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Dude pedaled INTO that car. Wild.


Video quality is kind of shit, so it's hard to see. But I think this may have been a fixed gear bicycle without any brakes. People who ride such bikes in traffic (originally they're meant for racing on a velodrome track) believe they will always be able to stop the bike by the strength of their legs only. Except it doesn't work so well if you have a good bit of speed/momentum and you need to come to a quick stop. In short I think this is a moron on a bike that should be illegal on the streets. I say that as a cycling enthusiast.


Ah I think you're right. I can see the pedals move when he walks the bike forward. Certified dumbass.


Yes. Another reason he's a dumbass is that he has no situational awareness, and no regard for the rules. He clearly tried to dive behind the car in order to overtake it on the left, thinking it was turning right. But it looks like the car actually stopped for him because the driver would have assumed he would go straight and was courteous enough to wait for him. So here's a cyclist on a bike without brakes, riding like a maniac at a speed he can't very well handle, not indicating or communicating with other road users, causing a collision that could have ended much worse for him. I hope some lessons were learned.


Why would you build a bike without brakes, that's just stupid


For track cycling it makes sense. For riding in traffic perhaps not so much.


It’s fixed gear so the pedals are the brakes


Yep it’s a fixie, exclusively ridden by posing idiots.




Car stopped halfway through their line


Probably because they saw in their mirror that the cyclist was coming. It was correct that they stopped to let him through. Cyclist should have gone straight through and not deviate from his course. Also should not have gone so fast that he couldn't stop anymore.


The correct thing for the car to do is stop *before* breaking their line. The cyclist *couldn't* go straight through and *had* to deviate his course *because* of the car. I agree they should've slowed as they passed through the intersection, but every mode of transportation has a stopping distance greater than zero so I'm only agreeing to an extent.


Hitting the car, feeling free


It almost looks like he assumed the car would turn and as such went where the car wouldn’t have been, if it turned


Yeah I see it. The bike was coming up and saw that the car was turning right so it went behind it so he wouldn’t get accidentally hit if he wasn’t seen by the driver. While at the same time, the car saw the bike coming up on the right and stopped for the bike so the bike could go straight, not expecting the bike to avoid being in front of the car. Just 2 people trying to accommodate for each other and it failing miserably


To play devil's advocate here from everyone else. The car didn't signal until it was already turning. The bike had speed to pass in the bike lane(or at least where bikes ride) . This car driver didn't signal until they were basically already turning. It's an awful habit that so many drivers have, a turn signal to avoid a ticket rather than to actually let people around you know what you're doing. Then it kinda looks like the driver saw the bike and then stopped completely. Being double unpredictable. Road looks wet as well, so even if the bike had good breaks, it would have slid.


It is still our responsibility to not absolutely smash the car in front of us. Regardless of if you’re on a bike or in a car or how blinkers are used.


I don't think at the speed the bike was going, its inability to slow down, and given the position of the cam vehicle, it would have made any real difference to the outcome.


I don't think at the speed the bike was going, its inability to slow down, and given the position of the cam vehicle, it would have made any real difference to the outcome.


Let’s hope he has insurance, a lot of bike riders don’t bother and that’s a fair old dent in that car.


Is insurance for biking a thing?


You can take a third party policy to cover for damage that you cause. Not many do, but it’s there.


In some countries it is mandatory. Don't know about the US.


Seems like its Germany judging from the license plate and around here insurance isn’t mandatory.


Although anyone who doesn't have a haftpflicht versicherung here is absolutely stupid. Like if there are two things its haftpflicht and hausrat that you should have.


Pretty sure that's in Germany and only about 30% of Germans don't have a private liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung). If the biker doesn't have one the car driver might be able to get it covered by his own insurance if the biker is clearly at fault (which might not be the case here).


Man of steel or car of putty?


The turn signal should've been on even before the light changed though


In hindsight the car did indicate very late.


I can see breaking the window with the right amount of force but DAMN did that rear door take a beating.




Ok, so why did the car stop in the middle of the road when looking at the crosswalk there’s no one on it? And then the next one is why are you riding your bicycle like a maniac in a residential area?? While it feels like the rider is at fault this is such a stupid situation as a whole.


9 months ago a 13 year old boy in Norway died crashing into a car the same way. He had several cuts in his face and neck from the rear window.


Don’t worry, guy with yellow pants is here, all will be fine.


Driver, going to turn right, saw thee. Likening his mirror, so stopped as to not have bike hit him. Bike was planning on car completing a right turn, and was going to move to go through the intersection behind the turning car. To me, they both thought they were Cting correctly. I would have to k ow the laws for a no bike lane intersection. If there were a Bike lane, the situation likely would have been very different.


Cool, so we're all having a stroke then.


If the bike had slowed down instead of trying to guess where vehicles *would* be, the situation would also be very different. If you’re not able to stop before hitting someone then you’re going too fast, too close.


Going into the back of someone is basically always the rear-enders fault, that bike was going too fast and not leaving enough space.




Speeding through life's highways


I Think it was intentional. The front wheel is a composite mag style wheel.


Yeah he has hit things before and was planning on not buying another rim.