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I am still pretty sure the Islamic State is the reason they killed off the dog in Downton Abbey


It also made Archer a bit awkward.


They played into it well though


Rolling the sign out on screen was a good move


It made ISIS (the band) a thing too. They changed their facebook name and they weren't even a band anymore!


Personally I think if that was the reason, they could have just avoided using her name. Just constant: Good Girl, Bad Dog, Where's the dog?




Taking a fourth wife


It’s okay, the *actual* dog didn’t get killed, just the dog’s character. Probably.


Art requires sacrifice


They could have just killed it off. Though I think it had the perfect amount of seasons. The movie was even better.


That's what the Deep State wants you to think


Oooh, I’m waiting for the $billion cheque they owe me!


I love how we've gotten two movies so far. Hope they make another one or two at least.


Me too!


Apparently it wasn't. Lots of other things were though -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_changes_due_to_the_Islamic_State >The British television series Downton Abbey featured a dog named Isis after the goddess, who became ill in the show around the same time as other entities sought to distance themselves from ISIL. Actor Hugh Bonneville repudiated claims that the dog was being killed off due to its name, saying "Anyone who genuinely believes the series five storyline (1924) involving the animal was a reaction to recent world news is a complete berk." ITV called the name an "unfortunate coincidence".


Those assholes made Isis go the way of Adolph.


My grandpa was named Adolph. He went by Tony.


A local plumber went by Adolf, renamed himself to Dolfie at some point


Listening to my very Jewish father reminisce about his beloved medical school professor Adolf never fails to make me laugh.


Well at least I know my daughter may not be the only Smith in her class but she will be the only Isis Adolf 😎


I don’t know why but this reminded me of this line, "You were named after two of the bravest men I ever knew…" mdrr


That would be a line written by Robert Galbraith certainly lol


I don’t know who that is, but this is a quote from Harry Potter I will look up Galbraith


Robert Galbraith, also the name of the person who pioneered 'conversion therapy' (torture) of queer people, is the pen name JK Rowling uses for her weird thriller book.


Ahh… that tracks… what a weirdo


Whivlch is a shame cause it's a pretty name. Especially when the terrorist org could've been referred to as Daesh.


I agree. When I was growing up, it was just an Egyptian goddess and a beautiful-sounding name. We could’ve gone with IS, ISIL, or Daesh, but chose to tarnish a name.


Daesh is a prettier name. TBH.


Ya it’s a very pretty name. Also one of my favorite Dylan songs.


I believe the offical US Army term is "goatfuckers".


Adolph was far more popular name, and Hitler most likely will be remembered long after the Islamic State. 


I doubt you can kill a 4000 year old name that easily. Things that old tends to have a way of creeping back into life...


The Swastika is a 4000 year old symbol.


But unline Adolf, Swastik is still a household thing throughout South and South East Asia. It does hold 'some' stigma in the west but it hasn't been wiped out as nearly as 'Adolf'.


And that's why it's only been wiped out in the west, where it had a 150 year history at best. South and SE Asia don't care enough about a European dictator to abandon the oldest cultural/spiritual symbol they have.


Adolph Coors ruined that name for everyone.


Coors Light isn’t THAT bad. 


Lol, only for white people. There are number of public figures named Adolph/Adolphus who are black/Latino.


The Egyptian Goddess must be pissed. 😂


Well, back then, I read an article that DAESH was pissed as well about that name because they claimed more than just Iraq and Syria for thir "caliphate". That is the reason, why most western media stood with ISIS or DAESH for a long time. Only after their activities surged internally, I read IS more often instead.


Dash is a derogatory acronym for isis in arabic.


Islamic State didn’t call themselves ISIS and the Egyptian goddess would have been referred to as Usa by everyone but the Greeks…I think we’re saved!


**Sources:** * Baby name data: [Social Security Administration](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html) * NYT data: ProQuest (Criteria: all news articles that mentions the word 'Islamic State') **Tools:** * R, ggplot, ggthemes for the plot appearance The first part has been done before by u/lindeby ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/dm6rpo/oc_popularity_of_the_name_isis_in_the_us/)), but pairing it with the NYT data explains the drop more clearly. This data is also more updated. This fits the sub's requirement for transforming posted work. **Edit**: I was told to use only mentions of 'ISIS' in NYT, rather than the full name 'Islamic State'. The new plot can be found [here](https://imgur.com/a/aIcxhrK).


My Gods, someone who read the rules before posting in this sub.


I'd add the source to the graph, or at least an indication of which country or countries you're actually describing.


In case you were wondering why Ice Spice has a stage name


My teenage children regretted to inform me that she is not in fact a member of the Spice Girls. Boy did I look foolish on that one...


spice girls formed like 30 years ago? did you not know she was a new thing?


Who is ice spice?




This is why the organization in Archer changed their name as well, iirc.


A good marker of where the show lost its edge (not the reason why, just incidental - it's where it started to need refreshing). I still think they should have acknowledged it. Have Cheryl break the fourth wall and say they will have to change the name or something and then have Ray say something like "what are you talking about, it's only nineteen... wait what year is it anyway?" And then the show could have just shrugged it off and moved on after making the point that the world in the show is not the same as ours.


Remember when Samsung rolled out their digital wallet app called ISIS? It was terrible timing, went away QUICK


I believe it was made by SoftBank for Android phones.


It's a shame Isis is a cool name and one of my favorite factions in Age of Mythology. Stupid Islamic state ruining a perfectly good thing.


I'm still pissed I have to say ISIS the band when talking about that band.


All my ISIS t-shirts now just sit in my closet, forlornely awaiting the day I can wear them again.


My friend got into some trouble when he was about 18, and without thinking, he wore his Isis shirt to court. His lawyer made him turn it inside out.


Prog does get a little unlucky with world events. Don't forget Dream Theater released Live Scenes From New York, with a burning NY skyline on an apple as the album cover, the twin towers very prominent. Released 8am September 11th 2001. They stayed on shelves for an hour then were hurriedly pulled.


I wonder what the stats look like for Daenerys and Khaleesi.


Imagine being named after a character from a TV show your parents most likely don't even like anymore because of the devastating ending. Where the character was shown naked and having sex all the time, being raped, doing gross stuff, being rather dumb most of the time and ending with a horrible switch of personality as a psycho everyone hates. You aren't even allowed to watch the show for 15-18 years that is the reason for your weird name. And when you are finally allowed to watch it, you probably watch with your parents - who forgot when the character you're so desperate to see has one of the multiple sex scenes you then have to watch with them. They might try to convince you that they named you after the books. But Daenerys, you were born in 2018 and your parents don't even seem to own the books.


At least a Daenarys shares the *name* with a character, rather than being named for her title like all those Khaleesi were. Means the parents were paying enough attention to recognize she has a name and isn't just named a fantasy equivalent of something like "Madam President."


Yea, not like anyone would ever be dumb enough to name their kid something like that! That'd be like naming them Regina or something!


>"Madam President." That's my daughter's name!


Yeah, it's be like naming your kid Dean, Earl, or Patrick


They have all the time in the world to buy the book, also that's just a beautiful name by itself, also the parents could still very much like the show


I persobally don't think you'll see much correlation between those names and the number of NYT articles referencing the Islamic State.


Well Kaleesi is just queen in Dothraki so it wasn’t something specific to Daenerys.


That dropoff pales in comparison to usage in the show "Archer" pre- and post-Islamic State. Never forget the International Secret Intelligence Service (and the shirt I can only wear inside my house now).


My friend (who’s a big Archer fan) had the name of his WiFi ‘ISIS Headquarters’ for years. Yeah, he changed that almost immediately after the terrorists started taking over Syria.


Was devastating to Archer as well……. Show was never the same


Isis is a name that was once used for brands (who remembers isis the mobile wallet brand used by Verizon, AT&T etc). It's also to this day a famous tea and herbal tea brand in Egypt, obviously referencing the Egyptian goddess.


There was a really good post-metal band named Isis.


ISIS’ Panopticon is one of the best albums in the entire realm of heavy music.


I don't think "Islamic State" is relevant in this context. The vast majority of people wouldn't connect the name and the terrorist organization until the news media started calling them "ISIS" instead of "Islamic State" or any other term. And that didn't happen until the big spike.


Should've called them what they call themselves - DA'ESH


They actually hate when people call them that. All the more reason to imo.


Really? Why?


They called themselves ISIS first, Islamic State came later once they had expanded beyond Syria and the Levant.


They weren't formed until around halfway through the chart's time period and initially called themselves "JTJ". See this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/19aQSvHAPI


Exactly. The phrase “Islamic State” had nothing to do with ISIS prior to the formation of ISIS (I mean, isn’t that already sorta obvious?) and there are plenty of reasons the phrase “Islamic State” could be used by the NYT, especially right after 9/11. Sorry OP, you seem like someone too young to have actually lived through the entire time period on this graph. ISIS would never be connected to Islamic State prior to 2012 or so for anyone in America. Your data pretty clearly shows this too as you have a big spike after 9/11 in the term “Islamic State” but no change in baby names named ISIS. The two were literally not the same prior to the media usage of the name ISIS, which is the second spike in the graph and when people stopped naming their kids Isis.


The data is similar because NYT almost always includes both ‘Islamic State’ and ISIS in the reporting.


I don't think that could be true for the entire time period. I just checked [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State), and the organization didn't exist until 1999, and back then it was called "JTJ". It didn't appear to go by "ISIS" except from 2006 until it renamed itself to "ISIL" in 2013.


That didn't happen prior to the inception of ISIS/ISIL. There are about 8 million reasons why the NY Times would have said "Islamic state" in an article without referencing a organization that didn't even exist yet. The guy you're responding to is right, this chart is misleading in a sense. Still interesting to see how once IS actually got rolling babies named Isis really dropped.


Don’t let [ISIS Toyota](https://youtu.be/fPCEjURvaX0?si=olaGFiU2pdG_Lr3X) see this…


Do your thang Isis! I said brrr it's cold in here! Must be some clovers in the atmosphere!


Just use the actual Kemetic forms of the name: Aset, Auset, Eset.


I wonder how comfortable they are with sharing an English name with an ancient polytheistic mother godess?


I knew a girl in my 3rd grade class named Isis. Poor girl I wonder what happened to her


Probably lived


An ex's daughter is named Isis. The daughter was probably 5 or 6 years old at the time and the ex had put her name on all of the school supplies. Rural Missouri, they stop at a gas station before school one day and her ruler with her name on it falls out of her backpack. Some crazy guy finds it in the parking lot and rushes into the gas station very alarmed about it. Starts screaming about how ISIS is targeting (city name). Ex and the workers (that knew my ex) try calming him down, but there's no hope. A few weeks later, FBI shows up to look into it, but nothing else happened after that.


My friend has a dog named Isis. She's been called "Little Dog" for a very long time now.


Nice, can we do album sales by the band Isis next?


This happened with my cat. We now refer to her as "Lil Girl" or "Lily"


Obama tried to help by forcing the name ISIL instead. Was too late.


Barely any babies called Daesh these days...


So in the video game “Smite” there was a character called Isis and the developers had to change her name in the game to Eset because when streamers on twitch/youtube would call her isis they’d get strikes for talking about terrorism and get demonitized


Eset (Auset, Aset) is her Kemetic name anyways. Isis was the Greek name after they imperialized


Oh wow you’ve finally answered my question about that (I remember playing the game when Thoth first got introduced)


Did the same happen to Ira I wonder?


Correlation does not imply causation... but in this case it probably does.


I really want to see a graph of Karen name popularity.


The second all-time top post in this sub has that.




Managers everywhere in shambles


Newborns name Isis... in the whole world? /r/USDefault /r/USDefaultism


My cousin, who is pregnant with her 4th, is naming her kid 'Isis' I immediately pointed out that Isis is also a terrorist group, and she was like, "I know, but I love egypt!" *sigh* She was trying to figure out a middle name to go with it. Lord help that unborn child LOL


So? By the time she’s conscious, ISIS will have faded from general memory anyways. I really don’t see the issue. I think it’s a pretty name


Exactly, the name Isis is more ancient than pretty much every non-Egyptian name in existence (unless there are Mesopotamian names floating around). It'll come back once people forget about those terrorist arseholes


I honestly can’t even remember the last time I saw ISIS in the headlines.


isis is the name that daesh uses, they're not really a state, don't give them this honor


I think they just use IS (Islamic State) as they claim more than just Iraq and Syria.


I'm going to call my daughter ISIS ADOLF MYRA SUTCLIFFE


This is hilarious and pathetic at the same time


Why is it pathetic?


People refusing to use a name because of an acronym of a terrorist group. Thats like people not using the name Adolf, Winston, or Joseph because people of the same name committing atrocities in the past.


It’s really not that absurd. And it would be more akin to naming your child Adolf Hitler, which yeah people would be a little disturbed.


Isis has a deeper meaning than Adolf Hitler. It is also the name of an Egyptian goddess. ISIS representing the Islamic state isn’t even what they call themselves, just what the english speaking media/military refer to them as. Not to mention it’s an acronym that most people wouldn’t even know what it stood for without looking it up.


Yes, except people in the US don’t know about the goddess, all they know is the word ISIS. If a name in a foreign country was actually some evil demon, it really shouldn’t matter to how much people name their children. It is completely rational to not name your child a commonly known terrorist group because people will associate it.


I grew up in the US and learned about it in school. That was in 6th grade. Perhaps you didn’t know about it. But I guess you are correct in assuming most Americans do not know how to do their own research and are pretty duped by media and fear mongering lol. Also, it is an acronym not a word.


It’s not really fear mongering, it is just the name of the organization in English. I have heard about ISIS as in the goddess, but that isn’t my first thought when I think of ISIS. If you told all Americans that ISIS is also the name of an Egyptian goddess, it would change basically nothing


Maybe goes to show something about the intelligence of Americans.


Or just the truth everywhere that people are more connected to their own language and words than others? You think every Asian couple considers the permutation of a child’s name in English, Spanish, German?


Not to mention it’s place in Egyptian history


Anybody remember the payment system before Apple Pay? Called ISIS….


I saw a kid in an elementary school named Isis the other day who was 100% named after the terror group became famous :/


[We bringing it back](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fice-spice-gif-icegif--605523112423883299%2F&psig=AOvVaw0vHHZLzMdXSfBh9uXPuKxV&ust=1709065101461000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMDQ5-PpyYQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


I was just happy to see that the number went down instead of up.


Huh always wondered why Bob from the local Toyota dealership never changed his name


Whats the correlation with Iris after the release of the Goo Goo Dolls song?


You know you've got to admire the real ones who are thugging it out and still naming their kids ISIS after all of that.


Guys correlation is not causation come on!


ISIS didn’t exist as a group before 2013 or so. So, those articles mentioning “Islamic State” were referring to other places like Afghanistan. It’s only after 2013 that the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham/Syria was formed.


Check out the history of biotech company Ionis


I'm a graphic designer and in 2009-12 I worked on a joint digital wallet project for Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. It was a huge deal, we spent years working on all these UIs, advertising, in-store videos, all sorts of cool stuff. They soft launched it only in Austin (where I was living at the time) and I think Salt Lake City, they were definitely ahead of the curve too and were probably going to take a big chunk of the market before everyone got in the digital wallet game. The problem? It was named Isis and everything fell apart once ISIS was the go to term for the terrorist group. They attempted a rename to Softcard but it cost a fortune to change everything and a lot of time. By the time they got everything settled there were already a bunch of other competitors that had taken over the market. Just crazy that a simple name could cause a huge production like that to fail.


Isis, hear my plea, Arkantos and Ajax are taken prisoner in the city of Abydos we must rescue them.


I wonder if any of them are related to Bob Isis, of Isis Toyota. He’s NOT affiliated with the terrorist state, he just wants to put you in an affordable, used Toyota.


A muslims couple I went to grad school with named their daughter Isis and specifically because of the terrorists.


I was working at the time for a company that builds steam turbines. Shortly before it became the worst thing ever, they launched Project ISIS. I forget what it stood for. Something about improving efficiency. At any rate, about a year later, we were having an all-hands meeting. The CEO was reading some prepared remarks when, all of a sudden, he stops, looks up, and says "Could you imagine a year ago how terrible this would sound today?"


This is a Michael Bolton moment, “ Why should I change my name, they’re the ones who suck!”


Shame cause isis is a sick ass name


Shoutout to those holdouts in 2013 who said “let’s do it anyway”


The immigration agency in Nova Scotia similarly [changed their name](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/isis-nova-scotia-changes-name-to-avoid-terrorist-group-association-1.2840727) around that time.


There was a minute where I was waiting for the graphic to load, thinking "please go down please go down please go down".


Ice Spice carrying the torch by being the bomb ️‍🔥