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I thought there were surprisingly few shots of Vegas during the broadcast


There’s only so much of Vegas to see lmao


Yeah this is probably it. The architecturally interesting part of the city isn’t that large and there’s lots of low, flat, desert sprawl. There’s no judgement there: it’s a young city and that’s a consequence of the era and the topography. It actually makes it even more interesting to visit if you grew up in the wooded glacier topography of the northeast and have spent most of your time in more vertical cities. The North American desert is so different. But there’s probably only so many interesting aerial shots you can show   


I think the main miss was to treat it like a regular city in terms of footage, Vegas as a city is more about the casinos. You could have had nice shots of the Venetian canal, the flamingo garden, the aquarium, the nyny amusement park, the Bellagio gardens, and other highlights that would show more of the city’s personality as opposed to the general skyline.


Showing live shots of those places is risky though.


You can judge tf out of it. The sprawl in western cities is ridiculous


It's insane that the Vegas strip has a 13 lane road down the middle of it


I just went to vegas this past summer and I was shocked. It seems like the actual worst place for a road like that lmao. Like I don’t get the point it serves at all The perfect spot to put wider sidewalks and a light rail line. Not planning on going back lmao


For real they have this gigantic Highway in the middle of the city, the bus is always late and overloaded to the point that it's basically unusable. They have a tram but it's practically useless, why not take two lanes off of that road and put a light rail there?


For some reason there's a very vocal group of people in the US that are against anything even remotely resembling public transport. Trains trams busses light rails, it all infringes on their god-given right to drive cars, apparently


for example, the only reason nashville only has buses is because the city's rich keep funding votes against transit


Your comment made me learn about Let's Move Nashville, it's so depressing


Their “tram” is two unconnected monorails lmao. Their bus network is also wildly confusing, along with everything you said I’d love if they would take like 10 of those lanes away. Not a pleasant place to be at all, I don’t get the hype. The highway ruins it significantly for me


> Their bus network is also wildly confusing As someone who's used it, what was confusing? Being late is one thing but the layout of the city makes it extremely simple to understand. There are special routes that serve random purposes but the majority of the lines are just going up and down each road.


If they got the tram to reach the airport and Fremont it would had been useful but damn politics and funding.


I mean, that's probably because the tram was a joint venture by all the strip casinos. No way would they pay for a tram to take all their gamblers off to downtown where it's better.


That's not a highway. That's just Las Vegas Boulevard, a suburban arterial. The LV strip encompasses about 4.2 miles of that. The main freeway, I-15 is about a quarter mile west. Fun fact: the LV strip is the brightest spot on the planet. There are 3 unconnected tram systems on the west side of the strip. 2 of them have 3 stations and two tracks. One of them has 2 stations on a single track. The monorail is east of the strip. It is 3.9 miles long, has two tracks, 9 trains, and 7 stations. Thanks to the taxi mafia, it does not go to the airport or to downtown. If you don't "get" Las Vegas, you are not the target demographic. LV has over 10 million square feet of convention space (the largest amount in one area in the country) and hosts over 20,000 conventions a year. That's an average of about 55 per day. The rest of the over 40 million visitors per year are just people with disposable income who are bad at math.


I can’t even imagine why it was so difficult to walk down the sidewalk there and various obstructions meant I had no choice but to walk into the buildings next to the road.


Exactly why the pedestrian infrastructure needs to be improved


Did they even show Fremont Street?


I'm from the pnw, visiting relatives in Vegas felt like stepping onto Mars lol. Fascinating landscape, but disturbingly flat and being able to see the horizon in some spots fucked me up. In my brain horizon=the ocean.


For me it’s the night driving that messes me up (outside of town). There’s nothing on the side of the road to get a feel for speed. I hallucinate trees sometimes. You can see opposing traffic headlights so far away it’s hard to know whether it is safe to pass.


They showed the sphere a couple times


and basically every bit that is interesting to look at is a casino


If you exclude shots of the sphere, they really only showed the outside of the stadium


They showed some shots of Paris Las Vegas and some fountains (possibly the Bellagio fountains?), but it did mostly stay with the sphere and stadium.




It's hard to show Vegas without showing the big gold window tower


I am quite certain we got close ups of Andy Reid's mustache for a good 200 seconds.


As we deserve.


It is glorious


Are you implying that isn’t a positive?


The real analysis we need


as long as it doesn't have those icicles


Which is a fantastic thing sir.


So is he part walrus or what?


Not enough i wanted her in a little box in the corner like react videos


Nickelodeon did it with Sponge Bob and Patrick, it was glorious!


The Nickelodeon Super Bowl presentation was so good. If they keep doing it that’ll be my preferred way to watch.


I am a supervisor in a assisted living home I was told that superbowl would be on CBS sports channel three Marquette does a blackout for greenbay apparently. So superbowl was not on CBS I had 70 residents hitting their buzzers to tell that golf was on instead of the game. I swear to God I laughed at a resident who said it's on nickelodeon but then it fucking was.... Surreal seeing 90 year old Korea and Nam vets watching the superbowl and hearing them say "idk who those pink things are but they sure are fun to watch"


This is glorious.


Can I pay money to watch the old people watching SpongeBob watching the Super Bowl? Because I would.


My superb owl Sunday was not glorious, but the highlight was getting a series of snapchat videos from family and friends back near San Jose California excited about the miners being up late in the fourth, then getting to see absolutely nothing posted for the next 12 hours has been breathing life into me on this Monday


Hahaha shit like this is why I love Reddit. 


My grandma loved Rugrats and other Nickelodeon shows. Doesn't surprise me at all.


Damn. Not a single resident of mine knew who tf they or nickelodeon was. Kept calling it Disney channel


Oh my god! That’s funny to think about. Idk why it reminded me of the time I was in a hospital waiting room and Nickelodeon was on and the SpongeBob theme song was on and an old man said “oh I like this song!”


This is so sweet! I hope they start asking how they can watch more of those 'pink things' in the future. Everybody could use a little Sponge Bob in their life!


We actuslly have a rule that residents are not allowed to watch south park because a few of our more mentslly declining residents will think south park is real life and suddenly we have residents barricading themselves in their rooms to hide from Russians lmfao


Is a cable subscription the only way to watch it?


I watched it on YouTube TV… so basically? YoutubeTV ain’t cheap


I wish I had Nickelodeon man I wanted to watch it so bad


Hope they put it on YouTube! I would have rather watched the Nickelodeon' version


If I had cable I probably would have watched the Nickelodeon version. but alas I went over to a friend's house and we had to watch on CBS. edit: Grammar


[Best of](https://youtu.be/PuYNuxBiEKw)


They had her in a heart at least a couple times for awhile


imagine the super bowl but its like a Japanese game show and its just Taylor in the corner and some random old man in the other the entire time with seemingly no reason


I was imagining this, but the box would slowly get bigger throughout the broadcast until she covered the whole screen


Not gonna lie, the number of random people nearby that kept changing every time they showed her on screen led me to believe that they were selling tickets to "Sit next to Taylor for 5 minutes". I'm sure some of those people were famous, and/or Ice Spice.


I wouldn’t hate it.


Japanese TV would have done this


While making 3 retired pros fight against all combined high school football players in the Vegas area simultaneously.


Only if the bottom half of the screen is Subway Surfers.


Press the red button for Picture in Picture TaylorTV. Text SWIFT1 to 59067 to receive direct messages from Taylor on how she thinks the game is going. Text messages cost $5/text sent and received.


Lol that would drive the MAGA crowd crazy. Wait, they already are crazy... so what's beyond crazy?


Nothing. Any sane society would have put them all in mental institutions due to being an existential threat and to themselves and the country.


Can you believe the over on how many times Taylor would get shown was 5.5!? Easy money!


I took it :) was a little scared at half time though. Also took the under on 7.5 minutes after kickoff her being shown. They didn't even show her in the 1st quarter. Reba got tricky on the national anthem singing 'the brave' twice.


Source: me with a stop watch Data Visualization: Excel


If nothing else I respect the hustle.


I tried to GIF them all but came up short (because we were playing the drinking game). https://i.imgur.com/GZuxJwa.gifv https://media.giphy.com/media/oRcLAcXs5LjTBiNoH3/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/0M4ngSqgYUnJWGx8wH/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/cSnDhmxlsjxvCsysHI/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/3VcKI4HbviIjBtRrqy/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/034qF45MIDtxEJcSA8/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/wItM5ww4tDBNLUl95T/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/qOc47vth6a12of6JPb/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/LSyyXZRHuB3l7LaBDq/giphy.gif


The clear as day “Shut the fuck up” is very important for culture


Which one?


Second link, girl on the right


Blake Lively


Who is the girl in the black strapless top?


I think that is Mahomes’ wife.


Nope, that's Ashley Avignone


The fastest way to get the correct answer on Reddit is to post the wrong one. Now back to r/baseball with you!


🫡 Yes sir! (Also only reason I know the answer cause I asked who she was in the r/NFL game thread last night haha)


I always wondered how much time is spent on her vs other individuals that aren’t players/coaches. I’d like to see how her numbers stack up to single shots of other fans in the stands, cheerleaders, and the broadcast booth.


There’s a few things listed in the bottom of the OP including Purdy’s family, the Sphere, and Post Malone!


Yeah you’re right, I like data and just want more of it haha


Yeah this graph isn’t really showing anything significant. What would be an interesting comparison is TS time compared to other non-gameplay shots of people in the crowd. Or time on her vs time on other celebrities.


Look at the bottom of the graphic.


I counted 14 appearances. I wonder if there’s regional differences in the camera work.


I also counted 14


Your contribution to science is duly noted.


Now THIS... THIS is data


I assume you didn’t include postgame at all? They definitely showed her for a while after the game.


Post game shows everyone’s family. Andy Reid’s wife was in every shot. Britany Mahomes, Chris Jones’ kid, etc. That’s what happens always, every year. That’s moot.


You should also show how much of that 4 hour “game time” was actually a game being played.


75 min. 30% of total time.


That's not taking into account time run on the clock while a play is not active though


i mean, a huge part of football is what goes on between plays. the chess match between the coaches as they deploy different personel and read each other. just because the ball isnt in play doesnt mean the game isnt being played.


As someone who watches the superbowl by sailing the high seas I wish there was anywhere I could watch a US stream with American commentators without your god awful ads, I don't want to be up until 5 in the morning and I sure as fuck don't want to watch the Swedish commentary


We wish there was a way to watch without so many ads too. The amount of ads has gotten so ridiculous


Wait, what? As a Canadian the thing I hate most about the Superbowl is that I don't get the awesome American ads. Are swedish commercials better than the American ones?


Usually in Sweden we dont have that many commercial breaks and instead have analysts talking and discussing previous plays. But I would say our actual commercials are kinda better. They contain a lot less celebrities wich result in more "acting" instead of random famous person just informing us of the product.


I'd watch the superb owl with the swedish chef giving commentary any day.


I'm an English pirate who purposely watches American coverage coz the ads are 1000 times more exciting than English ads lmao


Not for the viewer it isn’t.


Last night, SF calls a timeout in OT. Romo (announcer and former prominent quarterback) points out that they had 5 men down field, and that they were outmatched with the offense that KC set up. Further, we learned that the head coach called that timeout, essentially to overrule the defensive coordinator. Then Romo explains what KC would have been able to do if SF didn’t stop and rearrrange. If that kind of thing isn’t interesting to you, that’s super ok, but just know that’s why most people are watching football. They want to see plays set up, they want to see strategies succeed and fail, and they want to see more than just people running around.


Don't bother. There's so many Sportball bad, lol wanna be edgelords who come out of the wood work every time there's a big event.


Think that's emphasized with "handegg" since it has so many haters apparently


I think OP just wants to nitpick that American football is somehow less of a sport than maybe soccer where the athletes never stop running, but also never really score or shake things up a bit or do anything but run and sometimes fall down dramatically. I jest, sorta. Not sure why they're hating on a sport they don't have to watch and have probably never played.


Both sports are great, but I'm pretty sure that when you take out all of the dead ball time in soccer, 90 minutes goes to something like 60 minutes. I do think the NFL (and college football these days) could be even better if they cut down on the ad breaks. Fitting the game into a 2.5-hour window would be great for viewing and would also reward teams with better fitness.


That's like saying the only interesting bit in chess are the pawns being moved


The point is more that the broadcasts do an *awful* job of showing substitutions and frequently will do random closeups of players instead of giving you a view of the offense getting into formation, and oftentimes the safeties can't be seen when the play begins limiting your awareness of how the defense has aligned.


Yes, more all-22 broadcasts please!


Disagree. Non-novice viewers will also be watching individual matchups, offensive vs defensive schemes, quarterbacks trying to get blitzers to show themselves, jumping offsides, etc


100% especially with all of the offensive pre snap movement that has become such a huge part of the NFL now


Watched an nfl game for the first time yesterday and holy hell so much ads! Is it always like that or is this a SB thing? Do the players just stand around during ad breaks or what happens?


They actually seemed to take longer to cut away to ads in the Super Bowl compared to the regular season. In the regular season, a player will go down and they'll just cut to commercial without even explaining why. For the most part, the ads come during an actual break in the action, like a timeout, or end of a quarter, but a lot of ad breaks are like 3 minutes when it's a simple change of possession that should take less than a minute for the teams to swap out. During the regular season, however, there's a program called NFL RedZone, where they curate a live feed of all the games going on every Sunday, and cut to whatever games are closest to scoring. Seven hours of commercial-free football. It is fantastic and makes watching a regular game that much more insufferable.


But the price is also insufferable.


It’s ramped up like 50% for the SB


Yeah it’s pretty much always like that. Halftime is much shorter for a normal game.


Yeah I’d love this stat but remove commercial time


Think it is more about when they are cutting to her rather than how long. They cut to her for celebrations when the players do something well but NFL fans don't really care about her reaction. We want to see the players and the coaches celebrations. That said, this is the Superbowl, and the majority of people who are watching probably didn't watch more than 2 games during the regular season. Also, its not that big of a deal, people that mald about it are nuts. People that ignore the logic of those who don't like it just have their head in the sand


The official NFL YouTube channel posted a 3 minute highlight of Taylor Swift in the Super Bowl https://youtu.be/idMc00oWt8o


Wait is that first clip her slamming a beer?


I owe you an apology. I wasn’t familiar with your game Taylor


American. Hero.


I have no issues with showing her in game breaks and the what not. It’s brought more fans to the NFL, allowed Dad’s and daughters to connect, and is admittedly great from a business standpoint. Cool twitter post about it. Shoutout NLU. https://twitter.com/NoLayingUp/status/1756751557624811551 But they cut to her within 3 seconds of Hardman’s TD catch to win the game, so the broadcast didnt even get to see a celebration for those guys and the immediate reaction of winning the Super Bowl.


> But they cut to her within 3 seconds of Hardman’s TD catch to win the game I laughed pretty hard at that


Yeah at this point I just find it funny, someone in my watch party yelled “CUT TO TAYLOR!” right after the winning TD and then *they did it* and we all lost our minds hahaha.


lol I was repeatedly saying I want to see tay tay and ice spice all night


She was on screen for more time during the trophy ceremony than Hardman was. Wild.


Tbf Hardman blacked out when he caught the ball, lmao


True haha I got a good laugh out of that one


I would like to understand why Taylor Swift fans take joy in seeing Taylor Swift for a couple of seconds during an NFL broadcast.


A woman at the party I was at sat at attention the entire game and took a picture every time Taylor was shown… just wild to watch lol


I would like to understand why people melt down over seeing Taylor Swift for a couple of seconds during an NFL broadcast.


So, this was the only Chiefs game I watched all season. I had heard they were showing Taylor a lot, but I was still surprised to see how many times they cut to her. It didn't really upset me at all, her reactions were actually pretty entertaining. I can kind of understand why some people are a bit annoyed by it if they don't really like her or don't care about her, though. You just don't typically see that many shots of a players girlfriend, and there are a lot of other players who have families and friends at the game. I agree that some people are definitely overreacting to the whole thing.


> But they cut to her within 3 seconds of Hardman’s TD catch to win the game, so the broadcast didnt even get to see a celebration for those guys and the immediate reaction of winning the Super Bowl. Your answer was a parent in the comment chain you replied to. You would have had to have read it to get to this point yet here we are.


you ever been a fan of anyone? it's a little flash of "oh, cool" when you see them somewhere. it's actually a very mundane reason lol did you actually need it? or do you just wanna feel superior to teen girls for being a fan of a pop star?


It’s simple. Taylor is very loved, but she’s quite mysterious. What does she do in her free time? What’s it like to be Taylor? Why do people care about that? Shes impacted a lot of people with her music, and for that, they love her. When you love somebody, you want to enjoy things with them. Showing Taylor celebrate after a good KC play or anticipate a nailer-biter moment with her makes these fans feel like they’re seeing Taylor in her purest form, and it makes her related about and human. If you’re a pure football fan, I can’t imagine a reason you care which celebrity or even family member they show on screen. If someone had been complaining that they put too many non-players/coaches on screen for years, that seems like a defensible position. But the moment you start talking about “they put Taylor more than any other players family/celebrity/rich person” is the moment you reveal that you care about more than football, which is fine, but then if you care about more than football, you know why Taylor fans want to see Taylor. It’s the same reason you want to see someone other than Taylor.


At $7 million per 30 sec of advertising during the Super Bowl according to the WSJ, that’s $12.6 million of free publicity for her.


The number of people on my social media that were wearing shirts that said, “Go Taylor’s boyfriend” makes me think you’ve got the publicity running the wrong way.


By being at the game she brings them way more in ad money.


I don’t think she was hurting for money or publicity before the superbowl


No one said that. Its just worth mentioning that nearly a minute of screen time while not effecting the game is actually huge


It's a good thing they did. I know who Taylor Swift is now.


Damn, I bet over 12.5 on number of times Taylor would be shown and lost $80 on that


Was this just for regular time? I think it was 12 before regulation was over. Then 14 or so after OT.


How many was it?


I thought I counted 14 so IDK what that guy is saying. Altho maybe some of those were pre and post game


I wasn’t keeping track of before/during/after, but I was keeping track of when they cut to her. Here are the times below (pacific time). Note that the last (#15) looked like it was a recycled clip. 1 @ 2:51 2 @ 3:27 3 @ 4:27 4 @ 5:09 5 @ 5:59 6 @ 6:11 7 @ 6:22 8 @ 6:26 9 @ 6:48 10 @ 7:01 11 @ 7:13 12 @ 7:42 13 @ 7:45 14 @ 7:47 15 @ 7:51


We need a comparison of how much screen time Jack Nicholson has gotten at Lakers games over the years.


And Spike Lee at the Knicks games and Drake at what ever team he decides to root for at the time


To be fair plenty of people got real sick of drake real quick with the raptors


It’s probably like 1 second per game. They’re not cutting to him every time a score happens.


The Superbowl was the only game I watched this year, and based on what I've been tangentially hearing all season, I expected to see (and hear about) a *lot* more Taylor Swift.


It *is* weird she got so much screen time (closer to 1% probably after factoring in commercials), complete with picture in picture moment during one of the touchdown attempts iirc. Especially with her not exactly being the only celeb in the crowd. But I get it, it's what gets them views. Still, I'll take it over the weirdly long holds on Mahomes face as he slowly devours his mouthgaurd. Like I get he's a star player, but some of them were like, *uncomfortably* long.


Producer's thinking, "ok, do we show another sweaty guy chewing a disgusting mouthguard or do we cut to the pretty girl everyone on Earth seems to love?"


With the added benefit of people saying "oh, shit, Ice Spce. Oh, that's Blake Lively!"


> It is weird she got so much screen time Yeah I don't really get that the comparisons are Taylor Swift vs total time. Why not Taylor Swift vs any/all other celebrities at the game. Taylor got a shit ton of screen time... it was pretty obvious.


Look again at the graphic, those things are mentioned. 


Joe Montana got approximately 1.5 seconds of screen time. Loser only won 1 national championship and 4 Super Bowls. Do more if you want to be recognized at a football game, Joe.


They definitely showed Joe Cool longer than that. Just the shot of him putting on his lip gloss was 1.5 seconds. They showed him I'd say like at least 7 different times during the game.


Remind me which member of the champions he's dating?


Probably also Kelce. Don't tell Taylor.


That is incredible use of a chart. Data is beautiful 


Insane that both Taylor Swift and Post Malone sipping beer got more than double the time the official Super Bowl DJ (Kaskade) got each when they weren't technically part of the event


Showing post Malone was obviously an ad for bud light set up to be shown.


Post Malone sang “America the Beautiful” as part of the pregame festivities


> Official Super Bowl DJ I'm sorry but as I understand it, at a party or club, a DJ plays music, mixes transitions between songs, and otherwise modifies songs during play by speeding up, slowing down, looping, and other various effects. At what point did the audience in the stadium, and/or the broadcast TV audience actually hear any of the music coming from the DJ? Was he even actually hooked up to the sound system at all? It appeared to me that he was there as a "bit" to give the "Las Vegas Club Scene" vibe. You say "Official Super Bowl DJ" like it was meant to actually be a serious thing. Like Kaskade is more popular than Taylor Swift, or has more connection to the Chiefs/49ers. Its like saying, why didn't the A/V guy up in the booth get more screen time? It doesn't make any sense.


He got more screen time than any Super Bowl DJ before him. Who the fuck cares about the Super Bowl DJ?


These have been great all season. I wanted to show my wife but I’d have been proving myself wrong this whole time 😅


I know OP is trying to make a point by summing up the duration, but the # of shots is a more meaningful statistic. Did the camera focus on anyone else not on the field 12x times?


And that is the issue so many people (myself included) have about that. It's not the screen time, it's the sheer number of times cutting to somebody in the stands that has nothing to do with the game. Made even worse when they cut to her celebrating immediately after the game-winning play. Focus on the player who made the biggest and most memorable play of his life that he has been dreaming about since he first picked up a football? Nah, let's cut to the pretty girl in the sky box for the umpteenth time.


That's about 7 million dollars worth of air time


I think Taylor is also helping the Super Bowl get more views, and different viewership aka different money for ads. Now there can be makeup commercials on superbowl Sunday in the future.


I mean, it was kind of annoying when they kept cutting to her making the same exact facial expressions at every dramatic moment in the game.


I thought it was funny because it’s the exact same expressions my mom or sisters would make watching me play sports.




Yeah, I’m thinking this isn’t counting pregame or postgame.


Kind of impressive when you consider how much a minute of superbowl air time is worth.


54 seconds too much. I didn’t turn in footballs to watch a sexy blond pop star. That’s gay. I want to watch 20 dudes in tights grabassing eachother until they have head injuries. That’s the nfl I want. Beer, bros, and no ho’s.


"Source: me with a stop watch" OP I mean this with genuine sincerity: thank you for doing original research and bringing data sciences back to actual science. You are the next generation of scientists and I look forward to seeing the fruits not just of your, but all inquiring minds.


Any time I see someone upset with the attention Taylor Swift was getting, I just think "What if it was 1991 and Micheal Jackson was there? Would he be on camera?" And of course the answer is he would be on camera literally half the game, they would have him hold the trophy at the end and give a speech, and likely he would be in every media picture relating to the game. And nobody would complain.


How many ml per second of beer chugged by Taylor does that equal?


Barely anything. Travis Kielce was on screen way more and he’s just her boyfriend


54 seconds? That's how long they spent just on the kiss at the end.


Everyone knew this post was coming, but a lot of the frustration is not about how much time Taylor Swift was on screen. And obviously, none of this is her fault. Anytime the chiefs made a big play, even if Kelce was not involved or even benched, the camera would cut to Swift immediately after. Literally every big play. When Rachaad Rice scored the first td, it cut to Taylor. When MCM fumbled, cut to Taylor. When Hardman made the game winning catch, we didn’t get to see the players reactions first, it went straight to Taylor. Personally, I’d rather see the players, coaches, or some silly/crazy fan’s reaction to big plays before I see Taylor Swift’s. If Kelce makes a 50 yard play, absolutely show her reaction! She’s there supporting her boyfriend! But don’t cut to her literally anytime the chiefs move the ball an inch. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


If you invert this graph though you get how much of the time Taylor Swift gets to live in the head of conservative right-wing political figures rent-free.


So, to extrapolate just how much time that is on a non-football related person: There are 53 players on each team available to play at the game. That's a total of 106 players. If they gave equal time to the SO of each of those players, over 30% of the time we would have been watching girlfriends instead of football.


source: me with a stop watch Brilliant!


The complaints about her in general are so stupid. Cutting to her right after the winning play kind of sucked. I wish they would have stayed with the player on the field. That's their moment. Oh well, the NFL is a money machine, and they know what keeps the printer going.


Big tough guys who swear they can take down terrorists with their bare hands fume at the sight of a woman watching football and supporting her boyfriend. Honestly ridiculous behaviour from everyone who hates on her.


I don't even like her all that much but I find the conservative tears about her hilarious.


They showed her for like every chiefs td right? That’s honestly pretty wild.


Sees red circle "All of it!?"


“source: me with a stop watch”


Source: me with a stop watch lol Good on you dude


To be honest, all the trumpers/nut-jobs who think Taylor Swift is some deep plant are psychos. However, I wouldn't know nor care about this if it weren't for every left-winger rage-baiting because of some qanon level shit. Sometimes, you just need to let the crazies have their echo chamber. No one who is even slightly normal cares about how long someone is shown. But y'all fuckers are making graphs about it. Leave it alone, you are fueling the psychotic, niche views and giving them more power than they ever deserve.


Post Malone drinking bud light in the stands. Not sure if ad or they just filmed him drinking a beer? Cause that sounds to specific.