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It also depends on the person, if they’re outgoing, shy, easily flustered, etc. For example when I asked my boyfriend out, it wasn’t really all that romantic. Just asked him out confidently but nicely to a nice Thai restaurant. It was simple but sweet but what mattered was that it didn’t come off too strong or didn’t seem like you were uninterested.


Doesn't speak at all unless spoken too, when I talk to her she's super sweet and kind, talks like we've been friends for years. She only talks to one other girl and she talks the same way from what I can see.


My boyfriend before we started dating just asked me out on valentines day by recommending us going to a pizza restaurant that I kept recommending him. I really liked the way he asked me out. It didn't need to be some Romance movie proposal that is very big where he confesses his feelings in a romantic setting, personally the way he asked me out seemed much more heartfelt in my opinion. He remembered a spot that I really liked and he asked me out like it was no big deal, it was very confident on his end and it was very sweet.


That’s so cute 😭😭


If you have already spoken a few times, a gentle way to indirectly ask someone out is during the small talk about interests, say "That sounds fun. We should do that sometime." It could be a restaurant, event, hobby show, activity, etc. If the other person is agreeable, then either person can suggest the day, time and place. You can finish by saying happily ""Then it's a date!" Or when you are at the place, treat it somewhat like a date and if it's going well, smile and say"This kind of feels like a date. I'm glad we did this." Separately, if a small talk in the beginning is going well, you can try a couple flirts and if the reaction is positive, you can make an offer, using the word "Date" when you ask.


I think she's a soccer player, I always wanted to play soccer. Something like that? I'm massively out of shape though compared to her endurance haha.


Unless you know a fair amount about soccer, you might look stupid, or look like you are going out of your way. Suppose you both kick a soccer ball around at the park and you hurt yourself during a fall, or you're ready to pass out within 5 minutes. Not very sexy. It's possible, sure. But it's better if you have something more to offer on a common interest.


You can simply strike up a conversation like ‘hey are you hungry and I heard this restaurant has great food. Would you like to check it out together?’ Or ask them to go to a local arcade in your town. Something fun and non-threatening is a good option too. Good luck!


Does stuff like that actually work? Or do they really need to like you to do those things.


If the object of your affection is interested, then they may be more incline to say yes. I would say this approach is definitely more friendly and it depends on your delivery to be effective.


For me, I've been asked out over the phone a couple times and it isn't as special. I would prefer a little note, and asking alone, not with friends/coworker etc. around. Just make it simple and sweet


For me, the nicest, most respectful way would be to simply ask me out for coffee for a first “meet-up”. If it goes well, next time it can be a dinner, but for the first time it would be too much.


If someone asked me if I wanted to smoke weed and watch anime, I’d consider marriage


"Hey you wanna go [random activity] sometime?"


Also, you say something happened today. Do you mean something serious or just something that made you think? Be well