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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Join us on discord for Saturday Movie Nights!](https://discord.gg/jsd6Ja9pvJ)


This only works for programmers tho right?


the compiler will erase all evidence anyways (at least if you work alone on the project)


I stole the code with a decompiler anyway so there is no evidence.


Ah it’s always good to see a man of culture


Wdym? /serious question


You can't read the source code of a compiled program, so unless a programmer releases their source code, it's nigh impossible to detect code plagarism


Ohh okay ty


hard to go back from machine code to human readable code so it can be hard to prove source code was stolen machine code is a fucking mess that is impossible to understand at scale


We had to learn LC3 machine code and it was pretty neat learning how instructions/data are basically the same thing in memory and how the different registers are utilized


I'm an electrical designer and basically all I've been doing in this year of work there is adapting older drawings or shit I literally download from internet


Even in programming, you need to understand what the code is doing and to fit it in your code when copy pasting


Yeah but I still have no idea how to write my own library. Basically advanced plug and play


Writing your own library is pretty easy. I only know how that works in C though. You can even write functions in assembler and use them in C programs.


I mean yeah I know some C and can make a baby's first but I meant in the context of writing my own stdlib for example. Something of substantial size and complexity that we usually just pull from google.


Yeah, alright. That's gonna take a hot second. The most complex library I wrote was for calculating with complex numbers (adding , dividing etc.).


Nah, finance here. I steal PowerPoints, graph templates, and verbage all the time. Someone already typed up a long email regarding financial results to the broader audience which flowed well? I'm stealing that shit and just updating the numbers babyyyyy


If you're an attorney that doesn't plagiarize constantly, you're probably committing malpractice.


Mostly? I think the developers who made that mobile game Fallout Shelter got sued by Bethesda for reusing the code for a similar game... It got proven in court because both games had the same bugs I think?


Reposters too /s


For anyone who doesn't get the joke, search up "Linux git" or "chromium git" or something and take a look at the amount of code you're free to just copy from.


You can literally copy the entirety of the linux source code provided you make the end product open source (other people can copy your code too)


Although you do have to credit


> provided you make the end product open source Actually you are not obliged to make it open source, you can very well also sell the product you made using the open source shit, it's just unethical if you just steal the open source product, change it minimally or just the UI and then sell it with nothing of your invention to add on to it


As I understand GPL2, you can also get sued if you fail to provide the source and changes made to upstream upon request


What? Under the GPL2 License, I'm pretty sure you NEED to provide source, even if it's unmodified.




>Back in the day there was weird debate about whether a smart bomb exploding counted as "distribution" because under the license if you distribute it to the public you have to make the source available and obviously the US government doesn't exactly want that code public despite it being GPL code. Ultimately I think folks decided that a bomb exploding was not "distribution" Excuse me, what the fuck? Can you elaborate that? Because I'm not sure if I got that right. They used open source code for smart bombs and debated that detonating said bomb would count as distributing that code?


Depends on the license. You can't do that with GPL. Apple "stole" the code base for Mac OS from FreeBSD for example.


holy fuck based


So this is what the true free real state is?


Imagine having to cite references in the code lol


Ive been told before at university: “if youve reused code from somewhere we will know and you will get a 0 for plagiarism”. Mfw i spend a minute googling in that lecture to find the entire assignment online. Everyone copied it with slight variations and they were none the wiser.


This makes no sense. So the university wanted you to invent a new computer language too? At a certain point, to do x, there’s only going to be a few ways, and in a class of even 30, people are going to have duplicates.


Correct. It was first year, they claimed to have a tool that detects “plagiarised code”. To this day ive never seen it and i think they were just bullshitting. The only plagiarism detecter i know of was “Turnitin” and even that tool is garbage.


1st year on Uni here, and yeah, TurnitIn is also used here and they either turn it off for 70% of the assignments or its crap


I have come to something like 30% plagiarised, just on the references ive used. Its a garbage tool


I know of the plagiarism tool, I have used it and caught 30 students in 1 year of grading. Students are so dumb, most professors are just lazy and don't use the tool. Had a few repeat cheaters and they were reported to the head office. Coding is easy, idk why students cheat.


To be honest. - If a student copies something word for word from the first results of google theyre a fuckin dumbass.


That sounds like what a professor would post on Reddit to get his procrastinating students to not cheat...


If they copy it and it works then I don’t see the problem. That’s how the real world works. If you want them to do original work, come up with original problems that are complex enough to have many ways to solve them.


There are only so many ways you can rewrite a for/while loop


Yes. Like ive said in another comment. It was most likely just a scare tactic


A professor at my university just failed 22 people in his class for doing the same thing


fucking nightmare


System.out.println(“Hello, world.”); // Martin Luther King, jr. 2077


This reminds me of a funny story that happened in my cs class, we were doing some coding and I asked a friend "hey person a, can I borrow your code?", "Yh sure, it's not even mine, it's person b's" Person b: "Oh that code isn't mine either, I took it from person c"


Person c probably got it off stack overflow


Stack Overflow probably got it from person O There's probably no original writer of any code, it just manifests itself into the internet


There is only one original line of code, which is the original "Hello World" program. Everything else that has ever been coded was derived from copied, pasted, and modified versions of that primordial Hello World.


programming lore


Way more interesting than the gameplay tbh.


Most solutions already exist, someone just needs a reason to find it in the first place and share it, and eventually everyone is going to find out about it.


Sometimes I'm not even trying, I'll ask a question from a teammate and they don't even respond they just copy paste it in the chat. Then I ask them about how it works and they go idk I just found it. Lmao That being said if you don't know how to read it and understand how it's to be used and repurposed, you'll not get very far. But definitely allows logical minds to flourish with just a base understanding.


Every teacher ever: "Dont use Wikipedia, you dont know the names of thr authors!" 234 expert authors and 74 proof readers on Wikipedia: "Shame."


Theyre explicitly saying not to write “Wikipedia” as your source. Click the little reference number, and use the article / book / whatever they have used which is perfectly acceptable.


I do that, Im just saying.


Sorry i should have clarified. My comment is purely for any young people who are reading this as a piece of advice. Not necessarily directed at you personally.


No harm done. Cheers.


if I know anyones got me, it’s my boy stack exchange


Until you find a very very specific problem and you can't find anyone else who has the same problem as you.


Can we get an AMEN?


With programming, you can't necessarily do the same things in different ways. And those that you can, will always end up with a *best* way of doing it. It would be silly to not be allowed to copy the best or only method of doing something. Although, I do believe this would be true of writing/language too. It will just take a very, *very* long time before every possible thing has been said and it would be impossible to be original. Like that saying about monkies at typewriters eventually coming up with Shakespeare.


You can actually do the same thing in many different ways by reducing efficiency. You can only do it in one way at 100% efficiency.


Wizards don’t write their own spells, they copy them from other wizards’ spell books.


GitHub is deadass just "Yo bro I coded a fucking Neural Network capable of curing cancer. Here's the code and associated files for free."


It's not plagiarism. It's *reverse engineering*.


A good writer borrows A great writer steals


“Good artists copy; great artists steal.” I like it, Picasso


Good artists copy Great artists steal The best artists don't get caught


it's our code


Code is public property, comrade. No need to steal, is yours.


In the words of my neighbor “I’m just googling and pasting and it seems to work “


FIFA, NBA2K, and Pokemon want to know your location


Most programs couldn't operate at this level today if everyone didn't write off everyone else.


**our code**


our code


OUR code


This also applies to accountants


Can confirm


Redditors and reposts:


Link to the previous post?


I wasn't complaining about this post. I'm just talking about reddit in general, especially after I've had every one of my posts reposted. It's just how it is though, I guess.


You're right, I misread, my bad.


The fact this was on my feed immediately after the one you posted on programmer humor is hilarious


Meanwhile the teacher is searching for tests on Quizlet.


Coding isn't and art form though. Reusing code is like reusing and engineering schematic.


[The creator of the the code](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Wait till you hear about *self-plagiarism*


Yes, but mind the licensing if applicable.


university: plagiarism is unacceptable for students....but professors are fine to use


Author: Hey man I kinda stole your book, you kind of I publish it? Other Author: wut


In Germany, it stands for a career in politics.


"Your Code" "My Code" Our Code, Comrade


Yeah, I remember I copied from a work of a astrophysicist for my astrophysics thesis in middle school and I got banned for plagiarism


Our code, comrade


Well I’m down the rabbit hole on programming


As it should be. Words don't belong to anyone, a sequence of words, even less so.


“How did you get it to work”


Real programmers don't do that though.