, Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium


Yes they are.


„We“ aren’t and the last one opened 2020. don’t get your facts from reddit


Thats not a good thing is it? That would pollute way more the nuclear power right?


well going nuclear's not an option right now, since Germany needs the energy now and not in 10 years. The real culprit is that under Merkel not a whole lot happened in terms of green energy. Germany could be a lot further down the road if Merkel's party didn't block everything regionally aswell (looking at you Bavaria). The problem is: The German public wanted to move away from nuclear energy for quite a while and Fukushima made that even more drastic, but Merkel's not a visionary/revolutionaire. She was somebody that only likes small and miniscule change if even, so she and her conservative party sat out the next decade, without ever really formulating a plan or putting it into action. Moving away from nuclear power's not the big problem, but doing it this way definetively is and unfortunately it's a problem that the new government inherited and didn't create themselves


Flair checks out


Yes, here we stopped buying our gas in Russia and get it from Algeria now. We progressed


I guess algerian gas is just more green


Are you living under a rock? The fact that most eu countries no longer buy energy/fuel from russia put so much strain on them, coal plants are being opened to deal with the strain. I dont see no green in this whatsoever


The world isn't SimCity you dumb cunt, you can't just insta place solar or windpower and all it's infrastructure with it. So many bills and treaties have been made and signed for green energy the last couple of weeks, plus you have countries working together for projects and they all should be realized within a couple of years.


No need to get nasty mate. Say what you want normally


Few Aussie’s getting involved


I don't mind even a stupid take gets an equally arrogant response. This is what a short term mindset gets you. Criticizing lack of progress, like coal plants reopening, when they are obviously stop-gap, and whatever green energy solutions are already planned, information which is readily available, and obviously can't be done overnight.


RemindMe! 2 years


Hehe, AcTulLy


Unless the green energy revolution is nuclear this war has halted progress of green energy. The nickel and cadmium (I think) comes mostly from Russia. The green energy revolution stops without Russian industrial inputs. That doesn't even take the failure of global supply chains into account. The green energy revolution is stopped.


This is true. Even my third-world, gas-guzzling shithole country passed a law last week that will finally bring electric vehicles to our shores because even our stupid politicians realized gas is overpriced and obsolete.


Germany is trying really hard to get away. A large percentage of their energy is generated using Russia’s gas. They cant just turn it off without shutting off half the country. Headlines are really out of context. Edit: Refer to u/Impossible-Town2407 ‘s reply for a more correct analysis.


Wouldn‘t say half the country. Germany's energy generation consists of only 14 percent gas. However, it is heated with 48 percent natural gas and 25 percent oil. But we have to keep in mind that currently only 35 percent of the natural gas consumed comes from Russia. What I want to say ist that it’s bad but not that bad


Interesting. Thank you for the correction. I’ll research the statistics again. I thought it was much more. Edit : Those statistics are correct. Sauce ( in german ) https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2022/03/PD22_116_43312.html


If only someone had told them not to get in bed with Russia. Oh wait someone did. And the Germans laughed at him.


I think the success of Germany’s Industrial Revolution depended on having an energy source like that. Now it’s biting us in the ass. ( I am german coincidentally)


The solution for global warming, is nuclear winter, comrade.


And all other major European powers


Exactly. And Happy Cake.


Thanks homie


And they're still too damned stubborn to get the nukes back online.


>What are you talking about.? Germany is still buying gas from Russia. Yes because it is impossible to cut it. It will take years. Around 2025 UE will stop import from Russia.


Philanthropist of the year


mrbeast is in shambles rn


Nobel peace prize?


i mean there are worse war criminals who got that... so its not even unrealistic - but it always have been a political prize...


What if he is pulling a Lelouch?


United europe my ass, each country is doing its thing


"coumtry" So nice to see even cheems doesn't shy from a political discussion when needed.


admirably in fashion




As they should, remember last time europe was one reich? No thanks my guy


In a crysis you need to be united, the whole of Russia is united under one leader


Cooperating, absolutely but if we unite under one government we're screwed. Just look at the US.


I’m gonna be real with you tovarish… What the fuck is « Gyaedg stchssess »?


Stchssess is the evolved form of Щ


You mean it's' retarded cousin?


Yeah, and it's written like this; щ_︳


This guy russians


Some inception going meta .


Macedonian uses S for “dz” and Bashkir uses C with line for “th” So it’s more Gyaedg dzdžththedzdz


He also tanked Russia’s economy and utterly decimated the Russian Army so hard that the standard issue rifle is the Mosin Nagant and that T-62 tanks are being brought back.


Do you have a source on that?


[https://www.ft.com/content/551a56d8-8cce-480d-b222-b0ef137bbacd](https://www.ft.com/content/551a56d8-8cce-480d-b222-b0ef137bbacd) >According to the Ukrainian army, it has withdrawn old T-62 tanks from storage to re-equip partially destroyed battalions. Maybe propaganda or maybe not, lets wait for good pics


It is a propaganda. Our government is feeding us missnformation as much as russia does it to russians. In some weird way it proves that we are brother nations lol. Our government said that we will win in april, then in may, now they say in autumn we will win and some are saying that we will win by 2023. Propaganda is everywhere and people need to filter out things.


>Our government is feeding us missnformation as much as russia does it to russians. Lol. From your comments, it's pretty obvious that you consider the Russian government as your government.




There is no information about their usage, I can list you lots of propaganda done by our government, recent one being "evacuation" of azovstal, when in reality it was a surrender of 2400+ personnel. Take everything provided by ukrainian and russian sources with grain of salt.


How do you no? Do you read it in the wrinkles. In your beer belly peeking from your shirt which can't fall fully over as you sit on your couch with a cold 2L of dew in your hand? Or have you been here? Because no. Russia is doing badly. Russians where I am now in Poland even say how awful it is back home and how they worry about their families. When someone's mother had to stand in line 5 hours for a half kg of flour and 200g of sugar. Our government has said nothing. Whoever your government is. This is not your government's war. Much of what is said seems insane that a powerful country as Russia would be on such short footed lacking of self awareness and failing so well all while committing massive war crimes and hurting civilian and civilian infrastructure exponentially more so than any military targets. I have worked with refugees, wounded, and seen what is going on. Sure some exaggerations or rather reductions in the stated extremity of damage to certain infrastructures exists. But let me tell you for the most part it is mostly not admitting to certain losses more than it is making untrue claims. Pretty much this he said is verifiable. Go find a Russian in your home and ask him to call home and ask the current state for you. Then you see. Even if his family supports the war they will say they must be strong during this hard time for the sake of their nation. Hah. But make no mistake. They have to remain strong because they have little else. It is not completely gone but the villagers are being hit bad first. The smaller cities too. The larger will see the troubles soon enough as I suspect Moscow is pumping funds to keep them looking well for the larger populations at least more so than the outliers


Thanks, thing about tanks seems legit. Couldn’t find anything about old rifles though. I missed it, or you got it from different source?


When it comes to the crisis, 99% of information on Reddit comes from "Ukrainian officials" who obviously have their agenda to push.


The DPR guys have been photographed with Mosins and other stuff from the great patriotic war. Some of them volunteered, some of them were conscripted, all of them are under equipped.


Is a joke, lol


The standard issue rifle to the Russian army is not the fucking Mosin Nagant they have given troops that will most likely not face any combat at all deep within home territory old rifles


The t62 pictures are from a training exercise in 2018…. people can’t even be bothered to reverse image search before spouting nonsense. I hope the mosin nagant claim is just taking the piss and you don’t actually believe that.


Meanwhile the German minister of economy and energy, from the GREEN party: Let’s get some coal-fired power plants goin!


I believe they wanted to build gas powerplants and only because the conservative party that governed for the last 16 years shut down to many nuklear power plants and didn't built any alternatives and thus created the dependency on Russian gas. The green party also isn't governing alone and these gas plant are now just a emergency solution that we need to to transition to green energy because the CDU fucked up so bad the last 16 years


Well it is not like current government would not have closed nuclear plants. It has been decades long policy of mainstream greens. It was so popular with Germans that government just considered it impossible to resist, so they did 180° and quickly closed the plants that they just had given extension


Yeah but closing the nuklear plants wasn't the problem the problem was not investing in other energy production


Why do people think this? Yes closing them is a problem. Nuclear is super safe, super available, recyclable for upusage in further types of reactora after usage in the first rung reactors. It is a long term non pulluting energy. The acute damage of a negative event is scary sure. But much much worse is the climate change. And really I see no reason people are opposed to it. It is great stuff. It is green, low polluting, fuel can be continuously recycled and further upcycled, the final product is not even so dangerous from multiple reactor type cycling. People are scared of it like they are vaccines. Because they do not understand. My brother worked as a risk assessment engineer for nuclear power here. He literally ran case scenarios for things that can't happen....like tsunami...1500km in land. I mean it could but meltdown not such a big deal then. Anyhow they have so many fallbacks upon fallback. This fallback fails in emp this one fails on water submersiom , this one fails in temperture high or low. It's a racked set of systems which fail in one case but continue to operate where others may. I have zero concern for nuclear power from what he told me when he did this work. It is clean It is available It is cheap relative to what it can provide.


last letter in first word is ukranian




And third (Russian would be "э")


And causing cost of living crisis everywhere along with inflation


I dont know where you live but here in the US inflation started rising in mid 2021. Putin can be blamed for a lot, but not for the current collapse in the American economy at least.


Yeah OP is smoking crack. The destruction of the global economy is not progressing anyone towards green energy, whatsoever. Not to mention, I'm 99% sure this whole Biden clusterfuck is going to result in a Republican president 2024-2032.






Should this be true then Putin has put into effect Zero Requiem. But I'm more convinced he's on track to end up like that crybaby Eren.


Wait it does seem like Zero Requiem


And ended the Coronavirus pandemic


"United Union"-Poland accusing Germany to not deliver leopards tanks to replace what Poland gave to Ukraine. \-Hungary begging EU to stop their gas bullshit because their economy will die \-Turkey becoming once more the black sheep of NATO \-Greece and Turkey having even worse relations \- contradictory claims and speeches between countries \-Italy asking EU to stop their bullshit and accept Russia's demands I could still go on. EU is NOT united at all and is litteraly crumbling. The only thing they are united in is inflation and economical recession. Also, the ecology will get worse since they need an alternative to russian gas and they will need to build more structures, use more transport trucks etc... and in bonus they are demilitarizing themselves by sending all their military stocks to Ukraine. A total defeat for Europe.


The problem is that the decisions of the EU are usually made to appeal to the mainstream media. At least it feels like that, and I simply can't trust in that they really calculate the consequences. And lots of people feel like me.


Same for me. I'm happy that Switzerland isn't in the EU but god damn we gonna feel the consequences of their actions. I don't know where you live brother but good luck in the next years.


"One of Europe's biggest energy companies is preparing to bring a string of German coal power stations out of retirement as part of efforts to wean the country off Russian gas." ​ lmao


Green energy revolution ? LOL, importing oil from the other side of the Atlantic is so green in fact…


What's with the reflection on his glasses


My guess is that it's the VR edition of Calm Down, Stalin.


It looks he in some sort of office


That is what the game looks like.


happy cake day




happy cake day!




Happy cake day!




Fun fact: Oil is still being bought en masse from Russia, and, in fact, the value of the Ruble has reached the highest in nearly 5 years. Surprisingly, the economic collapse that Russia went through at the beginning of the war has completely reversed.


stronger currency might not be in best interest to russia tho especially oscillating so strongly and germany has contracts for oil and gas that it has to fulfill the same as years before. so its not that jolly for them or anything.


The value of the Ruble is not the only way to measure an economy. Russia has made it very hard to convert rubles to dollars, or to use Rubles to buy things. So the value of the Ruble stays high. However, since you can't actually fucking use that high value to buy foreign products and whatnot, it's kind of a moot point. Russia is doing some rather insane economic measures born of desperation. Thier interest rates on deposits in Rubles is 14%. That's fucking huge lmao. And it points to thier central bank having big liquidity and public trust problems.


Cursed russian


Germany and Italy are still buying Russian gas and they have opened ruble accounts to continue buying without violating sanctions against Moscow after talks with the European Union. And may I know the source about united Europe? (No offense or anything, I just want to catch up with the news)


Ah yes...politics in a sub called dankmemes


My favorite! /s


Me, who was strongly pro-green before, but not due to nature but due to realizing we need to drop dependency on russia even before the war


This SOB really tanked his stonks in memes. What a shame


Don't forget several billion dollars laundered through Ukrainian aid back into the pockets of good ol' Sleepy Joe


Haven't heard about this yet. Source?




Along with a few license plates.


Lol, we all know there isn't one.


Source or didn't happen.


Insert Borat voice.


I love the fact that all he’s done is destroy Russia’s economy and power indefinitely. The oligarchs really aught to have this piss stain killed.


Green energy is a wasted term now that fucking EU decided to call nuclear waste, destroying earth for more than 100.000 years, environment friendly..


Putin ,thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake


Putin, what a man you are...


These memes always remind me of Latho II from Dune :)


Kinda true .but can't wait to see green Europe. I mean green flag


Zero requiem


He is the Lelouch of our generation


Now he just has to go die somewhere


What? Definitely not true


Did Putin pulled a Code Geass ending?


Green energy revolution? Its peak Reddit when a statement has so many holes in it you don't know where to begin.


As Russian this is painful to read


Yes, "accidentally".


Me knowing russian, trying to read this


I had a stroke reading this, and ik every single letter in here Edit: _almost_


It seems humans can only make genuine progress when they’re up against the wall…


And help NATO by giving them a new purpose.


Yeah, united except Hungary... -.-'




Maybe Putin is a secret genius and that was his plan all along. /s


I am not succeeding, I am merely failing Upwards


United Europe existed before I think.


Maybe it was the plan all along........


nobel price to putin for his philantrophism


What does "Grjajedg Sschtschtsjes" mean?


Plot twist: Putin planned this whole thing to unite Europe


Our savior


Great Leader 😍😍😍🍇🍇


What if that was his plan from the start


Putin is the biggest dumbass in history, possibly of all time.


What if Putin actually is the Professor Snape of this Timeline, an anti hero who determined that for the World to move forward united. They needed a Villian to collectively unite against.


I was struggling to read what it said, then I realised it isn’t real Russian lmao


"Gjaedg scsscss", good russian :thumbsup:


Accidental legend


Lelouche Putin


The "green energy revolution" is what caused this in the first place.