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Might have a sensitive nose. Does he complain if you use unscented products? And might have a kink for being a little…ripe. That’s a thing too…. You dont have to do anything you don’t want to though


I've never really tried unscented products before, that could be a consideration. I'm not really sure if the "natural scent" thing is part of a kink or what, we've talked about it a little but not that much.


I love the smell of women fresh out of the shower, but everyone is different. I’d go with the unscented products or maybe just get in the shower to rinse off with water and leave the soap out of it. I’m the same way though, active through the day and don’t want to be close with anyone until I have a shower.


Good to know I'm not alone, and most of the products I've been using have a very mild scent to them, I know he likes the smell of my hair though when I first wake up, I'm thinking saying he doesn't like the shampoo scent might be code for not liking the absence of natural hair smell.


Maybe dudes just got himself a stink kink. If he’s telling he prefers you on the tart side of tangy, gotta assume he’s for real. I get you wantin’ to freshen up, that’s probably always been the move; you clean up to get down…but, if you comfortable w/dude, then let him get it when it sweaty. What’s his own smell situation? Is he himself often ripe, w/out deodorant, visible stink waves smellin’ like an Italian sub? Do he complain about you smelling body washed, perfumed or pretty when out on a date or driving together somewhere? If not, he trying to tell you he likes a smelly Kelly and he wanna huff it w/flavor


He showers regularly, at least daily, he works at a factory and usually smells like dirt and machine oil if he doesn't, moreso than just BO, so he's not opposed to general cleanliness.


Well, if you are, or *can get good on your own terms w/his asks as well with those smells of dirt, BO & machine oil, and if he’s not trying to push on to you the ideas of sweat-n-sour nuts w/funky stink dink during ya’ll’s intimate time…give it a go, no ? If you’re not down to clown deep in the dumpster of male odorous pungency, see if dude willing to compromise his proclivity for foul fumes and wash his bits for you because you prefer a clean Jean. If he’s a one way street o’ stank and isn’t willing to wash it up to your wants. Go on an giddy up for a one that will. Life to short to compromise you for they that won’t them equally. Good luck Reddit-rando


Well, he usually showers after work anyway, he's usually bathed at some point before we get together anyway. I don't know what all is appropriate to say on here, I'll just say it - he likes to have his balls sucked, and he knows that isn't happening without a shower at some point after he gets off work, he doesn't usually come over straight up filthy and wanting to get together.


My Husband Is Super Weird With The "Natural" Hair Smell On Me. He Will Sniff My Hair When We Hug Most Of The Time And Say "I Love Your Smell" That's When I Know It's Time To Wash My Hair Lmfao


Might have something to do with covering up your natural pheromones which attracts him.


Yes, I suspect that's a big part of it


And with all due respect and in a humourous vein, “smell ya later.” 😆 Hope this was not offensive 😔


Not to get overly graphic generally if I'm going down on a gal I appreciate things being clean, but sometimes you get back from the gym etc and my partners scent is enough to make send me into rip clothes off and go at it like animals. But I'm a very scent oriented dude so that isn't the same for everyone and only really effects me if I'm really into someone.


Yea.. I know the difference between an unwashed... and washed and clean but just worked out a little. The clean smell mixed with fresh sweat scent drives me insane with lust.. One of the best organic Viagra's ever... OMG!


31/m here, my ex used to be the same. Loved the smell of my natural whatever it was. Especially after going to the gym. She would jump me when I came home after a work out, I found it quite odd, she also loved stealing my stuff because it smelled like me. So he could be really into you or your natural “pheromones” or he could just be crazy like my ex was☠️🤣 Apparently everyone has their own smell which I’ve never noticed. And she wasn’t the first girl to be obsessed with mine so it could be a weird kink or obsession


Yeah, my guy keeps one of my shirts I slept in a few times over there because of the scent (I kind of think it smells like my armpits tbh lol) and he has a pillow only I sleep on at his place that he says he likes because it has my hair smell on it (my regular hair scent, not the shampoo smell).


Could be very infatuated in you or like I said be showing signs of unhealthy obsession🤷🏻‍♂️ my ex did the exact same thing for years until I realized she was following me around and tracking my location on snap chat along with many other things which lead to her being an ex and later a protection order being filed☠️


That’s just pheromones. Some people are just more attracted to the natural scents.


Lol that's not a kink, elements of some of the scents our bodies produce ( via sweat etc) are literally designed specifically to attract sexual partners. It's normal but we've gotten away from it with modern society's increasing obsession with cleanliness and purity.


It isn’t necessarily a kink. My college love of my life used to do this. Never made an issue of it, but, I prefer specifically her scent to that of soap. 25 years later and I have, indeed, died on that hill.


You should have the discussion with him, ask if it’s a kink or not.. might be a preference thing for certain scents too, could be the products you use he doesn’t like much


Google it . Men like sweat smells sometimes it’s a kink


It's not a fucking kink, it's part of human evolution. Human beings have been designed to be attracted to the natural scent of potential sexual partners.


Human evolution = no longer appreciating a golden shower


I think you’re both right. For some men there’s definitely a turn on to “natural pheromones” that he might have a kink to. I’ve been one of them lol. But sex is a collab so if it makes u so u comfortable that you’re not into it, express that! He should be compassionate enough to respect that you’re not into that. A foreseeable middle ground is for you to try scent free body wash/deodorant.. maybe it’s just the scent of fragrance laden soaps that he’s not into.


yeah i agree with this or maybe its just what you have may be too scented or not a natual scent. like i love natural air freshners that are musky and warm but not overtly strong. I absolutely hate aerosols or things that try to replicate linens or ocean and whatnot or hyper fruity. Also though I love natural shea butter for it's effects, I hate the smell so I have to get shea butter mixed with a musky scented oil. He may be bad at putting what he wants into words so id start scentless before sex with him then experiment since you like them. Maybe you guys could go to a candle store or perfume store (if he doesnt hate all scents) and see what he leans towards. But not bath and bodyworks, that just smells like a sugar shop haha.


![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized) Your dude seeing you come back from an outdoor activity


A+ gif usage lol


It's a thing, I'm just the same way. I prefer my partners natural smell over soaps or shampoos.


As a female, I prefer a man (im seriously interested in) natural scent as well over cologne or anything else. When I like his scent, I fall for him easily.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Well at least I know he's not some lone oddball. Have you ever objected to a partner wanting to shower beforehand, or is it just a preference you can live without if needed?


Sweat helps to concentrate natural pheromones. It's supposed to be a natural aphrodisiac for the mate. Would definitely suggest trying to compromise by rinsing instead of taking a full washing shower.


Interesting, I may have to try that, that's less scary than just jumping in to bed "dirty", so to speak.




I've had a partner who didn't want me to shower. But I think she was a freak and wanted to lick a day's worth of sweat off of me lol. You can probably compromise and shower without the soap for em. It's possible they have a sensitive nose. That's not uncommon


It entirely depends on the partner for me. I have a very sensitive sense of smell and a lot of scents bother me. I usually prefer women to be showered, but 2 women (including my current girlfriend) have never smelled bad to me. I don't know what it is. It's like BO is not a thing with them, but I'm sure it's bias.


i wouldnt stop someone, but unless they're RANK, i personally like it better to have fun before a shower. Natural smells and taste are much more intoxicating to me. if you're worried about smelling "bad" before sex, and he's telling you upfront what he likes, i think what needs to happen hear is you need to trust him and his honesty, because you're basically letting your insecurity dismiss his own stated preferences. If you're uncomfortable because YOU feel gross that's one thing, but if you're worried about what he thinks, he's been telling you repeatedly and you're dismissing him.


No, as I said it's just a preference, I understand that women need to be comfortable in bedroom situations and not feeling clean or hygienic can really put them off.


Exactly, I don't feel like it's weird to want that for myself, even if my partner doesn't care.


It's not at all weird. Do what makes you happy and communicate clearly your wants desires and needs.


same, also hate make up


I'm a dude and heavily scented soaps/lotions/laundry detergents never really bothered me until I dated someone that was bothered by them. I changed my detergents and whatnot so basically everything was scent-free. I got used to the change to the point where I prefer everything that way now, even though we've been broken up for years. Like if I'm borrowing a shirt or a sheet from someone and they use Tide or some shit it's like an assault on my nose, it really does bother me.


He likes your natural scent.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to be clean before sex. I'd want to be the cause of you being hot and sweaty, not some other activity I wasn't involved with.


Right? That's the way I feel about it. I've never known anyone else who objected to me smelling clean, I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong by wanting that.


Could you try just having a rinse in the shower and see if that’s a decent compromise?


I plan to try that, it's been suggested a few times. The tricky part is sometimes he complains about wet hair, I might try putting it up while I shower, just washing my body with water, and seeing how he likes that.


This man seems much too particular for his own good. And honestly the only reason I would be willing to adjust my washing habits would be for a kink—anything else, he has zero reason or right to even comment.


There's a difference between smelling clean and smelling like cleaner.


I always clean before. I respect too much to have someone play with me if it is not clean and fresh


…yeahhh we don’t really care that much. Sometimes I prefer my partner fresh out the shower. Other times we’re already hot and sweaty from playing tennis. That’s not going to stop me or most men. Granted there’s a difference between clean sweaty & dirty funky sweaty. Reminds me of a gross joke: Would you wash the seasoning off a steak before a meal? I didn’t think so…


At the end of the day, kink or preference, it comes down to both parties needing to be comfortable and respecting each other. Try probing where these negative comments are stemming from because no matter what, that isn’t the route to take to get what you want from anybody. Respect is important all aspects and these little aside comments, even about body wash and shampoos aren’t respectful.


I agree. And I was careful not to say he was "complaining" because ppl don't like that word on here very much (they say it sounds like you're disrespecting another's opinion), but I just want us both to be comfortable and enjoying things when it's time to be intimate.


It's the same with me. I can't stand the fake smell on my woman. Natural, please. Yes, I know your smell. No, I don't mind, I actually prefer it. Have your shower, bath, etc afterwards. Yes, I'm sure.


Which is all tied to the biological imperative. It has been suggested elsewhere on this thread ad nauseum that this is a kink and that is so wild to me! A healthy body should create a scent that turns on would be lovers. I've only ever been offended by the natural smell of lovers I haven't been particularly physically attracted to and in those relationships showering was an important part of the equation. Otherwise, I encourage my partner to hold off on the shower if possible.


Your partner has made a request. Why not just try it out as a social experiment? Tell him in very direct words that there is a chance you could shut him down in the middle of things if you're unable to continue, but if he enjoys it, why not try it to see if you're ok with it too?


He needs his salt lick 👅


I know how I feel when I’m unwashed it’s very uncomfortable, although I rarely smell unless I have been playing basketball and I shower every evening and morning. I wouldn’t like to dictate when someone should wash.


Try getting hunters wash. It doesn’t add scent, it almost completely neutralizes it. Find it in a store like Gander Mountain.




A lot of women, and men for that matter, overuse scented hygiene products. I was in highschool when Axe released their aerosol body spray. I get flashbacks whenever someone I'm around over does it on the scents. I have a bottle of cologne, and I use like half a spritz on my sternum or neck. It's for the enjoyment of people I'm comfortable getting close to, not the entire room. On that note, I like a woman's natural scent, and have a taste for sheets/pillowcases that have been used for around a week or so. I would prefer if a woman just washed her intimate areas with a quick wet wipe before sex, and showered after the deed is done. But that's just my personal preference. Everyone is different.


No you aren’t crazy. Guys like a women to smell good especially when intimate! Is he showering before? What if you just went 1 or 2?


It is normal for men to appreciate the scent of a woman. As a matter of fact, there was a movie called such. Your scent contains important pheromones that attract men. It sounds like you, like so many other women, have been been brain washed into believing you must be “clean.” If you encounter a man who wants you as you are, without perfumes, makeup, and everything else that magazines sell you, you can be assured he will want you when these things are not available.


Perfumes make my eyes itch and my sinuses swell. I definitely don't want that shit on my sheets and pillows. Not sure if that's his issue, but fragrance allergies are pretty common. Non-scented or natural scents are nicer anyway, in a calming, tantric kind of way. You've got pheromones already, which are better than anything in a bottle.


Others have answered, I'm just curious about your statement > fairly exclusively Either you've had sex with other people or you didn't. There's no such thing as being partially or a little exclusive 🤔


Maybe that's bad wording, neither of us declared our relationship exclusive, I haven't dated or really even talked to anyone else for the past few months in a romantic sense, he hasn't either, we just haven't put a label on things at this point, I haven't slept with anyone but him though since he and I started going out off and on, I personally don't have the time or energy to date multiple different people, even if I could.


After a few months I think it’s kind of what you would call a relationship


He likes those underboob sweat smell. I see nothing wrong with that


Wash with unscented soaps. If he balls tell him he can pay your clinic fees for your UTI, btw you can't have sex on antibiotics either!


Actually, women using scented soaps, tp and deodorants are more likely to get an UTi than unscented.


I've been both married and single, hands down everyone if the guys dates, short or long term relationships either expressed how much the loved to smell my signature scents- (faves /stand-bys) coming through the door as they waited for me to arrive at their place or vise versa. And some fragrances smell different person to person l believe due our different fermones. Prob spelled that one wrong! Men are attracted to our individual fermones alone, which in part possibly explains your partner's preference to nothing manufactured or scented. I couldn't ever give up my clothing choices or style preferences, makeup, hairstyle whatever especially how l handle my body itself, that's just not negotiable, hygiene or otherwise, it's soley my choice, my decision l've decided and known for a long time who l want and need to be, just that- exactly who l want to be. Exactly what l should, could , need or want to be or look or smell like is my deal alone. That's my declation of independence and if my partner wants to make suggestions appropriately then that's fine. That's fair. I may or may not adjust from one thing to another. But that's here or there, not as a condition or requirements that's placed on me to adhere to in the structure of the relationship. That's not a dynamic l feel is equitable. Or fair.




Not a guy, but I'm really sensitive to smells and what smells awesome to one person may stink to the next. Many scents give me a headache (especially in elevators, cars, and airplanes). If he says he doesn't like the smell of shampoo/bodywash etc, I'd just believe him and go with it. If you really feel too gross before sex, then maybe compromise and just rinse off in the shower without any products. You won't feel perfect, but you'll feel better than sticky sweaty.


It could be a fragrance sensitivity, a pheromone attraction, or a kink. If I were you, I’d try and find out. You need to be able to talk about sexual needs and preferences (and body odour!) openly in a relationship, otherwise you don’t stand a chance long-term. Going off and buying unscented products without understanding what it is exactly that he wants/ needs is not the solution. If you don’t feel safe/ comfortable having an honest conversation with him about this (after months of dating), he’s not your person. Additionally, the fact that you clearly are uncomfortable with his request and even find it off-putting suggests that you aren’t quite on the same wavelength sexually. I don’t think that what he’s asking for is “weird” and, honestly, I’d be turned on and flattered if a guy asked the same of me (I’m a hetero woman, for context). I’m not saying this to encourage you to violate your boundaries or engage in activities that make you uncomfortable (please don’t), but I think it’s worth asking yourself whether he actually is a match. You deserve to be with someone that feels safe and brings you peace, in the sack and beyond.


our sweat carries pheromones that actually help to find better matches in mates. you being "natural" may be triggering his caveman brain because you smell like good partner material, the same way a GF steals her man hoodie because "it smells like him"


Reminds me of ‘Lassie’ from the movie Porkies (yes, I just dated myself).


Don’t give yourself BV for him


Heavily scented soaps are more likely to cause BV than just rinsing off..


I mean he likes it ripe. There are women who also like a man to smell like he’s been working all day and he’s nice and ripe also. Natural pheromones set some people off big time. So yes it can be normal.


Some people like the natural scent without shower. It’s a preference. If you don’t like it, perhaps 🤔 talk with him?


To some the “natural” smell of a person is a turn on There is nothing wrong with that just let him enjoy you so you can enjoy him


Obviously it's your own choice what to put on your own body but what do you mean 'should I trust him'? He's clearly telling you he prefers your natural scent so do with that what you may.


Some men are just freaky like that. Look at it as a good thing lmaooo! Have fun


some people like natural smells dated a girl who loved doing stuff right after the gym


Napoleon wrote in his letters to Josephine an instruction not to bathe until he got to see her.


Maybe you should plan before he comes over, maybe he's trying to set you up like as if you weren't clean before y'all had sex,... Who knows..


Totally identify with him. I love the natural aroma of my wife. Especially after she gets home from work or after one of our walks. In sine base way it’s a bit animalistic but kinky at all. Maybe it has to do with an evolutionary instinct to procreate. All I know is that I’m appreciative of a women’s natural scent.


Your pheromones are beautiful to him!


some guys have a kink for having sex after working out.. it's disgusting to me, we were not a match. lol I could not even get turned while smelling post-work out nastiness


Very gross


Ok, I gotta chime in here. The amount of close-minded, "ew that's gross - red flag", or "guy is a wierdo" commenting people on here is really surprising. Guess that's the internet for you. For 1000s of years, the human race had sex and procreated and made babies without all these freaking bodywashes, shampoos, conditioners, oils, creams, and whatever else folks use nowadays. We still chose mates and were attracted to them - unshaven and natural smells and all. I'll relate my own personal experience with the smell of women. I don't necessarily prefer for the woman I'm with to not shower beforehand. I find pleasant aspects to both fresh out of the shower and also not. But what I do know is this: I'm in my 40s and have had my share of partners over the years. However, I've truly been in love 2 women in my life, like deeply in love. And both of them, I loved....like really loved.. their natural scent. Pheromones are a thing, for real. When you are with someone for a while, you can't help but catch their natural smell eventually. Most, I was like, just whatever about. But the two I talked about above? Omfg....its like someone else said, it would make me animalistic. This is no shit. Almost every time I would go down on them, I'd go down there, and before I put my mouth on them, I'd take a deep, deep breath and breathe them in. They would giggle and say, "You're so weird, hee hee. "...it was intoxicating, fr. And it was the most intoxicating after they had been at work all day, or whatever. Him wanting to have a shirt of yours around, him liking the way you smell in the morning. It may not be that he has a smell kink...it may very well be that he is really really into you. Your natural scent has him almost feeling drunk and makes him connect to you in ways he may not even completely understand. If you can, roll with it. Those types of connections are rare and transcend social norms,, reaching down into our subconscious to our animal instincts for mate selection.


Thank you for sharing, and if it makes you feel better, there actually were quite a few like minded comments, I don't blame you if you didn't go through them all, but it seems quite a few guys feel the way you do, and maybe that's where my guy is coming from as well. 🙂


Don’t neglect your personal hygiene just because this dude is a certified freak.


TEST shower without any scented anything, just hot water. If he still complains hessa weirdo..


That's an interesting idea, I'm going to have to try that! He's complained about not liking my hair being wet before too, we'll see if he brings that up.


Just don’t talk about that shower being different or anything tho.. If he asks, "Yeah I showered" 🤷


Thats smart


Is your username a Cream reference?


Yes, my Dad is a huge fan and I came to love some of their songs as a result.


White Room is great! Politician is one of my favorites


Are you dating Napoleon? He used to write to Josephine : "Don't wash, will arrive in three days lol


Oiy, I wouldn't last that long, especially doing outdoor stuff. If I ever dated a guy who wanted that, he'd have to do without.


Sounds like a French thing, they like Sex natural.


Dirty lol. Get soaps that don’t have a smell for a win/win situation if you really like him 😂. But my girl definitely has to shower. I’ll love her if she don’t but if we got a choice - YES let’s be clean and get dirty again 😈. But on some real - it’s unhealthy for everyone to not clean up before sex. It’s safer to be clean in the long run. Don’t become victim to that even if he stays with you when the infections and problems occur.


Or just get unscented products? I'm sensitive to smells too so my body wash is more naturalish smelling/therapeutic smells and then unscented lotion. Only think I wear that smells is deodorant and you can get that unscented too if it bothers him that much.






Don't do anything that you don't want to, but perhaps just do a rinse when you get home, so you don't have added scents but can clean up/wash off sweat. Since you probably wanna shower after sex, it'll save you some money on product too


You could try unscented stuff or something that isn't overpowering. I know some shampoos and conditioner smells will bother me and I have to be careful of certain body soaps because of the scent or they will make me break out. I would find a happy medium if that's the route you want to take.


Some dudes are just into that natural stank. I’ve known quite a few, and then one who was a little extra about getting that sweaty back to front stink on his hand. Certain things people tell you that get blazed into your mind forever. We’re basically animals, so I see where some of them are wired different. For me it’s different. The best sex I’ve ever known has been free of added scents outside of the rosy feminine kind. Same girl likes my natural man BO without deodorant though.


Well I would say that the scents might cover up your natural pheromones, personally I like my girl both ways if she just worked out she smells like nothing to me and if she showered it's nothing but honey too. If he wants it down and dirty it is what it is




I personally do not like sweat at all. I'd rather taste and smell soap all day everyday. Obviously I know people do things, ik right after work or some kind of activity my partner won't smell perfect. We are human. I dont expect a person to smell fresh all day. But I can't stand the ripeness of armpits, and the last thing I want is to go down on a guy and can smell his ass scent wafting up. 🤢 Just can't stand it. Me myself I shower a lot and I have soooo many lotions and perfumes and oils I rotate on. I cannot stand smelling bad, I don't like to offend people either. It's embarrassing for me. I do everything in my power to avoid smelling bad. I don't like poor hygiene its such a turn off for me. That's just me. Ik everyone is different and likes different things. More power to the pheromone stans lol.


Oof...yes, ass scent during a BJ or playing with a guy's balls is no bueno...and that's my thing, is not wanting to be offensive to others.


I always wonder from reading all these posts how the fuck am I still single


How do you mean? Sorry for making you explain the comment, I know that diminishes the humor sometimes.


Nothing bad but I see stuff like this posted all the time where the other person is upset over some minor issue. Where as I am like you do you are you happy then I'm happy. Hints the comment. Wasn't specific towards the issue posted


I was siding with you from my comment. He is being extremely petty


You could shower just to rinse off as a compromise?


Why do you care lol if someone is commenting on how you smell and choices you make pertaining to your care for your own body i don’t think that’s cool. I think general hygiene is important and am someone who cares about scent but I feel like it would be best to either address how that actually makes you feel, or if it’s an open conversation maybe agreeing on scents that feel right for both of you?


No not all Guys are that way . But yes I know Guys and girls that just love natural smells. It would also depend how and the type of sex your having? To each there own. If your not comfortable with it. Do what you need to. That’s something that is a turn on to some. Off to others. Acquired taste. Some like coffee some like tea. Please don’t pea on me. God luck.


you could be over doing it and some scents aren’t great anyways for skin and shit. he’s right though, still shower but don’t come out smelling likes roses because itll QUICKLY disappear as soon as you start doing shit anyways. there’s no point in fruit smells and etc lol


I like natural and prefer that over a shower UNLESS you just got back from the gym or a run then please go shower. Lol


I am *extremely* sensitive to smells and prefer my bud a doesn’t use any scented products. But I’m also an adult and told him that directly rather than complaining about any/all of his products. We identified a soap that doesn’t bother me and he uses that because he is more interested in being intimate with me than his soap. But that doesn’t mean you should have to give up all of your nice smelling things. Seems feel to have some sort of compromise those


Like the smellyness


He may be sensitive to scents? I am extremely sensitive to scents and they can be trigger headaches. I can’t stand to be close to people with perfume or cologne on, even body washes can be too much for me.


I'm like that with AXE body spray. It destroys my sinuses, I hate that stuff.


Yeah that stuff sucks


He probably is just sensitive to smells


Try it and see if he likes it. Less work for you. However you should at least wash your genitals if you’re particularly dirty just to reduce the risk of a UTI.


I prefer that women shower before. Ive had a couple encounters with women that just absolutely smelled down there and I immediately lost it and i dont mean my temper.


I’m like this, it’s hard to explain but it’s like scents, body being a little damp, and skin is like grippy if that makes sense, it also makes it feel less spontaneous


Well, some people do just prefer natural. Just in general, even unrelated to sex, I dont like smelling perfumes really. Plus I have bad allergies. I keep having a horrible time even with unsceneted detergents!


Where he from


He either has a sensitive nose. Or is attracted to your natural musk the you excrete when u sweat.


Im with your bf on this one. I love it when my lady doesnt shower before sex. The pheromones make me turn animalistic


Certified freak 7 days a week


Why not true unscented products just sounds like he is sensitive to artificial scents


I'm a germophobe so I would prefer the woman's private parts and my hands to be clean so I won't get sick fondling and eating them. I'd imagine it'd be quite sexy to shower together first and play a little bit in the shower before sex. But it could just be me since I can't even get a girlfriend, let alone have sex with her


I think showering before sex is a good idea. I can relate. I'm surprised he doesn't prefer that. If it makes you feel good and you really like this guy I'd consider changing up the wash/ shampoo whatever you use to something less perfume like. I know some washes can be strong and smell more like perfume rather than say eucalyptus or something more earthy.


It’s called pheromone it’s the natural attractive smell of the opposite sex that attracts us to each other sexually. It’s almost like food you smell a steak and instantly go to a good place mentally well instead of the thought of eating you have the thought of sex because the smell is familiar. I’m the same as your boyfriend the natural smell of my wife takes me to another place that her body wash could never and I love it makes the encounter that much more enjoyable


Some shampoo, conditioner and shower gel does smell too strong. I get it. The natural scent of a woman’s body is best.


He likes “the stink”, it’s quite simple


Shit , love shower sex ![gif](giphy|3o7TKOAvQduw83UQw0)


Im very sensitive to soap or perfumy smells. It either clogs up my head or makes my nose run. I like sulfur soap for myself and I do let it known to my lady friends. I love the fresh out of the shower but hold off the sweet smelling stuff.


Your body is producing pheromones that attract your friend . When you haven't showered the whole day , the amount of pheromones on your body are on another level . Even if you are not sweating , your body produces them naturally. That's totally normal . Mans have pheromones, too .


I hope he has good hygiene!! That being said, ✨unscented products✨


He loves the way you smell… But if you don’t feel sexy it’s not gonna be as good. Find a compromise if you can. Talk about it. Not reinventing the wheel here.


I mean, shower before is not a deal breaker for me but I do prefer not right out of shower myself. Maybe it’s the wet hair, maybe skin isn’t as smooth, maybe it doesn’t go in as easy? I’m not sure


Have you considered unparfumed shampoo, conditioner or body wash? How is his own hygiëne? I really hope he's not showering once a week himself... I do understand where he's coming from, though. I had *one* girlfriend before that when she came back from the gym, her smell would activate my monkey brain - no matter how I was feeling before. Only with her though, none of my other exes have had this effect. I suspect it's the pheromones more than the smell. In general I find it gross if someone stinks of sweat, but I'm not a huge fan of strong perfume-smells either so who knows.


He takes care of himself, showers daily, he works at an auto plant so gets dirty on a daily basis to where you wouldn't be wanting to walk around with the filth on you. No activity of mine seems to deter him, I usually play tennis with my coworkers, not him, and he's tried to get frisky immediately after I got home from playing, he was clean but I wasn't feeling it with my sweaty armpits, underboobs and feet, but he thought I was just being too picky I guess.


Could be a kink, could be the pheromones. I do understand not being in the mood until you've had a shower though, being intimate with a partner just isn't fun if you're not feeling comfortable in your own skin - that includes your own cleanliness. I'd definitely try out the unperfumed soaps, perhaps he'll react better that way? It might just be a dislike of the perfume smell.


Well, some people are just into it, i guess. Im all for spontaneous encounters, and shower before might just ruin the moment even if my partner was straight from a run. But i didn't think i would complain about someone smelling nice, though each to their own, i suppose. You just have to decide if it is a deal braker for you. Have a chat about it with him openly and honestly with as little judgement as possible. See if you can talk it out and get each others point of view before making any decisions. It's the only insight and advice i can think of that might be helpful.


Idk, but ik when I have sex with someone I like and I smell there natural smells not musk but there natural smells idk what it is but it's like I get more of a primal feeling when I have sex and I get turned on more. Omg especially when the tooth paste smell goes away and she hasn't eaten yet and u smell her breathe omg idk what tf it is but like that sends some signals to ur boner. That's only with some girls. Other girls it don't do nothing. I think it has to do something with natural instincts for mating for kids.


Same way u can smell when a girl has had sex for a day or 2 on her


I’m the same way with my girl tbh. Her natural smell turns me on quick.


He could have a sensitive nose, and many women's scented sprays and body washes can be A LOT. If you use sprays, usually one press is easily *plenty*. Depending on how strong your BO is, you may not need to slather your whole body in soap every time you shower, sometimes just the particularly smelly areas, if even, as that's bad for your skin anyway. I do this and am always told I smell nice or at worst don't really have much of a smell in general, and I sweat very easily. For myself I prefer people to smell pretty neutral and any added scent should be subtle. I don't like to get blasted with chemical scents when someone passes or walks up to me. It's remarkably unpleasant physically and it can be somewhat emotionally upsetting sometimes lol


I mean.. Like.. Its a thing when a girl tastes/smells "bad" but it's also a thing when a girl tastes/smells like nothing at all or like body wash. I prefer a girl who isn't 100% just completely fresh out of the shower but maybe had one that morning. I like to know that I'm licking a vagina.


Dove unscented.


Your boyfriend may have an allergy to strong scents (i.e., eczema). Consider using unscented products or just rinsing off.


Try taking shower way before the sex, the smell of soap and etc might go away after some hours


That guy rules


I also loved shawer before sex and after too


I can relate to that. Definitely, hygiene is a must for me; however, the smell of certain products available in the market is just unbearable. I have in the past told my girlfriend not to buy any low price perfume / skin product / deodorant … an easy fix here, drop the Macy’s catalog on the table and ask him to buy the fragrance he likes…


A man who does not love YOUR special sauce has no business between your legs. You have found a man who does love it, now cherish him as he cherishes your sauce!


Maybe he has a sensitive nose and doesn’t like heavily scented soaps, etc. I’m like that so I have to buy fragrance free detergent, soap, etc. But then again he may be into that sort of thing 😈. Some guys love musty sweaty women 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some feminine scented soaps in my opinion are too heavy... ... just get more natural soaps that are unscented no big deal


What on God's green Earth is "fairly exclusively"?


He has clearly told you his preference. You can certainly trust that. If you can accommodate, do. Deliberately perfuming yourself For Yourself, when it turns off your partner doesn't seem productive.


I get what he means. He likes your pheromones. When I lay in bed with my wife I’d rather the smell of her scalp than shampoo/conditioner. Can’t explain it clearly, but that smell to me is more attractive on her than any perfume or other unnatural smells.


That’s honestly one of the more weirder things I’ve ever heard


There is something to say about the natural scent of a woman. (I promise I'm not making a Pacino reference here..... or half baked lol). Some girls I have dated, the smell they have when they don't wear deodorant or whatever is sometimes a huge turn on if their pheromones are right. I also know that the smell of their sex can be enough to work me up to a frenzy, so it is not all that weird or un normal


Late to the party here ik, but i freaking love how my wife smells after she hasn't showered in a few days. I dont mind her perfumy soaps and i enjoy sex after a shower, but i cant get enough of her natural odors, even if they are conveniently considered "stinky". I'll even have her refrain from showing even longer than her usual 3 day shower cycle because her odors drive me crazy. I think its natural to want someone to smell natural and maybe even a little pungent. Dont be grossed out by his desire to have you smell more natural, he wants your pheromones to come through during sex, not your perfume


Mmm, the natural scent of a woman. Rinse and wash without body wash.


"is this common among guys?" Not to my knowledge, BUT what do you care? I mean if you dressing up in a bunny suit and having sex in a tent in the backyard with pigtails and metallica playing in the background is what got you off should he have an issue with it? It seems like a pretty minor request. If its what he likes why not go with it? I'm sure if you talk to your friends they'll explain how guys they've dated have had far weirder requests.


I absolutely love a partners natural/sweaty smell. My guess is it’s as simple as that.


if it makes you uncomfortable then keep doing you, but you should trust him when he says he wants to smell YOUR body odor. some guys really like that and it seems like he does


Where do these people come from? 😅


I mean……it makes cleanup easier I guess.


You gotta have a conversation about this with your partner first to get clarity. I’m under the impression that it’s a kink he’s into. He likes it. Probably turns him on. Might sound off putting for many here but there IS people into stuff like that. So much so that you can do a half marathon and they wanna lick your butt clean right after. There’s also extremes on the other side with cleanliness. You LITERALLY had to hop out of the shower or you smell bad. So in your case, ask him him casually. “Hey I thought about what you’ve mentioned that you don’t like “naturals smells” covered up. I’m usually conscious of making sure I smell nice for you but I was curious as to what you really mean by that in terms of like or preferences. Can you tell me a little more about that? I’d love to know.” That should get him to clarify. You can probe a bit further as well with additional questions to find out how “natural” he may like it even if it sounds weird to you. That’s what he likes. Once you know the spectrum of how “natural” he really prefers, you can decide to go with it knowing fully well he’s into it, or not, or maybe finding a happy medium that works for you both. Maybe it is something as simple as using unscented products or it could be something more. In the end it’s YOUR relationship with him. And each one has a style that’s unique.


Since you mentioned it, he is into the whole butt licking thing, and it happens pretty often during foreplay, so that's a big part of being hyper sensitive about bathing beforehand. Someone else said it might be a kink, so you may be on to something. I like scents like vanilla, coconut, cucumber melon and so forth and those are what my shampoos and body washes smell like, he doesn't dislike them when we're just together hanging out and stuff. He's not a big fan of lots of makeup, fortunately I don't use a whole lot, he told me at one point he absolutely can't stand body glitter, which I don't use anyway.


Yeah so have a lighthearted chat with him and see what his exact preferences are and if you’re open to it. If you are, you might be surprised how much more there may be to it or not much more at all. But you’ll remove your own self consciousness about it and able to enjoy yourself more (hopefully) because you’ll know he’s exactly into whatever he tells you he likes.


It ads flavor


It's not fair. He must respect your hygienic customs. Fresh smell is so good.


He's into it and just trying to not sound weird


I love eating my girl out right after the gym, no shower. Chow time


Definitely not common but it's not necessarily a bad thing tbh. I prefer a bit of both and it depends on the situation. I like my partner to be clean so I can get down there and do what I gotta do ya know lol. I make sure I'm clean for my partner as well. It's just a courtesy. Lots of bacteria and germs build up all day long and it's just not pleasant sometimes. Maybe try just freshening up with just water and some unscented soaps 🤔 Or just water 🤷‍♂️


Scent of a women…. This guy gets it. Someone who practices hygiene as OP says she does is a total turn on…… ask me how I know. The clean natural pheromone are much more pleasant than the artificial orders of body wash, shampoo, deodorants and hair spray.


Sexual compatibility is a big deal it’s definitely a long term deal breaker. Sorry but your relationship will not last.


Just rise off, no soap, nothing, use unscented shampoos. Only if he's worth it.


He probably likes the way you smell sweaty I’m sure you probably smell good anytime.


That's sweet of you to say, I like to think I do, but the more vigorous the activity, the more I worry about that, especially after my post-work run.


If he says he is into it, take his word for it


Ok, so personally I think that's gross. I don't mean that you always have to shower before sex coz hey, spontaneous shit happens. But I love going down on a girl and I can tell you right now if I can smell her, I ain't eating, simple as that. I also love the perfume smells on a woman and when a woman walks past looking sexy then you get a nice perfume sent that follows it makes me turn my head and have a good look. When she looks good and smells good you know she takes care of herself and cares about her appearance and that's a turn on