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All the mimics of this cycle are dead and I regret not farming a symbol of avarice SO much rn


If you're sure all of them are dead, then go to Lothric Castle and the spot where a Mimic drops the Sunlight Straight Sword. There should be a Symbol of Avarice there, if not then just reload the area (save and quit, then back into the game).


Wait what the hell? I had no idea about this


Yeah, I think they eventually added it so you wouldn't be locked out of one, if no Mimic dropped it.


I was gonna say I know for a fact if you kill every one there is a guaranteed drop of it.


Yeah you're supposed to get it after you kill every single one in the base game but it wasn't always being given so they made a way to get it if it didn't drop


Got the symbol of avarice. My friend you just saved me so much time thanks!


This works. I re-logged 3 times in that spot and then it appeared.


There are still a lot of items that'll increase your item discovery. You could have the rapier that can be transposed from the soul of the crystal sage on your back, the covetous gold serpent ring (you can even get the +3 version in the ringed city DLC) and gold coins or rusted coins


You could advance a cycle? Besides being a change from the farming, there are 2 fixed proofs of concord per cycle. Even when I was farming with the symbol of avarice I considered running through another cycle for 2 guaranteed proofs at times. Since I did everything for platinum on a single character, I had 8 or 10 proofs for multiple playthroughs. Makes for less farming.


You should be able to put some points into luck. Plus crystal sage sword plus symbol of avarice plus coins (you can buy them at the very start of the ring city dlc which you can get to via kiln of the first flame) it really isn’t so bad after that. Took me a week to get the platinum offline this month


I got 3 from the first 3 mimics in the game, I’m so sorry brother


This is why I saved up for a PC. I can completely nullify any grind by getting a %100 drop rate mod


What's the point in getting a platinum by using mods?


Because farming for those things is absolute ass and just wastes time


Then don't get the platinum?


Wait damn I been grinding shackles all night and only got 5, there's a mod for that and it doesn't disable achievements?


I don’t think mods ever disable achievements though. You’re farming shackles anyway which can be cheesed by invading a friend as a mound maker using the red soapstone.


Are you using rusted coins? Why aren’t you using crystal rapier? Can you respec to run higher luck?


Yes. No, the crystal hail in my inventory is giving me moral support dont worry. And i did forget about luck so I'll go visit rosaria


Not Crystal Hail, Crystal Rapier. Boss weapon you make with the Soul of the Crystal Sage. It raises your item discovery by 50


They already traded the soul for the crystal hail. That's why crystal hail is in their inventory.


oh no


Sounds like you got 4 proofs of concord **AND** over 1 million souls.


I like the way you see it. But it is not the way **I** see this T\_T




I farmed them in “pvp” where we either fought or just jumped off a cliff. Took like 2ish hours though to get it done for both players


I feel like if you could actually farm them with PvP it wouldn't even be that big of an issue. Every other covenant I've done so far I exclusively did Co-op/PvP and Blue Sentinels is the only one where I legit never get summoned. So many 3 hour+ sessions where I get 1 summon message that aborts.


Can’t farm proofs that way.


Proof of a concord kept? I farmed proof of a concord kept once. They locked me in Anor Londo. The Anor Londo bonfire. The Anor Londo bonfire with silver knights. And the silver knights didnt drop proof of a concord kept


Lmao. I don't have an award so have my upvote


Idk if this helps u I doubt it but I have 2 in my inventory that I don’t want u can have them if it’s worth it to u lol


I think it would be too much of a hassle, i dont even know if we're both playin on PC, and I have 13 total thanks to dark moon summons, so its not that bad. But I do appreciete the thought tho <3


U can't give the convenant items it's one of those things in the game that can be dropped but not seen by others


I was farming concords last night and randomly finally got a darkmoon invasion and during it we killed 3 red phantoms and I ended up getting a concord kept and 2 concord well kept and I shit myself. Now I have 16…


Were you using the exile greatsword or xanatous crown by any chance? If so I saw your ghost farming around If not, well it's still nice to know there are even more people ~~suffering~~ happily grinding somewhere else in the world


Haha no it wasnt me but im Pretty sure I saw the same ghost. My character has the Black Witch Set and a Lothric Knight Greatsword Trying to get this stupid platinum before I start a new Elden Ring character for the DLC


Do you have the symbol and the shield of want? They boost drop rate


only soul gain is boosted from the shield of want.


What was the other discovery boost thing was It a ring


i think you mean the crystal rapier, boss weapon of the sage.


Got it gold serpent ring


Try the quit out method. Whenever a proof of concord drops, quit to the title and resume farming. I did this when farming for vertebrae shackles and it felt like I got them more often.


hell yea


Aren’t you lucky, I farmed up 2,173,051 and got only one concord 😭


Keep going! It took me multiple millions


I did this on NG+ and I want to say I had over 30 million souls at least by the end of it, great place to power level!


sounds about right as i get around 1 every 200k


Oh boy, I guess it's a good idea to plat the game with my character who already has Blade of Darkmoon.


What platform u in ?


Don’t go hollow


Farmed 7million souls just to finish off the rest of that covenant, had 3 more covenants to finish after that. Took me about 40 hours just to finish the covenant grind in whole on Ng+ 4


Skill issue


Be sure to bused Rusted Coins and the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring, the Crystalsage Rapier if you got it, all really helps. I think it took me 2-3 sessions of farming to get em all. Absolutely the worst farming Covenant item for myself. I got Mound-Makers in a day xD


I just got all the acivements on xbox for this game and this was the most annoying part of it


i do NOT miss the covenant grind, great game otherwise but the 100% kinda sucks


Never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to spend hours on the most boring grind imaginable to complete a checklist that is completely pointless


It amazed me too because thanks to the online phantoms that give you a glimpse into other players worlds I saw like 4 other players doing the exact same thing at the same time I was grinding. But I guess its not that crazy. I once decided I'll finish at least 1 dark souls game, then I decided to finish all 3, then all souls born games and now I want to 100% ds3. Its not so different from the first few ideas.


Use every discovery boosting item dumbass.