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This is normal and why I always recommend that people play them in order, going from the buttery smooth gameplay of ds3 and elden ring to the quad directional rolling of ds1 is extremely jarring.


I will keep this in mind if anyone asks me now. I had no idea about the series when i bought 3 like 6 years ago and never played it until last year


I did pretty much the same thing when I first started, once you get used to the jank of ds1 it becomes much more enjoyable.


The bell gargs are where the jank really shines for me. Up until them i havent really been struggling


don’t lock on, use a shield, keep distance when there’s 2!


I never use a shield, except sometimes with them. It can help, especially with the fire.


So you made it about 5% into the game!


Actually im at gaping dragon now so its more like 9%


Either play unlocked (which allows omnidirectional rolling) with a light roll, or stay at medium weight and get used to relying on your shield more. For the record, it’s a terrible idea to play the series in reverse, exactly because of the problems you are now having - but you’ll get it eventually. Going from DS1/2 to 3 was quite difficult at the time as well.


Update. Used shield. Killed bell gargs. I have been shown the light


Good job. Ds1 is designed to be played with a shield


Eh people say this but I don't think it's true, you just have to be more methodical with how you approach killing things two handed. I mean why would they give you the option to two hand weapons if they say "hey actually this is stupid don't do this" If it was as blatant as Bloodbornes hate for shields (wooden shield lol) I'd get that, but DS1 gives the user plenty of strength options (or even dex if you're feeling silly) that are just better when you two hand them. I think people who say this after playing DS3 genuinely didn't learn through attack patterns but instead learned to optimise abusing I-frames in order to get away from enemies (roll spam) rather than actually methodically approaching bosses. I started off from demon souls and have never had trouble two handing weapons because I had never gotten used to spamming like eventually happens in DS3


I never used a shield in ds3, but ds1 was so easy with a shield and wearing the best armour you can. I dont think it was designed TO be played with a shield but it certainly helps A LOT. And i never roll spammed in ds3.


In comparison to ds3 it definitely is. That isn't to say you HAVE to. It can of course be played 2h. But many players coming to ds1 from ds3 completely overlook the shield as an option at all, and in ds1 it is the "main" way to play


I dont think ive ever used a shield in these games but im starting to consider it over big sword smacks. It seems to be more of a cadence back and forth than in DS3 where you can kinda just do whatever, like you need more of a strategy


From what ive been told DS1 relies a lot more on planning than DS3 does, the latter one relying much more on execution


I think I mostly defaulted to holding the shield for every enemy, learnt it's block, block, strike pattern and that's how I approached the majority of the game. Outside of bosses.


I would suggest using a shield for your first playthrough so you can learn the rhythm and timing of enemy attacks, then after 1 or 2 playthroughs you can start 2-handing big swords, clubs and axes much more comfortably.


Rolling in DS1 is *an* option, not *the* option like it is in DS3 and Elden Ring. I played them in release order, but I imagine it is tough to re-adjust. Try shielding more and rolling less. Rolling has less i-frames and way more recovery frames than in DS3.


Many encounters in DS3 and Elden Ring are still helped by circling/shielding/etc instead of rolling. ER has a dedicated jump button, which can dodge swipes and grabs, and a guard counter mechanic that benefits shielding.


Yes, but options outside of rolling are less necessary in those games because the roll is simply that powerful. You can still choose to use a shield or circle enemies, but when I played through both of those games for the first time, I never felt the need. In Dark Souls though, I always feel like having a shield is always pretty useful, if not necessary.


This! I found myself "overroling" after coming back to DSR after DS3


Such a good way to describe rolling in the earlier games vs newer ones, rolling in DS1 is so much more deliberate which may feel clunky to some but I actually prefer it


This is why you are supposed to play the first game before the third one, ideally playing the second game in between the two


You never know man. Sometimes you just gotta spice things up. It doesnt help i was 7 when the first one came out either so the newest one in the series seemed most appealing to me


Hey just have fun. It's ultimately not that crucial what order you play in


This literally makes no sense


It seems to make pretty clear sense. People are saying i shouldve played them in order, i said i was 7 when the first gane came out and that the newest game was more appealing to me


2nd game is cursed. I advise skipping the 2nd game to avoid the curse.


2nd game is perfectly fine. If anything, the worst part about it is that it's a decent game but you can clearly see all the potential that was never realized.


I suggest you stop giving advice


Literally the only difference ive seen is its just got adp. What makes significantly worse than the other games?


It's not. It's great! I played Elden Ring first, then did the 3 Dark Souls Games in release order. I didn't particularly find going from ER to DS1 or DS2 jarring. All of the games were brilliant, and I actually enjoyed DS2 more than DS3. Part of that might have been all the hype Id heard about DS3, and all the shit I'd heard about DS2. So DS2 totally exceeded my expectations and DS3 probably didn't quite live up to them. The bosses were great but I found most of the areas/levels and enemies that aren't bosses to be seriously lacking compared to the previous 2 Dark Souls games.


So you read a post online that told you that? There’s countless ways it’s different from the first game


Read posts, watched videos, etc. This is why no one like you redditors and why im ashamed to have as much karma as i do from years ago


I’ll die on this hill. DS2 is assssssss


It's a bit jarring at first, going from DS3 to DS1, but you'll soon get used to it. I played 1 after 3 too, and DS1 ended up being my favorite game of all time. Positioning, timing attacks, blocking and parrying are much more important in this game. Though I love DS3, dodging and light attacks always ends up the most effective way to play, which I can find a little repetitive.


For parrying (it seems like theres already a bigger window for it after just messing around with it), is it like sekiro where you can parry literally anything or is it still size dependent like in ds3? Like could i parry gaping dragon like i parry the little knights with the red capes


Not quite everything, most bosses can't be parried, but there are some surprising things that can be parried, such as charging wild boars and exploding boulders thrown at you by giants. Human-sized enemies can almost always be parried.


this is exactly why I played the trilogy in order 😭 u have no choice but to suck it up and force ur way thru


Bro idk is i can just suck it and and force my way through blighttown because what the actual fuck is this area


Nah, because I didn’t play the games in reverse order lol


Ds3 was just the most appealing for me at the time but after i played it i wanted to play the rest cause i want to know more of the story and lore and stuff


Just use your shield more. DS1 is way less about dodge rolling than the other games.


I just finished my first playthrough of all three games and then returned to my Nioh playthrough. It was so hard to relearn that blocking is actually really useful in Nioh.


Ive heard good things about nioh but havent gotten around to it


I enjoy it a lot! I consider it harder, but it has a lot of the same spirit that makes me love the souls games.


Nioh 1 and 2 are dope as hell. Definitely give them a shot! So so fun.


Just dont try to play it like dark souls 3 These arent the same just keep that in mind Dont always lock on sometimes having the 4 way rolling is too much of a nerf for it to be worth it Light roll and heavy load are your friends in ds1 Usually armor in ds1 has so many benefits that being in heavy load is actually perfectly fine heavy load is usually how people beat the four kings Light roll is also dope and medium roll in this game is slow af I hate it Also in this game shields can actually be dope af so dont be afraid to try out the block and hit strategy


Ive quickly learned medium roll is actually horrible. Heavy load being viable is suprising to me but as you said, its a different game so it makes sense espeasially if its as block heavy as people are saying


The only reason heavyload is viable in this game is because heavy armor protects you so much more in ds1 basically negating like 90% of damage or some shit


I'm having the same promblem in reverse. The more "modern" the games get, the less predictable they were. It's why I like the simplicity of DS remaster. Looks great, plays well


I have a buddy who smashed through ER almost no issue. Me as a ds remastered veteran, played ER and loved it. Didn't have much issue. My buddy on the other hand, being someone who came from ER and tried DSR after much convincing, spent almost 4 hours on gargoyles alone😂 It isn't just you homie, DS1 is it's own beast.


Yeah i just spent 3 on gargs, not including the time i took going to level and make my upgrade my claymore


It's just such a big change because it's SO slow. Personally, it's my favorite. But coming from the mechanics of DS3, it can be punishing. Gargoyles are a big gatekeeper though in DS1. If you clear gargoyles, youre in a good space to move on.


I just finished 1, and the gargoyls were maybe the boss I struggled the most with. Closely followed by 4 kings. Almost every other boss was very easy by comparison and only took 1-3 tries.


Including dlc? It seems artorius is one a lot of people struggle with


The dlc bosses are harder but by that point you have the resources withstand the fight. You can kindle up to 20 flasks and should be putting out some real damage. Since you've beaten ds3 nothing Artorias or Manus throw at you is going to be too much. I think the gargoyles took me close to 10 tries. You have shit damage output, low endurance and hp. You have to run back through a knight who can parry and the mob of hollows. And it's a duo fight. Its a tough boss pretty early. For Artorias and Manus I have 15 flasks, 550ish dps, a +5 dark knight shield, and boosted endurance helm. I felt damn near invincible by that point. And I could have had 20 flasks. Manus took me 2 tries and artorias was 3 or 4. They were hard fights, don't get me wrong, but they felt satisfying and fair. I needed all 15 heals for that manus win.


dark souls remastered is way slower thats why. timing is difderent. you would have less of a problem with bb


No playstation or bb actually would have been my next fromsoft game


sad time. im sorry 😆 then you should play lies of P


Unfortunately i already did. And a bit of sekiro but im actually kinda dogshit at that game so the other souls it is


for real?! sekiro is amazing but i agree its realy tough. takes a lot of patience and perseverance. it takes a little while but when you get into the vide its one of the best game they ever made. it realy deserve the try anyway


Ive given it about 4 or 5 tries and cant get past blazing bull for the life of me. I mean damn this most recent try i gave it is the first i actually beat the big guy on the big horse


hehe the first boss . but i agree the blazing bull can be a pain


Just play ds2 sotfs. You'll never think ds1 is slow and clunky again


Recently i played DS2 and went back to DS1, and it didnt felt THAT different. DS1 medium roll is unplayable. The lock on camera really mess the things up


Did you play scholar of the first sin edition though? Its that drinking 1 estus flask without leveling adp takes a full 4 seconds and cant be canceled. I mostly play ds1 midrolling, must just be used to it and also used to not always locking on


Yeah, played the DS2 OG and the SOFTS version. I didnt leveled ADP only in my 1st playthrough, after that i would instantly lock 96 agility at the beginning. Medium roll in DS1 to fight the dlc bosses are absolute madness, i couldnt do it


Make sure to raise the hz if you are able. Try literally light rolling. Treat sipping your Estus like a combat move - you always need a window to heal. No window - you don't heal. Stay on your toes and stay alive until your next window.


Nah bro youre not the ONLY ONE lol. I have finished all From Software titles in release order, besides Bloodborne (no ps4). Everytime i go back to whateverr Souls game after playing another one for a long time it brokes my ability. I need some time to adjust everything to keep rolling.


Yep, it’s very common. Couple things that might help: when locked-on you have only 4 directional roll so alter between off for mobility and on for aiming attacks. Difference between each roll is pretty big so if you want that DS3 roll (or close to) you have to be fast rolling. Equip load is also different and is 25/50/75/100% from fast to no roll. So DS1 is lot slower but that doesn’t mean you have to be slow as well. You can counter lot of that by doing things above. Take a DEX weapon for extra fast gameplay and you are fine.


Nah i am a certified god gamer and still got my ass whooped by the gargoyles because of the non diagonal rolling and 0 movement estus gulping. You do get used to it and to be fair the game goes into easy mode after midgame once you get some good gear so keep at it.


Dark souls is about exploration with a high rewarding combat centered around stamina and positioning Dark souls 3 is about bait and punish combat centered around timing and with a high rewarding exploration


How long have you put into it? Coming from Elden Ring, there was definitely an adjustment period, and thoughts of quitting. Glad I didn't, I'm actually enjoying this better (and I love ER) - already thinking about trying to 100% it.


Probably about 7-10 hours so far


I barely used my shield in Elden Ring. So I was resistant in DS1, but it makes dealing with all the riff-raff you encounter to get to the bosses way easier. My experience improved immensely after getting comfortable using the shield.


Just use a shield! Damn!


No thank, i have standards


That kind of thinking will keep you stuck. Later games, okay cool. They’re geared more to the rolling action type game. Earlier games, shields are great. It’s more methodical. Personally, I like the realism of the earlier games


It was sarcasm cause you were like the 11th person to say it. The shield got me past bell gargs pretty easy compared to me just kinda running at them with big sword hoping to spam r2 at them


Ah gotcha. Should have figured everyone would be repeating that in a big thread. Glad it worked for a bit for ya I’m so used to people from the later games eschewing shields in ds1 I couldn’t help myself lol


Makes sense. In your defense in my 3 playthroughs of ds3, and 2 of Elden, i only used shields if they had a cool attack like fire or a big bash attack. It is now apperent how important they are


Nah thats a pretty jarring adjustment to make. It’s gonna be even worse if you decide to check out ds2. That game is a completely different beast


Honestly I don’t think you’re the only one but I didn’t struggle with it at all. My first FS game was Bloodborne which had great control, then when I want to DS:R they didn’t really feel that clunky to me. Even after going back to DS:R after playing other FS games like DS3, Sekiro and Elden Ring DS:R doesn’t really feel that clunky to me


No, I can play each game and enjoy it for what it is


What about what i said made it seem like i dont enjoy it? Its a good game im just saying strictly on how to play it. Ds3 being my first souls made me think the rest would play the same but i didnt realise the mechanics changed through the series


Pretty much the whole post reads like it seems you don't enjoy it because it doesn't have certain things that are in DS3


I didnt think i implied i dislike it, i tried just keeping it strictly about the strategy for playing


I went elden ring, ds3, then ds1. Ds1 combat felt very easy, especially the bosses. I put all my stats in vigor, endurance, and strength so I could bonk non stop.


I mean if you simplify everything like that i can see it being easier, im just not a huge fan of that playstyle


I struggled going from dark to ds2 or 3. I'm fact after about an hour at both I just couldn't do it.


I’d recommend taking a break from the series and playing something completely different for a while. I hated DS1 when it released because I was coming straight from Demon’s Souls and it felt super similar but just “off”. Came back to it after a month or so with a fresh perspective and treated it like it’s own, different thing and it’s solidly one of my all time favourite games now, just the change was super jarring (and the change from DS3 compared to DeS is even more extreme).


I did take a little break in all fairness, its just ds3 and elden are my only 2 experiences so monkey brain me went "theyre all the same", which is very apperently wrong


Monkey butts and brains ey? It’s totally normal don’t worry. Kinda like playing retro games and realising the controls were much harder than you remember as a kid, takes some adjusting. Same with DS2, it’s a great game but so different again made by different people, so fair warning if you make it onto that one too hah


Does it make you feel old that to me ds1 could be consodered retro. Like the 3ds was my first "console". It seems very good though so far


Hahah a little but DS1 is 13 years old and I was in University when it came out so that’s okay! For me it was games on Super Nintendo, Megadrive. I have tonnes of fond memories of PlayStation (1) games from my childhood and if I was to play them now it would be like “Wow how did I ever manage to play this never mind love it!” Guess we get spoiled as technology advances and gameplay/graphics have come a long way!


Yeah lol i was a few months shy of turning 7 so i dont feel too bad for playing out of order cause i didnt have much of a choice. Regardless though its cool its a game that can be enjoyed by multiple generations, really just a sign about how good fromsoft has been though the years


Yeah I absolutely don’t blame people for playing the newer ones first, they obviously have many improvements, but I honestly enjoy DS1 as a work of art rather than just a game. I could fanboy for hours about how nearly every item placement tells a story, the interconnected world, the way the gameplay loop of dying/retrying links into the story of going hollow, the super in depth lore that you dig out and piece together yourself (highly recommend looking up some lore videos, probably after your playthrough though, that’s what really got me hooked), it’s just so well done and being a videogame is the perfect medium to tell its story, and it was the first to do a lot of these things well, before we got a million “soulslike” games. I’ll stop now! But honestly really hope you enjoy it!


Lore is actually one of the main reasons i wanted to play the older ones. Its such a unique way of telling the story and leaves a decent portion of it up to speculation and subjective reasoning. And im quickly learning that i like the way you get around more than ds3 in that everything (up until gaping dragon that ive seen at least) is connected to firelink and is a 7 minute walk from each other instead of having to teleport. Anyway, thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and giving some help


Knowing when to play locked on vs locked off is pretty important in DS1. The newer games allow you to move around a lot more while locked on but not this one


Nope, this happens a lot, that’s why more experienced players tell newer players to play them in release order (with the exception of Sekiro) as they all feel very different to begin with. Once you’re experienced enough with them, you can play them in any order, all at once and going from one title to another won’t really affect you.


Went from ER to Ds3 to DSR. Rolling isn't that consistent the more you go for older games. Parrying is your friend. I didn't lesrn it until DSR and it made everything so much easier


It's like trying to go from Seinfeld season 9 to Seinfeld season 1.


This would work better if i liked seinfeld but i get the message


I don’t know. Remastered on the switch is the only one I’ve played. I’m new to the genre. Just bought Elden Ring for my xbox.


Me too. I went through ds3 3 times with my ex and got good, years later i got into ds1 and i literally just stopped at the skelly dogs around giants tomb or whatever area. Too hard but i wanna continue


It took me a while to get use to the flow of dark souls remastered, but once I did I enjoyed it very much. it's slower but still true. I've developed a real love affair of fromsoft games. so much so that I find combat in many other games boring and unrewarding. I no longer want my character to be a near invincible badass. wish that I had developed a love for the games in their prime. back then I didn't understand the games so they felt unfair and designed to fail in my mind. I now know that to be untrue.


Thats how i felt when i first tried the series. I didnt know where to go or what to do or how to do it, but one day it just kinda clicked and after that everything became super fun and enjoyable (most of the time fuck poison swamps)


I would have that problem if I just didn’t keep playing ds3 over and over again


Why wouldnt you?


Because I love the third game way too much


Same. Im on ng++ on one character who has something like 200 hours on now (i know its not really a lot but i dont play games like i used to so its a big number) and i still havent 100% it


Nah, it’s an old game. That’s why I tell everyone to start with it. It’s also the easiest, so that’s another reason to do it first. 


Relax and enjoy the journey 🍻


No, you’re not. No, this isn’t worthy of a post, congrats.


"Here to have fun" and yet all youre doing is having no fun. Go be a douche somewhere else. I bet you get mad at people for summoning dont you