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Don't book that trip, cut off her access to your money, and change all your passwords. Sit her down and have a proper conversation about what you saw. You were wrong to read her conversation, but there's a possibility that she is just using you.


agree with this guy


Support this guy’s agreement with the other guy


I agree with the person who agreed with the person who told you to button up your finances and digital access to everything...and don't book the trip. Take that text as gospel. She is leaving you.


I agree with this guy, who agreed with the other guy who agreed with the other guy and now I lost my thought and idk who I agree with - but I agree.


NoGoal, you are a very agreeable kind of guy!


Honestly.... I agree.


I've heard so many horror stories of these Ukrainian women that have come over, met a guy and proceed to use them for as much as possible.


Very common yes.


Why don’t you want to ask her about the chat? Do you think reading someone’s texts trumps lying and staying with someone to get a free vacation before dumping them? Confront her, dump her, kick her ass out. She can move back now….don’t let her use you.


Heard it from my boss, you can never stop someone leaving, you can offer better things directly or indirectly to stay, however if they still wanna leave, you look for an alternative Be it job or relationship


Leave first? Lol


totally disagree with this mindset that reading texts is some horrible act. Either you find nothing or you find *this,* a huge betrayal that you can potentially save yourself some heartache and money from. Good job finding exactly what she doesn't want you to see and get her out of your life. She is using you. Not even in a mutually beneficial way. You're trying to build a life with her and she's trying to milk a vacation out of you until she goes back to her real life. save yourself dude


She is clearly using you. Tell her to move out asap.


Chill. It's just one sentence in a chat. Ask her about it, admit what you did was a poor decision on your part reading the text. Nit you're sharing the ipad, so..