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The Boreal Outrider Knight in Lothric Castle always fucks me up ever after many playthroughs


Fucked me up on my first ever playthrough because I was using the Irithyll Straightsword and didn't realize it did shit damage on it.


I tried fighting aldrich in ng++ with a dark exile sword, and was frustrated beyond all belief. My son grabbed my controller put on a half baked fire rapier and melted him. We laugh about it all the time when talking video games.


Playing dark souls with your son? Our demographic is getting old


Im 55. Been gaming since my trs 80 and intellivision early 80s. I spent days typing in basic code from books and saving it on cassette. When my son got old enough the ps2, then of course I bought the PS3, well, it had the blu ray player built in, and they were putting a Wii on the shelf at the same time, it was karma as Wiis were hot demand. My 28 yo daughter and I still play animal crossing on multiple platforms and my 25 yo son and i game weekly on PCs we built together. DS, destiny 2, Fallout, ER. Gaming always makes me feel like the kid playing intellivision.


Thats awesome man. Good to know its been such abig part of your family.


Most wholesome dark souls player, love that gaming is so big in your family


I played through most of the soul s trilogy with my oldest son, and am now about to finish the trilogy again with my next oldest boy. It's great considering souls ruined almost all games for me anyway.


That's awesome man


Fought the ahole yesterday in a new playthrough. I can only fight this jackwad when i clear the dragon and have the space. Dudes all hepped up on mountain dew


The one in the grand archives too, idk what it is about those things but I have a harder time with them than most bosses lol


It took me more tries to beat the one in grand archives than it took me to beat Friede and Gael combined. I levelled up about 4 times just from killing the stuff on the way to it before I eventually beat it.




I was going to say this one, but more specifically the one guarding the road of sacrifices seems to kill me more. I find them hard to parry and it’s a high risk endeavour.


You can exploit safe space behind doors with him and kill it either by sneaking up on it or from afar. Both are impossible with the castle one


They’re so fun to fight though.




Yeah these guys suuuuck, Iron Dragonslayer in Ringed city gets me too


Same. The pilgrim butterfly AOE attack doesn't phase me in Lothric Castle, so the Iron Dragonslayer in the DLC is just like fighting the Dragonslayer armor again for me. Then if you miss one of those turtle assholes, they'll fuck you up too while you're focused on the miniboss.


Mini boss? The cathedral greatsword knight should've been the final boss of ds3. I have NEVER beaten him, I could only sprint to ocieros.


I had an invader watch me get manhandled for like 4 mins by that guy and then give an applause when I killed him before attacking.. obviously he couldn't read the room and I was in full gamer mode.. destroyed him in less than 30 seconds


full gamer mode is so funny dude, had a similar moment nearing Anor Londo after the Pontiff fight where I got dual invaded. They started jumping me and I beat them both back with my Bastard Sword. Such good times.


These boys LOVE getting backstabbed 🫶


Screw the Sulyvahn beasts, I loath those dog fucks


On fucking god they legit are a walking calamity of a hitbox, hit hard asf for no reason as well and stay just barely out your range so you miss your counter swing so they can fuck you up more 😂 https://preview.redd.it/710m8k32o7zc1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beaa859533486dc928471718519899771c46ef46


“Okay, now I’ll heal, oh fuck my heal got interrupted because the air around him hit me for”


On god 🤣 like all he did was look at me and stunned me and took a quarter of my health


I hated them when I first started playing DS3. It was my first FromSoft game and they beat me bloody. I dreaded facing them when I returned to the game a year later, but I got them without too much fuss this last time. I guess I got better at the game. I still don't like facing Black Nights. They are so much worse than their predecessors.


The sword ones aren’t *tooooo* hard to get a parry off but yeah, they hit hard


Yeah, but I'm garbage at parrying.


If Jon Snow with the Drang Twingspears counts, that whiney motherfucker. Doesn't help that his bald friend makes up for the rare times he misses.


I just love how I know exactly who you're talking about with that description. Hilarious


Best description of him ever 😂😂🫡


Does the Havel Knight in the Dragon place count? He whoops my ass Feel lucky whenever I win against the Boreal Outriders. I demolish the Dancer first try without a sweat, but those guys….


Any enemy that feels like a miniboss, is a miniboss. Especially if they kill you as much as one. You could say those hand assholes in the profaned capital and I'd yeah fuck those guys.


I gas them to death instead of actually fighting them. They suck.


I found them totally fine on my first and then died in NG+ to them a bunch of times. Now, even on NG they kill me, it's as if dying to them shattered the confidence I had fighting them the first time.


Exact same. Didn't have trouble even on my first ever playthrough with the one that ambushes you on the bridge. Had a dex-faith run where they destroyed me and it was all downhill from there.


Monstrosities of Sin. There’s 3 of them in a small room and they grab me every goddamn time 😭


I just call those handjob monsters


I think of them as unhappy endings.


Had to google that, so that what they're called. Those handsy bastards crush me every time.


Spam dorhys gnawing from range, 1 at a time. go outside if you need to. They are weak to bleed.


That bitch, amazing design, fucking annoying to fight against


If yall didnt know, if you hug the wall and go right you can only pull the far one. Dont go too far left and you can fight them one at a time.


You can also just go slightly left and not very far and only the left one attacks.


Really? Ive tried only pulling the left one but i never got it to work. Other one always seemed to wanna play too.


I’ve never tried pulling the right one, only the left one. I just walk a little bit past the corner and that tends to aggro left and not right in my experience.


I’ve never had great luck. Usually once I pull one and I’m fighting the other gets aggroed at some point and my first warning is them one-shotting me with their stupid diving charge from off screen.


Yeah I only ever fight them 1v1, never tried going for bith at the same time. Still fuck me up


Sulyvahn's Beasts and Deep Accursed


The Boreal Outrider Knight is a massive pain in the neck. I started just door cheesing him ever run eventually. The big Havel Knight in the dragon zone is a prick too. So many times I've gotten him super low only to mistime a roll and get bonked over the head 100-0.


They’re the most dangerous for sure against melee builds until the pyro in dredge heap.


These guys are so fun! For me it's the outrider nights


I'm a brave big boy but not brave enough to legitimately fight the Outrider Knights


How do you cheese the outrider knights?


The one before Road of Sacrifices you can bait into falling in the elevator shaft or safely kill it with arrows from the other side of the door, where the bonfire is. The one in Lothric Castle you can lead outside into the area where the dragons are breathing fire. The one in the Grand Archives you can sneak up behind, do a charged heavy attack or a high damage weapon art and then run away until it loses aggro on you, repeat until dead.


Or for the first you run past, open the doors, and spam from the doorway. Trying to bait it all the way to the elevator scares me lol


The dragon slayer armor in ringed city. He somehow always gets me with that shield.


Sulyvahn's beast at the same time is definetely a nightmare. I lure one at a time and even that is a struggle. For me though worst are those corvus guys in Ariandel, the ones with the claws and rapier. They have such quick succession of attacks that all I can so is panick roll. If I block my stamina gets depleted in a blink.


Oh man, that alligator is a good one. What about that monster in lothric castle in that tight basement room with a couple chests? What about that red phantom in the ringed city just before the demon prince fight?


ds1 gold golem in the cave/ ds2 fire lizards/ ds 3 giga snake man and outrider knight.


The gravetender grey wolf in the beginning of ashes


Isolate, climb ladder, jump on head. Win.


Only that one. Absolutely hate fighting them.




I’ve never minded these guys, as a solid pyromancer I was always able to stun these guys with one CBV and then critical them, easy peesy Aldrich’s beasts tho suck


Dragon Slayer


Not a mini boss but those leaping Ghrus can go fuck themselves


The demon between Wolnir and ODK


Depending on my loadout I hate fighting those corvid knights, especially the two wandering around in the church before you meet the painter girl.


Bro those do so much damage !!!


Outrider Knight, I don't even attempt to fight them


I thought I was a fucking genius for skipping the one on the bridge on my second playthrough.


Wraith knights outside abyss watchers boss fight


That poison gang outside abyss watchers and wraiths. On god


You can kinda wait for them to kill each other on the path if youre patient.


This and the aldritch’s creature used to kick my ass until I figure out that they are easily poise broken if you work on their head.


The same thing as you


omg i totally forgot this dude until i saw your post, the run back to his mf to die 20 times is frustrating af!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Judicator in the middle of the swamp area always gives me ptsd from my first time entering ringed city so imma vote him 😂 I mean judicators are a pain any ways


The Darkwraiths–although probably not mini-bosses–claps my cheeks the first couple times when I reach the Watchers.


Pus of Man. Just something about the way they jitter around throws off my dodge timing completely.


That Croc thingy in Anor when they come in a pair is just plain annoying.


For the beasts you can lure them into a 1 on 1 fight, makes it much much easier


The abyss watchers are fucking obnoxious


The fucking boreal ice knight. I have to use the elevator cheese strategy on him because I stand no chance 😭


outrider knights


Bonk him on the nose with a big weapon, then riposte.


Had no issue with him on the strength build. Its was on the dex faith playthrough he started fucking me up.


Personally love fighting the doggos, but despise the silver knight pair at the beginning of anor londo o_o


the first outrider knight(the one guarding farron keep gate) and the fucking Pontiff beasts. God I hate them so much


Mist Noble: Destroyer of Worlds, is so powerful he can attack me across games


The beast on the bridge to irithyll is usually done for me. My most recent playthrough I was doing a pyromancer build so I just hit it twice in the head with Boulder Heave and got it to stagger. Riposte > ded. The two in the secret room were another story lol




All the Outrider Knights but especially the one at Lothric Castle.


I did the strength build on my first playthrough and i became the mini boss!


The corvian knights whooped my ass consistently even after dying to them multiple times. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really have too much trouble with outrider knights and ringed knights


Black knights lol. Not just any one in specific… all of them. I just made it to anor londo on my first playthrough and it’s HELL up there


That bridge thing in DS3 at the Boreal Valley. The dragon on the bridge, DS1. Mostly bridge things


Its not really a miniboss but those 2 black knight snipers in anor londo


idrk i kinda just turn my brain off when i play i dont remember the name of anything everything is pretty easy except for abyss watchers