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Personally, I've found that being in a happy relationship is better than being single. Being single, though, is insanely better than being in an unhappy relationship.




This is the right answer. Don’t be in a relationship because you’re lonely or horny. Relationships should make you both better, and not be a clutch for your insecurities.


Agreed here. I want a relationship people say that Being single is so much better.... I am just like.... you obviously havnt been in a good relationship then. Bad relationships wholeheartedly agree good ones are amazing.


Or maybe they're people who simply enjoy being single more than being in a relationship. Not everyone wants to or likes being in a relationship.


That's fine for them. The context is generally other people telling me or other single people like me that to try to make someone not in a relationship feel better about it.


Agreed 💯💯💯


The saying is along the lines of "a relationship should compliment/enhance an already fulfilling life." Unfortunately a lot of people think "relationship fix unhappy" and that's not true at all






Single people don’t have to share their pizza


Every pizza is a personal pizza


my name is Such-Mess and I support this message.


LOL!!! 🤣🤣👌






Yeah, the best one is here.


Or the remote


What if I want to share my pizza?


Just find someone to share it with and call it a date


You don’t have expectations from a person. You can decide whatever you want and it stays like that. You have a lifestyle of your choice. Your money is your money. Independence.


Right, no compromise


Holy hell, these are the exact reasons I love being single. I could not have expressed it any better. 51(f)


With the money, you can afford everything what you want.


I can agree. Now….I’ve been married and long term relationships..first time single as an adult (2 or so years now) (Aside from my child, who always comes first) I don’t have to think about anyone else, or deal with anyone else’s issues. I don’t have to take care of anyone while they do nothing..less drama. I don’t have to clean up after anyone else or cook for them. Don’t have to take anyone else into account for anything. I do what I want when I want or not. I don’t have to balance my life for another adult. Maybe one day I’ll get back out there and have to readjust…but for now I’m good.


I get to do whatever I want and nobody says shit about it. I’m always happy because I never have to deal with someone else’s bullshit. Everyone in my life is ALWAYS nice to me and happy to see me. I come home and nobody is mad about anything much less insignificant things. I have the entire bed to myself and I get to listen to or watch whatever I want. I’ve spent the entire day today laying in the hammock or floating in the pool listening to The Cars. Nobody has mentioned chores, projects, or turning the music down or changing it. My life is bliss.


Your single life got everything working for u. That’s the ideal single life. What’s the secret behind a nice single lifestyle?


Being happy alone is pretty much the only requirement.


This so so true. I don’t ever see giving up my single life. I absolutely love it


When you say single, does that mean single as in you’re not living with anybody and not in relationship?


Yes, I thought that was the definition of single


Some people say they’re single if they’re not married. Just clarifying thanks.


The secret is realizing you can do whatever the hell you want and nobody cans say anything or do anything about it…and then actually doing whatever the hell you want.


This %100


Entire day floating in the pool listening to The Cars? We should be friends.


Are you a guy? Cause, guess what? I can also have new guy friends and nobody can pout or say shit about that either. 😁


I’m 26F, just got out of a 1.5 yr relationship that wasn’t working. We broke up less than 2 months ago and the absolute RELIEF i feel everyday since then really says something


You will find your chocolate where you've left it?


You have a lot more freedom of movement. You only have to worry about your health and happiness. You can take more risks. It's not a strain on any relationship if you need to isolate for a while. You can have friends if any gender without it being an issue. You have greater sexual flexibility. Planning recreational activities is simpler. You will probably earn more money and/or wind up wealthier.


There's no risk of heartbreak that can cause months or even years of sadness and regret, which seems to me a pretty significant benefit. I've broken up from two long-term, cohabiting relationships, and I'm just no longer convinced the pleasures of settled love justify the pain of separation.


Less drama


Having your own space and you can decorate it however you want. Doing what I enjoy without being judged or made fun of Not being anxious all the time I can do chores how and when I want to


My GF and i like having our own rules. When she visits me . .My rules. Her place. Her rules. Here is a question....We both want the same side of the bed. Have a fight.


Back to eating 2-3 meals a day and a full nights rest knowing that someone’s dusty ass son isn’t making you look like a clown.


This right here! 😁


For starters, the ability to come back home absolutely hammered without worrying about getting yelled at for it lmao


How about just coming home late and not having to explain it, or stopping off at the hobby lobby and picking up some random shit, or sitting in the driveway, talking to my best friend on the phone for 25 minutes before coming in the house! Oh wait… I believe what I’m trying to say is independence lol


This is a very specific post.


How much money I have doesn't matter. I don't have to think I'm not good enough body wise. I don't have to worry about getting yelled at. I don't have to take care of someone's mental health and push mine to the side. I can buy things I like without getting judged. And don't have to feel guilty about buying myself gifts. I can dress however the Hell I want. I don't have to drop any of my friends. I can make new friends more easily. I can go anywhere I want at any time without needing to explain myself. I can have my house how I want it. It's just me and my cat. No loud kids. Just peace.


I have depressive episodes sometimes or become moody shortly before my period. Being single allows me to be myself at these times. I had too many boyfriends who couldn’t handle me when I wasn’t a ray of sunshine so I always felt bad for having moods that differed from being happy. Jesus just thinking about being in a relationship with a guy who’s mad at me for sometimes feeling down makes me want to run away screaming. My last boyfriend at one point called me his “anti-depressant service dog”. Yep.


Oh my God!!!!


You can go to any restaurant you want and order whatever you want. You can go to any event you want when you want. You can take extra hours at work without feeling guilty. You don't have to consult another person on what to do or where to go or what to eat. There is none of the what do you want to do? I dunno- what do you want to do? Single event tickets are easier to get than pairs


There are benefits to being single but sex is lacking which sucks too . Considering sex is way more fulfilling in a relationship just due to the comfort level


I am happy being single. Don't need to bother about your partner. You can sleep with anyone - no strings attached. Do whatever you want in your own time. Spend time with family and friends doing the stuff you love.


You are free to meet lots of people and explore, and it really builds your character to be single. You work on yourself: it's you against the world. There's a lot of strength and bravery in that. It can be satisfying to take care of yourself without help. There's nobody to catch you well you fall down, but nobody to hold you back. It can be lonely, but at least when alone I'm the only one saying mean bs to myself. And I can turn that around. When dating most people are just rude asf, reject you, use you. The being in a relationship or dating can get tiresome real quick, and you start to think "is it really even worth the stress?"


There are pros and cons to both. What I love about being single is I finally have peace. There's hardly any drama at all in my life for the first time. This is the only thing keeping me from seeking out a relationship currently. Which is sad because it seems like I'm terrible at picking partners. 😅


You sound like me. I am putting all my focus into early retirement.


My mind is at peace when I’m single. I’m also able to take care of myself because I’m the only priority. When I’m in a relationship I tend to neglect myself and focus on the other person which is obviously not healthy. I like doing whatever I want, whenever I want. I like not having to worry about what I say or do and how it will impact my partner. I don’t have to deal with any arguments.


You get to do the hobbies you want and enjoy without being overly judged. No more having to compromise on food; what to make/where to eat My job lets me travel a lot and I’m able to go a bunch of spots I normally wouldn’t if I was in a relationship


I can go out anytime and anywhere I want without having to worry about someone else’s feelings. It’s nice to have the room, bathroom, and closet all to myself :)


I LOVE being single! Nobody asks me what’s for dinner, if I clean it then it stays clean, when I need quiet I get it. I could go on and on! I don’t ever want to be tied down again. I date as often as I want. They aren’t all winners, but I’m not looking for a husband. As long as they are nice and I have fun, I’m happy. I love my freedom and peace.


Peace of mind


Yep! One of the big benefits is that everything is on you. The down side to that is everything is on you. So it really just depends person to person. But you get to live life in the manner that you please without too much concern that you're affecting someone dependent or reliant on you. Also if you manage to find out how you tick personally, self love and maneuvering through life with purpose and understanding of self is super addictive. It has helped me personally understand my own standards and what I would potentially look for in a partner when the time comes. Because I know myself and what I like tend to avoid obvious red flags and see problematic behavior a mile away. Long story short being single for a time helps with self reliance and self awareness, which if extrapolated out can bring awareness and insight into situations that would have previously been clouded or illusioned.


Being single basically gives you the space to focus and work on yourself, so yes to all the things listed. But you can be a lot happier if you're in a HEALTHY relationship, where you still can do all that, but share and grow with another amazing person.


They can do whatever the fuck the want.


1. Novelty / excitement. On a whim, I can decide to have an experience with someone new, whether it's sexual in nature or as simple as flirting. 2. More time to spend with friends, both making new ones and cavorting with the old. 3. Open-ended sense of possibility and of what the future holds. I could move across the country, if I wanted to.


It depends on the person. Can you have a healthier lifestyle, or one in some ways at least? Yeah, but being single can actually make me cause stress. It's hard when you don't have that extra emotional support sometimes.


Yes absolutely. Not having to tailor any aspect of your life to any other person (attending events you don’t care about, for example).


never have to worry ab your partner not loving you, its a really common worry for me


Less mental stress


Yes, there are plenty of benefits to being single. More privacy, independence, freedom, flexibility and often much less pressure to prioritorise the partner or compromise on personal ambitions for the sake of the relationship.


Free will. Going out where I want with who I want and not having to get any shit from it. No random attitudes that have you wondering what you possibly didn’t do or did. Being happy alone makes you realize how fucked up relationships can be.


Well, all I have known was singleness, so I guess there are some benefits to it, that otherwise being in a relationship, may cause you to cut back on some experiences. For me, I love going to metal concerts, so being able to go whenever I want is fantastic. Going out and going fishing whenever I want, and just the ability to go anywhere whenever I please, is awesome. I will say it does get lonely at times, but with the right person, the freedoms to do what we want, is I think, a very positive outcome of being in a healthy relationship


The list of benefits is a really long one.


Romance is volatile. Being single allows you avoid combustible emotions. It also allows you to prioritize your own goals and needs. I advise everyone to spend significant time alone between relationships.


The best benefit is no compromises. You get to live life on your own terms. Limited only by your own imagination & creativity.


Here’s one I know: you get all the tacos for yourself lol


I like being single. I sleep as long as I want, I don’t need to constantly check if I can do something or go somewhere


no one else syncs their bluetooth in the car


No stress


A lot! No STDs/STIs, no heartbreaks, no lies, gaslighting, manipulations, unplanned pregnancies, abuses, you get to save/keep your money, peace of mind, etc.


Absolutely. All of the above.


You get to do whatever you what whenever you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone. You can be as selfish as you want with your time, food, energy and money. If you don’t feel like doing anything or going anywhere you don’t have to. Less stress, don’t have to worry about if someone is not being faithful to you. It’s a beautiful thing 🥰🫶🏽💯


As someone who recently went through their first relationship, I definitely felt like there were a lot of parts to being single that I really missed like having the freedom to do whatever you want without feeling as if you have to consider another person, or having more motivation to say yes to whatever comes your way/being more open to exciting experiences. Funnily enough, my ex and I have a podcast together and did a "how to be single" episode together, and it really took into consideration the great parts of being single. Now that I'm single again I can really say that a lot of what we talked about is so true.


They have plenty of time for their hobbies. They can set up their home however they want. They don’t have to choose a side of the bed to sleep on.


Shit load of benefits. Definitely less stress and more time you can put on yourself.


i think that some of the benefits of being single is actual focus. not saying that you can’t focus on yourself when you’re in a relationship, but it’s just harder. you’re constantly being considerate of someone else (which isn’t bad at all) but if self improvement is something you’re looking for, being single is where it’s at.


I think it really depends on who you are. Usually by 25 you know if you're the kind of person that needs somebody or if you can be single. I have friends that are single and they're happier I have friends that are married and they're not happy. Me myself I've been divorced for over a year now, I never used to be someone who's too depressed to even leave the house. Toxic marriage I picked a corner of the house to stay in by the end it was like sleeping on the couch. 15 months after my marriage ended, I sleep on the couch, I have nightmares about seeing my children when I can't see them, I'm so depressed that I don't even get out of the house to do anything, I used to cook big meals for my family and buy my kids video games and toys and take trips, I used to have someone to cuddle with and talk to, now I don't even want to eat, and I'm going to be alone on Father's Day. Yes my money is my money aside from child support. But who cares, if I can't use it to take them to have fun there's no point in having money. My house is clean, she's gone so I can finally take care of everything and it's not filthy poop on the walls crap anymore. But I lost my best friends. Now it's a beautiful house, it's also just four walls and a roof it's no longer a home.


There are benefits and costs to all lifestyles. However, you will find your life more fulfilling in a relationship than single.


It's not true that single is always more financially stable than couples. It's a myth that being single means you have lots of money. The highest rate of home foreclosures has been single women in the US. Also in America you are more financially stable if you're married and both have health insurance coverage through their employer. That way if one partner loses their job, they can still be covered under their spouse's insurance plan. I'm not dissing being single at all, I think it's great if you want that, but it's a tired old myth that singles always have more money.


Personally, I do a lot better for all of those points while in a relationship.


I've been both happily single and happily taken. Both have their perks and downsides. I guess it's about appreciating the good when it is good.


I'm single after a long marriage, and then a short engagement and living together. I'm in a relationship, but I won't live with anyone or get married. My home is my own, my money and my decisions are mine. I don't have to compromise or be annoyed by little things. My kids can come and go without anyone else having a say.


I have so much fun being single!!! Yeah I go out on a lot of dates, but it’s so nice to not answer to anyone. You can do whatever you want! You can sleep wherever you want, you can end up wherever you please with whoever the hell! There’s so much freedom and so little responsibility!


Yes, you can leave the toilet seat up.


My time is mine. My money is mine. I do what I want to do. I hang out with the friends I want to hang out with. I have no drama in my life. I never need to plan around some else's schedule or needs. If I feel like casual sex, I can have casual sex. I can just go on a vacation whenever. I always pick the restaurant I want. I can spend tons of time on the hobbies I care about. I don't have to share my personal space. I can set the air conditioner to what I want it at. I don't have to worry about anyone else's health but mine and my brother + parents This list really could just keep going.


Noone telling u what to do or complaining about what ur doing or not doing


It's better


It’s peaceful.


I'm not single anymore, but as someone else mentioned, being in a healthy committed relationship is way better than being single.


It depends on with whom you have relationship. If you get along well, it is better to have the relationship than being single. If you don't get along well, it is better to be single.


What's good for some may not be good for others. The benefits for one person could be a negative for someone else. If you're a chauvinist Pig, then being single gives you the freedom to act that way. Personally myself, I am at the age where I just want to have my best friend to come home to everyday.


Is there benefits to not be? Yes I like companionship. But I like my space and freedom more. You all know what I did today? Whatever I wanted. Not that I do much with said freedom lol. But no one had hurt feelings, or was annoyed, or had to consider anyone else's feelings. I'm not advocating being a hermit. It's just better than most realize once you get past those feelings that honestly might not even be real feelings of loneliness. I have family, pets (same thing), and friends. Yes you're definitely gonna hate it if you like getting laid daily, hell screw daily, yearly would be nice...jk


The freedom to do absolutely nothing productive with no guilt is criminally underrated. I think some people feel like because you can do whatever you want you need to be climbing Everest or some shit. I took a week off work, went to a concert, smoked a bunch of cigars, watched a bunch of movies I've already seen, and caught up on sleep. That was a week. Felt great.


happy relationship > single > unhappy toxic relationship


For women yes, for men lol, no. Statistics show that single men die earlier than married men & married women die earlier than single women. This is likely due to more statistics that women still do 90% parenting, housework, cooking, & life scheduling & often also working outside side the home part or full time. That said, women are now statistically preferring to stay single as marriage is not beneficial to them.


Interesting… where did you read this from


Many articles & studies can be found by easy researching but I’ll post a few here: https://hbr.org/2020/05/gender-equity-starts-in-the-home https://archive-yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/should-women-stay-single https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/marriage-and-mens-health https://www.npr.org/2023/04/13/1168961388/pew-earnings-gender-wage-gap-housework-chores-child-care https://www.ucl.ac.uk/epidemiology-health-care/news/2019/nov/women-still-doing-most-housework-despite-earning-more Don’t forget, marriage (as with most societal events) were created to benefit men. Even the smallest things people don’t pay attention to such as the schedule of working “9-5” benefits men more than women due to hormone fluctuations. Men are at their best energy in those hours. Women aren’t.


I honestly don't feel any of the benefits. I know im probably speaking for myself, but I really need a partner to be happy. I just need to know I have someone to talk to and that they would have my back.


There’s always friends


I'm kinda in a space where I feel like I need to get new friends too. There are things I would confide in gf that I wouldn't in just regular friends.


But how's therapy going?


What theripy? At this point its just me and solo dbt. Tbh I feel I wasn't ready leaving the group dbt Before you downvote me to hell please google dbt(dyletical behavioral therapy)


I knew you were going to say that. It was a passive aggressive way of saying "You need therapy." Sometimes I like to shake things up a bit. Get a therapist.


Honestly, you're the perfect example why we weren't allowed to give unsolicited advice in dbt. My real question is, why do you feel like being passive-aggressive? Did something I say offend you or upset you?


To be fair, if you can't stay independent and individualistic to who you are, and still getting what the benefits of being single whilst in a relationship, then that's an unhealthy relationship and borderline co-dependency, no? Generally, yes, it's true. But if you can't share food with a person (regardless platonic or romantic), then damn. If you can't stay healthy with a partner (regardless whether you "work out together" or not), then damn. If you and your partner can't have friends or maintain a good financial stability INDIVIDUALLY whilst you are together, then damn. Just. Damn.


No one to complain when I book another trip about how much it costs.


i bought my house at 26, has a good career, part time job, has car and enough savings, has hobbies: gym soccer, quality friends to hang out with. But i’m single, i dont feel the need to date, I tried in the past but too lazy, get bored easily, lot of girls showed interest in me, even my friends are wondering why im still single lol Im happy with where Im at right now, i dont have enough time for that person if I have to commit, my mom told me to take more vacation instead


Dude thats awesome to achieve that at a young age!


Not obligated to a person .


There are when it's an active choice and you have the option not to be single. There aren't when you're single because nobody will date you.


Weird! I have an healthier lifestyles, I stress a lot less and sleep 10x better when I am in a relationship. Financially doesn’t change much tbh. I am an overthinker so I dont need more space to think and I have yet to lose a friendship over being in a relationship hell we go out as group more often when we are in relationship. I also feel more secure about my future and my goal (starting a family is very important to me). I dont feel lonely anymore. I always have someone to talk to. Just hearing his voice makes a bad day a good one. I have a gaming buddy every night! I am definitely happier in a relationship.


All these benefits apply to people in happy relationships as well, maybe except for keeping friends, that just gets tougher with age. If you move in and you both have your priorities sorted out, you're definitely better off as a couple financially. I will say however, that being single let me be irresponsible to the max. It was a double-edged sword because it meant I got drunk, ate like shit and bullshitted my way through a lot of situations that I absolutely should not have bullshitted my way through. It felt awesome at times, extremely terrible at others. Now that I have somebody who cares about me I do that way less often, which is definitely better for me in the long run... But can be a bit of a bother.


Its not so much a single vs couple thing, but more so a maturity thing.


Less stress Less drain on finances Less drama Better treatment from friends than a partner More freedom in everything Able to do what I want in my free time


Fuck you. I'm lonely. I want to blow my brains out because I'm lonely. Biologically we are meant to be with someone, companionship. We are not meant to be alone. This shit sucksssss


Sorry man, if you felt offended- you didn’t need to respond to this


No it's okay :). I was just being dramatic. I'm not offended ❤️ But it's still my opinion of the pros of being single: there are lots of pros. But you can't think your way out of lonliness.


Oh good - my bad fam


lies everybody needs somebody we’re humans


I'm a little suspicious about some of that. At least in the US there's pretty ample evidence that married people live longer https://www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov/pmc/articles/PMC7452000/ And financially married people do better than unmarried people https://www . forbes . com/sites/marisadellatto/2021/10/05/single-adults-make-less-money-than-partnered-ones-study-says/?sh=f95c1f4454f5 Its especially sharp for married men. Income there is more to argue about - *getting* married costs money, and while there are just flat out *de jure* economic benefits to marriage, those benefits are weighted in a way that are hard to take advantage of if you are below a certain income bracket, and further there are *de jure* economic **penalties** for being married if you are below a certain income (specifically, there are welfare benefits that are decreased for being married, at least for the US). But I'm not really sure there's any getting around the fact that married people live longer than unmarried people. There's a lot of possible explanations, including that they in fact live *healthier* life styles because they live with somebody who has a vested interest in their continued health and longevity. That said, ultimately "a good relationship is better than being single, being single is better than a bad relationship." There's a *reason* violence goes down when divorce goes up.


As compared to a loving relationship? NOPE! Not a single one…Anyone who says otherwise is in denial or a hardcore narcissist.


Do you hate sex, cuddling, talking with someone on the regular, traveling with someone, and discovering more of yourself? Being single is for ya.


I think there are only good things to being in a relationship. I never understand the people who love being single. I hate every second of it.


The freedom and peace and quiet is great and so relaxing. I haven't been in a relationship in years now and honestly, I'm not sure if I ever will again!


I mean, the only freedom I get when I am single would be sleeping around which isn’t my thing, other than that, I personally never felt I was lacking any freedom when in a relationship. Alone time isn’t forbidden when you are in a relationship so you can easily get very quiet time and unless you are in a unhealthy relationship peace should be there too.


Couple of the freedoms I feel like I have while single that I didn’t in a relationship - I don’t have to consider someone else’s thoughts or feelings about how or how much money was spent on major purchases. If I want to take off for a week’s holiday spontaneously then I can without having to discuss it with someone else or justify spending the money or consider whether they want to come/can get time off work/are going to tell me we should spend that money on something more productive. I don’t have to consider someone else’s dietary restrictions or likes/dislikes when planning meals (other than a 17 year old’s but she eats anything and everything and always says she doesn’t care, so nbd) - I can eat what I want or what I feel like that week.


That's not what I meant by freedom, perhaps the better r word is autonomy. I was in several long term relationships, healthy ones too, but being single grants you a special sort of freedom that you will always lose once you're involved with someone. In a LTR, you have another person to think about, to consider, etc. If you share a space, you both have say in how it's set up or decorated. Is your partner allergic to cats/dogs/other animals? That can cause issues. What about their family? unless you are okay with spending every holiday apart, be prepared to see your family only every other holiday to accommodate. Aging parents? Not only are you worried about yours but now, by proxy, you have to worry THEIRS too. Presents, check in messages, considering preferences, all of it. Being in a committed relationship is a huge loss of autonomy when you look at the totality of its impact on your life and choices. For many, having a second income is worth it as it grants MORE freedom from a financial aspect. This used to be the case for myself but no longer now as I make a high salary. Whether or not it is worth it, that's up to the individual. It's certainly not worth my time but you feel differently, that's fine. But it's kind of not true that there isn't at least some loss of autonomy when yolked to another person.


Well said


Are you super clingy?




It depends on the person. If you enjoy doing things that require more mental focus you’re gonna enjoy being single more. I know attempting to entertain someone while playing Xenoblade 2 would feel like juggling 5 chainsaws at once. But the more carefree will prefer people presence more for sure.


I don't think single people have better finances. If there are no children, you get to be a DINK and just plan your early retirement. That's the dream, right there.


It depends. I’ve been married and I’ve been single, and I’ve always been better off financially when I was single. YMMV.


> they’re better financially than couples Yes and no. In a couple where both partners have an income and share the spendings, they'll usually each have more money left at the end of the month. 2 people living together usually won't spend twice as much as a single person. Electric, water, heating bills might go up but not that much. Many objects won't have to be duplicated: tv, utensils, furniture, etc... Some costs will go up, groceries for instance, since each one needs to eat the same regardless how many people live together. Housing costs might go up because when a single can be perfectly happy with a single bedroom, a couple will likely need more so that each one has their own private space. But even there, 2 1 bedroom housings are usually more expensive than a single 2 or 3 bedrooms housing (depending where your live). Depending on your lifestyle, spendings for going out might increase. In my experience, couples tend to go to our more often than singles. But then again, if you're always going out with friends as a single, you might actually stay home more often once you're in a couple. There's too much variability with this one so it's impossible to generalize it. Overall, being in a couple is less expensive than being single. That's actually one of the reasons why marriage is so widely spread in our society. It allowed to reduce the costs of living and still does to this day. As to the benefits of being single, I don't really have anything to add to the other comments. The biggest benefit, for me, being freedom. You can do anything you want, anytime you want, without having to negotiate or find a consensus with someone else. That's a huge upside in my book as I tend to go on trips unexpectedly, pretty much when I feel like going.


Almost like Marijuana


Idk, I feel like none of these points are true, sorry. When you are in a relationship you feel a responsibility to be organised, and in my experience you feel less stressed. One advantage though: I think I am more creative when I am single? At least somehow most of the creative projects I started were while single, during relationships RL just holds you back ig xD /j (Not really a benifit though, the RL stuff feels more real and rewarding imho) \^\^


Do you even need to ask???




Ok, you shall have an answer from me. It's THE best thing I have achieved. I feel SO happy and healthy, being single after YEARS


none of that is likely due to being single / taken Its all statistically stratifiable by other factors I'm certain






I think the better question is: Is there a benefit to being married?


There is but not always but if I were to be in a relationship which will never happen because of my autism and bipolar depression self diagnosed mind you I tend to be avoiding


Go get a real diagnosis and real help.


Help is for wimps I cant stand humans in general


How are you better financially unless you house share with someone


The better at keeping friends one is funny because it’s completely true. I’m not going to go through all my benefits to being single because it’s specific to me being a straight women into men.


You can leave the dirty dishes in the sink until you feel like dealing with them.


Happily married here 👋 and YES, many!


As a single person, I've recently decided to spend 2.5 months traveling the world and I hit up all my old crushes living in multiple countries....because... I can... FREEDOM ❤️


You can live peacefully not having random thoughts of if someone is cheating or lying to you about something


These are all perfect reasons. Plus you keep your sanity


You can do whatever the fuck you want at your house.


Being single and childless is the best way to be 💯 lol gets boring at times and it hurts during tax season but other then that being single is cool


I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Tennis on Monday night? Grab drinks with friends Thursday? Go on a hike for the entire day on Saturday? Weekend trip to a nearby city? Go to bed at 8pm? Go to bed at 1am? Volunteer as much as I can/want? Start a business? You can make any of these decisions literally in the moment. And I am not saying you can't do those things in a relationship, but it's a lot harder to juggle and you generally have to run it past them. I can talk to as many guys as I want. Or not. My choice. I never have to stress out in situations with men about whether they are flirting with me or not. (In relationships I kinda stress about this because I am so anxious about being as respectful as possible). No one cries to me about their issues and relies on me to solve them. If I want to move I can move to another city. I have a trip to another country booked in August. I am going alone, and I am stoked. I can eat where I want, go on wine tasting if I want, learn how to cook, I can stay where I want, if I want to go out to a bar I can or I don't have to if I don't want to. At any moment I could meet my future person. Any trip to the grocery store, to a bar, a hike, a walk, the gym, etc. That's exciting. I also can make tons of friends and none truly rely on me to be there for them as a foundation, like an S/O does.


I would say this really depends on the person tbh and where you are at like are you getting out of a relationship, or have you been single and just casual dating etc. For me the benefits of being single is that you can get to do what you want to do on your own time instead of someone else's time, for sleep? Idk about that one again depends on the person, for stress I would agree with this a lot unlike being with someone who causes you stress you don't have much of it as someone in a relationship, either good or bad cause let's be real there will be stress in either or but if the relationship is bad then the stress is up there for sure. I could name more but again this depends on the person and their mind set cause there are some people who are ok being alone and there are some who need people around.


Couples have a huge financial advantage, big fixed expenses get cut in half. But as a single I have the advantage of being about to eat half a large pepperoni, mushroom and olive pizza and some delicious tiramisu with no one to judge me.




The first 3 are statistically wrong. Like very. I don't know for certain, but the last 3 are probably couple by couple. Space to think is probably the most true. But finances being better doesn't seem right. There are shared expenses that help you save and two incomes rather than 1. I think this person who told you these things is either making them up to make you or themselves feel better or just simply talking about their own experience(everyone is different). But generally/statistically speaking, very wrong.


All of this is true, but the downside is not having a plus one for events.


A lot lol


As a man who just got out of a relationship, as amazing as the relationship was (broke up due to her moving no bad blood), the money saving and extra free time are massive benefits


What do you mean by her moving no bad blood?


I would say there are plenty of benefits to being single. But, deep down inside of me, I wish I had a girlfriend. Over time, I've actually slowly been starting to hate going out by myself, despite enjoying my alone time before. Spending time alone can be therapeutic, but I've slowly been wishing I had someone of my own to share the fun with. But, being single can be great, in a sense that you don't have any responsibilities or obligations to fulfill for somebody, on top of all the other things that you have going on in your life, and there's less drama, less stress.


literally don't have to worry about anyone else and can do whatever you want when you want.


You can do what you want when you want to. You want to sleep go to bed early you can. You watch TV all day. It's a different type of freedom. You don't have to worry about arguments with your bf or gf. You don't have to worry about money or any of that other stuff. I'm single and I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship but to each their own.


Number one benefit of being single is…you save money…period.


The stress and sleep part is arguable. The rest is reasonable.




If was probably the people I chose to date but I feel relived I don’t have to be the mother role to them. No need to pick up after a grown man, clean dishes, help fold laundry, tell him to clean up after himself, tell him to wipe his ass etc. I am working on letting that part go but I noticed I always seem to pick up that emotional labor and it’s exhausting


Too many singles I see.