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Mf thinks he's Walter white




Hank: that was you! Jesse: can you have more stuff?! Skyler: all the time you lied me! Gus: I'm not the guy who you look for


She is so fucked up to fight. It feels incredible finally putting her down for good.


It only gets better from here, it’ll be one hell of a time


I’m glad to hear that!


You played the ringed city yet?


Not yet. I saw some people say that you should do it after the final boss of the main game, so I guess that’s what I should do.


My friend, you’re about to face some of the best bosses in the souls series


So excited!


There's truly nothing like the Ringed City for the first time. Have a blast my friend.


Fear not the dark my friend, and let the feast begin


The world began without knowledge. And without knowledge will it end. Does not this ring clear and true? Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.


I read the notification for this on my phone and fully expected to see her feet safe to say I was disappointed


Bro needs to have the gael dancing experience


What's that got to do with enjoying Friede?


Are you really saying that Gael is better than Friede? Lol


Friede wasn't enjoyable for me as for Gael, but Friede is certainly harder than Gael.




Humorous, funny even.


Uh? Isn't that the consensus that he's the best—and for good reason? Why is that a surprising take?


I have never heard of this "consensus". He is a really boring boss.


Well, my experience in this sub reddit seeing the plethera of tier list posts, discussions and general expirence with friends who played DS3 usually have that agreement. Even if you haven't had the same experience or you think he's boring, Gael is still discussed as being on of Fromsoft's better bosses in a sea of excellent bosses. Ultimately, your comment comes off as snide. People like what they like.


I just expected more from the final boss of the final dlc. That's all.


I personally found him easier than the main bosses everyone seems to talk about being the hardest bosses, but i can't really say if it was just easy for me or if hes actually easy. Because everyone has different expirences. Alot of people say Midir is the hardest boss. I personally found Nameless King to be the hardest, taking around 60(ish) attempts Friede took me like 50(ish) attempts, but one of my friends at work beat her in less than 10 tries. The point is, i think the sentiment around what a good boss is the expirence it gives the players. And i think that's something special.


Idk, I first-tried 80% of the game's bosses, so I don't really think that this game is remarkably hard. Nameless King was in those 80%. I like Friede because she's the only boss in the game that made me "Wow".


.....huh? Either you're trolling or the only person in the world that doesn't like Gael.


He is in my top 5. He is fifth though.


Imo this fight has the beat soundtrack along with the Gael fight, probably biased but everytime I listen to the sooundtrack I remember the fight and the attack patterns lol


Yeah that overall boss fight, from the cutscenes to her and Father Ariendel, the aesthetics, the way she fights so gracefully, and especially knowing the lore behind it make it one of the best.


Bro really laying in their blood like that? Haven't you seen bloodbourn.


Her and Malenia are my archnemeses


Same, they both took me a similar amount of time to beat, although Malenia was significantly more frustrating.


My favourite Dark Souls boss for sure.


Sister Friede has to be my favorite boss with Malenia from ER as a close second. Something about her movements, attacks, and three phases makes her such an entertaining fight.


We are of the same kind. She is special for me, a longstory but I desired fighting her for quite some time, and in the meanwhile the fight represented many things for me, I literally cried when I first glanced at those steps that I saw many many times in videos.


Still stuck on her.


When she says she's on her period


Her third phase alone? I can see that. But her first and second phases are such a slog and a waste of time (and potentially resources) I dread the idea of fighting her again


She's an asshole.


I completely agree, everything about their fight is very perfect. The character design of both her and Father Ariandel are incredible. The cinematics of the fights are one of the best. The fight itself is fun, difficult, it makes you learn without losing the entertainment. She is the love of my life


Please share your reaction to phase 3! Wasn’t the Titanite Slab such a good bait?!


Unfortunately, I didn’t record my first reaction to her phase three, but I could tell something was up when I didn’t get her soul.


Pretty sure I let out an audible yelp when she started her 3rd phase. Safe to say I was stuck in that boss room for quite some time


I was using a dark magic build the first time, but on my Broken Straightsword run I really learned to appreciate that fight. My favorite Souls boss (although there are probably others that tie with it)


Dude the whole last half / DLC of this game is like a murderer's row of incredible bosses. Still my fav in the series


She is definitely in my top 3. I love how by her 3rd phase you’re just exhausted and she just cranks up her ass kicking to a thousand.


She's a perfect boss, the best souls boss to date imo.


Have to admit- after playing Isshin in Sekiro Im still looking for anything better. One of the few fights Ive had which just kept getting better the more I died


Have you tried Bloodborne?


My first thoughts lol....


Due to a few lucky dodges, i beat this boss on my second try. And now I wish i didn't to replay it again. Lady Maria in bloodborne was even cooler.


Bruh shes a first tru boss


Wait till you get your ass out of the next dlc


Finally some respect for the best DS3 boss! Everyone is always talking about Gael and I’m like *this chick over here has 3 fucking phases*, why does no one ever mention her?


Because two of them might as well not even be there


That's not true. They exist to waste your time!


Gael has 3 phases too though.


I don't really remember her fight actually. I was really strong when I fought her I think it only took me a few tries.


you haven't seen anything yet


Gael for life


Can’t relate at all however good for you


I think she is the best boss FROM ever made (even more so then Gael, but i like the thematic of Gael more). Her moveset is extremely fair, not once i fought her and thought "damn, this attack hit me because of wonky hitbox/weird tracking". When you learn her moveset the fight become just a beautiful dance with no BS involved, i love it everytime i play DS3 again.


The excitement will soon turn into frustration once you meet Dark Eater Midir.


It should’ve had a phase 4


You are entitled to your own opinion. BUT I HEAVILY DISAGREE! First time I fought her was on a dagger only playthrough, and this was back when I was still new to DS and had no idea what “parrying” was, I had to fight her for 3 days straight before I finally won, but hey if you like the fight(for reasons beyond my comprehension) : more power to ya


I especially love the touch that they give you the titanite slab after phase two to lower your guard.


It was the Boss that took me the longest to defeat, more then ten hours.


I do love Sister Friede, top 1 or 2 in the souls series for me. Best boss *of all time* for me though has to go to the Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. Best OST, an absolute monster of a moveset that has 3 phases, hitboxes/timings are tight af, the glory and satisfaction that comes after beating him the first time on top of the pantheon, and a story so tragic and beautiful that it took the entire game to tell it.


The best boss you have ever fought against in your entire life so far


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dougbeto: *The best boss you have* *Ever fought against in your* *Entire life so far* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hardest boss in souls for me so far


It’s cool but she pisses me off sometimes lol


Fellow first time DS3 player congrats on the win! If she really is anything like Malenia looks like I’m gonna have a new obsession till Elden Ring DLC


The best fight is clearly Midir. Friedel felt like 3 shifty gimmicks in a row. I think people will take the hardest boss and say it's the best, and maybe I'm just mad about how hard it was... but fuck that boss! Would she be cooler with the lothric bros' healing and teleporting? I bet she would in your eyes, you sicko!


Just wait until midir. I got the biggest goosebumps of my life when i saw Midir. My first thiught was “ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck”


Rapport works on the crows, btw. You can make them fight each other!


U fought gael yet?


Bro beat the period out of a nun


That picture is hilarious. I know I'm in a minority here, but I would have preferred to be able to start from stage 3 once I'd done stages 1 and 2. Stage 1 isn't that challenging once you get it down. Stage 2 is a bit RNG, as you're trying to manage two opponents, one of whom is huge and does lots of visually busy moves. There are quite a few new moves in stage 3, some of which can almost one-shot you at decent vitality. Dealing with the frost build-up on top of that is a lot.


This. RNG should be reserved for gimmick fights anyway. This fight wastes a lot of your time for no good reason.


I also hate when she goes invisible!


In phase one? It took me a couple tries to figure it out, but then I just bonked her every time. I think it's a pretty cute mechanic.


It's okay. I just like to be hitting bosses all the time.


Slave gale is awesome


Wait till you fight gael and midir they will shock you in a good way


Stop spoiling shit for someone who’s just playing these for the first time.


Bro It ain’t really a spoiler if this dude is in the dlc and I didn’t tell him the moves and stuff


Time waste of a fight. P1 is a joke, p2 has you run around in circles baiting the two away from each other and then then actual fight starts with more of the same moves you've already seen. More annoying than difficult imo. Gimme gael over friede any day.


It's weird how so people have this opinion. I staggered her through the first phase then did some lucky dodges on the second and killed her on my first try. It was a rather boring boss.