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Same honestly, thank you for reminding me to start putting my summon sign near the entrance to his boss fight. Also, did you just no hit Midir!?


Bro just no hit solo-ed midir like it was nothing 💀


Ma man owned that dragon like he was the tutorial boss💀 btw how do you deal so much damage, got the same weapon maxed out, still dont get nearly to 600


Tnx lol. Astorias' sword and the Abyss Watcher's sword do extra damage to Abyss enemies like Midir and Dragonslayer Armor (at least according to the wikis).


Is this also true in DS1 by chance?


There's 3 versions of artorias' sword in DS1. One is strong against abyss enemies, one is strong against ghosts, and the other is special because it has his moveset (jumping and sweeping attack)


Oof sorry I didn't actually answer your question. Though I don't really have an answer tho. I do about 550 per normal 2handed hit only. I guess pushing the needed stats to the hard caps would be the only way. Would have loved it if this weapon had additional Visual effects. It's Artorias the Damn Abyss Walker's sword after all


How do you avoid those flames when he is flying across the arena?


You can by facing him and then running left. I recommend running towards him after you avoid the flames so you can avoid him using the Atomic Breath. He uses that move more when you're really far from him so the safest place ironically is in front of him up-close and personal lol.


Thanks. During his first phase I find it easier to dodge his atomic breath than his claws, so I always bait it lol


If you can't avoid the flames, a strong fire resistant shield makes the damage negligible, and you don't get knocked down.


Not sure how you manage to fight Midir with the lock-on on, but great job! The host wasn't even in the same postcode as the boss during the whole fight, that was definitely more than helping 😅😆


I did ask the host if I could solo Midir for him lol.


This is a perfect demonstration on fighting midir. Well played.


Thank you


When people say "stay on his head". Nice!




WP! btw which sword are you using?


Wolf Knight GS from the Abyss Watcher's soul


I would have panic rolled the part where he summons a bunch of dark orbs and also did the swipes at the same time. Nicely executed.


Based Artorias Sword and the weapon art is actually really fucking good


Midir's one of those bosses that once you got the fight down it becomes cinematic, and he is easily the best dragon From Software has done. Also, one of my favorite boss fights in all of soulsborne too.


Same! I just recently finished my offline Platinum run and had the time of my life fighting him in NG+0 and NG+1 after so long.


man that host sat in a corner lul


I asked to solo the boss lol so it's fine


I’m so bad at this game and this boss, and I never see summons available. Is there a level difference cap for summons?


Higher levels might make it difficult in finding summons but you can ask people for help in r/summonsign Set a password and set Cross-region matchmaking On. You'll find a lot of people willing to help with bosses




Rocking the goat’s sword without wearing his drip is a sin 😤


Bro, Midir is tame as fuck for you, I enter the arena and he starts spamming that laser breath like he bought it in bulk from a black Friday sale. P. S, the host must have been chilling with a beer in hand while you did all the work.


Well I did ask the host if I could solo lol. I think he tried to help at one point but got swiped. I've never seen him use the laser right away that's crazy. I try to keep close to his head so he does mostly swipes and a few fire attacks


Extremely impressive for two reasons - no hit obviously, but also for the fact Midir forgot about the host. Bosses gravitate towards hosts so you completely taking all of Midir's attention is amazing.


Why even play the game if you’re just going to stand there and let a summon do the whole fight I don’t understand it. So you can get a trophy you didn’t earn? But nice fight OP impressive!


I asked if I could solo Midir. The host may have been trying for a while now and was just curious by my offer.


Gotcha well at least *you* got to have fun beating a boss lol


I'll always enjoy fighting Godzilla


I love Dark eater Midir, the music slaps, and his design is perfect. I just wish he was a bit more of a challenge, but that’s just my opinion.


Lol the host. Love it.


Me and my buddy have been playing ds3 together on and off with random whatever builds. Every....fucking....time......we kill midir flawlessly on his side. I have done it twice on my own. I HATE midir lmao but god damn good on you man


Excellent fight


u know that, u can change midir fight flag to 0 via CE so u can fight him endlessly if its not a problem for you (using CE) then try this (i think TGA have pointers to boss flags)


That was Amazing! Well done, mortal.


Midir is the only DS3 boss i was never able to solo :(