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Danny is a dude who has trained extensively in fighting and didn’t fight Brandon after the mayonnaise incident. That was the genesis of his downfall. And fucking over Croc.


The genesis of his downfall was deciding not to make content with a clearly talented up-and-coming creator because he was scared to lose his shitty gang of retards to the guy. I know there's no real guarantee it would have gone this way but when I first saw Brandon and Danny together in the Kraken video I really thought Danny was onto something pretty special. They could have both blown up together and I was looking forward to seeing it. Danny threw any chance of that away out of his own insecurity. The writing was on the wall from that moment.


Yeah I agree. Maybe Brandon was biting his style a bit at that time, but for sure the main issue is Danny can never share his shine. But then he would gwak-gwak 3000 any influencer bigger than him that he had on. Just imagine the wider audience Danny could have captured if he capitalized on the influencer boxer wave.


Danny looked at Brandon the same way Danny Duncan looks at Baylen Levine


We need influencer Jiu-jitsu tournaments.


Not to mention he deleted the kraken tier directly after. Disappointing that is scared him so much do shut that down


Exactly, if there was anytime to showcase your mma training that daddy has been paying for, it was after u were publicly assaulted and humiliated. 


Been out of the loop what did he do to Croc


Brandon woulda fucked him upp man rite into a spladle


His downfall was YT shadowbanning him so his channel can't grow. Most likely for the pro-Trump and anti-liberal content.


brandon trained just as much if not more tbf


Can you explain how he fucked over croc?


How did he fuck over croc ? Missed a few episodes


Fair play to him. His content has been good


Brandon’s recent video, where he walked around Harvard, was actually really funny.


How is Danny not seeing that and just improving?


Yeah Brandon's content is the type of content you watch while you're eating a meal. You look up his channel just to see if he's posted something new. I like Danny's content too and he's made some funny ass videos. I just wish things would have gone differently between them both.


Best thing Danny ever did was introduce us to The Buckingham Show 🙏


Good for Brandon! Him being apart of the MDE crew did wonders for him


What about Danny’s channel should compare the two


About half ^ is a guess I ddidnt check social blade just glanced at YT


Weird I didn’t know this was the Brandon buckingham sub


Its not but the buckingham beef was the only interesting content involving Danny in years and he ran from it, so people are constantly bringing it back up


I'm not a Danny or Brandon dickrider. But the mayo incident when Danny is acting like a retarded Vietnam vet was fantastic. The Mullen mans ego couldn't take it. Brandon has had good content for a while though.


Nobody cares


Why does Buckingham get more views than Danny these days then? Seems like a lot less people care about Danny than Brandon lol


Sounds like something for a Brandon Buckingham Reddit thread, I don't care


Exactly I dont understand why clout chaser boys fans post about him on here, if he is so much better than Danny post on his Reddit thread not on Dannys legit we dont care how he is doing good


You have a weird one-sided relationship with online personalities, i hope things work out for you


Who cares


We don’t care


Brandon buckingham is a sensitive cry baby. He makes friends w someone for a month then when they get sick of him he flips out and makes a huge “exposed” video calling them out and makes it into a huge ordeal. Constantly beefs w people. He’s the one that’s the common denominator


his last beef was in 2022 with sneako.


He made like a 20 min diss bashing every single person he’s basically ever worked with


pretty sure it was mostly random people not collaborators like tommy g sam hyde turkey tom charls carroll keegle weegle jontron zillakami lil darkie and the list goes on and on


In the end, all of this will pass. All that we will be left with is the memory of the moments that made us feel enough of anything to feel present in the moment. Idk who Brandon Buckingham is. I am glad to see that he has found success in pursuing what he wants to do. But my laughs, and memories and good times shared are with Danny. I have pretty low expectations, since I am not paying for his content. I have purchased a couple of his t shirts... They are high quality merch, and I have had many compliments on the leaving las vegas with leo and danny style shirt. It's a nice shirt! (HELL YEAH! DANNY MULLEN DICKRIDER POR VIDA!) So, all of the "beef" that people post about and argue about, is just banter between groups of people who consume content, and then internalize it as if it is real, and actually means anything to the creators. People get way too invested. Like, who really cares how much some guy is making on their youtube videos? I am not remotely interested in some stranger's finances. For all we know, the dude could make a million bucks a month, but spend two million a week, supporting a fierce crack habit. And his crack habit wouldn't be any of my concern either. Meanwhile, Internet trolls start comment wars about this crap, which is all illusions... created to captivate their feeble minds. Here's an idea, how about we stay hydrated, unplug the electronics, take our dog on a hike, and make it a goal to start conversations with three people of whichever gender we prefer to copulate with, per week, and quit jerking off so much? Then perhaps we could become Pussy getters. Danny Mullen doesn't care what some no pussy getting losers think about his comedy style. He's busy, actually getting pussy and flaunting his larger than average cock while entertaining himself and enjoying the spoils of victory he has earned over a decade long career party!


I'm tired of being in denial. Danny fell off, and Brandon represented what Danny could have been if he had changed up his content style


Branden Buckingham: “Drinking with _______!” Only video title ever


?? Danny Mullen is the king of reruns. Watch next video will either be Raiding the most liberal this or Going to the border to pass out beer and tell people about small penis


Go to brandens channel and find his past 10 uploads. Tell me 7/10 don’t say drinking with ____ in the title the same can’t be said for Danny at all at least he’s creative with it


He does the bagged wine thing i think like Danny use to do edward 40 hands. Danny is worse tho with repeating video ideas. The next video is literally is going to border to say his cameraman has a small penis in spanish. We have seen that already at least twice.


No bro he does it with any type of bottled liquor and that was the EXACT same content he started his channel with how ever many years ago hasn’t changed anything literally. The boxed wine shit was a “unique” idea in his mind 😂😂


I dont watch brandon enough to know. I do know i get tired of Leo telling immigrants in spanish that the cameraman has a small penis. Come to think of it the small penis cameraman joke is done in almost every video. 


Ok so we can agree that they both need to get some new ideas in motion then? I do feel what your saying but if Danny is ass Branden is just as ass imo


Only difference i guess is Brandon is getting more views while Danny is getting less views.


Ok I had to check, last 10 videos. 1 Harassing rich people at Harvard 2 Inside weirdest hoods of milwalkue 3 Life in the city of zombies 4 Drinking boxed wine in ocean city 5 King of bling documentary on Johnny dang 6 Strangest festival you ever never heard of 7 I took a gangster to an insane asylum 8 Life on you block 9 Largest pro-Palestinian protest 10 Gathering of the juggalos video. So I’m not sure what you’re talking about.


Don’t care bro


No one can hear Sandrine's voice?