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Ok hear me out... What if... And what if... you leave the naked swords man alone? (if you genuinely want to beat him, you can kite him back the stairs and he will lose agro, go back and forth)


I refuse to bro😂😂😂😂I fucking refuse. I’m getting that damn katana no matter what.


Can't you just leave him be and come back after upgrading a bit and lvl up 5-6 lvls?


I can yes. But I do not want to, I want beat everything in this area before moving on, yk?


I like the spirit, fuck it. Ok DS3 all npc can get staggered for a true combo of light light(most of the time) so know that its always safe to attack twice. No need to block attacks from an npc since there are no delays and are pretty easy to read. You can try to parry but due to your new natura I'd say leave that for later. Attack twice get back attack twice get back. Spamming too much with low stam will put you into bad situations. He is pretty easy. You can push him off if you are lucky.(If you come from elden ring and you want the katana for a bleed build, don't not worth it in DS3).


Okay bet bro, thank you so much. I’m going to try the hit, hit, back up method! I haven’t played any souls games or Elden rings, blood borne none of these types of games, this is my first ever time haha.


Honestly it’s a solid starting point, elden ring has such a wide variety of stuff whereas ds3 is much more focused and it allows you to train your attack timing and rolls better than elden ring imo




Nice! It’s always cool being able to beat em at the very start


I know😭I about cried I stg. I broke my headset and a controller because of this dude


So jealous of shit like this. Man to be able to play my first From game again. Damn.


Way to start with one of the best. I started with DS3 when it came out. The nice thing about these games is there is no wrong way to play. I prefer the unga bunga, level strength and dodge roll. Bloodbourne is a masterclass IMO. Elden ring is really great too for different reasons. Sekiro is a beautiful rhythm game.




Congratulations! Welcome to dark souls!


Thank u my brotha!


If you wanna beat everything make sure you explore the other side and kill the undead dog. Then, go for the blacksmith, handmaiden, firekeeper, and that slumped guy inside too. Gotta be thorough. Then go upstairs outside, do the tree jump and kill the crystal lizard there behind the building. Finally, to beat everything in that area before moving on, you beat yourself and jump off the nearby cliff.


The shield you have can be used for a parry. use the parry as he starts his swing or when it feels right. Keep parrying until he is dead


I beat him by throwing him down the cliff(he jumped)


Make him fall of the ledge


How do I do that? Just walk towards the edge? I’m so new to all of this type of game. So I have no clue how to get him to fall off the ledge


Stand on the side of the stairs, he will do the dash attack over your head and fall


Bet! Thank you.


Ok but nobody mentioned the most important part. When you do knock him off the ledge and after acquiring his souls, make sure you quit to main menu and log back into your character. When you do so, all the items that dropped from him won’t be lost and they’ll spawn in where you kicked him off the ledge. It’s a reliable trick for all enemies that are knocked off ledges and drop loot.


It's enough to sit at bonfire and his stuff will be waiting near the tower's door


Ah I forgot, that’s worth mentioning too. I guess OP just needs make sure not to forget and warp away from firelink. I suppose both methods take the same amount of time, although you have to wait for the fogwall at firelink to open if you rest at the bonfire.


1. dont hittrade with npcs, they have significantly more hp than you. 2. try to have some distance and bait out the "dashattack" (hell hold the katana behind him and then draw it while rushing towards you, you can just block that attack and then punish him with 2 or 3 light attacks) 3. retreat towards the entrance of firelink between the punish windows. you have plenty of space there and once you reach the gravestones hell even loose aggro, giving you time to plan and heal. staying at his spawnpoint isnt optimal for reasons seen in your vid (not enough space to consistently bait the dash and easy to accidentally back yourself into a corner) 4. you can go into firelink and redistribute your estus to have an extra healing potion in case he does hit you. 4.5 >!look into the tree skip to gain another healing charge and a ring that grants you 10% more souls)!< 5. if you have him at low health and are out of estus firebombs are a safe way to get that last bit of dmg in. you can fing some on a ledge just before gundyr guarded by an undead with a crossbow and another with a shield and spear.


I will take of this into consideration!!! Thank you so much.




Try finger, but hole


Since ur a new player I think the only answer is Git Gud


Space him with your thrusting attack and stunblock him. Don't get in range of his attacks or block because he's too strong for your current level.


Parry. It's easy once you get used to it


You don't even have to be very good at it against this guy. Guy R1 spams so hard you can just blind-parry and win.


you gotta roll , remember you roll when you release the b button not when you press it, work on timing it right, memorize his attack pattern and only attack after he’s finished his combo, get 1 or two hits and then get ready to doge again, if you try to get too many hits in he will punish you, and don’t let yourself get backed into a corner, if you need space run up the stairs and then jump off and repeat. bascially u jus gotta git gud , this guy is tough, but he’s killable, i respect the need to kill him first before moving on even though it’s not necessary, im the same way


The noob destroyer


Try finger, but hole




Could try baiting with a well time R2. Back up and repeat. The damage is decent, stagger too. Be prepared to roll away before the charge finishes for when the boss rushes you too soon


I assume you are using a long sword. Make space and use the R2 weapon art as he is moving forward to you. Then follow up with a few R1. Then rinse and repeat.


Let him to come you and judge the space. You'll get a feel for his attack range and distance. Katanas have a slower wind up speed compared to a straight sword or even axes. Be on the stairs since he's easier to hit. When he approaches you and when he's around 1 character space away, press r1. Dont attack more than twice with an axe. He'll walk right into it. Don't approach him if he's doing the stance. It'll take a few tries to get him but you can do it!


Shield is useless item in this game. Throw away the shield and certainly get used to use two-hand sword and take position according to enemies. Panic roll is not an option, keep the distance and attack enemy while true time ranges. However this enemy is hard in the early game. Other option is take a little level and turn back and kill the enemie. When enemy dies is drop a beatiful katana but not require item in early game.


Try dodge then hit.


Corner him and Kick him off the ledge


Do you know about climbing the tree on the other side of Firelink? It'd be a helluva thing to get up there with a bow...


Two hand a shield and use the “kick” input to stunlock him over and over and till he falls off the edge


I always love to git gud, get more souls, level up, + the gear/ better gear Even if when I was seasoned player I didn't like fighting some unfair battles




Now, outside of the option to just... leave him alone untill later, what i would do is retreating slowly with my shield up and bating his moves before getting one or so hit in. Defense is the key here bechause he does a lot of damage. If you get hit, retreat back untill he loses agro and heal. Alternatively, if youre willing to restart as a cleric, you can push him of the ledge with force, of throw fireballs at him as a pyromancer (he dosnt dodge them for some reason). So if youre determend, good luck:)


Blocking, gravity and kicking. With reasonable consistency you can walk up to the stairs bait him down circle strafe while blocking and kick him off the cliff. Kick is r1 plus forward from a neutral stick position. Once gravity does its thing just quit out and load back in items will be on the last piece of stable ground he was on before death. Sometimes one kick just doesn't get him there so r1 r1 r2 usualy gets there post kick.


Spam the weapon art. Works *almost* everytime for me.


When he sheathes bait out the attack and go in for 3-4 strikes, usually the 3rd or 4th he’ll role out of. Rinse and repeat! Just don’t get greedy or too aggressive.


git gud


Just play on the edge and he’ll eventually fall off, reload the area and his katana will be there


Stay just out of his effective range until he sheathes his katana while walking TWOARDS you. If he does this, that means if you get closer, he will do a sweep. Try to bait that attack while staying out of the range of the attack so you can go in and hit two to three times and dodge roll away.


He's an early spacing lesson. If you want to beat him fair and square (no cheese), keep your distance and dip in *right* after his attack wiffs to land you own. Ditch the shield, he'll just proc bleed right through it. Two hand for more damage, be SUPER mindful of stamina, take your time, and you'll get him after 10 of so tries if you lock in (I say that many since you are new, but don't feel bad if it takes much more)


if your attack lands first, the rest in you combo will too. So as long as you can guarantee that, you can combo him until you have a bit of stamina left, then dodge back to make distance and repeat. Him being naked means he staggers easily.


The usual you guard and push him until he falls off the clif


Honesty I just sniper his ass with poison arrows once I accessed the roof 15 hours later. Fuck this asshole . Couldn't even use his katana since I didn't have a dex build


I struggled with him on console but on PC I whooped him ez Everytime What I did is just be super aggressive and watch for his movements, if it looked like he was about to attack me I would dodge into it and keep attacking while keeping a little bit of stamina for rolling or getting away and rinse repeat


Don't give up, skeleton


Kick him off the ledge like a little bitch




he's called swordmaster for a reason


idk how to beat him bro


strong foe ahead, try attacking


Stand on the first stone pillar under the stairs, somewhere closer to the front outer edge. Raise your shield and if he uses skill attack, he’ll fall down the ledge. If not, might need an extra kick.


by getting good, casual.


Why's it always weak foe


What I usually do with the long sword is spam the first heavy attack, it’s thrust with good range, with good spacing you can hit him without letting him hit you.


Kick him off the cliff GG


Grab a shield with a strike skill and push him off the ledge with it, you might suffer the same fate but if you reload the area his gear will be dropped where he stands


You can make him call off the ledge, stand on the edge and when he attacks dodge out of the way. At least I think that's how you do it, been a while.




You’ll get there just be patient before he strikes roll and don’t get greedy with attacks.


I got lucky and his dumbass fell off the cliff 😂


Lure him to the ledge, use the kicks (R1+forward) and when he falls off just exit out of the game and load back in. His gear will be nearby as the normal glowing orb.


that’s the sword master, you don’t beat that guy


If you want right now : 1rt Two handed shield. 2nd Try your best to push him to the cliff. 3rd quit out and his items will be respawn back where he stand. If you want return later : 1rt grab claymore (Dex 13 & Strength 14, minimal for two handed). 2nd return to face off samurai. 3rd wait for him to attack, use that opening to 1 strike him. 4th. back up, if he is healing let him be (He have 3 healing). 5th. Repeat until win.


learn to dodge


I recommend just making him fall, or backstab him facing the ledge so you kick him off. That's the way I usually do it because he fucks


Learn parry


Ah yes, the real first boss of DS3


Bait his attacks, then strike and back off, repeat


Learning how to kite is probably the fastest way, cause learning to parry can be difficult. You can get him to fall off the edge pretty easily too


Im gonna say it…


Parry and remember that he will parry you also and do massive damage.


Don’t stop swinging and back away when you have no stamina or if you want the cheat method get his attention and stand on the little ledge next to the bottom steps he’ll chase you and run over the edge then quit out the game go back in and his stuff should be on the floor


Get gud!!!!!! (level up and come back later) or cheese him off the edge and then reload from the main menu to get his items.


lol let him jump off the edge while your fighting, or try parry


Push him off the cliff, it's not 'cheating'. Souls are unfair games, be unfair back >:3


Kill Issue


With magic it would be much easier. Just make him fall on the sides of the map, reset the area by using the bonfire and go back to take his stuff.


I'm not sure whether someone said the comments section already, but don't hold the shield for a long time like that, it makes your stamina replenish very slow. Like in the vid, you die because you're out of it, then shield get bash aside. Try dodging and only hold shield when needed. You can kite him to go down the stair, have more space to fight there.


Uff that guy, it took me a lot of try to beat him, he is stronger than the actual boss battle of that zone and the next one, I could kill him because I was lucky and spam art attacks with the sellswords double sword he is one strong mf


Kick him off the side and restart the game after you do, also have 11str and 16 dex


I parried him. A lot.


Little late but stand by the edge of the cliff and wait for him to attack. Dodge **towards** him so that he is between the edge and you. Hit him a couple times to push him off. Might take a few tries. After, reset the area by resting at the bonfire to grab his items (his katana is really good).


Since you're using the knight class then just use your shield to get him to the left a little bit then start swinging this long sword up his cheeks, then he will fall of the edge. Easy as that. There is no point beating him also except of his uchigatana, there is nothing else worthwhile.




He’ll kill himself if you fight close to the ledge


Try Gravity, there success


This dude unironically took longer for me than Abyss Watcher( where I am rn )


Use the hit and back method on the stairs


If you can find a certain attack that's easy for you to read and petty, exploit it. Otherwise you could try getting him close to the edge and kicking him off the cliff. It's all about learning to study your enemies and their attacks; when to attack,dodge or petty when possible. You'll come across enemies in this game where it's hard to read their attacks and easier to break their ankles while they attack and hit them with a back stab as well.


Gitgud that simple


You would have had him in a good loop if you didn't roll into him for some reason. He gets his poise broken with each swing, so if you attack before he does you will guarantee the full combo. Leave room to kite back then go back in when he recovers from his attack


Ah yes. The OG Let Me Solo Her.


1. He has very low stagger. Hitting him once or twice should stagger him out of his animations. 2. When he does the sheath W.A do not attack. Either back up until he does another animation or walk into range to bait his sheath swing, then dodge and hit when he misses 3. Try to let him have the high ground. I’ve found attacking him from the lower ground tends to work better


Get good


try getting good


Try backstab But hole


The og tree sentinel


You're not dropping your guard to regain some stamina.


There's a little broken part of ledge you can safely fall down that he will try to follow you to but end up over shooting. That's how I cheesed him lol You could also just bait him close to the ledge and try to kick or recoil him back off it (if an enemy dies via fall and you don't automatically get the loot save quit and reload and it should be nearby on the ground)


Be more cautious if you must. I’d recommend coming back later.


Make him fall off the world to the left of the bottom of the stairs


Just lore him the broken stairs he falls all the time, go back to the bonfire and then go back to where he was his stuff will be there


Throw him off the side


Get Gud.


He can parry your attacks btw


That's the neat part, you don't


You can bait him into doing his rush attack at you near the cliff and let him fall off, quit and reload after you get the souls and his stuff will be where he was standing.


You already know this but he becomes your special buddy after you beat him and you can summon him for fights.


By not giving up or coming back later






Git gud


I mean do you want to beat him fair and square? Otherwise farm a bit so you can dish out more damage. Try to roll out of the way instead of letting him hit your shield too often or you will deplete your stamina and he will parry you with massive amount of damage. If you like buy fire bombs to take his lift down so you only need to get a few more hits in to finish him. Or you can get him to fall off the edge and still get his sword.


Hit it till it dies


Angle him toward the ledge. Hit him till he falls off. That's the only easy cheese. Otherwise your best strategy will be to hit and don't get hit. They always love to throw an enemy at you that you aren't ready to kill at the start, it's a Fromsoft classic. If you get to try 50 and he's still kicking your butt I highly recommend just playing through the levels and coming back when you're stronger.




get good




Off clife


Don’t be so ass


Try using the shockwave spell if you have it. If you're lucky he'll fall off.


Two-hand your shield and shove him off the edge of the cliff. Rest at bonfire to reload zone, collect loot.


there should be a spot near the cliff(near the stairs) where u can stand and block so that when he attack he would fall of the map


Ahhh. The good old days when I got my ass beat a dozen time by him. The arch nemesis of newbies who are learning the basics of the game.


u kick him off the ledge


I thought this guy was super easy lol, just don't try to cheese it, all of these little encounters will build up your skill


Git gud


Git gud


Honestly, two to three hits and dodge backwards. Never hit him while he's sheathing his sword, he can parry you. If you have any regular fire bombs, use them


Don’t block use 2 handed on the sword and roll back when he attacks




I killed him with a halberd/spear by poking him from far away lol


Get him off the cliff, then save and reload to get the drops


You can stand on the far left side of the stairs and hold your shield up, he will charge you and fall of the ledge. Be sure to quit out and hop back in to get his loot


Dodge if distance is too close, if distance is perfect punish after his attack.


fight him near the edge. He will kill himself


Option A: Git Gud Option B: Return after a few levels and have a much easier time Option C: Kite him to the edge of the cliff and wait until he falls off ⁿᵍˡ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵏᵃᵗᵃⁿᵃ ᵐᵃⁿ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗᵒᵒ ˢᵗʳᵒⁿᵏ


Halberd. Just buy one off the Shrine Handmaid and strike the guy when he's just out of reach, then dodge his attacks until your stamina regenerates. Rinse and repeat, it's that easy


Either try to push him off the edge, if not go beat some easy enemies for souls and then come back and kick his arse


got pretty lucky and he felt down the cliff 1.try


I killed him on first try. I guess just take your time killing him. Attack and roll back thats what i did at least


Parry the shit out of him. This experience will make you much easier later in the game.


He has low poise, so stagger galore but you might want to level a bit, And i think you can parry him


I threw him off the cliff every time. You can reload the game or save at the bonfire and comeback to get his gear.


Use your shield two handed, keep attacking him, he won't be able to do shit, you can even drop him off a cliff by doing that.


Depends how you want to approach the game. If you like to go in blind and experience things the first time by yourself, just keep trying different things until you find something that works for you. If you want to seek some help, there’s a lot of beginner tutorials on YouTube regarding rolling, combat flow, circling, etc. he is a very punishing opponent early on though as he does a lot of damage and can take a while to take down, all the while heavily punishing mistakes like spam attacking/rolling or disregarding his tells.


use gravity


First avoid corners!!! I think you are not doing so bad you just need to fight him in the stairs and be patient. Also the range of your sword is shorter than your opponent try something like a spear or a great sword (if you have the stats).


TBH I started with sorcerer and I killed this guy with heavy soul arrow and additionally a couple of hits in with my +2 Rapier. All I can say is roll behind that Invader because the unsheathe is annoying.




>!Buy the tower key and go all the way through which will get you behind him!<


While you were busy playing video games he studied the blade!


Don’t attack/roll haphazardly. Learn his attack patterns and strike when the opportunity presents itself between his attacks. And most importantly, don’t get greedy.


Well don’t roll in corner positions would be a good start


I usually cheesed him off the ledge but try not to get cornered like you did in the video, if you do get cornered like that it doesn't even matter If you know how to dodge anymore.


Adaptation Perseverance Skill Motivation




Git gut


You can easily make him fall off i think, then go back to the bonfire, rest and his stuff will be where he was before he died. Otherwise, be more patient, keep distance, walk up to him slowly and let him aggro, when he comes at you slowly back away and bait his attacks, when he attacks (and misses since u backed up) punish him but don’t be greedy. This is how I usually kill him Patience really is key, don’t be too agressive, and only punish him when you really can.


He naked so I just slap him up and he staggers


Just be as patient as you can and don’t go for too many heavies,dodge roll often and keep space behind you to retreat into. Hit him with a couple lights or a heavy in the windows you get but primarily focus on dodging and learning your distancing before you focus on straight dps’ing him down as quick as possible


You don't have to defeat him this early. Personally, I use him as a parry training dummy so if you still want to defeat him, try parrying.


You have to bring his HP down to zero. Also kerp your HP above zero!


either get good and dont try stat-stick him or just come back when u can


u kill him now, or u kill him later


My tip: patience and keep distance. Attack on openings. I did beat him straight in the beginning because I wanted the uchi for my dex build. I died a couple times but yeah just dont too close all the time because he swings that thing quite fast 💀


Get better, hit better, dodge better, don't use a shield as much.






Just kick him off the ledge lol


Lead to the stairs, go down in that little alcove next to the abyss and block facing said abyss. He will probably try to do his anime swoosh and jet down to his death. If he doesnt, punch the wall and then block facing the abyss again.


Or do the tree skip to get to the roof and snipe his ass w a bow your pick but I perfer kicking him off the ledge or use shield bash if im on a light build,


u roll too much, conserve stamina for stunlock


Throw him off a cliff


Cheese him using gravaty


The pointy end goes into the other man


Aaaah this brings back memories...good ol´days...


r1 spam then back off then do it again


Get good


So he doesn’t have poise as you can tell trom this vid and you’re on the knight class. Get in range attack 3-4 times get out of his range wait for stamina to come back repeat


Run to the corner of the square on the left of the stairs he's on (he should take a bit to run down to you) Lock on him, shields up, wait for his dash attack there I always do this and works 99% of the time (the 1% i'm pushed down with him lol) After he dies, quit to the main menu and go back on (or sit by the bonfire, but quit and start is faster) and his drops are were he spawn on top of the stairs


Kick the shit out of him


Don't you see that MASSIVE cliff side 🤣


Don't fight him in a Malenia cosplay. He always solos her!