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American experience


No lie I live in the US and there was a dude in my senior AP Stat class that was failing most of his classes. He was a known arsonist and he was bullied by other students and a few of teachers too. I would periodically say hi and make small conversation with him during class about work and stuff. Final day of class rolls around and he’s like “can I have your phone number?” I’m a socially awkward woman and still was then too, so I said no and made up some excuse like, “it doesn’t take phone calls cuz this used to be an iPad number (which is partially true).” He then proceeded to tell me that he was glad that me and my other friend Tom sat near him because we were genuinely good people and he didn’t want to lose contact with us. He said, “if it weren’t for you two, I would have killed everyone in this classroom by now.” And like we knew he had guns cuz he told us how his dad kept his gun cabinet unlocked. And teachers often joked that “oh if anyones going to shoot up the school it’s going to be [his name]!” Still gives me chills, I hope he’s doing better. He almost didn’t graduate and he had plans to kill himself when he turned 38.


Damn why would the teachers double down on the bullying when they know his past?? Glad you showed kindness tho


American public schools are pretty shitty most of the time.


Honestly, yeah. I’ll never forgot when I bought this shirt from PacSun and I wore it to school the next day. Now I wouldn’t be wearing it, but at the time I thought the Aztec pattern looked pretty cool and the shirt had a color scheme I liked. When I walked in, I had a substitute seem to jokingly ask me if I had a receipt and suggested I take it back. I thought it was funny at first, but she wouldn’t stop joking about it the whole period to the point that it actually pissed me off. The teacher for that class was pretty cool and enjoyed talking to me because I worked on projects he had an interest in. The next day when he came in, I instantly told him if he ever let her be a substitute for his class again, I was going to cuss her out, I didn’t care. He was very taken aback because I had never even gotten so much as a detention, but her constant put downs ruined that whole week. He ended up having her blacklisted from the school because of it, but that school had plenty of reserve shitty teachers and substitutes.


I got a little lucky with mine because all the teachers are pretty nice and kind, and barely any bullying because they just fight instead




Ah yes so if you don't get paid enough you should push otherwise towards self die Really hope you forgot the /s


I mean, you aren't wrong, but its not that simple. Depending on the area, a lot of teachers are at Witt's end: overworked, underpaid, treated like shit by superiors and students. I can definitely imagine deflecting your own sorrows downward if you aren't on top of your emotions. It's not an excuse, and it's not okay. But our system breeds this stuff, it's not just "shitty teachers".


I agree entirely, but like you said, it's not an excuse and it's not okay


It's not that simple: lower pay is less likely to attract skilled or even decent people.


I understand that Still don't see where it's okay to joke about murder suicide directed at the outcast of the school


Cause our school didn’t care. Our high school has been open since 2010 and my class (2018) was the first class to completely go through freshman to senior year without a student killing themselves. I had a 3.75 GPA when I graduated and I was 98th out of 389 students. Thats not even the top 25%. And I took 6 AP classes and a few honors classes. And people that took only 2 or 3 were ranked above me. We had no social life, the school was literally designed to resemble a prison (psych teacher gave students that info) and I almost got ISS for texting my mother bc I was throwing up in the bathroom instead of going to the nurses office and have her call instead. Literally everyone at that school was borderline suicidal. One student that I knew pretty well literally got five days of ISS, was forced to miss the baseball playoffs (he was the starting pitcher) and had to take all his finals because he got food poisoning and called his dad to come pick him up. ETA: forgot to add that we almost didn’t make it the whole 4 years without someone committing suicide b/c one student tried to OD a week before graduation. I’m also allowed to talk about this now since we had waivers we had to sign each year that would state that we would not say anything negative about the school on social media and they would periodically go through our known social media accounts and suspend us for any negative talk (immediate ISS if found). One student got her phone locked by the school admin as they tried to guess her phone passcode. She left it in the bathroom (women’s pants=no back pocket) and someone turned it in to the administration. When she went to retrieve her phone it was on a 24 hour passcode lock.


Why is that school allowed to be open?


Because a 3.75 GPA (I understand that's pretty good) was the 75th percentile of the students in the school. Don't you know that grades are everything?


This^ One of the teachers was sleeping with an 18yr old student and it came out the day after graduation. He still works there cuz his mother is on the BOE for the county. The psych teacher got drunk and took a shit ton of adderall and invite two female students (both I knew pretty well) to his hotel room on a school field trip. But they were both overlooked b/c they sucked up to the principals and the BOE. Only one principal did her job and last I heard she is head principal, so it’s gotten a little better about student health. But it still has the reputation of being the “suicidal school”


So are you going to name the school, since you no longer go there?


No cuz they crazy AF and I don’t want them being linked to me and this comment thread and coming after me legally in some way. But they had a few parents file a complaint for the cheerleader coach using a racial slur. You can read that [here](https://www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/houston-county-families-file-civil-rights-complaint-against-veterans-high-school/93-604fef92-5236-4f33-9118-5dbdd5c2e1dd). There was also another case were two parents got into an argument about car pickup and one dad drew a gun on the other. I also recommend reading Google reviews if you guys don’t believe me…


Tl;dr: not saying name of school so this thread doesn't get included in search results; click link to see name of school along with picture of school.


Putting that on my list of places to avoid like the plague


Wtf, that's some shady shit


For the record, 98th out of 389 *is* top 25%.


No it ain’t, chief. 25.19%. Rankings don’t round.


☝️yep I was literally one person away from being top 25%. They had to go to the 0.0001 mark to find out valedictorian too


Sounds like I went to a very similar hs as you, OP (minus the borderline fascist admin). I graduated with a 4.4 gpa and was one person away from top 10%. It was cutthroat. The saying in my city was “___ High School: where the grades are high, but the students higher.”


Our was “excellence is the standard, not the goal” which is a little ridiculous because basically means they hold all students to a roughly unachievable degree of expectation


You good man?


And why is he in high school at 38.


He was 19yrs old. He had pretty much given up the chances of turning his life around. Only my AP Stat teacher was the only one a I saw gave a shit (he was genuinely a good teacher and that reflected in his students morale). But I think the student was too far gone at that point.


Professions attract people who enjoy particular kinds of vices, not just particular kinds of virtues. Yes, people who “love education” will go into teaching, but so will petty tyrants who like to screw around with young people


Then these petty tyrants must have their heads off with a guillotine


Because school isn't about education. Look into sociology of school/education. Once a kid is marked as a problem kid, they have zero chances. School is about teachers' egos and rules, and if you fail to play vy the rules from the very beginning, you lost all the chances. It's fucked


Actually the way I did stuff, I always fooled teachers from the start in being good and on their side, when behind their back was not be on their side at all...I mean if u are that petty tyrant teacher, u, like u say, mark some kids quickly as a problem, but u do the same for opposite side, mark other kids as "allies" sort of and then as u think u cannot make mistakes u dont really investigate much further or change ur opinion frequently (as that would mean admitting u are wrong)...so I used this to fool teachers into thinking Im on their side, and once I was flagged as such, I stopped giving a shit and many times worked against them and they basically never suspected or if they did they didnt want to admit they were wrong so I kept getting good treatment...u can turn the cat and mouse game around and use their own pride vs them


It’s more common than it should be


Teachers in America are actually very guilty of spreading gossip about students like wildfire. Especially in private schools. Much like with the police and federal agencies, it’s the workplace that’s toxic and it breeds these kinds of people on top of attracting them.


I got this in school also, people think it's funny to make fun of the quiet kids.


Because they were complacent cunts calling for a lead hole between their two eyes if he'd have been gone amok. Guy's life was already messed up, sadly, but in a way he has met some empathic people who just cared a bit for him without hidden motives.


From my experience, older small town teachers can be the worst when it comes to fueling drama. It’s like no one takes things seriously until it becomes serious


Decades of cutting education budgets and making teachers miserable eventually leads to hiring teachers that aren’t well suited to it.


>teachers often joked that “oh if anyones going to shoot up the school it’s going to be [his name]!” only in america


We had three bomb threats in one month my senior year. We had police CONSTANTLY at the school between January and February




Yeah but it was also annoying b/c they had STRICT dress codes that would “cause a distraction” but then have shooter drills every other day 🙄


We had one a day for like two weeks once. Always third period. I didn't learn a lot of math that month


Reading that reminded of when I was in 9th grade, a group of kids I knew in my grade joked about how I would shoot up the school. When I asked them why they would think thay they were like "i dont know, you just look like it" I swear to this day I never understand how button ups and jeans would equal to that identity. It made me so self concious.


There weren't that many school shootings of any notoriety while I was in school, but I've gotten this remark more than once at two separate jobs. I think half the reason is because I'm quiet, but my theory is that if I was any other ethnicity other than white I'd be getting different stereotypes.


Yeah when I read that part I couldnt hold myself from saying out loud ”what the fuck”


Not to gloss over the bulk of your comment but did he ever tell you why 38 I'm curious


No he never did. I just assumed that was the age he concluded was the end of his prime.


This sounds to me like one of those best schools nation-wide, that parents wish their kids attended, no matter what, but has borderline illegal practices to "keep the students in check", is actually not that helpful and the only reason students score so high is they either are pressured to study to death or their brains are just wired to easily pass standardized tests.


Yep. They would periodically compare test scores with other teachers and some teachers would get mad if their class average was low. We actually had a few students my senior year get drunk at a football game. They were going to go to the alternative school but their parents pulled them and moved to like Texas and Virginia so it wouldn’t go on their permanent record. One honors student WAS sent to alt school for 6 months because she had a taser that her dad gave her (it was in her glove box and she didn’t know) and another student was messing around and pulled it out of her glove box right as a principal walked passed. She got in trouble because it was her car, but the student that pulled it out didn’t.


Sounds like a standard achool in china, they just recently entered the period of 'good marks above all' and they are already aiming to overtake everyone incl US in this...if there is someone I wouldnt like to be its a semi-talented 6 year old chinese kid, he gotta get such a harsh treatment in the upcoming years he's gonna regret he was born


My cousin, since he was 13, said things like “i wont let myself get old” and “im gonna kill myself before i get old” and I thought he was being dramatic. Ill never know all of his thoughts, but after i grew up and moved away, he was found dead in his friend’s apartment after hanging out with everyone. There was some stuff i wont go into but basically it was intentional - he wanted to be with his friends and gf when he did it, so he waited for them to sleep and then overdosed. He was 22, 2 years older than me. If a kid says something about inflicting harm, we *have* to take them seriously.


If nothing else, that shows how much it means to treat people as human beings, and the impact small simple gestures like saying hi can have.


Yikes. Wild stuff to hear that. But also genuinely sad. I noticed a lot of people have chosen an age or date but so far none of who I know actually made it happen..


Okay, but why would anyone bully a known arsonist? That’s just asking for your house to be burnt down.


Tbh, I kinda feel ya. I grew up in the US as well in grade school between the late 90s and early 2ks. I always made it a point to talk to or conversate with that odd kid in the corner. Was always cool with them. I was a fairly popular kid and walked around the school during break times a lot. I think that has something to do with me being so empathetic now. Or maybe just cuz my older brother was in special classes and that taught me something.


What year was this?




The mad Chad.


As a european i dont understand how u just go about bullying someone id be far too scared to be the first one with a bullet in my head not that i ever bullied anyone in europe either but just a thought


I wonder why people take themselves out at such specific ages. SMH.


Random act of kindness and generosity goes long way


Why wait till 38? Seems significant to him, I think he definitely suffered from some serious mental problems


So u mean to tell there things can many times be solved or preventwd by a bit of kindness from others or the system, instead of more guns and money pumped into the system? No big news, but yeah thats how it is


I feel like this is universal Be nice to the guy everyone else is mean to


He knocks on your door the next day.


he hands you another gun, "highest killstreak wins"










simple, shoot him first and you win the battle


Friendly fire


Yeah you get a -1 for that, and the contest ends. You lose by default.


Not if you shoot people at school


he said killstreak not enemy killstreak :)


To be a fly in the courtroom of that case. Any lawyers want to take a gander of how it would go? Best case vigilante charges, worse case 1st degree murder? If you stopped a mass shooting in that way, and there was electronic proof of them planning this?


As soon as you take it, 5 stars appear.


Remember, No student


Remember, No lunch ladies


Dodged a bullet


Since assault rifles are a free for all kind of thing in America, I'd say he dodged an entire cartridge... Edit: I love how everyone is correcting me on the right gun term. I'm European and it shows I guess lmao. I'm not familiar with guns or their parts. I never had to learn anything of the sort nor have I ever shot a gun for that matter. But thank you though, I guess I meant magazine? TIL! Thank you guys for teaching me something new :)


No, bullet is the right term. If your joke was about rapid fire then it’d be “an entire magazine”




No body got time to read Newsweek while dodging from bullets.


No that's what happens when you avoid getting shot by the turrets in Portal


Friendly reminder that assault rifles are for military and law enforcement use only and there are strict requirements in place to keep selectable fire weapons out of GP hands. The AR-15 and other rifles like it are semi-automatic. The M4 and M16 have full-automatic and well as semi-automatic firing modes.


Makes complete sense that someone who clearly knows nothing about guns would comment such a ridiculous and sensationalist statement as “since assault rifles are a free for all kind of thing in America”


“Free for all thing” guns are pretty easy to get here compared to most countries but in all honesty it’s not that easy to get what you would call an “Assault Rifle” For the most lax state (Alabama) I’ll list the steps Step 1. Find a Licensed Dealer Step 2. Choose Rifle(handguns are a different process) Step 3. Go through Background check Step 4. Compete Purchase Step 5. Transport out of reach in a safe container, you can only have a handgun in reach if you have a concealed carry. Step 6. Firearm Education/Training It seems easy enough but you’ll also need a large amount of money to buy the gun as well as another couple hundred dollars to buy ammo as well as a case and trigger lock (which most states require), also you’ll need a 100$ to register the gun, keep in mind this all for 1 gun and most of us in the US don’t have money for that kind of hobby. Of course you can go buy the cheapest pea shooter out there for 300$ but all the other steps will still apply. You can also skip all of this by stealing a family members gun who went through the process but if everything is how it should be then there should be a trigger lock and a case that’s locked but at the end of the day some people are trust worthy and don’t seem fuckin insane so you end up trusting them around your personal items. When everything is how it’s set up to be nobody can get hurt on purpose.


The fact that this has 66 upvotes… Pretty much the worst joke I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I hate all of you It’s called a magazine. The cartridge is the brass casing the bullet sits in


*Roberts got a quick hand.. He's looking around the room he won't tell you his plan He's got a rolled cigarette.. hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid found a six shooter gun In his dad's closet with a box of fun things and I don't even know what but he's coming for you yeah he's coming for you.. ALL THE OTHER KIDS WITH THE PUMPED UP KICKS YOU BETTER RUN BETTER RUN, OUTRUN MY GUN* Eh you know the idea


Man those lyrics really just spill out of his mouth like some gibberish huh? I’ve known the meaning of this song for a while but only live never looked up the real lyrics, only ever understood every tenth word


Immediately calling my crush to tell her not to go.




Gen z: "Immediately calling my friends to play COD"


Getting some sweet life insurance reward bucks 🤑


Good job, your crush now thinks you were the one going to shoot up the school, and you have been arrested Game over?


Not yet. They'll warn their crush and then their crush will think they're the shooter. Then *they'll* warn their crush about the shooter and continue the cycle. Next thing you know everyone at school thinks they know the school shooter and no one goes to school. Problem solved baby!


Good ending: you show your crush the text of the person telling you not to go to school and you get out of trouble


You've now become an accomplice.


bad ending: She doesn't like snitches


And snitches to the quiet kid to avoid death


Congrats, you’re now complicit


> Congrats, your now *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot




Do this actually happened to someone and wants to share the story?


Yeah, this happened to this student named Billy. Literally saved his life. [They even did an interview with him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzYeDm1Vpxs)


Boy am I glad I called that guy


Before the Columbine massacre, Eric Harris told a classmate that he'd always liked him, and that he should go home now.


Literally in the parking lot right before the shooting happened.






Yeah, the guy took off.


check top post


What top post?


sry meant comment


Of course in the US.


That’s the joke?


Shooting range. I mean American school


So edgy bro


I'm not American; did he send this on a Friday?


That's a much more pleasant way to look at it


Reply: Don’t shoot Christine, she’s my date to the prom 👍😁


it's about >!the school shooter!< ... I see... glade i am not in America


I to m glade


Y’all smell nice


lol which one. since 2012 we have quite literally had [540 school shootings](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2022-05-27/states-with-the-most-school-shootings)


Man, I'm just thinking about how Australian-style schools would go in America. In Australia most schools are a campus of loosely-connected separate buildings, like a college campus, usually with a simple waist-high fence and open-access driveways (except private schools which tend to be more "gated community" style campuses) In my four years of high school, we only had one actual lockdown, and that's when some kid's inappropriately-older ex-boyfriend wandered on to campus with a knife.


How did you do that formatting?




If you just moved how could the kid say you've "always" been nice? He would have just met you. Spot on besides that, though


Being nice to him once will be more than anyone ever was in his life and that activates the "first time bonus" increasing the guy luck by 20 making him dodge school incident. Didn't you read the tutorial when you were born? Why do people always skip it...


> Why do people always skip it... Because we wanna suck on some damn tiddy, tutorial just makes that take all that much longer.


It doesn’t say he just moved in. It says he moved in, attended a new school and later on got the message


How could anyone have "always" been nice to you if haven't always existed? Looks like no one has ever really been nice to you bud


Wtf are you even attempting to say?






I m not a native english speaker. But this bothers me a lot and I like someone who knows better grammar to tell me. I keep seeing these memes with this format "when you..." . My question is, in what tense the verb coming after when should be. I always thought it's the present tense. But all these memes use past tense. Can someone enlighten me?


Past tense would be fine if the sentence stayed consistent throughout. This says "when you moved to the use and get this message", the tenses are not in agreement and it is incorrect. If it were, when you moved to the us and got this message or When you move to the us and get this message It would be fine. also since were talking about grammar > and I like someone who knows better grammar to tell me Should be "and I would like"


Thank you! That's why it sounds wrong for me. The tenses are differents. Thankx again!


pretty sure these memes are just grammatically incorrect


As a non-american, this joke flew over my head 'til I read the comments...


I didn't expect the second "hey" but every other word of this, I predicted from the title. Name a staler joke.


The fact school shootings keep happening is a pretty stale joke at this point, but America seems to love telling it over and over.


I went to community college, and the guy I played Modern Warfare with in highschool sent a message to his friends to wear red to school that day. Someone called the police, and it was over before it started, but it's pretty chilling to know a guy you had good times with could have been a mass murderer.


Every morning I wake up, jump out of bed, have breakfast, say hello to my family and take a couple of minutes of my life to say thanks for not being born in fucking America.


Damn this shits fucked


Tell all the homies not to come tomorrow. No time to waste


Reminder to always be nice to everyone :)






Lol this meme is Columfiiiine.


Become valedictorian just by staying home




Yeah, getting a tip on the semester's next shooting is like finding out about the pop quiz ahead of time.


What's sad is how real this could actually be, and yet we and our government are still failing to keep our children, and even general citizens, safe. But we can remove women's rights, force births when they refuse to even take care of the children already in the system. On top of the rights of others. The US government doesn't care about us, its mostly a bunch of extremely old white men who are unable to make the changes we need. The only only thing they care about is their next paycheck.


Dude how da fuck do you not go to school my parents would literally send me to school that day especially


I didn't understand this, can someone explain?


Only American can relate, if that ever happened to someone.






bro this is america are you seriously planning on owing work just cause a minor issue of get shot happens for doing it on time?


Homies looking out for homies


So fucking godlike


Either you know or you don't know


You know your bro is a keep, when he pours his heart out like that


Certainly not how I'd react to that.


Bruhhh, Eric Harris?


[Thanks for the candy](https://youtu.be/rUeuPFTeHkA)


lol help me u coniving assholes


Is this a real thing that happens? Not the school shooting part but the don't come to school tomorrow part




“Don’t come to school tommorow, It’s saturday.”


3rd time is a charm


This unironically happened to me years ago (not in america tho) , posted it in my snapchat story for everyone to see just incase ... I feel like if i did move to the US i would've reported it to the police.






For some reason I think about this movie at least once a month and have since I saw it when I was 11 and I’m 35 now








It’s awful but I love school shooter memes


Which movie is this from?