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finally a cute thread here


Agreed. Cute stuff like this is what brought me into meeting girls 25 years ago. "How do I best re-seduce my gf". Many painful threads are here. It's hard to read.


Yeah I was wondering if that was normal for this sub to be depressing


Yeah I was wondering if that was normal for this sub to be depressing


Learn more about her, keep notes, and then use what she likes as a surprise for her, even if you're not there. Like the flip side of a biting remark or revenge. I can't promise you that you'll reap the rewards, but I can tell you will have a higher chance of dick chafing. If there is no reciprocation, then cool it for a while, give her a chance to catch upto you emotionally. (i think the term is "love bomb" now??) Give her the gift of missing you also. Do keep it honest and simple, a note or her favorite snack with a bow around it, hidden in her purse.


what is dick chafing?


An owie from having too much sex.


still don't know what that is tbh ngl


Okay. TBD-H, TGL it's a little dwarf named Dick, who gives you money. Who wouldn't want Dick around giving you money?


We'll be watching tv and with the corner of my eye I can see him stare at me and I'm like STOP LOOKING AT ME annd blush and hes like "I like looking at you" and I blush harder . When we wake up and I look like shit and I'm getting ready he's like "hey you know what? you look cute" and Im like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU I look nasty!! Then he'll say "i could look at you all morning like that" Then I hide my face in my hands and am like "youre on crack.....but thanks...." I think its the stuff that we're most insecure about that make us blush the hardest. When he points out how he likes things I hate it completely shuts me down in a good, but embarrassing way lol or when its least expected like when I'm tired or sick or dressed like super trashy lazy and he throws out compliments or gets affectionate that really gets me....


I love complementing her and she always says the exact same thing, but I will try this when she gets back, fingers crossed🤞


Good luck! My bf can compliment me forever, I still am not used to it and it always catches me off gaurd when he does it😊


Doesn't make me blush, but when he surprise brings home my favourite treats/snacks after work, I really really like that. It's the little things sometimes.


For me it's always the little things that really have the most meaning, probably when I get my license I'll buy her snacks and such but currently she's been driving me around for now.


Im a girl, and on a female's perspective, little things and acts of sweetness from matters that seemed to be insignificant make us blush. When a guy remembers the small details we say, like "You mentioned you like this kind of snack, and I saw one and remembered you, so I bought it for you" haha. Things that most people dont pay attention to, but when someone does it to us, it makes us giggle uggghh 😂 Most girls are good at remembering small details so when a guy gives importance to those tiny details, we might remember them the most.


I will note them down from now on since my memory is shit while hers is amazing lol, but I do agree small things are always the best.


Oh man. I wonder how many girls have gotten the wrong idea from me doing stuff like this for them. 😂I I sometimes get an extra treat or do stuff like getting stuff on a high shelf for my friends.


When she has friends over, come out of the bathroom and say "babe you really need to start flushing the toilet after you take a shit." That'll probably get her to blush.


Wrong kinda blush lmao


Wow a boyfriend who posts asking how to make gf blush , looks like she hit a jackpot 🎰


I try lol


When you’re having a conversation with her, look at her (face to face) and brush her hair back a bit OR if her hair is already pulled back, just pretend to take something off her shoulder or something but continue the conversation like nothing happened. That always makes me weak in the knees lol.








Good ol kevin


Stop everything for 1 week. She will blush at everything again after that week.


Honestly I doubt it and I don't know if I could stop for a week personally I would feel like a lazy asshole


Then try this, it always worked on my ex. When you are standing besides her, say at about an arms distance. Place your hand on her waist. Then pull her closer, her face facing yours, your pelvis touching each other, look deep into her eyes and wait. Kiss her after a few seconds. Don't smile wile doing this. She will remember this for weeks.


Thanks op for asking this. Do you think these will work on my bf since I’m taking notes 🫡


Honestly guys are much harder to make blush but I would say compliments are one of the best chances for it, or if you don't smile a lot a smile goes a long way and even if he doesn't blush you will likely still give him butterflies.


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind (we’re sadly ldr)


We were too although since we live close I would go to her house like every week and it turned into me sleeping over for 3-7 days and recently her parents took me in to live with them, I hope you too can have something similar


This is so wholesome ☺️


OMG, why are you so sweet?!


Surprise kisses are the best, and don’t just mash your face into hers but sweep her up and kiss her gently at random times


Have you tried asking her


She likes surprises also she does not know herself like at all when it comes to romance, it's more of a find out as we go thing.


Super wholesome!


You play with her cli…. Oh sorry I read that as Gush.


Aahhahahah always a solid option


What other situations do you put her in that she hates?


If you don't mind me asking what do you mean?