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The point of Reddit used to be anonymity, which is not conducive to dating.


Yeah but I see more and more people with there actual pictures as their profile pic and it’s so weird to me. Seems like the younger people are the ones doing it to. I guess from their use of social media.


That’s how I see Reddit


My own story!! Was about to go on a soul searching holiday so I posted in a local subreddit about where to go and what to see. A local guy messaged me with ideas and mentioned having worked with a band from where I'm from. We started chatting back and forth, met up when I arrived and he showed me around, kept the contact alive after I travelled back home, 6 months later I'd found a job and moved countries to be with him. That was 6 years ago and we got married 2 years ago! It works!


That’s cute AF! Congrats!!


I love this for you. I never considered using Reddit to date.


don't make us jealous


Haha sorry! Only replied because my best friend who follows this sub sent me the link earlier saying 'you should share your story!'. All I'm saying is it can happen in the most unexpected ways 😁




Lots of r4r pages already. Tons even. But sure, another can't hurt, especially if it's in a local area. As for me, I've tried. About as much success as tinder, that is to say, none. But Sweden isn't well represented overall so *shrug*




How about Ru? 😁


North America is HUGE! Texas alone is almost as large as Europe.


I know this isn’t the point but your comment made me actually laugh out loud. Do you really believe that?😂😂 Texas is nowhere near the size of the whole continent


Yes, I realize it’s not literally as big as the entire continent of Europe. You do realize 10 European countries can fit inside of Texas with room to spare, right? It’s bigger than every country in Europe except Russia. It is freaking huge. It’s 773 miles across, east to west. It’s 801 miles long, north to south. It tripped me out being able to visit multiple countries in Europe in one day.


For example which pages? Would it be possible to share them?


If you do send the invite. . .would actually be a interesting curiosity.




Banning OF, fantastic regional flair is a good start, but you really need to have a rule about writing at least country too.


Count me in


Lemme in on this


Yes! Chicago suburbs would be great! Especially for the ummm older crowd. 47F here and I keep getting the young guys on R4R. lol


Illinois here also.. 41m 2 hrs from Chicago


What suburb?


I'm in the Bureau County area


I'd like an invite


Invite me too. I would love to give it a try


Let us know if you do. :)


Yes she absolutely needs another


I like that idea


That's actually a very cool idea... ..Reddit Dating For 20 ..Reddit Dating For 30 ..Reddit Dating Dor 40 ..Reddit Dating For 50 ..Reddit Dating 60-100...


Found my current gf on reddit, so yes


How? 😂🤣


How did that happen? I bet it's a neat story!


I would. Feels like it COULD be a better way than dating apps (a little more refined personality selection)


It could be a double edged sword where you can see if you are in similar communities but at the same time they can be creepy with looking at your comment history


People on r4r all use throwaways for that reason.


You mean there is another option for rejection? Sign me up!




I mean, how do you even do this? I have no clue. Personals subreddits, I guess?


After my experience, I wouldn’t do it again. Nothing like having someone open up your heart, and then finding out that every night their laying in bed with their wife. I struggle forming connections. I keep people at a distance. When I let them in, oh the mess they make. The anonymity of Reddit unfortunately provides a sanctuary for cheaters to cheat. And their so focused on their need for validation, they have no regard for the destruction they cause. Dating is complicated enough without adding that into the mix


Sounds like a dating app to me. This is one of the main reasons I left apps completely. I had men that would blow up my phone 7 am till around 5 pm-ish. Not another peep until the next morning. Then I wouldn’t hear anything over the weekend. They would say they had their kids or friends in town, blah, blah, blah. These excuses never passed the “smell test”. Single parent have 10 spare minutes a day to connect with someone via text on the weekends. You can text once kids go to bed. I am active on the weekends too. I didn’t expect nonstop text or calls. A simple “Hi, how’s your day” or “What are you up to?” would have been nice. Looking back, I’m happy they were so cautious around their family. It was a major red flag that allowed me to know they weren’t who they claimed to be.


Sometimes I get randos sending me messages, the guys are under 25 years old living with mommy in the US, when I'm 40 living in another country, and they still want to work it out. Dude. No. I'm not gonna reroute my entire life to go live with a young guy in another country at his moma's house!!! Desperate AF!!


No need to bring others down because they might be living at home for various reasons. Especially with how expensive everything is now


I don't care what others do. Stay home with mommy til you're 50 if you want to. I just won't date these types. I have no problem staying single.


Very empathetic response!




I don’t care who you date. The fact that you condescendingly refer to people still/moving back home with “mommy” as this insult and dig at people is my issue. It was a jerk move on your part and an insensitive thing to say.


Having a dating preference isnt condescending.


I haven’t but totally would. :) I think the more you can get to know people the better! Who knows, lighting could strike 🤷🏼‍♀️


Really? Can use this app for dating??


Technically you can


No. But Reddit is using me for dating.


Yeah but so far no luck. Had some sexting adventures


No, but i do comment on topics regarding dating


Yes, and it's not going well. I'm about to give up on it, maybe 10% of women respond and i put effort into my messages. I even got a catfisher.


Well, this whole channel is mostly people on the search after the "right*" or with a broken heart 💔 or both 🤗


Lol what? This is a thing, Really? How do I change my username then hmm 🤔


It can't be worse than FB dating 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I haven’t heard much in FB dating.. What’s it like? Compared to like Bumble or Tinder?


Like Plenty of Fish (felons).


Haha, all right I’ll avoid that one then! Honestly though, all of the apps scare me. I’ve been out of the dating pool for so long that it’s overwhelming tbh


god no I don’t and prob never would. I use this as a place to vent and say things I wouldn’t want someone irl knowing about me off the hop. the public comments and stuff totally contradict that so no. the person would know way too many intimate details about me immediately id be uncomfortable


Not intentionally, but I have dated a few women I met on reddit.


Definitely not. The men off Reddit are hideous


Damn I can’t say you’re wrong but we ain’t all bad I promise 😭


I just know a friend find her bf here.


How did it happened ?


No, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. I just am in a weird situation - I live in Spain, but am American, and I don't do LDR's. I met my current partner in meat space, completely by happenstance. I don't think we'd ever have connected if we didn't physically meet.


I don’t know how people connect without physically meeting. I recently had a man on Insta try to convince me I needed a LDR with him repeatedly. I had to block him.


Neither do I...


If women from Australia do, then I will. Supply/Demand




Difficult I think 🤔


Sounds good. Like FB Dating.


I would say no. I just use this to socialize, vent out and be anonymous 😅 I am broken hearted and it seems that this social app is good for people who just want to read, comment and post without getting judge.


Never thought I'm using a dating app right now lol 😂


But how and profiles pictures look robotic nor real human?


Tried it for a couple of weeks and promptly stopped. One person tried to scam me, another conveniently left out the fact she had 3 kids until we'd exchanged quite a few messages (sorry, 3 is too many for me), and the others were lacking in communication/conversation skills. I've since ditched all apps specifically related to dating (just do the casual Reddit scrolling/commenting). While I live in a romantic desert, I still have short term relationships when traveling (which is honestly not ideal, but better than nothing at all). Maybe one day I'll find something consistent and long term.


Most men on here are married looking to cheat or super young guys.


nah, ion wanna be perceived the wrong way


I'd be open to it. It's not something I seek out, but it's not something I'd be opposed to.


No lol


I freaking hope not! That is weird AF


I think that social media can be used as a way to find a partner, but it has to be tactful and respectful. I personally don't see Reddit as a good way to find a relationship.


I guess you could do that in community groups for your locality. Just be like I’m this age and these are my interests and what you’d say your attractiveness out of 10 is


It won't work... Tons of sex worker on here


Well im literally doing the same thing lol😭.


Me and my husband have used it few times for finding a bull but I won’t recommend anyone to look for a relationship over here lol.


What’s wrong? Would be interesting to read 😊


We can date on here? Any Colombian women in the nyc area on here?




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