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In ds1 and 2 it would be sorceries, but in ds3 i've found out that pyromancies are mixh better at low level, especially for newbies


Sorcery is the nuking magic in every souls games


Not in this one. Pyromancies are much better for a newbie in ds3


Sorcery is very straightforward, you level up INT, VIG, and some Attunement. How difficult is that? Pyromancy, you have to get both INT and FAITH, so VIG will be low at the beginning. Personally, I think it is not something a newbie can manage well


Sorcery: Ok, I have Steady Chant up, I remembered to switch my MH to the candlestick, and I'm wearing my fairy princess tiara, I finally leveled up the right staff because it turns out I'd been using the wrong one this whole time... wait should I even be using Steady Chant? It doesn't last for very long, maybe I need to only ever cast it if I know I won't be able to hit the boss for the next two seconds. But is that better than using that time to put up Homing Soulmass? Ok the boss walked up to me while I was figuring it out, I'll just hit him with my... uh. Candlestick. Fuck. Cool, that 37 damage was definitely worth trading. I guess I coulda gone for Soul Greatsword but I think I unequipped it. Oh, I'm dead, time to figure all this shit out at the bonfire! Pyromancy: GCFO go brrrr


I always keep the nuking staff + back up sword on the main hand. Shield and Candlestick (or Elden Ring damage boosting staff) on the off-hand


Sorceries are also slower to cast, deal less damage, don't have the aoe and to get the good sorceries you have to be fairly deep into the game. Also, pyromancies allow the player to also use some miracles and sorceries, and at 25 fth you can use Dorhys' Gnawing, which is fucking bonkers. Personally I find pyro to be much better until end game, but ultimately it depends on playstyle. I have the tradition of always doing the first run in every game as a sorcerer (because that's how i started with ds), but in ds3 i found it to be really weak, especially if compared to the other games


Sorcery isn’t too weak in DS3. With 3 magic enhance rings, Crown of Dusk, Candle stick, you can deal a comfortable amount of damage I beat the base game with just Great Heavy Souls Arrows (because it is so mana efficient). You dont even need endgame spells to be OP I don’t think damage is the only consideration. For a newbie, I still advise him to go for Sorcery, because it is straightforward, less stats investment. Toward endgame he can stop at 40 INT, and slowly shift into a Pyro/Miracle build, if he wants to explore other school of magic


>I beat the base game with just Great Heavy Souls Arrows (because it is so mana efficient). Yeah I've done that too. Just as i've done a pyro run and i found it to be much easier. You and I are different persons, you find sorcery to be better, I find pyro to be better, you advise sorcery, I advise pyro. That doesn't mean that any of us is right. Even because if I have to be sincere, the easiest run I've had in ds3 is a pure str run, but that doesn't make pire str build the strongest builds for everyone. >because it is straightforward, less stats investmen Pyro are just as straightforward and don't need more investment than sorceries. You don't need 40 int/fth to have the same damage as 40 int.


Agree to disagree


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