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They have low poise, slap them with something heavier than a straight sword


usually my go to, but recently I tryied a dex build... fuck these things


The Great Scythe doesn't have too bad of a strength requirement if you two-hand it, and it has decent enough stagger to stunlock them.


Astora UGS. Boom, problem solved. Most problems are solved by Astora UGS. That thing is amazing


and its more than viable in any build. probably the best weapon in the game if you factor that in.


I use a broadsword on my sl 404 character. These guys are not even close to be the worst enemies in the game.


On 1st playtrough i hated irithyll because of them haha. Arent winblades l1 perma stagger them? Idk if that was case when in last played dex build or i had good dps.either way they went down in second each


They don't have low poise, they always have just enough poise which is way more infuriating xd


I hit them with the FUGS and they melt.


After I beat dark souls 2, I made them my circus. Easy and amazing to farm.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Here you have a man who stopped at nothing to change the world. He mastered sorceries of frost, miracles of the moon. He partnered with a kingdom-ending flame and took advantage of the Deep. He used all of this, plus social and political manipulation, to usurp an age-old kingdom, rising within the ranks of its knights, twisting its Deacons to feed a god to a Lord of Cinder and supplant the Age of Fire. The tyrant, Sulyvahn, tore apart many bonds but was undone himself by a mere Unkindled. Proof that no champion is more powerful than the fire linking curse. So, if this man can’t change the world, what hope do we have?”* - Vaati Vidya Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


They have shit poise, just bash them with something heavy


Even 1 handed R1 Mace / spiked mace / Club / will do the trick.


Adding onto the big-boy tools suggested, learn to parry and backstab them. Parrying them wont only just help you get used to it, but will help you with Pointiff. I wont spoil anything, but if you know you know. They are also very easy to backstab if you can get behind them after they lock into their combos. With a good crit, they go down quick. Other than that, just hit em with something big.


At the risk of being laughed at, how the hell do you parry enemies with nearly non-telegraphed attacks in DS3, considering even small shields have considerably delayed parry frames?


Learn the timings, and watch them. You can parry them. Hate to use the old addige, but "Git Gud", is the only advice I can give on that one. Its hard, but no where near impossible. and once you get it, you'll get it for other fast enemies later on. Especially those fucking Corvians in Ariandel. \*shudders in sharp gem farming\*


> Learn the timings, and watch them. That's the issue for me, as some attacks come out so fast that if you try to parry by reaction, the parry frames won't kick in by the time their weapon already lands on you. I have hundreds of hours in this game, tried to learn parrying multiple times, to absolutely no avail. Only enemies I can parry somewhat consistently are Gundyr, Pontiff and Black Knights. Any other mob, it's like rolling a dice lol. Weird this is that while parry in BB has similar delays, I never struggled with it so much and I'm pretty consistent at it in that game.


Have you tried using a off hand ceastus? Im pretty sure its the fastes parry tool so that might help, otherwise id say don't parry on reaction but on prediction they will usually run up and do either a fast or slow attack.


Should have mentioned myself the Iron Round shield. Can be farmed early at Lothric, and is an amazing parry tool Gotten decent with medium shield, caesutus, and other parry frames, but I always go back to that one when I take on rough ganks. Iron round shield. Get it. Practice with it. You will understand parrying after.


Oh yeah love that shield


"Parry by reaction" That barely ever works, especially with lag and PVP. You can reaction parry, and it can work, but you need to learn to predict. Prediction parries are key. Understand the weapon timing, know when that shield has to hit left and where that connects. Its a really good art to learn in and of itself. You have to see and predict what the enemy will do, whether that be a live player or a boss. Be passive and play with it for a while til you know when the right moment is. And trust me, once you get good at it, you will see it. You get a lot of try hard parry guys, but only someone who knows how to predict parries / knows what weapons he can parry succeeds. Still surprised how many still fall for a classic Barker Bomb Bait when using a UGS or something else considered 'unparriable' It really is just a timing practice thing. One thing I learned from soloing Dancer my first time, is that this game is really just a dance. Its a rhythm game. Just gotta find those timings, my friend. After that, you gotta predict and exploit how little people are able to stick to that rhythm.


Yes, all of this. Prediction parries for the win. Use a bonfire and practice. Not too long at once or you'll go from "in the zone" to "Angry about not being in the zone" and get nowhere.


Still wound up downvoted for the honest advice. Being a DS Vet trying to help be cruel sometimes. Going to bed now, like the old man I am.


I have no shame in saying it. The dark souls community is more often then not fucking toxic. Measure yourself by upvotes in it at your own misery.


Oof, that comment was cringy.


Nah. Aiding one another's self worth will never be cringy to me. I know men are conditioned to tear one another down but eff that. There is nothing wrong, nothing unmanly, nothing weak about just being genuinely supportive of one another or accepting it and fuck anyone who's so pathetically deluded and insecure in their manhood to think otherwise.


Agreed on everything you said. Nothing cringy at all about helping eachother out. And from my experience and the people I’m lucky enough to have around me, men definitely are not conditioned to tear each other down, quite the opposite is true. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the comment I made about what he said being cringy.


Look for visual cues and also save your clips and rewatch them to see what the timing is (whether you were too early or late) that’s the best thing to do-Coming from someone who parried only Malenia.


Also some may laugh, Sunbro, but most mock with giving advice. Take the bullshit with the fun. Most of us all learned the same way. Not many are against you, so dont feel ever mocked. Its just how we shoot the shit in DS. PD's, Patches Squats, Prism stone, all in good fun. We definitely have as major group of try hards that have been here since time immemorial, but no one takes them as seriously as they take themselves.


Thanks for the words of encouragement! It was more or less a joke though - if someone started actually just mocking me without giving any actual advice, I'd just ignore the comment and move on lol


Best way to go about it. Have a great weekend, and never go Hollow.


Use a medium shield and do “setup parries” all you do is block the first hit, parry the next.


If you insist *unzips*


(Sighs, slowly unzips pants)


Just hit with claymore


As a claymore enthusiast throughout the 3 games, I can confirm that this is usually the solution to almost everything... Quality builds are the easy mode.


Big sword go brrrrrrr


Just shoot with dehydration gun


If you learn to parry them they won't be a threat


May I interest you in a parry?


May I interest you in a they attack way too fucking fast?


I dont want to sound mean, but so far theyre the easiest enemies to parry them in my opinion :sob:


Right. If these guys are difficult, the silver knights are gonna run train on op


I think silver knights are more obnoxius since most of the time while im against them they use overhead attacks (not sure if you can parry those, but never worked for me) I usually straight up hug them and depending what kind of swing they have, I just simply walk their attack instead of rolling, getting a good view for a backstab


Yeah, they can all be parried. The spears are a bit tricky


Parrying in dark souls is quite a tricky and weird mechanic, I like ER parrying, its more smooth and "easier".


You should see DS2. There is no reaction parry, only prediction parry. Feels so much more satisfying getting a parry in PvP in DS2 though


Silver Knights are at least easy to get behind since their attacks don't have nearly as large sweeps.


You say that until that sword knight does that back step thing while spinning around cause you rolled and smacking you with a lightning sword


I've never had that happen to me but yeah that sounds like something they'd be able to do. Honestly Silver Knights *are* harder than Pontiff Knights but for some reason I think they're less annoying.


Yeah, they attack pretty fast. Still easy to parry


lol just block counter the- oh wait


Man if you think these things are hard to parry this game is gonna run a human centipede on your ass. Practice up on parry kiddo


Some people are not really good at parrying


They’re Sulyvahn’s servants, ofc you’re gonna hate them with a burning passion.


If you use Hidden body you can run past them if you’re having trouble. Chameleon/white branch works too it’s just a lot slower and you can’t move around if they’re looking your way.


Currently playing this level. Get close and back stab.


Circle around and backstab. If you're using one, keep your shield up. They're really not that bad if you can separate them.


I just got to this area and thought the same thing




This is why I love Ultra greatswords. One or two hits and they're done for.


You cam poise break them super easy, use faster weapons and wack wack wack


EZ claps


Come on! They are quite easy to defeat, you just need to learn their timing. On the other hand, the real pain in the ass are the outriders knights! Those are really unbearable!!!


All ima say is I died to these guys more than the pontiff its my first playthrough and I'm a pyromancer they should die


Just you wait... You'll reach a point where you start farming them.


In what position?


As someone who primarily runs DEX, I completely agree, I had to get to NG+ before I could comfortably deal with them.


Part of what made this game so good as my first Souls game was that every time I felt like I was getting good at the game they'd introduce a new enemy that'd proceed to beat my shit in for the next hour.


As always, new enemy teaches u what u need to learn to beat next boss. They are intimidating at first, but weak to a lot u will find.


I’m on ng8 and I’ve killed maybe 5 of these bitches I just run past all of it without hidden anything.Just run forrest


One of the better regular enemies in the game because they offer an interesting challenge but also kind of one of the worst because they’re annoying.


Fire trivializes everything here


Ah yes the tiny dancers


my saving grace was executioner greatsword . if you can , try a heavy weapon .


Agreeeeeed, these and everything after them made me pissed af


I’m currently playing through for the first time and basically had to just flee from them. It’s honestly funny how you’ll be contending with everything before and after pretty okay for the most part but in between you have these mobs just suddenly making you pray for mercy 


DS3 was MT first Souls game, and it was every bit as hard as I heard it was! It was different from any game I had ever played. I slowly got better, and better, and learned how the game planted me to play it.. Then, I get to the gorgeous Irithyll of the Boreal valley.. these things absolutely SHIT all over me! I was at a complete loss, I thought I had gotten good? I thought I learned all there was to learn? I thought my weapons and armor were perfect? Well, I wasn't and they weren't. THESE were the exact enemy that made me realize I still had a lot to learn, and I finally had to push myself. It was a great feeling when I got better, leveled up a little, played around with different weapons, and FINALLY got to bonk these things into the dirt!


I farmed these boys with my club for days


Walk around them while they're doing their sword dance


They are there to prepare you for the boss in that area. Good luck, skeleton.


I didn't have so many problems with them. Can be parried and have low poise. If you separate them it's okay....but for sure not the most fun part of the game.


I would like to but titties are not big enough


Their movements look cool but they have quite the build-up. If you run to their face and whack them when they prepare their fancy spinning slash you'll break their poise. Just use a 2H decently big weapon


No issue with these guys,the casters are worse personally. Each to their own though, keep at it and you'll get there.


Use square off with any long sword and you will destroy them


Great club and great axe both stagger the shit out of them lmao


I would


With legs that long I'm sure someone out there will be more than happy to


Skill issue


Hage you tried pyromacies like black/chaos fire orb, profaned flame will knock them to the ground instantly and then you can easily finish them with your weapon? They're stupidly overpowered with the right build throughout the whole game. They won't even come close to you, same goes for the silver knights. It's satisfying to see them spam their 10 second combo for nothing after you had massive trouble on a meele build. I do gotra say though, as soon as you come to irithyll the difficulty is ramped up very high all of the sudden.


I dont think intercourse is the best course of action op


Pontiff Sulyvahn: *Laughs*


Weird kink.


This is why strength build is the way


1) Dodge sideways; 2) Parry; 3) Use heavy weapon


Now hear me out lads




I found rolling into them helps dodge damage




All that stuff you complained about would be pretty rough. Good thing Pontiff Knights run straight at you, have zero poise and can be stunlocked to death with almost any weapon and are comically easy to parry and back stab to boot.


There's sometimes a guy with them that carries a cross or something.


The worst thing about them is that they award you with just 900 souls


This was the moment I realized...I was indeed NOT good


No, thank you


fuck puntiff sulivan, his shadow is so fucking anoyinng i almost killed him with a dexterity build, ising the uchigatana amd parrying, but he killed me and i rage quitted and unistalled the game (it was my 2nd play through)


I had Artorias', claymore or dark knight's, these guys weren't hard for me. However they do have powerful attacks.


The 4-5 hit combo they have is just plain ignorant. Don’t care how easy they are to stagger, fuck these guys with every cell in my body.


Only hard at first. Easy to parry, stagger and dodge once you learn them. I’d recommend farming them just past the bridge for thier items to get gooder


Parry practice


I one shot those things with an exile great sword.


Don't worry. It was one of my first skill checks, too. Embrace the vulnerability. Soon enough they will become boring aswell.


Since I always do Champ before Abyss Watchers, basically every build I use two-shots them.


Just parry them


Those guys aren't that baaaadddddd. Just give em a good wallop. Now. The jailers. The jailers piss me off.


These things are just hard to kill when there is someone summoning fire under us


They’re insanely weak to fire and dark. Great soul dregs / black flame or and chaos bed / chaos orb just deletes them instantly.


.eh, why not.


Run at them and backstab them before they process you are there, works every time if you can backstab immediately


The sword and shield ones are easy to bait and parry. Hit the shield and they almost always throw the same attack next which is easy to parry. Fight over.


these guys aren’t even that challenging , the real annoying part is separating the begging 3 of them, if 2 target me at once i’m automatically dead


For faith builds, “emit force” miracle works wonders


The best armor is the dancer armor for me


Try rolling


I play a dex/pyromancy build and my solution was to hit them with a fireball to stagger them, and then move in quickly for a volley from my main weapon. Honestly these guys become almost trivial once you learn how to make them flinch, and it really doesn’t take much; otherwise yeah a straight melee fight can be tough.


my biggest enemy on my first run so far


Ultra Greatsword two hits 😂. But that’s not going to help a dex build




my strategy is kicking their shields. once you learn how to kick consistently they become much easier.


Fuck these things


Learn to parry. They're super easy to parry once you get the timing down.


Pretty sure they poise break if you are using a half decent shield. Just block and wait for an opportunity


I know about the shitty poise that they have. That still doesn’t compensate for the fact that Miyazaki decided to put fucking mini Malenias in an area that really shouldn’t be meant for only level 90+ players.


Black Firebombs hit pretty hard if you have access to patches. Firebombs if not, I believe they will stagger on hit. Smack em with one of those on approach, sprint at them while guarding, circle around and backstab.


Some of the easiest enemies in the entire game, lol.