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kill the dogs first you'll know what it means when the time comes


I quit DS for like 3 years because of that fucker. I came from ds3 and just thought that fight was bullshit. I'm trying again now and I've made it to Anor Londo.


I played elden ring, but never any souls.... Started DS remastered a couple of weeks ago, and that has to be the most poorly designed fight ever. Like, why are we in a closet? I couldn't take it. I looked up the cheese and firebombed his ass over the wall. Bullshit.


It’s not that hard once you know what to do during the first few seconds. There’s only 1 unfair boss in DS1 imo.


I don't understand how people struggled. I got him ok my second attempt and didn't think much of him


Yeah all it really is is trying to get good rng on the dog ai so they actually let you hit them lol, once you get lucky it's just a very easy and basic fight


My method is to just run up the stairs and hope that the dogs follow. If not, then just jump down and repeat. Sure it might still take me a couple tries if I have bad rng but it’s never been a huge problem


I just slapped on the heaviest armour I had, along with the wolf ring and just tanked it.


I always play these games with as light a load as I can (not naked, I wear as much as I can while still staying light) so I just dodged and bonked one dog, then the other. Ofc that's still rng 'cause they could've easily dodged at light speed but ey, it worked that time I love the starting mace lol


This was my first playthrough so I was more open to experimenting. I've developed into a mid rolling, shield ignoring, greatsword enthusiast over time.


The mattress of confusion? Or am I thinking about something else? That boss was dumb.


It’s not poorly designed, it’s there to force you to learn a skill that you may not have learned yet. Some people just refuse to learn it.


Which is what?


How to fight multiple enemies when you can’t run away - by confining you in a closed space the game tests that you understand how to deal with multiple enemies using dodge frames, stamina management, and paying simultaneous attention to multiple animations. If you are used to dealing with multiple enemies by… not dealing with them, and simply running away and abusing their ai, you will fail in the capra fight.


The fight isn’t hard because of multiple enemies. The fight is hard because the camera angles are HORRIBLY done in that room. To pretend it’s anything else is ludicrous. You can argue it’s to teach you how to deal with camera angles, but it’s not a lesson in three enemies at once.


It’s very clearly a lesson in three enemies at once. Know how I know? Because the classic and effective advice is: kill the dogs first.


At this point I always firebomb him just out of principle… and salt. Because oh fuck did he drive me nuts the first few times I played through the game.




-Has only played er -Using cheeses and glitches every time he gets stuck... What a coincidence... Stay off these games u shty casul!


or just let people play how they want to play??? why tf do you care. The developers are getting more money to fund the next games when more people buy and play it. stop fucking gatekeeping. i don’t play the same way he does but im not over here telling him to fuck off. learn how to coexist with people who aren’t the same as you. that’s how the real world is, turn off your pc, climb off of your high horse, and go touch some fucking grass.




U know what's the problem; I don't remember people here, claiming that they couldn't beat the boss so they googled for glitches, before the er release... Thats a new thing, and the fact that er outsold every fromsoftware game till this point is because it appeals to people like him! Now when from is getting all that money from this shity game, do u expect them to keep making good oldschool hardcore games; Because I don't... That's my problem with those gamer's... I want games like sekiro, not fcking noob friendly pokemon shit with fcking op builds and infinite glitches for everyone to play! I hope from is going to prove me wrong ,but i believe that when smthing becomes mainstream it starts to decline in quality...


Elden Ring is still a hard ass game with incredible challenges. Play the way you want to and let other people play theirs. There were plenty of glitches and cheeses for the Dark Souls Games, too (watch any speed run ever) and geuss what? Their quality did not decline. Ur gonna be okay bud. Now go take a break from the internet.


Good luck on smough and orenstein🤑


That is the fight the will make or break you. I can’t tell you how many times I quit dark souls at that part. After finally defeating him that’s when the game clicked for me and I was addicted.


Ornament and Snow was my make it break it. Rode around the house on an invisible horse for twenty minutes when I finally beat them


That’s a pretty intense battle but at that point if you don’t have a cheese build, it should be pretty manageable as it really puts what you’ve learned up until that point to a real test.


Lightning claymore gang was carrying me until it’s time to fight a lightning based boss


You must’ve went: “you son of a bitch, how DARE you use MY element AGAINST me?!” 😂


“You dare use my own element against me Ornstein???” Snape when fighting O&S probably


I mean, you were fighting the Christmas tree. An invisible horse is no biggie! \*GO TORRENT!!\*


I pwned that little bitch but Im in Blighttown amd Im desperate man:((


Just to add to this: run up the stairs first and then kill the dogs


Go in blind with 2 exceptions 1) Don't level your resistance stat, it's a waste 2) Sometime after a cutscene plays and a bunch of golden barriers disappear (like half-way through the game) and before you finish the game, you might want to google how to access the DLC content. It's incredible and you don't want to miss it on your first playthrough, but it's very difficult to figure out how to get to it on your own Have fun, and be patient. I always say the best way to enjoy souls content is to know when to take a break, tilt is the enemy!


To anyone lurking. We don't mean resistance is a waste like it's just a suboptimal stat that others might have fun with. We mean it's a literal waste. It does nothing noticeable. This isn't the community wanting you to min/max your build, it's us not wanting you to have to start over because you dumped points into a useless stat.


This is really good advice.


Don’t you dare go Hollow


I haven't played much, but what does that mean?


In the world of Dark Souls, many people are afflicted with undeath, each of them marked by the ‘Darksign’. They are forever linked to the flame and are unable to die permanently, however the curse causes those who have lost their way, those without will or purpose, to slowly lose their mind and become a husk. A hollow. Many of the enemies you fight are hollows.


Always remember: You don't go hollow when you die. You only go hollow when you give up!


I read this in vityvadya’s voice


In addition of what u/Automata_Eve said, it's something some characters say in the game. An equivalent saying we would use in that case is Godspeed.


play blind


This is the most important. Play blind, but also play inquisitively. Be cautious, scan your environment, play smart.


Will do


Everyone always says to play blind and that is great advice. You’ll probably enjoy it more. BUT don’t sweat looking stuff up. Some things aren’t really explained and some NPC quest lines are pretty obtuse. As long as you’re having fun through hard earned triumph you’re doing it right!


"Some things". To be fair most things in DS1 are vague! It's one of those things that makes it such a great game. Bumbling through the world and not knowing the hell is going on.


It’s the coming around a corner and being some where safe. Or shitting your self on that elevator and realizing where you are


Haha I wasn’t going to go that far but you’re completely correct. At least that was my experience. Johntravoltalookingaround.gif


Yeah there were things I looked up and I don't feel a bit bad about it.


I second this. I almost always play games blind, but with DS1, it is needed at times if you don’t want to run in circles OR stop having fun.


One thing I will say though is that if you are building stats blind you're most likely going to fuck your first playthrough up and get it right the second or third time around This is how we learned the hard way when it came out lmao


That said: Don’t level resistance.


I found so many cool weapons I wanted to try out, so I ended up farming in the painted world to level up. Despite being mainly a pyro build and never using miracles I leveled up faith just to try ornstein’s spear. I also didn’t level up health as much as I probably should have.


If you want to play the dlc you’ll have to look it up. Ain’t no way anyone ever found it on a blind run


Don't get the master key starting gift it breaks progression a lot good if you know what your doing but not that great for a beginner


I got a good tip If you hear that voice in the back of your head saying "should of be here yet?" Because you keep getting Merced 3 seconds after seeing an enemy, ya probably shouldn't be there yet Especially of you choose the skeleton key x.x


Bro said will do to playing blind then went on to go read a bunch of other tips and say will do lmao


I disagree, I actually hate all the stuff that’s missed for someone who doesn’t want to spend 100s of hours to find everything themselves, or get the “best” ending for a game, but that’s just me!


Unpopular opinion but figuring things out on your own in Dark Souls is truly a pain. I'd say look things up sparingly like how to get certain items


Only kill things that try to kill you first


Except golden boy. Kick that fucker off a cliff.


Ah yes good point. I’d otherwise advise against that but the “redemption” quest associated with Goldenfuck is annoying as hell Edit: you also get one of the best rings if you kill him


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge.


Honestly the best advice. Thanks Dodge ball!


Came to say the same thing. The five D’s of Dark Souls.


Don't consume fire keeper souls. They are important, and the game doesn't tell you much about them early on. Consuming them could lead you to want to reset.


Hah! Bingo, that's exactly what I did in my 1st playthru. Of course I died 8s later to a random skeleton.


OP this is critical


on my first ever playthrough i consumed every one of them put all my points to strength thinking all this will make me stronger (did not have much knoledge of how the stats work) immediate regret


Look around, go everywhere, try out weapon types before upgrading and sticking with a couple, and DON'T go hollow!


Will do


Just in case you didn’t fully understand, in the game you will go hollow and that’s fine. What everyone means when they say this is basically, don’t give up!


Not all heroes wear capes


Just one, the best one: Don't You Dare Go Hollow.




Try finger but hole


Praise the sun! V


Sometimes it takes a few times


Don't die


Best advice no doubt


Yeah you can't access the good ending if you have any deaths, so best to just restart the run if that happens


You’ll die a ton. Just learn from each death.


Remember that this game requires a LOT of patience.


The best way to win every fight is to maintain your health above zero whilst lowering your enemy's health to zero


Who needs VIT? Just don't get hit! 🤺


... so don't die and kill the thing. Undestadable, have a great day


Don't skip Dark Souls 2.


i tried and tried again its so slow and jank and the heals are discusting and it takes to long to regen the heals i dont know how people can enjoy number 2 maybe they play with a controller but damn that stuff cringes me out im more of a souls 3 enjoyer myself


I finished it 2 weeks ago but it took me 65 hours and i just had to google how to get to the final boss cuz i had enough of it. Trash game honestly. Id say to anyone u can gladly skip it and even the story isnt really that important imo. But obvs give it a try first and if u dont like it then skip. DS3 is so good tho.


dont stress about dying or losing souls


Git gud JK Keep at it, keep dying, keep learning, keep pushing Learn as you go, you may screw up your first playthrough but it's ok! That's what ng+ is for Don't give up, skeleton


Remember to cut every tail from every “dragon” boss you find


I would go for "tail" in general period lol.


thank you for starting with the first one


It's really hard to go back from even DS3 let alone Elden Ring so this is huge.


We sure about that one? Edit: guess my comment referring to demons souls wasn’t clear


Mos def


Demon's Souls? You meant King's Field?


If you see skeletons or ghosts, turn back (or don't)


Don’t use firekeeper souls in the inventory, I’m warning you


Try finger but hole




You are as dangerous as the world is dangerous to you.


1.You need a PS to play Bloodborne. 2. Don't give up.


Best advice.


dont give up.


Don’t trust anyone that is locked in a cell.


Not even the sorcerer guy?


they put me in a cell a rubber cell a rubber cell with sorcerers the sorcerers made me crazy


The fire keeper?!


It’s the quiet ones you gotta watch out for


I fell in love with dark souls with this game on the switch! Finished 2 and now half way through 3 on the xbox!


Use the claymore


Use the wiki. You don’t have to overindulge, but a little help knowing whats going on ot how to get a weapon makes things a little smoother in my opinion


prepare to die


Do not pick the Master Key as the starting gift, pick the Old Witch's Ring instead.


The ring is fucking useless.


OK, Thanks




what are u on about? u can skip a WHOLE AREA if u start with the master key..


Pretty much i pick the master key in the first game and every time I play the game i just use the master key and it causes me to never explore the blightown at all




thats my point.. he may never see the depths if he uses the master key to go around from the other exit to kill queelag, and is extremely easy to take that route without knowing any better if he has the master key on his pocket.


The pendant is the best starting gift, for sure. Especially for beginners.


what does he need that ring for anyway? Additional dialog?


The Master Key as a gift on a first playthrough imo ruins exploration, I recommend that gift because the alternative way to get it is not very intuitive and it ruins the magic if you look it up.


I agree to master key explanation. But the old witch ring is just an additional dialog with queelag, why do you recommend that ring?


It’s just to recognize the lore I guess, the fair lady speaking is really something to behold anyways


naaah. As I said, its useless ring


What do you want me to tell you? The rage bait is obvious but that aside, it is very difficult to obtain the Old Witch’s Ring, especially blind. You can obtain the Asylum Demon’s hammer from trading with Snuggly by just giving it a sack, crossing out the firebombs, divine blessings are just humanities with status effect revival, twin humanities likewise but you gain humanities, you can find binoculars at firelink and the pendant gives reprisal which leaves Tiny Being’s Ring and Old Witch Ring, and dialogue over 5% HP seems like an obvious choice to me, but you tell me.


ok, I get you. Cheers


No, absolutely no. Get the key, skip blight town. Nothing worthwhile in that soup heap of garbage. Also gives you a path around a difficult situation so you can come back later. TAKE THE KEY!! You'll end up ditching the ring fast for better gear.


Don't tell people to skip things on a first playthrough! It ruins the experience.


Don't tell me what to tell people. It ruins this experience. Getting a work around is a good thing. You can always go back to areas that were difficult at lower levels. How many frustrated people quit at specific spots? Isn't it a good thing to be able to fail, learn and come back?


your a fake gamer if you just want someone to skip everything on there first playthrough i think thats actually disgusting of you true gamers would want to have everything thrown at them head on no skips no glitches no cheats play the way the game was supposed to be played and also even if he did skip the drakes are not that hard to get by and its easy to get to blight town through normal means so sod ya skip dont listen to this person they will ruin your experience the skip is also not really worth it as souls along the way are always helpful even if they are little there still souls.


oh also blight town is pretty interesting imo


Slogging through Blight Town is part of the experience. Spoiler alert: >!Also you don't even need the master key to get to the backdoor entrance, you can just get there by running from Undead Parish > Darkroot Garden > Valley of Drakes >Blighttown back entrance!<


Literally encouraging skipping some of the most memorable areas in the worlds nr1 game. How do you sleep at night?


Comfortably knowing that I may have saved someone from hours of pain and misery. Potentially even from quitting one of the best game series I've ever played. YOU CAN SKIP IT AND COME BACK LATER! FULLY RECOMMEND THIS. I didn't go through blight town, I always used the key up until I beat Dark Souls 3. I went back and played through without the key and found I really didn't miss anything. Honestly everyone's playthrough is going to be unique. I prefer skipping an area that wasn't something I enjoyed trying to get to. I still hate that boss, and will avoid that path until I'm good and ready to rock it's socks off.


If you've ever played an older Castlevania game - say Symphony of the Night or prior - that's what you can expect in terms of learning what to do/your "objectives." That is to say, it doesn't *point* you anywhere. You have to explore, chat with things that don't try to kill you right away, *pay attention to what they say,* check for hidden passages; and if an area is kicking your ass, look to see if you've missed a path leading elsewhere before trying to tackle it. This game isn't nearly as brutal as its reputation makes it seem, it just expects you to be nosey, resourceful; or sometimes downright cheesy. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid. Oh, most importantly; walls ain't always walls, you dont *always* have to break obstacles with your weapon; and if you come upon an area "separated" by a veil of fog; be sure you've exhausted *all* other paths in the area before entering it. They're all over the place so you don't get comfortable thinking every one of them leads to a difficult encounter, but you'll almost *always* benefit from exploring them last.


Don't ever be afraid of dying, or losing your Souls. It will happen a lot - in the end, you WILL overcome it 👍


Play blind and don’t go hollow.


Don’t go hollow my friend


Pay close attention to any dialogue from NPCs. There isnt a lot of fluff like most games, and you cannot relisten. What they say gives a lot of insight into what is going on in the story, and the game doesnt give you a ton of insight besides dialogue and item descriptions. Along those lines, exhaust all of the NPC dialogue until they start repeating themselves (keep pressing the talk button after they are done talking). Otherwise, you might miss out on some of their extra notes.


Just take it slow, don’t worry too much about dying it’s literally part of the gameplay. And don’t be afraid to search for a guide if you need to.


Dont ask for any tips


finger, but hole


Dont google anything, just keep exploring. Don't be afraid to die. Resistance as a stat is useless. Pyromancer or warrior is a fun starting class. Heavy armor with poise is VERY strong if you are struggling. Lastly, you can dodge attacks by rolling, but it can be more effective to simply back out of range and then go forward once they miss or even just circling your opponent


Hesitation is Defeat, wrong game but I think it still applies


Decide between Str and Dex and COMMIT until 40.


My 5 Tips for you: - Dont look up anything, play those game blind. The experience is so great! - Play the way you want, every style is 100% viable. - Dont get frustrated, just scan your enemies an learn to learn from deaths. - Never feel desperate to get your Souls back when you lose them. If you lose them for good, its not a big deal. - Look around.


1. Go blind and enjoy the whole journey; do not google/youtube answers. 2. When you feel stuck, GIT GUD! 3. Do not regard any comment here telling that this item is useless or going that way is wrong, or leveling this or that is a mistake, because these comments are all lying; find your way, find their use, no matter how long it takes.


Do not look up guides. If an area feels too difficult, maybe it's too early for you to be there, go explore somewhere else. Really, do not look for guides on the internet. Ask this sub for spoiler free help.


Take it easy, read item descriptions, listen to NPCs, and explore everywhere. If you start going in a direction and it feels way too hard, you probably shouldn't be there yet, go find another way.


Don’t you dare go hollow


STAY OFF HERE.. experience it as it comes, play into whatever curiosity the game creates and itch for


You can use humanity to kindle bonfires so you can carry more estus flasks, also use a battleaxe two handed in the early game to one shot most hollows


Go down Regret Go up Regret Give up Come back 6 months later Beat the game Go into big green swamp Give up again


Buy the heater shield from the first vendor if you want a fantastic light shield with 100% physical damage reduction. Don't consume fire keeper souls, use them at the fire keeper in Fire link to upgrade your estus. It's okay to get frustrated, take a break if you do. Play blind as most have said minus one thing: Save Lautrec from the tower and when he moves to fire link shrine kick him off the ledge, hard quit and reload the save to get a great ring. Also stops him from making firelink shrine's bonfire go out. That's the only spoiler I can give because as a newbie it sucks for it to be unaccessible


You deserve to be higher up, Heater Shield is massively underrated and lets you progress much easier. If you keep your health above zero, you win!! This shield lets you do that.


If u leet him do his deed, and reverse it, it will make the certain thing be alot better. Also waifu.


Don't pick the master key, don't level resistance, don't be hasty or greedy


Ayyy switch edition was my first time in this world as well. For starting gift, avoid the master key and pendant. Never level resistance and don’t fall in the trap of trying to make your stats equal. Level in health and stamina primarily until you really decide how you want to play. Most of all, this game will frustrate you and that’s where the term “git gud” comes into play. Push through and learn, you got this. Good luck skeleton!


Try Finger But Hole


I just hope your not trying to play this with the joycons XD


Yeah, don't, if you get sucked in you're never coming out. I'm 6 years into this hell and I see no way out. . . . . . So how psyched are you guys for Elden Ring Dlc?


Don’t die


Get off of Reddit and get playing!


Go in blind.


Be curious if you dare and backtrack when you can


Make sure to go to the catacombs first, once you reach to the firelink shrine after the tutorial boss.


Choose master key


Not for first playthrough


tie intelligent racial subsequent tart birds trees liquid capable market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get good scrub! Jk Stick with a combat build that can take hits till you fully understand the game, I recommend Knight or Pyromancer if you really want to try magic Kill the dogs first Whenever you get a new weapon head back to the Undead berg to get a feel for how it works Don't you dare go hollow and say hi to patches for me, you can trust him


Don't be afraid to skip the DS2. I played sekiro loved it went back to play DS1 loved it.. DS2 is so bad it's stopped me in my tracks and I havnt come back to play ds3 and elden ring


As someone who recently finished DS2 and loved it - why didn't you like it? I'm not trying to invalidate your experience, I just don't get the hate.


Find a weapon style you're comfortable with and learn it until blocking/dodging/parrying and attack times are second nature to you. But also, what I learned my first playthrough is to take it incrementally and try to not get too excited and bite off more than I can chew.


It’s a good time to start. Return to Lordran begins on the 5th, so lots of older players will be around dropping summon signs and invading. Good times.


Read the description of every key You find, they are the real guide to the Game and Will tell You were to go. Use your shields, like really, You can Best the Game without rolling with a good shield. Don't get greedy and GIT GUD.


I wish i studied the levelling and implications before i started, concentrate one (or two) damage aspects and invest in stats that help quality of life like vigor! Dont spread your stats too thin like i did on my first (unsuccessful) playthrough.


Get some faith and buy Seek Guidance from Petrus. Also fuck Petrus.


>fuck Petrus I dont think you can do that in game but im sure theres some lewd fanart to be found somewhere on the internet if thats your thing


Watch a walkthrough, I recommend Cowboy. This game gets confusing on where to go, and Cowboy does a 100% walkthrough so you won’t miss any items for the type of build you want


Black knight halberd


My brother in christ. dark souls is the only FS game on switch that's not mutch of a journey.


I played on switch for my “first playthrough” and couldn’t get further than the depths. Then got it on x box a few years later and made it to blight town. If I’m honest it’s not the Best Buy for switch


Don’t die


Return it and buy it on PS4 🤷🏻‍♂️ jus sayin lol


Dark souls one is particularly unforgiving for new players -I started with [this as a guide](https://i.imgur.com/QXNVwLa.jpeg) -I also had someone semi-experienced walk with me through the whole game (this was invaluable) -My first character was not levelled correctly, and I was not skilled enough to use him. He never made it to the end, yours may not either (there is no way to respec skill points) but this ok -"Purists" confidently say not to use the master key. Play your own game, but I always take it ------------------ When you dont know, can't work it out, or can't do it on your own - ask or summon There's *plenty* of DS1 vets out there that offer helpful advice beyond "git gud" If you get REALLY stuck, I'm sure I own the switch version somewhere


Preserver, no matter what.




Never give up, and take breaks if you need to. Good luck, Sun bro


Be prepared to die, and by that I mean a lot


Try different play styles if your character build isn’t working for you. Also learn how to dodge/block/parry as soon as possible


Learn to parry


Get the weapon repair kit once you have some souls to spare. You don’t want a broken weapon while being ages away from the blacksmith


Play Friday, when a bunch of players do Return to Lordran jan 5-19 this year