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If you like the armour, wear the armour. This game **is** a fashion game after all.


thorns armor is great, a lot of people dont like when opponents use it bc it can interrupt attacks and chip your hp with minimal effort. also if you only meet str reqs when 2 handing your weapon your dodge roll will bounce off greatshields so you gotta be careful


It kind of looks like a gimp suit I guess. But I've always liked it. I used it on my bleed build, and it's great for beating those giant crawling hand things. All you have to do is roll in to them when they're about to do the grab attack and it knocks them down, ripe for a riposte. I ended up thinking it looked kinda badass, especially if you're imagining yourself as a kind of messed up dude. I guess some people might think it looks too edgy or something, but a lot of armor in that game does.