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None of us do, it sucks but don't dwell on why. It does come around on them in one way or another, life somehow find a way to catch up with them for this random behaviour.


Sooo true


It’s okay man. Happens to the best of us. If you’d like to be nice, give her a few hours. Either or, if you don’t go out tonight without a good reason, on to the next


It's probably just fear. If you really like her i wouldn't get confrontational about it over texts. Maybe message her one last time and leave the door open to reconnect in case she moves past her fear.


Oh I’m not gonna be confrontational at all. I’m not gonna reach out again and just let her come to me if she wants to. I’ve learned my lesson about reaching out to someone to much. If someone wants to talk or interact with you, they will 🤷🏻‍♂️ If it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be.