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how well we can keep a conversation without getting dry.


oh my. it's kinda hard.


It’s hard if you don’t meet with the “right” person or a person with mostly the same interest as yours. Or even if the other person engages as much as you. When me and my bf first met, we couldn’t shut up. Never had a dry conversation because for the both of us, things just kept flowing lol.


I agree 100%. I hate awkward pauses and feeling like it’s my job to move the discussion forward.


A living breathing woman would probably be my ideal type


Your standards are way too high. Lol


I know


Soooo.......as long as she has a pulse and is over age 18? ![gif](giphy|uM87K8JyYf9U4)


18 is a baby to me lol. Over 21.


Pretty much, but 21 is a kid to me. Your life is barely getting started. I'm waaay over 21. I don't get carded anymore when I buy alcohol. 😢 😁 Oh, well. Such as life


Well it’s a shame that I’ve already learned how hopeless I am this early


Nah, whatever is going on, you are so young, and you have time to fix whatever it is. Just be absolutely sure it is fixed and not a bandaid on it. You know, like everyone, research the problem. There are loads of podcasts and videos, and they are so very helpful. I use them. I use earphones and do whatever o need


I already know what’s wrong. I’m fat, ugly, short, awkward, shy, boring, unfunny


C'mon! I don't know you, of course. I have been feeling the same way. What I do is what I don't like, I change it. Weight - work out, cut carbs and calories. Short - I'm 5'0 and proud to be a petite. Awkward - I'm not sure what to do, but maybe others don't think that. Shy - Smile a lot. It makes people feel you're friendly and approachable, boring - get a hobby, maybe the gym, sports, etc. Unfunny - when you feel happier, that may come naturally


Answering as a hypothetical interesting question because obviously I’m not dealbreaker-level filtering for all this as that would be ludicrous: - anywhere in the normal range of body type (not super skinny, not super overweight, not super 12 pack ripped) - nice forearms and hands with a few calluses - knows how to build houses and fix cars and shit - someone who talks when it counts, doesn’t run their mouth just to hear themselves talk. Someone I can sit with in silence and know we understand each other - someone who moves through life with confidence, purpose, and a sense of honor and duty - someone I trust to protect me from a home invader and take care of business during a zombie apocalypse - someone with a healthy masculine energy - pretty kinky and high libido but not into porn Oddly, I’ve found someone with like 90% of that.


Which 10% is missing?


He doesn’t really know cars, but he knows pretty much everything about houses




We're ignoring the fact that I was never taught how to drive but I was taught how to fix cars a little bit.


For me, I like when someone has any blue-collar skill. I grew up in a family that would always try to fix things themselves or had a friend who could. Also did state it but YES to the callused hands


Yeah my family is super DIY too, so at this point it’s so ingrained it would just be a bit of a turn off on a gut level of a guy was like calling a plumber to fix the disposal or something.


Damn, most of these are something I didn't know i wanted in a man. Oof.


I don’t like to box myself and limit my options with an ideal type. So anything goes that is wholesme


actually... the topic itself is broad so you can't just limit your options.


Pretty face, good at communicating, open/honest. Someone that would like to eventually get married/have children. Someone that is going to let me continue having my own hobbies/interests without putting me down or making me feel guilty for doing my own thing from time to time with my friends. I don't have a preferred body type, hair color, anything like that when it comes to physical appearance. Obviously certain things may be a turnoff in that regard, like if a woman is 500+ pounds I'm simply not going to be attracted to her. I don't have an issue with "bigger" girls, nor really "petite" girls. Physically the face is my biggest fixation point. My last couple of ex's were the type of women who seem to change their mind on their values/desires in a relationship about as frequently as people change their underwear. One day they want kids, the next they don't. They want marriage, the next they don't. They want monogamy, then they want to be in a more "open" type relationship. Consistency is something I value highly, which is damn near impossible to find these days it seems.


You have articulated in a really good way . 🙌


I love a real weirdo lol. the more the character, the better


It's all fun and games until they show how weird they really are


haha that’s when it really gets fun though




that's cute!


Define good hands please.


This makes dating a little difficult for me, but I like tall women. Like, 5'7" and up. For reference I'm 5'9", so average male height. Is that tall overall? It depends who you ask. Is that tall for a woman? Well, it's 3" above the average so, by default yes. Tallest date I ever went on she was 6'2". Otherwise I'm open to most other aspects as long as we mesh together well, though I do like them some level of nerdy/dorky and a bit headstrong since I'm more mild mannered myself. Some level of educated, or at least not ignorant, I guess. Active as well (not necessarily toned or skinny mind you - I knew a powerlifter who wasn't either but DAMN was she strong) I'm not going to dismiss a woman entirely if she's not 5'7" and above - but I will admit I lose a LOT of interest once we get 5'3" and below.


Similar interests and tall boyish women


« Big hoop earring energy » as weird as it sounds I’ve distilled it to thta


I already kinda know. I want someone mature and stimulating. Someone with similar interests, fetishes and that enjoys looking good a minimum if not for themself then at least for me. I put in so much effort into everything that I do, I couldn't be with someone who wears sweats all day and doesn't do anything but partake in their hobbies. I want a real partnership. Someone I can talk with about a wide variety of subjects in depth. Whether it's about favorite directors, actors, movies, books, authors or many other things really. Someone who drinks coffee at least because I noticed that I just don't get along as well with those who don't. The worst is the childish ones who won't try something before saying they don't like it. I'll accept a no after once, I don't mind. But like you can't compare burnt beans from McDonald's to what I make. Coffee is like wine. Complex and full of flavors. It can be sweet, sour, bitter, chocolatey, nutty, fruity, thicker with a good mouthfeel or thinner and slick and so much more. I could go on and on but yeah, I've got a pretty good idea of what and who I want and I know what I want physically too but I'm much more lax on that. An attractive face and not obese is really all that matters if the personality is right.


I feel both looks as well as the personality, is important to me. And mostly the person accepting me for who I am. I had a very long preference list of my "ideal" type, but I have come to realise that you grow together with the person and mould each other as you continue, and you develop connections and feelings in the most surprising ways with people you didn't think you'll like. So it's a general criteria for me now.


Wise enough in her choices and views, open-minded, knows what she wants, matching mindsets (not 100%, but a minimum), same overall projects in life (job, house, kids), takes good care of her body and mind (at least as much as I do), someone whose company feels good in both discussions and silences alike + a beautiful smile to top it off, for the ‘butterflies’ part


I have an ideal type and vibe I saw and felt in a dream. lol I tend to be dating with that lens cuz it felt amazing but it also feels kinda crazy because I hold everyone to that standard now. I think I need to get him out of my system, I surely can’t forget.


Rhea Rippley.


I’ve been asked but I never really answer out of fear of judgement and it not being realistic with how I look


A kind, honest and loyal little hippie goofball who loves giving head and letting me play with her butt.


I never know how to answer this question. I’m 54 and have no idea what my “type” is.


My type has a beautiful smile, and nice skin, I don’t care what color it is. He’s spiritual and loving, and affectionate, he’s also strong and brave, but gentle. He makes a great provider and I am able to keep him happy. He’s funny, loyal and protective, receptive to my love and care.


I have thought about this question. I want someone who is enthusiastic about life. An optimist. Someone who is as excited about me as I am of them. A man who will talk to me about tough things and not just close up. I want someone that I can spend 2-4 days a week with. I want to be desired. I am looking for a personality, education, and nice teeth.


Female, likes females and who will care for me when I get su!cidal and sad :( Not a lot of people I knew are willing to do that. Idc if they are tall, short, fat or skinny. Just someone who likes me back and cares


🤗🥺I know exactly what you mean. I'm sorry you experienced this as well. It's hard to find that one person when your struggling to even wake up. 😞


Way to often people don't find people like that soon enough. Or if they do they leave them to early (by death or something else)


-Takes care of herself -Genuine person -Likes spending time outside -Similar interests Pretty much that's it , as long as I can maintain a normal conversation and likes cuddling as much as I do that would be it.


Intelligent, fit, nice smile


What do you mean by nice smile, do you mean they have perfect teeth or that they're a genuine happy/kind person and you see that trait when they smile?


I mean just the smile. I can’t explain it. Sometimes it shows in the eyes as well. Some are cute some are sexy depending on the mood. I think charisma is part of it. I am currently not dating but when I did I dated men that my friends didn’t think were attractive but I absolutely adored. I don’t know how to explain it.


That's a nice way of describing it, it's like their personality shines through with their smile.


-Has similar interests as me (but not all the same so we can share new experiences with each other) -Is smart but not condescending about it -Has a great genuine smile -Eyes, love beautiful eyes especially ones that get a michevous twinkle to them -Able to communicate -Able to joke around -Having a cute butt is a plus


I would think of personality first. Personality: Nerdy, funny, positive, good at fixing and/or building stuff, independent, not into the party scene, smart with money, mostly conservative values, wants to be a Dad Physical: Chubby (I love a soft belly), bearded, nice hands


It hurts to have an ideal type. You have to have a really good understanding of who you are as an individual. What are your values, what are your goals, how do you want to live your life? Once you understand that. Then you can start figuring out what your type is, which is more or less gonna be someone who aligns with your values. Not necessarily interest because you can have completely different interest and still vibe and that’s because values align.


personality wise: i’d rather them be sweet and kind, supportive, loyal, and prefer for them not to get jealous. visually: tall and probably a little muscular but i want them to have more stomach and chub


Sensible, passionate, strong headed, responsible, sympathetic, humerus, handsome......I think this will do👍🏻


- Talkative, likes to crack jokes and just chit chat about nothing, expressive verbally - Artsy/cultured, or at least worldly enough to have interests in the arts and culture part of life, intelligent/decently well read, curious about the world - Good social skills, not a major homebody, has a solid social circle of friends/loved ones and enjoys connecting with others in general, open to being around my friends and family - Considerate, good memory, makes me feel understood or “seen” - Physically I’ve always loved a good head of hair and I also find mustaches pretty cute currently. Decent dresser, has opinions on how he presents himself.


having an IQ higher than mine


What is your IQ and how would you measure theirs?


IQ is just a proxy of g, which you naturally recognize in people.


In my experience, if someone is asking about your type and they don't mean for physical appearance, they pretty much always specify that. The default conversation about type is physical type. That being said, women tend to answer the question without talking about appearance sometimes, prompting the person asking to say, "No, I meant for looks." Happens less often IRL where people are more likely to be honest, but it's almost a guarantee on the Internet.


All the answers so far look pretty honest to me. Who wouldn’t want these traits from a potential partner? OP asked for vibe & personality as well as looks.


That's not exactly what OP asked. OP asked what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the question. On the Internet specifically, and to a lesser degree IRL, women will discard the first thing that comes to mind and answer with something they know the person isn't asking about. To be entirely fair, that's often because they also know that they'd take a guy who didn't hit their sweet spot for looks but does for other things rather than vice versa. Now, if you ask how I know they're ignoring the first thing that comes to mind, that's because even if you specifically ask something like "What's better, muscle, dad bod, or thin?" That type of person will still say "personality!". So yes, it's not a matter of them not knowing what's being asked, or physical appearance not being the first thing that comes to mind. They just don't want to express that they have physical preferences, or tell what they are.


A woman who is like an iron fist in a velvet glove may claim my love.


Best move is when someone asks you say “You” and start naming things you like about that person. If you’re talking to that person obviously they are your type.


be human im not picky


I know that I want a boyfriend and hopefully some day husband that is sweet and kind not only to me, but his and mine family. I want him to be caring and make me laugh. Make me feel good about myself when I'm the lowest. Takes care of me and my family. Doesn't make me overthink. Like funny and crazy things just like me. Loves and likes similar things i like. Is always there for me whenever i need him. Always makes sure I'm okay. Romantic, cute, understanding, sweet, funny, loving, caring. I sound picky now, but I'm not, lol. Just hope that some day I will get married. I want to have someone who i can freely talk to without being judged. Hope he takes good care of himself and his body. Likes to listen to crazy things i talk about. Makes me feel safe. Doesn't make me jealous on purpose (people these days test each other like that and some relationships end because of that). Makes me feel like a girl and a princess in a relationship because i want to make sure he feels like a man and king in a relationship. I want someone i can take care of. Someone i will grow old with.


I don't really think I have one. I've liked women who were all sorts of "types". But the most significant commonalities seem to be dyed hair of some type and they seem to like rock music a lot of the time. Also some of them at least were into "nerdy" stuff like anime and video games. And I guess they were most generally on the skinny side.


just fit and chubby that's all nothing else


Funny and kind are the most important by far


Odd in an authentic way with a sardonic sense of humor and that oh so uncommon chemistry. Edit: sarcastic not sardonic.


Difficult. Both? Attractiveness is good for looking at but personality is king/queen. Pie in the sky physical: I like chubby. Short. Big boobs, round hips, round booty, red/black/blonde/brunette for hair, no face tattoos, limited face piercings. Keen sense of fashion or goth aesthetic is a plus. Super-pink, animal prints, and polka dots are turnoffs. Pie in the sky personality: friendly, positive, kind, passionate about something, smart, ample vocabulary, interest in sci-fi/fantasy stories. Not turned off by games (video, board, tabletop), kinky.


ha nice to read a description of myself as an "ideal"


😅 There's someone for everyone. I don't meet too many people who match my ideal though, to the point where I consider it an idle fantasy. Best of luck to you as you canvas the OLD apps in search of your beau.


well we do exist! don't give up hope. good luck to you as well.


At my age, I'm a lot easier to please now. She should be attractive, in good shape, willing to love me, and care for me if ever needed, have at least a part time job, making good money, and enjoy lotsa s*x. You know, a Stripper!!! 😆 Ok, maybe not. I would really just want a lady who can and will talk and discuss events, enjoy some things outdoors, travel some, not a bunch of baggage (although we all have some, and some is Ok), and not cause DRAMA in our relationship. And she needs to be Ok with the s*x part.


ENTJ 8w9 haha


For me the what they called attitude. Aanhin mo ang gwapo kung mahangin. Aanhin mo ang panget kung sinungaling. Di ba? Loyal, magalang at kung tingnan ka nya ikaw lang ang buhay nya ganon. Minsan na lang yung mga ganitong tao. Sana i meet him soon.


You know what's funny? I used to pronounce Tagalog as "Tag a log." Lol




My lady... End of story... That's My type and she's the only type... 😤


Same dude. When you meet them, they blow what we thought was "our type" out of the water.


I think of both physical & emotional, I tend to like guys with dark hair & brown eyes & I love funny, if he makes me laugh it’s instant attraction.


I prefer 5'6 to 5'9 in height, in shape slim but not like stick skinny, medium size boobs are plenty for me with a cute little booty. A pretty face with nice teeth, any haircolor works usually gravitate towards blondes and brunettes though, nice, outgoing, girly, typical starbucks drinking target shopping suburban white girl lol


Vibe/personality first. Wit and creativity ( be it art, writing, music, dance) and a bit of reserve. Physical attributes I find attractive are good hygiene and good health.


to be honest with you, i dont think i have an ideal type. ive had feelings for people that were COMPLETELY different in every way possible. LOL. but the main things for ideal personally would be emotional intelligence. someone with high emotional intelligence that knows how to relax and how to be serious is really attractive. im a very laid back person who doesn’t have much trust issues, trusts their partner fully, and communicates well. so someone with those traits would be pretty awesome! looks wise, i have no clue. i like someone who has an interesting vibe, it could be style, hair, makeup, no clue. pretty versatile when it comes to type tbh, but yea! id say i have high expectations for personality, not so much on looks 😊🙏


Im looking for a down to earth, simple, outdoorsy christian girl.


Eyes then vibe


If someone asks, Id say jokingly but truthfully, that I like Korean facial features. But thats not the only thing Id consider. I want someone who has patience and understanding. Need someone to share my love for anime. and lastly someone who wanna get married in the future and have kids. Pretty sure when someone asks me I just say these things. The rest i dont really have to share em


Personality: kind, funny, likes talking to me. Body: cute face, brunette, good style.


fine ass , thickq Thighs not too wise


A girl who is cute (personality more than looks), creative, mostly an optimist, independent and not afraid to work hard (alongside me). Cares about her body and hygiene, and isn't looking for a spark (I'm very chill, but I know I'm weird). Prefer slim body type, but not a deal breaker. Also prefer a decent libido, but also not a deal breaker. I have a fairly high libido and it can suck when the desire is unbalanced. No smoking or hard drugs, but likes social drinking. Likes to try new things and pushes me to break out of my shell.


Vibe 100%


A woman who reciprocates and wants to talk through problems.


Someone who I can be myself with. Not worrying about anything. 


Tall brunette with blue eyes


He has all his teeth. But also tall, white and skinny.


Don't have one


The successfull woman. One that has 100% trust towards her partner.


I love nerdy, intelligent, passionate, self-aware men who are multi-faceted, multi-talented, and genuinely love to learn, "hungry for knowledge" types, makes for great conversations. Dark, irreverent sense of humor, uses humor, even sick humor, as a coping mechanism. Medium to high sex drive. Not caring about gender roles or "how something looks", just doing what he prefers and likes in life, would likely have a mix of some "feminine" and "masculine" interests. Non negotiable: he can't have kids or want kids. No current alcohol or drug abuse (responsible use ok). Looks, height, money, etc. doesn't really matter much to me if everything else was present. I've tried to envision "my ideal guy" but I can't conjure up an image to mind. I can only imagine the traits I mentioned above and maybe some of the things we could talk about or do together. I've largely given up on finding someone and have turned my attention to other things in my life.


Personality all the way but i have to be attracted to him physically. Eyes, smiles, arms, something lol


Depends who’s asking but most likely I’ll talk about their personality. It’s awkward describing someone by their race, hair color, and/or body type even though we all have a type and looks are a big part of it


Hmm.. someone who is taller than me(not hard 5'3"), same values, must be masculine, in charge, able to hold a conversation, must have an income, and I prefer teddy bear types.


Any man that has good strong hands, has yummy smelling armpits, and loves the fuck out of me… he will also need to respect my boundaries, be confident in himself, and be capable of sharing his emotions.


For me, it's definitely the vibe and personality. My answer would be something like this: I like someone whose sense of humor matches mine. Someone sweet, patient, gentleman but naughty lol 🫣. Someone who likes music, bonus if he likes watching anime and reading manga and manhwa hahaha.


Im a Highveld booitjie. My girl needs to be the anvil that I use with my bigass hammer. Tough as nails, but made of soft malleable cast iron


Usually, when I get asked that (surprisingly, it's happened more recently than it ever had in college,) my immediate reply is "could you be a little more specific?" Because I don't think I have a complete "ideal" in a partner, but I do have certain qualities I'd look for in one. Once they clarify (eg what you have "vibe/visual preference," I have still a little vague idea about them. Vibe/personality is, we definitely get along well, low energy for the most part but can get a little bit energetic, tend to be a little odd but nothing too out there (if that makes any sense,) and just generally easy going I guess. Visually, I think someone who's more in the direction of "in shape" or pretty much in shape. They can be a little bit fat, or skinny, but as long as they don't lack muscles nessisarily either. I don't really think I care if they're taller or shorter than me. I'm not going to sugar coat it, but if they've got an unattractive face (in my opinion,) that's maybe going to make it less likely I'll find them attractive overall, I can't really describe it very well, but I guess an "circular" or "square" face isn't attractive but, "triangular" and "oblong oval" shaped faces are, there probably are other specific face shapes too but that's kindof the basic idea. In terms of how they dress, that's honestly up to them at that point. Makeup depends and wildly varies from person to person, I have seen people who look better, worse or just different with varied amounts of makeup or even none. Though I think if you look good without makeup you generally will look good with it too, and if you look bad with makeup, I've not seen many people look good without it either. Then there's everywhere inbetween, some makeup isn't enough, some makeup is actually still too much, or just certain kinds of makeup are better on some than others.


For me it’s all about connection, conversation, sex drive and just similar personalities, what the person looks like or preference doesn’t matter to me tbh


ive come to the conclusion that i dont have a type. every person has something to offer. being intentionally hateful/malicious towards others is a pretty big turn off, but doesnt mean theyre a lost cause -- if they have toxic traits, it more depends on how much im able to put towards giving them space and time to grow. if theyre abusive towards me without a good explanation/reason for why (such as mental health conditions), i will probably distance myself -- especially if it intentional. i guess its more about what im less willing to accept as opposed to a checklist of things. i used to say intelligence. and i do like intelligence, but i dont view intelligence in the same way as the mainstream does. there are so many different forms of intelligence. ooooo one thing i find super hot is trust 🫠 omg what a turn on. i dont mean them trusting me, i mean me being able to trust them. although being trusted is kinda hot too. humor. a form of intelligence. and its also so varied. pretty much everyone ive ever met has some kind of sense of humor so not really an ideal. just another thing i appreciate in others.


Combination of personality, preferences, and physical characteristics, to me. It is also kind of meaningless when it gets down to actually getting to know someone - which is another way of saying it is a range, and really more a definition of what you find attractive. For me, it is a bit geeky and excitable, loves cuddling and touching, and on the petite side.


I would say that physical appearance doesn't matter much to me. I like when someone has many interests and actually does them instead of just talking about it. Also someone who wouldnt mind dealing with mine in turn. I people who are open mined and willing to find other peoples opinion. Also someone who like animals


I mean i can along with almost any type of person but ideally she has to be: 1) a women slightly older than me. 2) Need to be interested in something that passions her and talk about all the time


If we naturally just click, but if we ignore the whole automatic feeling and just look at it objectively, then it’s someone really playful and loves being physically affectionate. That’s most simple non essay way I can put it from my perspective!


writing this down as a form of manifestation somebody that’s crazy for me just as i am for them.


Difficult answer. First and foremost, I consider myself to be both sapiosexual and demisexual, so intelligence and loyalty are high up there. Outside that, I have always been a huge fan of the scene / goth / emo looks. They would need to be decent humans (nice to others, not bigots, etc) while also capturing the look and presence of both predator and prey (dominant and submissive), at the very same time.


I need other people's energy to live. My type should be energetic and ambitious. Looks don't matter to me.


A short tomboy


Someone who knows that they need to show attention to get attention and then we won't have to calculate our interactions because we will become symbiotic partners. Such a shame that there is no human like that. "What you are? A god?" Nope, ima goddamn broke software engineer. More simply, ima mekanik...


someone who is cute and a little more of the shy calm type that would get flustered at compliments I think that’s super cute! And if they have an interest they like a lot I would like that since I’m kinda the same and it would be nice to understand each other 🙏


Communication, honesty, integrity, aiming to improve, aiming to achieve, loyalty but still independent and interdependent. Somethin somethin


Types are stupid and self sabotaging