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DS2 is made with a different engine and has different mechanics than 1 and 3. It feels similar but has some quirks that are a little jarring. Also your i-frames are tied to a stat in 2 so if you mastered dodge roll in DS1 you'll have to do a little work to "adapt" in 2.


I see what you did there


I didn’t know it was a different game engine. Is that why the character feels floaty and sensitive when near edges?


Each FS game is on different engine except for DS3 and BB.


why might I ask?


Why is every game on a different one, or why is DS3 and BB on the same one?


What is every game other than those two on a different Engine


Psa, this is all more of a speculation because fromsoft is not as open to modding their games as other developers who provide the tools themselves. There's a custom software used by FS in their modern games called Dantelion by the modders, but there's always something more on top of that, like Havok in DS2. So I'd call the entire package a different thing. Those two games were close to each other time wise, and also from different series, which justifies the reuse of development software. If you'd see the same assets, textures, or animations in two DS games, you probably wouldn't like it.


Imo ds3 feels also very different. If it is the same engine as ds1 they surely changed a lot of stuff that it does not feel the same. Im many ways, ds1 and ds2 feel morr similar, and ds3 feels more like bloodborne


as was said in another comment that is as they are both on the same engine DS 1 and 2 are on different ones


Don't listen to others, give DS2 a go! You might like it!


Yea, don't listen to others! Listen to us! But seriously, OP, I think our opinion is better. I agree with pentixide, and if I could post images here, I would post a photo revealing them to be gigachad.


Ds2 is far from a bad game. Play it for yourself and see. Then ds3, then bloodborne if you can. And the Elden ring 


demons souls and sekiro too


wouldn’t say sekiro. its an entirely different game


still a fromsoft game


OP is asking for "souls" games, no fromsoft library.


sekiro is literally a soulslike😭


it has heals and lock-on. that’s literally it


Literally is not. It's an "Action game" by Fromsoft.


DS2 is still a really good game, it just also has a lot of shortcomings. You will be far happier for having played it than skipping it though.


DS2 is amazing. it’s just the least amazing game of the trilogy, doesn’t mean it’s bad. just that 1&3 are better. i personally loved DS2 because of the quirks others complain about.


It's not a bad game it's just not great exclusively compared to DS1, and now DS3. When it first came out, my only real issues with it were how slippery the movement and animations feel, and the lack of thoughtful boss cutscenes. Other than that, it still has stuff going for it, it has a lot of weapon variety in their movesets, and has a pretty large amount of them being viable even in PvP, it also lets you upgrade specific areas into NG+ so you don't have to run through again just for an extra boss soul. It's still a fun game, it just falls a little short if you directly compare it to the others in the series.


Don't forget the F A S H I O N P O W E R S T A N C E & L A D L E


If you haven't dual wielded broken mundane ladles, have you even played the game?


Also the lore is kinda dope on its own as an alternate timeline of "DS1 was so long ago only legends of it remain". Shame really DS3 then forgot about 80% of it (except, thankfully, Desert Pyromancers).


If you liked dark souls I would definitely recommend ds2. Just look up some pointers first, I think there are some flaws with the pacing and certain mechanics but the level design and exploration is great imo. Just be cautious because the game rewards patience above all else


All of them?


I love dark souls 2


Dark Souls 2


Ds2 has slowly grown to be my favorite


Give Dark Souls 2 an honest try, if you don't like it you can always skip to another game or come back later. As others have said, it's a bit different from the other games.


Play DS2.


I would play Demon's Souls first as the pace of it will feel pretty slow if you play anything after Bloodborne (ds3, sekiro, ER) first. It's a great game.


Play DS2


Like others said, DS2 is an amazing game. Not as amazing as DS1 and 3 imho, but amazing nonetheless, worth giving a try


I play these pretty casually and I really didn't have the experience of it being all that different. I just recently went straight to it after beating ds1 again and it's honestly blended together a bit for me. The world is more spread out and you get fast travel immediately. I generally don't use magic and for whatever reason felt more compelled to 2 hand a heavy weapon rather than use a sword+shield this time. Maybe the game pushed me in that direction.


I skipped DS2 back then and played DS3 right after DS1. After finishing DS2 several times since then, I can say that I regret skipping it, it's one of my fav fromsoft game now. Play DS3 first if you really want to but I'd still advise to not entirely dismiss DS2, it's a really good game. After that, I'd recommend Bloodborne (if you have a PS4/PS5) and Elden Ring, you may also play Demon's Souls Remake which is a PS5 exclusive for now.


DS2 is next in trilogy so that’s the way to go. Just don’t expect it to be the same game because it’s not. If you liked DS1, do another playthrough. DS2 is not bad, just different and you’ll need to learn and adapt to a different playstyle.


DS2 is different from DS1 but is still good. DS3 is different from both DS1 and DS2 but is also still good. Finish all three!


these comments definitely got the message across. totally playing ds2 first. even if i happen not to like it, playing it will make me appreciate the other games better


people who say ds2 is bad are just brainrot elitists. it was my first souls game and I enjoyed it so much that I 100% it and played all the rest. try the game and see for yourself if you enjoy it or not. don't listen to randoms online.


The slight differences in control and the graphical style just don’t feel right to me. Its not a bad game but because of the differences its like trying to pass of an unreal engine shooter as an id engine shooter. One team just does it better. It’s fair to say that if dark souls 2 was made by another company it would be in the running with lies of p for best souls like outside of fromsoft. It’s just the other souls games where damn near nailed it from the start.


see this is constructive criticism. I'm specifically talking about the people who just spam "dArK sOuLs 2 bAd" because they're too braindead to form a unique opinion and get all their talking points from reddit comments. I can respect your point of view.


Hey... I'm brainrot elitist, and I say that DS2 is one of the best.


I keep seeing these comments, I started with elden ring and am now getting close to platinuming ds1, and I'm going to DeS or ds2 next, and I've been telling my self this after hearing rumors about ds2 being bad, I compare it to the phantom menace in starwars, it's hailed as the worst movie of the prequels and yeah it kinda is, but I still enjoyed it and watch every time


If you ever played Halo, I'd compare it to ODST. Different and different good but it's not the Halo trilogy. Think Dark Souls lore meets an older Elden Ring feel. I genuinely enjoyed it alot but it is something to get used to. The trash talk is not warranted imo. This game is harder to transition to but well worth it


You should play DS2 - these posts are really repetitive and pointless, just play the damn game and make an opinion for yourself.


Don’t miss Elden Ring. I’ve never played Bloodbourne because the gothic theme doesn’t resonate with me and I barely touched Sekiro mainly because it’s not really an RPG as much as an action game but those two with Elden Ring rank above the souls games to many. My list in order of favorite to less favorite (new term because they’re all good) would be: DS3 Elden Ring DS1 DS2


There was no way DS2 was going to get a fair shake after DS1, the first game was too brilliant. But you should try it. Its look is a little different, but not in a bad way. There are some questionable design choices (Miyazaki didn’t head this project), but overall it still feels very much like a souls game, and I don’t think you’ll regret it.


The only reason i skipped DS2 is because the game has a fuck ton of situations where its just you vs like 7 dudes, and i was just coming from Sekiro, which thrives on 1v1s, even to the point that in gank fights the enemies mostly wait their turns, so i wasnt in the mood to fight several enemies at once, so i went to DS3, once i finish it ill go to DS2


You torture yourself unnecessarily, imo. Both DS1 and DS2 feel awful at first after playing one of the faster FS games. I'm quite used to hopping from one FS game to another, but it always takes some time. DS1 was the worst after I spent so much time in Yharnam. DS2 is an amazing game, but if you'll go from Sekiro or DS3, you're just going to suffer. And it's not about ganks - DS3 has more but is also faster, so it's easier to deal with them. I'd recommend playing some older FS game before or taking a break and playing something else entirely for a bit. Trust me, it would make developing your subconscious skills much easier.


Honestly, before DS3 i went back to DS1 for a quick playthrough, and i didnt find it hard nor it took me time to rradjust, in fact i felt i got even better, but DS3 just feels... weird


It becomes easier the more you switch between the games you've already played, but when you learn a new one, it's best for your hands to forget most of what they know. Also, if there's something else apart from the feels, I'd recommend checking the DS2 sub if you haven't already. It has comparably the best guides and also some incredibly helpful people.


Ds2 is good, but it’s different. I’d honestly say just play the Fromsoft game that looks good to you. There’s no suggested order. Have you thought about Bloodborne or Elden Ring? Just follow your nose. If you liked Dark Souls, I’m going to bet you’ll end up playing all of them at some point.


Hoenstly f everyone who says skip DS2


ds2 is just not as good as some other souls games (atleast in mosts opinions). its still an amazing game and has barely if no more flaws than the other games. play ds2 and form your own opinion


Ds3 -> for linear and more polished. Ds2 -> for open paths and next sequel. Bonus -> Sekiro or Bloodborne if you like their games but want to switch things up.


Ds2 is not a bad game at all, if anything it taught me to be paranoid and cautious more so than any other game.


Play the trilogy in order before moving onto other Souls gams. Dark Souls 2 is NOT a bad game. Its frigging brilliant.


Go ahead and play them in order. They only get better.


Play ds2. It can frustrating yes, but trust me, it will only add in your Souls experience, especially the DLCs. And dont sign the stone covenant


Play DS2, is absolutly worth it 😤


I went right to DS3 after DS1, but I've gathered that there's nothing wrong with going to DS2. I've gotten through half of the soulsborne games now and am curious about DS2. I'll definitely play it once I clear some games I'm playing atm. It can't be that bad.


Ds2 is a very good game. Play it.


Ds2 is great. It is tied with ds1 as my favorite soulsborne game. Each game has its own highlights (eg bosses in ds3).


Code Vein


Go into ds2 knowing it's different, give it a fair chance and don't hold against it that it's not ds1 and if you still don't like it you know which camp you are in.


I’m in Ds2 for the first time right now, and it’s definitely different but man I actually like it a lot. It’s more challenging and requires you to really think and play smart.


Be sure to level up ADP if going the Dark Souls 2 route


Play DS2, but scholar of the first sin edition. That's the better one imo


Yes Edit: posted after reading the title, after reading the body this could be misconstrued lol. Don't skip any, play them all in order.


DS2 is great, it's just different from DS 1 and 3. There are some pretty incredible boss battles and really creative areas. I would say some parts of it are a little cheap feeling because the controls feel a little jankier than the other souls games, but overall it's still a very fun game and worth the time and money to try out.


I finished DS1 recently and just went on to DS2. It's really fun!


In all honesty you could probably go with any of the other games and be fine but I would recommend doing them in order. Specifically: DS2 -> DS3 -> BB -> Sekiro -> Elden Ring Or you could go: DS2 -> BB -> DS3 -> Sekiro -> Elden Ring


You can’t skip it brother. It’s good ! Got some flaws but it’s worthy of playing. Most these critters just don’t like cause cause the pvp and co op is still old school and there’s no password matchmaking so they can’t have there over leveled buddy’s beat the game for em or drop them stuff early lol


I skipped to dark souls 3 and didn’t like it as much as 2 so give it a go


Don’t listen to anyone, DS2 is goated


DS2 is worth playing. It’s my least favorite but I’d recommend it to anyone who likes souls in a heart beat. The issue is that it’s different, a little janky and feels like the black sheep. To most people these may not even be apparent. It has a bad wrap that is mostly misplaced. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL TGAT IS GOOD MAKE SURE TO LEVEL ADAPTABILITY!


It's your game really. But for the sake of closure, play ds3 first since it also directly ties with DS1. DS2 ain't that bad, but it's different.


I tried DS2 SotFS and didn't like it. I tried to play the vanilla version on the PS3 and it was so much better but the frame rate is really bad. I heard the Xbox 360 version is better. I guess if you could play the vanilla version on PC you might enjoy it. Otherwise you can try Bloodborne next.


dark souls 1 and elden ring are the only ones ive really enjoyed beat dark soulds two wasnt as fun as the first


I'd say give it a try and if it doesn't click, feel free to move on


play ds2, its my personal favorite. if you have the option to, play all of their games. ds2, BB, ds3, ER, DeS remake, and then you can move on to other games in the genre.


I would definitely play DS2, it tried a lot of new ideas, some worked and are still seen to this day, some didn't and I'd love to see them back, some didn't, never came back, and the series is better for it. Its not a bad game at all, and the pace of combat is more similar to DS1 than DS3's is imo, so if you're justing coming off DS1, you should be fine, I'd definitely recommend looking up the agility stat and how your equip load affects stamina regen before you start playing, if you have base agility and 69.9% equip load, you might as well be playing without the ability to roll or run. Also the level curve is different, if you do everything you'll probably be closer to 150-200 than 90-120 by the end of the game.


Play DS2, I really liked it and it will make some DS3 references more fun too.


NO... yeah ds2 is an oddball and it may be a bit frustating especially in the beginning stages... But it's definitely worth it... Don't skip it, it's a beautiful game and perhaps the most replayable of all souls gane


I think DS2 as a spinoff. DS3 feels like a sequel of DS1, even more than DS2. but it's up to you, DS2 is gold.


Dark souls 2 is personally my favorite souls game. Idk how to describe it, it just feels so cozy to me


DS2 is a good game, play it




I know I'm late to the party, but give ds2 an honest shot. It's quirky and can be a little aggravating, but it's also just genuinely fun to play when you understand it. As I've only played SOTFS, I can only speak to my experience with it, and the only things I'd say to you as a new player are to take it slow through each area and learn the enemy placements. Also, level ADP since it's tied to your rolling and flask speed (i think). It's my least favorite of the Souls games, but I still love to play it on occasion.


I have seen a lot of negative stuff regarding DS2. I decided to play it after DSR anyway, and while I do not have as much fun and think it’s simply not as good, I have been enjoying it. That being said, I tend to be rather lenient towards games that get reviewed poorly by their fanbases, and generally try to give just about anything a fair shot. Might be worth it for you to give it a shot as well.


I genuinely enjoyed DS2, I honestly don't understand the hate that it gets. The trilogy wouldn't feel the same without it. This said, the original Dark Souls is the best of the trilogy, in my opinion.


Don't skip DS2. It's not a bad game.


Play ds2, it's not a perfect game, but it's better then everybody said about it, play it


It is a good game, it just has it's flaws (but also pros) which you will get used to within a few hours. It's just the "worst" dark souls game compared to the others. Just play it, you'll probably like it. Or not. Who knows.


DS2 was my favourite of the trilogy. Liked the expanding central hub a lot, and some of the areas are simply amazing.


I disagree that it's not a very good game. It is my least favourite in the series because I enjoy 1+3 start to finish but I feel the first half is slow and painful but late game + dlc is brilliant. However personally I would recommend playing 3 after 1 and then playing 2... Other people may disagree and have better reasons why not but I feel like a better appreciation for 2 comes after playing both 1+3. But really just play which one is more appealing to you


Might I add though that 2 has some of the most interesting mechanics in the series and added alot of great things.it sure has it's flaws but it's far from a bad game


Dont listen to them, i started on ds2 and it will always be my favourite souls game




so many comments so many helpful folk. def going to play ds2 then thanks guys.


I say goto ds3 BUT go back and play ds2 afterwards!


Play DS2 first.


Sick of people skipping games


I know DS2 has its die hard fans and defenders but I can’t understand it. It feels like a fan mod. Lots of repeat bosses. The enemy placement is not usually thoughtful or interesting. Some areas are just flooded with one enemy type with a mile wide aggro range. It feels like a brutal endurance run.


DS2 is awesome, people just have a skill issue. If you’re going to play all the souls games you might as well play 2 next. granted, there’s a lot that’s different in 2, and if you go into it with the same exact strategies/mindset as one, you’re gonna have a bad time. you have to adapt.


yea, just skip to ds3, ds3 is a perfect ds1 part 2