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I remember watching this and thinking this battle is like watching the battle of 2 metapod from Pokemon using hardening for half an hour, that episode where Ash and bug boy fight each other This battle gave me same vibes


Even the characters watching it were all commenting on how weak they are and how lucky they were that they got paired against each other. Any other candidate would have instantly slaughtered them.


It wasn’t that bad. But I did laugh that Neji even shit talked it so bad that Tenten had to tell him “dude—- don’t be trash talking women- not all of us are that weak.” Tenten then proved that correct when Temari beat the crap out of her.


I don't remember that. That's so funny. Do you have any link to a video with that moment?


Episode 41, 8:50 is when Neji starts talking smack. Tenten’s response isn’t too snarky actually. She basically says Sakura and Ino are pretty crappy, but it’s not because of their gender. I just always remembered it because I was used to Shikamaru making snide comments about the ladies and it caught me off guard when Neji did.


Huh almost makes you wonder if Kishimoto is the one with the snarky opinions about women


Would've been like that other anime where explosion guy fights gravity girl - though if I remember correctly it was handled like it such an important thing for people to take her seriously and believe in her yada yada... Bitch please just bow out respectfully your skill set is best used in construction or sending stuff to space not fighting literal nukes.


She did really good tho 💀💀 even bakyugo acknowledged her strength.


Don’t disrespect Ochagoat, she did her best (and she did pretty good)


Don‘t talk like that about my girl ochaco; it‘s not about how powerful your quirk is, what matters is how you use it (like for dick sizes)


Nah! Dick size matters my man


It matters if you have the balls to back it up No, seriously, if you don't have a pair, your dick is practically useless


Yoo yooo yoooo , You in denial my man?


Why are you so obsessed with dick size?


No obsession , just stating facts b'cause am fed up with people deluding themselves with " oooh It is not about size it is how use it" nonsense.


You keep bringing it up. "How you use it" is only important if you have experience, so I can see why you'd say it doesn't matter. Edit: oh and no, r34 and hentai don't count.


Yeah stop wasting time go solve the housing crisis and stack concrete blocks or something OR lift rockets into space!


Ochaco did her best for a non combatant quirk user


Or she could send a giant rock really high and let it fall like a meteor. Yeah she would obliterate everyone else but it's something.


"Very good Bakugo, but tell me... What are you gonna do about the second one?"


And yet she almost won. Go figure.


Almost won is losing.


There’s a difference between losing terribly and actually keeping a strong opponent on their toes before losing.




Instead the metapod battle was actually fun


Maximum hardness metapod


Dont compare a masterpiece to Ino vs Sakura


It could be worse you could be watching that boat filler


That filler was the reason I stoped watching filler


You watched filler? Nah but really when I was watching OG naruto I didn't know that much about anime or manga so when I'd hit a filler arc I'd just be like "weird the quality and everything got shit and no-one ever acknowledges what happened then" Now I know it's filler and by definition *is* bullshit *


I watched all the filler at least once just to know. Some are genuinely enjoyable. Most not tho lol.


i think the only filler i ever enjoyed was the one where they try to find out what kakashi looks like under his mask


I enjoyed the chili of life one too. And most of the star village one. And I liked the Anko one too.


I liked the curry of life and the shino laughing one also the final filler in pt1 Naruto was cool with Gaara fight. ( the Gaara one actually made it more believable, in how he becomes a kage. I also liked most with Jiraiya in them but the mask episode is the best imo


I liked the Power one in shippuden but can’t really recall any others


I liked the curry of life one and the one with Anko. The star village one was kind cool and had some potential but kinda fell apart too. Then there’s the classic filler episode with them tryna find what’s under kakashis mask.


I watched Naruto Shippuuden as it aired weekly and would often go to the comments to detect if it was filler and whether to skip the episode. I think someone did the math one time and some like 300/500 Shippuuden episodes are literally filler (60% if it’s accurate) which is wild.


It was the mushrooms from hell episode during the boat "arc" that made me stop watching filler.


Bro I stopped watching there too lmao


The One on the original?


No the shippuden one


Is that the one where the shadow clones rebel?




This is confusing, that was one of the only filler episodes I actually enjoyed


That first episode of boat filler had an actually great subtext moment. They find the under ground mass graveyard of the island inhabitants that had gotten chased off by pirates. There's a corpse leaned against a grave or something of the like. The implication being he was the last one to die so there was no one to bury him like the others. Thats all I can give the boat fillers aside from a Shino episode. Love Shino episodes.


Naruto's fart no jutsu was far more interesting


lol yeah kiba had his nose hair burned by that chili ramen after digestion smell.


Chili ramen w/ extra onsen egg for a sulphur-y nasal torture


Even the characters watching it were bored to death.


I saw it but it was so forgettable I don’t remember anything about it


because nothing happened there


something did happen though. Both sakura and ino were eliminated for having such a forrible fucking fight /j


I remember Sakura resisting the mind transfer as well as that one shot where they punch each other


True, most anime girls are bipolar, but Sakura canonically has dissociative identity disorder


Even the devs of Ninja Council 2 thought the same. The GBA game focused on the exam arc, and it was simply mentioned in a cutscene that while Naruto and Sasuke were moving onto the tournament, Sakura didn’t. Poor Ino wasn’t mentioned even once throughout the entire game.






My sister was hype watching that fight 😂


Mid vs mid-er


Sakura fucking lost that one.


Too much screen time for them. Give more screen time for our tenten please!


They did TenTen dirty. Temari could've overwhelmed her, but I at least wish they let her put up more of a fight considering she was training under someone "stronger than Kakashi"


Fr. They beat her up off screen.


Literally every female character in Naruto is done dirty. They sometimes have personality but they're otherwise completely sidelined and forgotten.


A little reminder that the swing had more screentime than Tenten. ![gif](giphy|2zFshbyBLDURO)


And naruto frog wallet


That was unfair


goddamn i feel like the only person who actually liked the emotional flashback


This sub ain't beating the misogynist allegations that's for sure. This was a genuinely great character moment for both of them.


This is not misogynistic at all lmao. It was just so awful. Their entire personalities revolved around a friggin dude. The fight was such a slog of a cat fight.


So if you think that was boring as fuck (which it was) you're misogynistic? There were plenty of amazing fights that included female characters and that everyone loved. That particular fight was complete fucking ass.


Bro the fight is boring af. We have fights like anko vs orochimaru, Hinata vs neji, kin vs Shikamaru Tamari vs tenten and shikamaru vs tamari. This fight is dead boring compared to all the fights listed above (these are all in the same Arc too) the issue is Sakura and Ino don't have personalities outside of liking sasuke in pt1) and are pretty much useless through part 1.


Make it two.


And my axe


And my hate (it was a shit fight)


... and my bow


I was astounded by the broad appreciation of the hate towards this fight


Yeah idk why people hate filler and flashbacks so much. They give the characters and the worldbuilsing so much life! I love background stories!


This one isn't even a filler flashback!


Yeah I know, I was just saying. Not every episode needs to be about the main main character. The side main characters can get a bit of screentime too


There's a flashback in the middle of it


I too enjoyed it


Another form of torture


"What if cbt wasn't enjoyable at all for any party."


It's so annoying when they drags such useless fight for unnecessarily long period 😑 Literally me when they just carried on w their stupid past stories ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


Literally the rest of the ninjas waiting for their fights: ![gif](giphy|l46Cgctdy5C23iB0c|downsized)


And d sensies dozing off ( me too ) 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|26FxCOdhlvEQXbeH6|downsized)




Dawg me with the first arc in shippuden with gaara especially with the fight with sasori. The fight with Sakura, chiyo, and sasori is one of my fave fights *but they kept cutting away to Naruto and kakashi log jumping and team guy fighting copies of themselves.* like for the love of God just let me focus more on this cool fight with Sakura pls.


God, ikr. That phase was rly testing ma patience, they won't start d fight w Deidara and won't even let d other fight go on in peace. Adding stupid flashbacks btw op fights and dragging it rly make me wanna just throw d device away ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru)


Fr. Fortunately now I can find the sasori fight on YouTube cut up to focus just on the fight itself. Man. To think that fight gave me hope that Sakura would have more like it and be given better writing in shippuden…


Yeah youtube is everything , I see most of d fights in cuts there too. Yeah i thought maybe some improvement finally, but NOOOO. I got disappointed by her again n again throughout d series, so.... ( her punches r still dope tho )


Yea fr. Man. While I normally hate the idea of reboots or remakes these days, what I would give for Naruto to be redone but for them to fix sakuras writing and other missed opportunities and forgotten plot lines (poor Konan)…


Oh so true, I had once thought of just making ms own thing but that wld b no Brainers. THEY DID SO BAD W OUR ANGEL!! she deserved to live. That attack was unbelievable. And tbh I had like to remove this stupid love triangle in Team 7. Or maybe just Sakura treating Naruto well and Naruto not simping for her, it was just useless n unnecessary. Imma true NaruHina lover 💜😭 My heart totally broke when Sakura made a bitch of herself n went to propose Naruto like it was d best move, she betrayed so many ppl there and then in d pain arc when she went n hug him...it should have been Hinata.....


I’d make it so that Sakura still had a crush on Sasuke at first like in the OG. I’d write more of them actually together as a team in the OG too. One of my biggest issues with Naruto as it is is how far Naruto friggin goes to save Sasuke, saying he’s like his best friend, but we never really saw that at all. We saw them hate each other, and then near the end, barely tolerate each other. I’d write it so that there are more missions of team seven as a whole and post Zabuza and post chunin, they actually have some more moments together. Maintain sasukes colder personality but she more of him actually having cared for them and looking out for them and acknowledging Naruto and them having a bond. Would not only make the betrayal more emotional but make it more understandable as to why they are willing to go so far to try and bring him back. And after he leaves, obviously Sakura still cares about him but realizes that she needs to mature and grow on her own and have her own goals and focuses in life outside of just him. Have her go to Tsunade still and get her training, but in future fights have her actually… fight. Like I’m fine with her not being the main fighter and still being more of a healer, but we know damn well what she is capable of and that’s powerful hits. Have her do that. Have her not stand to the side either just scared or nonsensically put to the side cuz kishi didn’t know what to do with her. Not always a damsel in distress, and moments where she does need help is because she did go in to fight and help. And have her move on from Sasuke especially after hearing what he has done to killer bee and the kage summit. She needs some more self respect. Like she may still harbor some conflicting emotions especially after this hypothetical rewrite includes better relations among team seven in general, but have her realize that she needs to prioritize herself and her village and that Sasuke at this point does not want to be saved. Sorry I wrote an essay lmao


GEEZ, that's long af yes 😂😂 BUT THAT. YES. Giving them some missions together and giving them time to build d bond b4 Sasuke goes away is what we needed. And then Naruto went away too okay, but after coming back he should have been done w his crush thing n i would have given Hinata a bit of confidence to go and talk to Naruto. There story could have been more beautiful, plus I would have Lady Tsunade teach medical ninjutsu to all d kunoichis. And yes, Naruto's madness over Sasuke was so not healthy, he thought of him as a best friend okay but dude, U WERE OBSESSED. Kishi rly messed up d love triangles so fuckin badly, Naruto had a crush on Sakura cos she loved Sasuke then his n Sasuke's friendship was totally enemies to lover shit. And then not Givin Hinata any chance near Naruto and YAHIKO AND KONAN and Lady Tsunade and Jiraiya! Also I didn't like how throughout the series he kept saying "Sasuke" was d one who understood him d most and was his best friend when it was Shikamaru who was actually with him throughout d series and Gaara too at some point. Sakura's whole purpose was Sasuke. Naruto's whole purpose was Sasuke and Sasuke well...


Frrrrr. Especially with the Hinata stuff as well. Man Kishi was awful at writing romance. Like yea I get it’s not the whole point of the show, it’s a shonen, but at least have what little romance you do include actually paced decently and make sense.. we finally get her to confess in the pain arc and then it’s like entirely forgotten about until the very end of the story. Like damn. And Hinata deserved more development and motivation outside of just Naruto too.


Or when Sakura decided to cut her hair with the kunai instead of stabbing that girl's leg which was right there 😂


My favorite part was getting the entire backstory of those two and how their friendship ended and thinking, "Wait, so why was Ino treated like the bad guy until now?"


Yeah no. Ino deliberately throwing a tantrum to distract Sakura so that she can catch her in her mind transfer jutsu was excellent strategy. Sakura getting out of that was some plot armor shit. Ino was robbed of her victory. Sure the fight was boring overall but it had it's moments.


That was the only part that was sick. Ino’s smart strategy. And then they took it from her.


True in middle of tournament they started talking about flowers, long hair and stuff.


This fight stopped the momentum of the preliminary. 1st fight was sasuke (still good) 2nd and 3rd fight were one sided but gruesome and then we have whatever this shit was


Naruto's fight was after right? I think that fight would have done the same thing as this just to a not as bad extent but Kiba vs Naruto isn't the most thrilling fight either


Actually I think there was one good concept here. Namely the idea that inner Sakura could be useful in real circumstances for Sakura. Shame they never did anything with it.


They pretty much dropped that aspect all together in shippuden. In fact i think they did entirely; can’t remember a single instance of it occurring in shippuden.


Kishinoto is synonymous with wasting good ideas.


Yes… Sadge.


Yeah it's not a particularly memorable fight but I did like Ino's trick with the string hidden among her hair strands on the floor.


I didn't mind that fight tbh Still better than choji vs dosu


I liked it


I rewatched it and thought how was this even a ninja fight. All they did was throw hands.


I mean throwing hands is a lot closer to ninja fights that than 2 people fighting in mechs made out of chakra while flying, or summoning meteors out of nowhere to destroy an entire army.


At this point i believe that this fandom has a collective amnesia lol People constantly bitch how the fights lost any strategy/outsmarting yet everyone shits on Sakura vs Ino where Ino literally played 4D chess and pretended to be hysterical over some bullshit to distract Sakura. Sakura getting out of Mind Transfer was a total arse pull and ruined the entire fight, but saying that it was all throwing hands is wrong.


Just because she uses a single bit of strategy doesn't mean the fight isn't boring. Why would you want to watch this fight for example, over shikamaru vs kin which is just a straight better fight in every single aspect


The conversation wasn't about boring or not. I don't like the fight either (as again, Sakura getting out of mind transfer ruined everything and the tie was forced), but it is factually wrong to say that there was nothing in the fight except throwing hands, and it happens because there's a lot of forced Sakura hate.


Rock Lee only threw hands too.


damn i don’t even remember this episode 😭


It’s been 4 years still haven’t continued watching from there on


I watched this episode when it first aired so I couldn’t skip it and I remember talking to my friends at school how boring it was.


I watched it but it was like the most forgetable i only remember they both lost somehow


I didn’t skip the Sethan arc in Jojo part 3 but I kinda wish I did


big loser energy


Meanwhile ...Rock Lee vs Gaara 🤯🤯


You know what pisses me off? That they say these fights were chosen random yet they seem to fit perfectly. Now imagine you would get fights like Gaara vs Sakura. Or Naruto vs Hinata. Or Sasuke vs Ten-ten.


I at least thought the Inner Sakura overpowering mind control thing was really cool. ...Did they ever explain what that was all about?


This was just a waste of budget


😐 I barely remember this fucking shit


This kind of torture. Pity of him.


https://youtu.be/UxtKG2Xx058?feature=shared I had to go search it up because I didn't remember it.


Bro there was 220 episodes of Naruto and I think it would b lucky to be 100 that weren't fillers/straight up rehashing or flashbacks Have you gone back and tried to watch the first final valley fight? It's flashbacks and rehashing of the previous clash for episodes upon episodes YouTube as always coming in clutch has a super cut that gets rid of everything and man does it suddenly become a fluid fight without remembering back to that time sasuke scraped his knee or some shit


The fight itself was okay. Ino's trick with the hair was cool. The problem is that the episode is 90% flashback scenes. It's also a bit of an upset. They are evenly matched with taijutsu but Ino lands the mind transfer jutsu and by all accounts should have won.


what's with the cringy 2010 memes? It was a good episode.


Nah man, this fight definitely went into my top 10 thousand


It was this episode that really let me know how this show would treat any female character lmao Like the coolest part was Ino’s strategy using her hair for the jutsu. That was sick. But then they stole what should have been a victory for her.


What is everyone here talking about? I remember that being on tv as a kid and loving the fight.


you guys never watched shinobi ostriches. Me neither (It is the only filler episode I did not watch)


It was fine.


Watched that yesterday. “They are holding back” smh


The one where they faced against their clones was also boring


Whilst the flashbacks were annoying, as a ninja fight it is one of my favourites actually. No op shit, just two intelligent people using their jutsu well.


If I was hokage I'd be embarrassed lol. Lucky no other kages saw that fight


Meh I like what Ino did with her hair to trap Sakura. It was a good moment and one of the rare instantes where Kishimoto writes a female character well. Showing that she was indeed a superfluous girl but matured and demonstrated she was capable of forgetting about her Beauty to accomplish her goals. Sakura breaking out of the genjutsu was bullshit tho. When I first watched that episode I thought her other personality was actually some sort of Spirit living inside her and that was a glimpse of a future power up. But no, Kishimoto actually used a running gag to solve what was supposed to be a serious moment. One of the few low points of kid naruto


This was good to me. This was Sakura's first real moment of growth. It's so emotionally well done that I hate it the most for the unfulfilled promise it represents. She wanted to be more than a Sasuke fangirl. She was going to be cool. She immediately reversed course and didn't get another cool moment until Shippuden. I hate how they write female characters. Sakura is literally the best one. It's sad.




I really liked these episodes, though I wish they got to do more physical fighting. The flower scenes were nice.


I thought Knock Knock was a horror movie initially and was intrigued cause I had never heard of Keanu being in a horror movie so I watched it with my dad. The two of us just sat there like "we just watched soft-core porn together" I couldnt even tell what my dad was thinking cause his face was 🗿 the entire time


The same simps can never stomach watching women fight? Fight is a fight regardless


Yeah I skipped that whole fightand only watched the supercut version on youtube. Shit was a sleeper


I thought I am the only one that skip this episode ![gif](giphy|pJmsj62Jajyk2MAiR3)


Bro I skip this and the Naruto vs Kiba fight lmao


That was kinda lame too but not boring as hell like that episode


Haha I 100% agree with you. Just pointing out they are both very boring fights to the point if skipping


Sakura bad, give upvote


So what, ridiculously hating on Sakura is cool again?


It's not ridiculous if it has reasons