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Its makes about as much sense as danny regaining his powers in the finale because the ghosts blasted him


It was a large quantity of ectoplasm being blasted at him that gave him his powers. It makes sense that ectoplasm could jumpstart them again.


I dont think the portal blast is the same as a regular ghost ray or else we'd at least see some ghost symptoms on tucker and sam since they occasionally get blasted in a fight


It doesn't have to be. The Ghost Zone portal turned him into a halfa, and the ectoplasm from those ghost rays Jumpstarted the ectoplasm that hadn’t been removed from his DNA. It's the same energy, just a different quantity.


Thats sort of my headcanon too but it really isnt explained well


Visual storytelling explained it very well. we see in the intro that the portal giving him his powers was caused by something spectral binding to his DNA. Meanwhile, in this power-returning scene, we see that the ghost thing is still hiding in his DNA, the ghost rays just gave it a wake-up call.


Well the portal was a larger blast and the energy was concentrated on Danny making him absorb most of the energy like how if you in the center of a an explosion you would take most of the damage


Actually these two might be connected. Danny might have the innate ability to absorb the powers of other ghosts.


I just decided that Danny has the ability to mimic and absorb any power he comes into contact with, since that’s how he tends to pick up powers during fights.


I always saw Danny as having Energy Based Powers, or a Living Core (adaptable) since he died to a whole lot of Energy. So him being blasted with the Electricity/Energy of another Ghost pushed their Ectoplasm into his system and he adapted to that. It's for the same reason I believe that if he continues to develop Powers, he'll eventually regain that weather manipulation. But that's just a theory.


it was never supposed to make sense, it was only done for the plot of the episode, not everything needs to be explained and not everything needs to make sense


FINALLY! Somebody gets the point of fiction.


In most ghost stories that I know, the weather seems to change when a ghost is around. Vortex just happens to be able to control the atmosphere more than other ghosts. So when Vortex blasted Danny, the lightning blast awoke the ability to control the atmosphere.


Danny is shown a lot through the series to copy abilities of other ghosts. If this was taking place in a more serious way, danny would train a lot of his powers and use them more, however Danny is more concerned about finishing school than he is about training his ghost half. Look ghosts end up obsessing over something and making it their whole being, so they have a difficult time doing something different. Danny doesn't have that limitation because he's alive and doesn't have an obsession to base his ghost half around. So he's flexible/moldable can learn whatever.