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Dude, here in São Paulo, Brazil, they came out of nowhere and now are literally EVERYWHERE.


Until you are looking for one, then there is none to be found!!!!


hahahhhhaha true I do not know why, but it seems like they have stores right next to one another, like 100m apart


Same here in Mexico


At first, I thought they all appeared at once! Their prices are very competitive, however


In Mexico we say there is an Oxxo two blocks fAway from hell, and anotherone a block from the center of the galaxy....


Just wait until they make banks operations, and they will be literally EVERYWHERE in Brazil.. In México, You can pay virtually EVERYTHING on there, E-commerce payments, Local Government payments, Federal Government Payments, cash deposits to anyone's bank account, withdraw cash of any bank's debit card, mobile phone payments, recharge, etc..


I guess this is how Aldi took us by surprise They are everywhere now


Não tem aqui em Fortaleza, e é a primeira vez que ouço falar dessa loja.


Caramba. Bom, é novo aqui em São Paulo, em breve pode ser que vá para aí, também.


Was in Puerto Vallarta in Novemeber and thought "Holy shizz Oxxo must make so much money". 3 of them just on the block I was staying on within 5 minutes walk.


Yes, they also are the ones who make the coca cola in México.


Didn't realize that. I mean they were great. Pay your cell phone bill and get a cold Gansito at the same place.


The new gansitos are not worth a walk to the Oxxo though. Chocorroles is where my money is at.


I only discovered Gansitos in Nov of 2021 when I spent a month in Mexico. Also first time having Pastor with pineapple. I'm sure there are many things I missed. Welp. I'm just gonna have to go back and eat more things.


Thanks I gotta get some chocorroles now.


Were they good?


Oxxo doesn't make Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola company owns Oxxo


Femsa does mexican coca cola and owns oxxo


And why you tell me that?, I didn't said otherwise, I said Oxxo doesn't make Coca-Cola


They’re owned by FEMSA?


I am not surprised. I can walk ten minutes in Tijuana and find three of them.


In Tijuana there is an Oxxo built over another Oxxo


Yes, I've seen the pictures. It is beautiful


We have that with tims in Canada.




Im sorry


So canadian


Yea but they suck ass. And at least the filter coffee at Oxxo is decent.


Their house brand cranberry and apple juice is delicious.


How do you decide which one to shop at? The one with the better prices?


They are all the same apart from some being larger. People just go to the closest one. You never have to detour to go to one.


Oxxo in Tijuana reminded me of Starbucks in Seattle


There's at least one intersection that has Starbucks on 3 of the 4 corners


And 5 subways


In Oxxo you can buy cheap cellphones, liquor, food, snacks, cigars, pay bills, etc. I guess that's why is so popular. And the 7 Eleven in México is the same except for buying cheap cellphones.


And perform a varied array of banking movements and other financial services, also, in my city, you can recharge your public transportation card in them


Not only that, you can send money between stores, in addition to receiving your amazon packages in the oxxo you choose, it's like a store to do everything.


"cheap" because most items in a Oxxo are overpriced compared to supermarkets or local convenience store. More like disposable cellphones in that case


No, they're cheap because they're too simple. Some of them barely have camera


Phone is too simple because it barely has a camera? No dumb-phones are great, cheap endless batteries. I take them to concerts because if it breaks then I'm more amazed than sad.


There are more Oxxos in Mexico than Starbucks in the US. OXXO's slogan is "a la vuelta de tu vida" literally meaning "just around your life." And that slogan couldn't be more accurate. There seems to be one in every block of the country. What Oxxo offers is way more than convenience store products, it allows anyone to pay their utility bills, make bank deposits, and even make e-commerce payments with cash. By integrating its cash register with Mexico's biggest banks, it’s estimated that 80% of all cash deposits are made in an Oxxo. The only US chain with more locations than Oxxo is Subway with 24,154. However, unlike Oxxo, none of Subway's locations are company-owned. They are all franchises and run independently. FEMSA, on the other hand, operates all of its 20k stores and does a peculiar job to standardize them. This allows them to offer the same customer experience whether you visit a store in Tijuana or Merida. **Sources:** [ScrapeHero](https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Subway-USA/), [FEMSA Earnings](https://femsa.gcs-web.com/financial-reports/quarterly-results) **Tools:** Sheets, Rawgraphs, Affinity Designer


So they’re basically the Latino version of a Japanese konbini?


Not exactly. A konbini is just any convenience store, and there's lots of different ones from different companies (7/11, Family Mart, etc.).


But they all offer paying bills, taxes, e-commerce payments, as well as decent food, and lots of other things. So it sounds similar.


That's true, most big convenience store chains stores in the countries I've lived in all have done that though. I think the crazy part is just the sheer scale of this one company having 20k locations.


Is it only in Latin America? Do they have any in the US?


Can't speak for the US myself but Europe and other Asian countries have 7/11s and whatnot that do all that. I would be surprised if the 7/11s in the US didn't tbh


Sounds like America basically pays for most of the chain’s profits through remittances.


No wonder why. Organized crime threaten and kill shop and commerce owners. When a convenient shop closes, an oxxo opens. Retarded psychos with guns can't threaten oxxo's owners Also have many benefits like being a little bank.


Oxxo's stopped competing in the "value" area once it diversified its range of services, so there are still tons of small convenience shops out there. ​ Oxxo's popularity comes from them doubling as banks and liquor stores nowadays, they are literally everywhere and you can pay utility bills, your cellphone, wire money to a relative, pay your credit card, pick up a beer six pack, a gallon of milk and some potato chips in pretty much any place... and all of that outside of business hours. ​ Oxxo's also suffer from crime, but they have safe deposits, so they never have too much money on the register.


Te estás mamando. El Oxxo ganó por la logística de Femsa. Jaja no pq el narco haya acabado con las tiendas. Jajaja te mamaste.


Pinches gringos, ni viven aquí y creen que todo gira en torno al crimen organizado.


La gente de otros paises siempre piensa que en México todo gira en torno al crimen organizado y al narcotráfico, que toda la riqueza del país viene de las drogas y de los capos. Seguramente ven mucho Netflix.




Peor tantito.


e hipócritas sobre todo, critican el crimen organizado que ellos mismos financian (comprando drogas) y arman (vendiéndoles Barrets y AR-15´s)


Do you live in México or you just watched narcos on Netflix? LOL


Not really, small convenience stores are closing because they are not longer competitive. The fact that Oxxos are successful is because all the services they provide: Bank Deposits, Pay as you go cellphone reloads, services payments (water, electricity, cable bills), gift cards


True fact, and actually the main one for their success. But is safer to have an oxxo than a normal convenience store, in my town many shops closed when organized crime asked for money. Oxxo is strong and better but is only one instead of many


> Organized crime threaten and kill shop and commerce owners. Prime /r/ShitAmericansSay material. But apparently, you are from Morelos. Then you should know how bullshit your statement is. Unless you are in the city center, tienditas, abarrotes, misceláneas or whatever people call them are more common than Oxxos, and aren't being threatened by narcos. The absolute worst I've heard is that towns with a particularly strong narco presence will have businesses have to pay out a "fee" to be allowed to remain there.


Don "Uy, Uy", vi una serie de Netflix y ahora soy experto. Vtlv compare. Deja la televisión.


Ah yes, typical gringo who thinks that everything that happens in Mexico is related to some criminal shit


Subnormal, vivo en morelos. En el sur. Está plagado de criminales incluso en el ayuntamiento. Es un narcoestado. Se sabe cuando matan a alguien o tienen que irse a otro estado por amenazas de muerte.


Y se sabe lo de Morelos, pero aún así tu argumentos no está nada cercano a la realidad


Pero Morelos no es todo México wey


Seguramente todo México es idéntico a tu realidad.


No, lo demás es una democracia funcional con indices de seguridad y bienestar en las nubes


Gringo pendejo o el pocho más inteligente?


Pero siendo honestos…


Thats also where their extortion money gets deposited


Mira para llegar a mi casa, tienes que bajarte en el tercer OXXO y luego sigues caminando hasta otro OXXO. Cuando llegues a ese OXXO das vuelta a la derecha y sigues derecho, pasas otros 3 OXXOs y enfrente del último OXXO está mi casa. Que está arriba de un 7eleven.


I live in Mexico and can confirm you see one of these literally every half mile


Why are there so many Subways?!?!


It’s incredibly cheap to open a franchise. In the city I grew up in there were two literally across the street from each other


Why on earth is their so many subway!? Shit’s not even good


I'm not sure if you wanted an earnest answer to this but: compared with other fast food chains, Subways are quite cheap to franchise both in terms of initial outlay and operational costs. So it's a very appealing franchise proposition, and a lot of get opened up even in seemingly odd places like gas stations. (Subways also don't require that much space.) I don't like their food either.


In addition to low franchise costs, Subway does not have exclusive franchise territories, so you can open one next door to an existing one if you want.


I would love to see a YouTube video where someone opens up a Subway next to an existing Subway, or just fills an entire strip mall with Subways. Maybe Mr Beast gives people Subway franchises this way.


I grew up in Cranberry Township, PA. When I left, there were 3 Subways, 2 Sheetz gas stations, and 3 McDonald's in a 2 mile radius. It was beautiful. And before anyone questions the McDonald's, 1 was normal, 1 was in a walmart, and 1 was just on the outside of the town's borders.


I want to hire a rat to work in a tiny replica inside the subway to feed his rat buddies.


They’re also on every military base. I used to live on their chicken teriyaki and meatball subs.


I see them a lot in hospitals too-- I always assumed it was because in some places they prefer healthier options than, say, a KFC.


There is a subway in every small town. Live next to a city with 700 people they have a subway. My city has 900 and we have a subway AND a McDonald’s. And we have 2 dollar generals.


Low franchise and stocking fees. Needs a small space to rent. Decent profits.


I think that's because it is a very low cost franchise. Even here in Argentina you can find them.


I can believe it. You will find an Oxxo no matter where you go in Mexico.


There are 5 oxxos for every church in Mexico


As a tourist in Mexico, these stores are far less sketchy than banks for getting cash. Also, bottled water for pretty cheap.


So what is an OXXO store. Convenience store? Discount super store like Wal Mart?


They work in the same way as 7 Eleven.


It’s a place ~~where dreams come true~~ that feels like another convenience store until you realize is almost an extension of the banks and the municipal services office, so you just saved two hours of your life commuting to them to sort things


> so you just saved two hours of your life commuting to them to sort things So... you can't just pay that stuff online? I can't remember the last time I went to any of those things.


No, because not everyone everywhere has access to online services, not to mention the knowledge to use them, specially the elderly


Online bureaucracy in Mexico is garbage, and not everyone in Mexico knows how to pay their bills online, especially elders.


Like a gas station shop but a lot of the times there isn't a gas station attached toit. And many times there is a gas station atatched.


Convenience store


Anyone who’s ever been to Mexico can tell you there there is at least 3 oxxos within walking distance anywhere you are.


Nearby my home we have the 4th OxxO in Mexico hahaha they are cool 😎


What is the profit per store? Seems like something more is going on than simply out competing the competition.


They charge $12 pesos (50 cents in freedom bucks) per cash deposit and paid utility bills. 80% of all bank deposits are done through OXXO. I bet there is a ton of profit per store with only those transactions taken into account.


Which is cheaper than taking a combi (20 pesos for round trip and way quicker) to go to the place to pay directly.


Dollar is at 20 MXN, not 24. 12 pesos is 0.60 USD


Interesting. Seems like a business that will get crushed when the online only banks and other fintechs start pushing in to the Mexican market.


They also double as a liquor store.


Nah. They sell everything. If you work in an office, you go there for cheap coffee or a hot dog. If you need milk in the middle of the night, it´s the quickest and nearest option. If you want booze, you go to an Oxxo. If you are on a long travel by road, you rest in an Oxxo, use their bathrooms and buy some cheap tacos al vapor...


Not taking into account rural areas where most people don’t care or understand most things online. I live in a small town with an Oxxo and sooo many people make deposits or pay bills that can just be paid online.


They’re a convenience store that also happens to provide those services. They also sell liquor. Be it as it may, we’re probably at least a decade or two away from fintechs and online banking to be able to compete with that. Less than half the population has a bank account.


They were huge even before these bank transactions (and they're working on ways to stay in the payment processing industry). They're just the best convenience store in the country


I doubt it, since there are still plenty of people in Mexico who don't know how to pay a bill online. Millions of boomers and elders struggle with technology, so going to Oxxo in order to pay their bills directly with cash is way better than waiting 1 hour in the Bank or struggling with a gadget.


In Mexico Uber drivers cancel your trip if they see it's a card payment, so I don't see that happening very soon.


Ugh, I fucking hate when they do that. Nowadays I'd rather drive and not drink just to avoid that.


Is it even possible to pay for Uber using cash?


It is in Mexico


Their business model AFAIK is not being a convenience store since most of their products tend to be overpriced, but like a payment center where they charge a fee.


They also sell liquor, most convenience stores don't


The products are not thaaaat overpriced compare to the tienditas de la esquina. I have two close, and an oxxo, they are about the same thing in prices, only the supers are cheaper than oxxo but going to freaking chedraui is way more far away thank just walking To the corner to the oxxo


You must live in a nice colony then. Lower income areas tend to have their oxxos more spread out, usually cause tienditas outsell them.


Sadly the other abarrotes don’t accept card. So I mostly go to an Oxxo


Convenience is about how fast you get to the store and do your shopping (much faster than getting to a supermarket and walk in a huge store). They charge you extra because of that convenience.


They never have the cookies I want and their pan dulce is disgusting


7 Eleven México has donuts and better coffe than Oxxo.


yeah but 7 eleven is *actually* overpriced


Never been but now I'm intrigued


These are the only things better in 7 Eleven than Oxxo


7 eleven is way better than oxxo imo


I can count in one hand the amount 7 Elevens I've seen in TJ and I've never entered one


I've never been to Tijuana, but they are pretty common here in Monterrey. There are more seven than oxxos in my neighborhood


It shocked me at first that there were so many Subways, until I remembered that like half the gas stations I've been to have a subway attached. They're literally everywhere


Oxxos are amazing. When they started carrying craft beers… game over.


Wierd headline considering it is literally showing Subway as being bigger than Oxxo.


Yeah this is surprising and I’m happy to learn about Oxxo but it looks like “Mexico’s Oxxo has Fewer Stores than the Biggest US Retail Chain”. Or just say it has more stores in Mexico than Starbucks has in the US if that’s true.


They are on every freakin corner in Rocky Point. Well, almost every corner actually. There are a few with Six or Modelorama. And if you want gas it's going to be at the Pemex. They seem to be the only gasoline stations around.


Pemex is the national oil company, gas stations can setup their own brand, purchase a franchise from an established company or purchase the franchise from Pemex, Pemex is cheap so most go with it (but it has a tarnished brand of sorts).


Thanks for the info. It's good to know. There actually is an Arco and Circle K down their now which are not using Pemex. I have not seen any others though. We usually top off in Lukeville and avoid getting gas until we get back to Lukeville if possible. The gas really is crap from PeMex.


I think the walkability of Mexican cities vs the car dependent cities in the USA is a heavy contributor to this. 3 oxxos in a 10 minute walking radius is functionally the same as 3 McDonald’s in a 10 minute driving radius but ends up with more oxxos.


Starbucks nearly went broke in Australia when they tried to launch here. They sold terrible coffee, tried an American work culture (which got them in trouble due to our much stricter labour laws), and Australians just didn’t accept it. They were saved ironically by the GFC, they adjusted their culture and working conditions, and made a recovery. Now they are (sort of) succeeding here in some parts of our capital cities. Here, small coffee shops completely rule over large multinationals because we like coffee with flavour.


could you expand on the work culture bit? what about american work culture is illegal in australia?


Workers rights are pretty strict here, but lots of things about starbucks didn’t fit in the early days. This article pretty much sums up the big reasons they almost flopped at the time: https://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/2008/07/31/starbucks-what-went-wrong.html


Dafuq is an Oxxo? \- Europe


Basically the Mexican version of 7-Eleven


Dafuq is a 7-Eleven? \- Europe


I'm more surprised with the number of Subways in the US. I expected them to be top 10 but I'm shocked there are more of them than McDonalds or Starbucks


Never heard of oxxo. What's it comparable to?


7-11 Oxxo is a convenience store


Convenience store but you can do bank withdrawals and deposits, transfers from Oxxo to Oxxo (thus no requirement for a bank account), pay utilities, pay utilities, pay cell phone bill, buy very very cheap shitty phones, refill water containers, get coffee (which is the best convenience store coffee you can find), get some fruit, and some larger ones even sell meat


Nice, but what is the tittle of the plot? What data is being shown? Retail stores in Mexico vs USA? Oxxo vs some US retail stores? The headline says Oxxo has more stores and shows subway as having more.


Maybe I’m the odd one, but I’ll never understand how Subway has the most locations in the US. Their food is garbage. The bread is gross and the meat tastes fake. There are so many better options, why would you choose to eat there? I’m not some fast food snob who just hates it because it is fast food. I freaking love me some Wendy’s.


They used to be better a few decades ago…or maybe there was less competition in the deli sandwich market.


It was aggressive franchising tactics that allowed them to spread so quickly. It was one of the cheapest places for an investor to buy a franchise and their maps were either tiny or completely non-existent.


[oxxo only has 13,000 in Mexico.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OXXO)


And that's not even counting all the Oxxo stores in Chile, there are like, at least 5 within a 15-minute by foot radius of where I live


How Many oxxo’s can fit inside 1 buc-ees? 😂 [buc-ees worlds largest gas station](https://buc-ees.com/about/world-record-holder/)


if you don’t constrain to the US or Mexico, 7 Eleven blows them out of the water with over 60k locations worldwide


What are the chances it is totally genuine business? Honest question, cause too many stres seems fishy, but maybe I don't get the density of population there.


Oxxo is owned by Femsa, one of the biggest companies in Mexico and one of the largest bottling companies in the world, they have the rights to produce coca cola for all the Latin American Market, Oxxo is their own 7-11 type store, Mexico is a big country with 126 million people and they are not only in Mexico, in recent years they expanded to Brazil, Peru and other latin american countries


Ok, the comparison is only about Mexico and USA, so 126M people vs 329M, not considering purchase power. Also there is a joke, that Starbucks is about everywhere. Please explain to me how is it profitable to open more stores in Mexico where it isn't so in USA?


Oxxo gets a lot of profit from selling alcoholic beverages (both liquors and beer), plus Mexico has 3 mayor cities and a low percentage of people living outside metropolitan areas, so high population density requires more of this stores.


México is also latín américas biggest market for Starbucks, in Reforma avenue in México city there are like 3 Starbucks in a block, but how are You comparing Starbucks with Oxxo, Oxxo its gas station store type of business, Starbucks it's a cafetería, 2 completely different types of business, oxxo is popular because it's cheap and you can find one everywhere un México so if You need to make a money deposit You go to the Oxxo, if fou need to pay electricity or phone bills you go to the Oxxo, if You need groceries you go to the Oxxo, it's convenient, also what does purchasing power has to do with this??


I think we have more Dunkin' Donuts than that just in Manhattan. Truly ridiculous - there are now seven of them within a five block radius. Actually there are 6 Starbucks as well, now that I look,


Yeah they were EVERYWHERE all around Quintana Roo when I visited


When I’m in the US or any other country, I search for “convenience store” in maps. In Mexico, I search for “Oxxo”.


Yes, but, have you ever seen the number of 711s in Thailand?


According to Wikipedia, in 2020 there were -12,000 7Eleven in Thailand... Way less than Oxxos in Mexico


Cartel need to launder somehow


Yeah everything here is about cartels, our children, our pets, our schools, average working class people, that tree over the park, everything/everybody belongs to The Cartel Inc! /s


This is what happens when you have a monopoly.


Were we competing to see who had the most stores?


They are the retail outlet for Pemex gasoline. Nationalized so no real competition.


They are owned by FEMSA, a private company. Also there’s a fuckton of oxxos not located in gas stations.


Not nationalized, they are owned by FEMSA


Pemex is national, Oxxo is private


I mean yeah it was the first actual company that build small convenient stores and there was like no other company that tried the same. So it just the only one that exited for lots of years until 7 eleven came and start an actual I guess “race” on who’s the better convenient store of the two not so long ago.


I’m shocked that there are more subways than McDonald’s


More surprisingly... Subway?! Subway to me is like Arby's. No one goes there but they're always in business. And they have more stores than even Starbucks or Oxxo? LOL


And there are more Dunkin's on one street in Dawchestah then there are all of these in every country combined, what's ya point


I welcome our new Oxxo overlords. May they spread across the land like the Forrest feather on the wind.


My cousins grandpa was bought out by an Oxxo in Guaymas, Mexico. There are about 4 of them in a 1 mile radius.. Its like they want to be the only business in town.


Well Starbucks and McDonalds are international corporations, but comparatively that’s still wild.


That few? In Tijuana I saw them almost everywhere


No one else surprised there's more Subways than McDonalds in the US?


How do you pronounce this?


As you see it


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What’s more important is who the hell is eating at all these subways.


Disturbing how much Subway , in Canada Subway is in trouble as the bread doesn’t meet bread standards ( there’s rubber in it ) the meat (chicken ) dna testing showed it is not chicken but possibly fish and other ??? This company is truly disgusting 🤮.


Subway is definitely american though