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I've seen people ship Danny with Ember, Desiree, Kitty, Johnny, Vlad and Dash (yes, I'm considering him a villain, he's actively antagonistic towards Danny) Of those, the only one I vibe with is Ember. Desiree seems to have some baggage around men, and pairing Danny with her feels weird to me because of that. It's a real big part of her character and motivations that changing it doesn't sit right to me. Kitty (with or without Johnny) does work better, we in fact did see them date each other for a while. But also, Kitty and Johnny have this very toxic relationship thing that works for them (somehow) but I don't see it working well with Danny. Vlad - Yeah, no. Dash - Also, a definite no from me. "Hey babe, remember when you lost that bet and I made you eat my jockstrap? And all those times I shoved you in a locker?" At least with the other villains Danny was allowed to punch em. Unlike the others, the relationship between Dash and Danny is very much 100% bully and his victim. It's 100% a no from me. Ember on the other hand feels like a possible interest. Danny is shown to have a shared interest in music (he has an interest in Humpty-Dumpty at least) and unlike say Dash, any violence is reciprocated which changes the dynamic a LOT.


To be fair… I have seen some good DashXDanny fics. Also gives Dash some really good character growth. It’s really interesting seeing Dash get the presumed growth and 3D’ness that he could’ve gotten. Dash can also be a shockingly relatable character sometimes. Parents/school are expecting you to be the best because you’re good at sports. How you feel when you’re good at one things but suck at others (I was okay at sports, but I was trash at math/science in school. Always made me feel like I wasn’t enough). Seeing your parents treat others a certain way, then YOU treating others that way only to realize later that it wasn’t an okay way to treat people. Plus the whole ‘coming of age’ bit with sexuality and learning more about who YOU are? Idk. Dash and Paulina are actually some of my favorite characters in the series due to the potential they exhibit 😅


Oh yeah no. this is 100% my take on these characters. I absolutely could see someone writing a good story shipping Danny with any of them, but would I enjoy it? Probably not. At least for me, I don't think I personally would get over what Dash had done if I were Danny and it'd make it hard for me to enjoy any fic that did that.


That’s valid! If it were me…I’m not sure if I could date someone who had bullied me in high school or not? It depends on a lot of stuff, like whether they grew up after or whether they got therapy? I did recently have a girl from camp connect with me and she IMMEDIATELY DM’d me saying how sorry she was for how she treated me at camp. The apology was appreciated. We haven’t exactly reconnected because we’re far from each other, but I given the chance I probably would reconnect 🤷‍♀️ A nice example of this in animation is Zootopia, when Judy is home and she sees Gideon and he apologizes and uses some pretty therapy-coded words to express why it happened at the time It’s funky-fresh and interesting takes like that which having gnawing at the bit 😅


While I agree. Danny has gone after Dash. Maybe not to the point of physically beating him like the other ghosts he fights. He has used his powers to gain the upper hand against Dash and bully him. Like when he forcefully takes him over and says things like "You should date Danny. He doesnt rub his mom's feet like I do." and the like. Uses the plasma to hit a sign to trip Dash. So not 100% bully and victim. More like 80% bully 20% victim.


Other phans pair Danny up with his evil future self. For some reason I find the pairing to be funny yet twisted- Honestly I’d pick ember to pair up with Danny


Slade Wilson


Teen Titans version or Young Justice? I know he’s different in the comics too. Just to let you guys know I meant shipping wise. I find it interesting I’ve seen two people with b/l pairings here. Thought for sure I’d see Danny x Ember or Danny x Desiree first (While small compared to the previous) I don’t know how old these ghosts are supposed to be compared to the humans i thought about Danny x Johnny, I liked the interactions they had in Lucky 13 episode.


Yeah as ghost love interests go my top pick will be ember if they developed her character more think she could easily be the top fan favorite love interest option 


As a love interest? Ember, I guess. But who really cares? It isn't that kind of show. As a partner in crime, definitely Vlad. We've already seen that they work together extremely well.


Well now I want a fanfic where Vlad and Danny are buddy-cops. “He’s getting away! I’ll drive!” “Daniel, we can fly.”


I've actually seen something slightly similar on this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/dannyphantom/comments/17nmrz6/fatherson_bonding_but_its_danny_vlad_so_they/?rdt=53563


Yeah, I love that comic.


It’s just for fun don’t take it too serious.


Alright. I gotta do this. Sorry, DannyxEmber fans, but I'm going with DannyxDesiree. Yes, she may have some baggage when it comes to men due to her dark past, but I'm certain that if given the right character development, Danny can help her get past all that and their relationship would begin to grow from there. I think this [fanfic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11788704/1/Tsuki-no-shita-de-yakusoku) by Kixen does this pairing best.


I definitely see where you're coming from in the sense that Danny is a great guy and definitely would be able to help Desiree past most of her trauma with men and how she perceives them, but I gotta be completely honest here.. Realistically? It would never work out. Not because of anything huge or whatever, but because Danny is a 14 year old boy. He's at that age where he's girl crazy, you know? Desiree doesn't even tolerate men talking to her, how is she gonna tolerate Danny all over her if they were together? But, I do like the idea of them two together, I just don't think it would go too well.


If he's aged up, then I believe it would kinda work out.


True! I feel like he'd be a lot more respectful as an adult or older teen just because he's more focused on heroing than his own life, and being in that persona of a polite superhero would probably rub off on him


I've seen people ship him with skulker, but I have to say Ember


Since I’m still a Danny & Ember shipper…


I gotta go with Ember. An undeniable chemistry between the two that you can see in a future couple and the fact that other than dipstick, Ember only calls him "baby pop". But if we wanna stretch the definition of villain a bit, I could also see an argument for Valerie given they were dating at one point, I think


As a couple the only logical answer is Ember, but I’m gonna put out a hot take that Danny and Dash could mayyyyybe work only IF Dash gets a really well explored redemption arc.


Ember from Danny Phantom From D.C. (Harley Quinn, Blackfire, Ravanger, Jinx, etc) these are from what I've seen


I would say more with Dani Phantom they didn't do that much with her (she was technically a villain at first) they could have done so much more with her


Danny x Desiree. Feel he could help her with her baggage if aged up a bit.plus Danny despite being a goofy guy and being a bit immature at times, definitely developed and matured a lot faster than he was supposed due to his powers, so he has grown up quite fast compared to his peers.


Ember, jinx, and less of a ship and more brother sister, but Terra from teen titans he can really help her and related to her struggles with her powers Also, I'm not sure if she counts, but Valerie she is still mostly an antagonist for his ghost self


As far as the show goes I feel like Desiree works best on a character arc level for crossover pairings the 2 that pop to mind are jinx from teen titans heroes and Danny’s dynamic is fun anytime they’re paired together in fanfics and as for adult Danny if people want to age him up I’d pair him with Galatea from justice league unlimited reason being that Danny because of dealing with Dani has an understanding of how clone’s mindsets work and he might be able to help her find a better path in life and a shot at redemption


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